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  1. I think the general jist is for me to own up to a speeding offence. I do not remeber this incident though, as in the location and why I would have been there.. 'I' was apparently doign 39 in a 40. I have never had a speeding ticket or one of these in the door. I did get a DD10 (drink and drive) and that was 4 years and 7 months ago so nearly up. Clean license. Should I just sign it and own up or challenge it, I am meant to be leaving the country end of January.. What are my options? Thanks.
  2. Hi Al I have a clean driving license I am 45 yeas old. I am a doctor by profession and have had a clean medical record I received a NIP for doing 76 on 50mph on the motorway. Asking for advice rather than being told off Ive contacted few 'free initial advice solicitors' I gather the options I have are 1. plead not guilty ( I don't think Im going to that) 2. Plead guilty and hope for mitigation The offence allegedly carries 6PP and maximum £2500 ( n view of Motorway) I have clean driving license. One firm told me tat they can mitigate for me for my circumstances and get me a 7-56 ay ban which think I can cope with My questions are 1. If we ( solicitor and I0) mitigate for this option instead of PP, I think my license will be endorsed for 4 years. This will have an effect o my insurance, but after years have passed by, is it still taken into consideration for insurance purposes. For example I am aware that I money has penalty points, after 4 yeas the are no longer on the license and after4 years one does not need to declare them to the car insurance companies. Is hat he same with a disqualification lasting les than 56 days 2. I am a medical professional . Please dont attempt to shame me I unintentionally exceed the limit according to the speed camera and hold my hand up. Will any conviction ( e it 6PP r shot ban) be criminal record? It does have implications because I will have to declare it to my professional body, which I would certainly do. It may cause me to be suspended for 3-6months Finally, I have looked on the Gov website. What is the code for a short term disqualification ban which will appear on the license. am not talking about BA10 an BA30, which I believe are driving whilst disqualified. Rather, asking what code will be displayed on my license if I am disqualified for less than 56 days Your feedback is appreciated Many hanks
  3. Good Evening, Group I am deeply ashamed to say that I have been caught cancelling items in waitrose value of 40£. I have been accompanied by the security to a room. No police involved. The took picture of me and my I address. I took my lesson but now I want to know what is the best reaction on this wrong doing except that I will always pay my bill. Thank you in advance for spending your time on my case
  4. Hi all I'm new to the forum. I seem to have an unusual situation. My father in law (visitor non EU, with a non EU or UK license) was caught doing 36mph in a 30mph road, we received a Notice of Intended Prosecution some days ago. He's on a visitor visa only, i was able to add him to my own insurance so at least he was covered when the offence happened. The car is registered in my wife's name, she's not a driver though. The Police's letter came addressed to her (obviously) Not sure what to expect in this case. Certainly they can't take points off his license as it is not a UK one. The letter received by the police is requesting us to name the driver of the vehicle during the offence. He was planning to leave the county soon anyway, what would happen in this scenario? Has anyone experienced something like this before? I was trying to search online, but seems the case is mostly applicable for drivers that have already returned home, and most were driving hired cars. Thanks in advance for any inputs / comments / suggestions. Regards
  5. Hi Guys, I just got this from MMF. CURRENT OUTSTANDING BALANCE: £1777.50 Our efforts to contact you are becoming exhausted as we have made several attempts to offer you a repayment solution and even a discount. In light of this we are preparing your account for one of the following possible actions: Legal Assessment - your account may be sent to our legal partner Moriarty Law, who will assess your account to determine if legal action is suitable. If they consider this to be the most appropriate action, we will inform you of the next steps. You should be aware that there may be additional costs in the event that legal action is taken. Assignment of your account to one of our external debt recovery partners, BPO Collections Ltd, or Themis Recoveries. You still have time to set a plan with us if you contact us within the next 7 days. There are several payment methods available to you, as previously advised we are happy to discuss together the available solutions in line with your circumstances. You can now manage your account online by visiting http://www.mmile.com/myaccount. If you prefer you can email us at [email protected]. The details needed to set your plan are: Date of 1st instalment Payment Amount Frequency of Payments Preferred Payment Method Please ensure that your priority bills are up to date for example rent / mortgage, utility bills, council tax to make sure your payment is affordable. If you are experiencing financial difficulties please be assured that our specialist team will be able to assist you. Information pertaining to this account may be registered with credit referencing agencies, this information may then be used by future lenders, landlords and employers and may affect your ability to secure credit in the future. You can contact us on 0113 887 6876 if you wish to discuss your account(s). We look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely Motormile Finance UK Limited (MMF) I've never heard of them or any debts witht them?
  6. Hi, I'm hoping someone can give me some advice. I have an old MBNA debt which I defaulted on in 2010. Since then I have religiously been making pro-rata payments up to and including this month. MBNA sold the debt to Aktiv Kapital who in turn sold it to PRA in 2014. I know that PRA have been receiving my payments because they sent me a letter towards the end of last year saying "...thank you for your ongoing commitment to the payment arrangement on your account". It goes on to say "....We would therefore like to make you aware that if it suits your current financial situation, you could settle your agreement by paying a discounted amount which is detailed below" The letter ends with " If you feel you are unable to pay the settlement amount then please continue with your arrangement as normal." Which I have done! However, on the claim form they state "..Payments of £307 received up to 16/6/16" and are now claiming sum owed plus 8% interest + court fee + legal costs. I know I have not missed any payments because my bank statements tell me so I know they have been receiving them because they wrote and thanked me for my continued commitment 4 months after the date that they claim they received last payment. To say I was shocked and confused to receive the claim form from the court is an understatement. What's going on? and how to tackle this? Any help would be appreciated.
  7. Hello, A number of PCNs from Smart Parking were delivered to my address in the last few weeks, for an alleged breach of the terms of parking at Matalan in Sutton, Surrey. This was subsequently followed by a Notice of Intended Court Action letter from Debt Recovery Plus (DRP), stating the reason for the PCN being issued as: "Overstayed Paid Time". Earlier this week, another letter was received from SCS Law who claim to act on behalf of Smart Parking Ltd who have allegedly instructed this law firm to recover the PCN charges. The letter then goes on to state that Smart Parking are entitled to the outstanding sum under contract law, adding: "When your vehicle parked at the above mentioned site(s), the driver of the vehicle agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions of parking which was displayed on signage throughout the site(s). The driver of the vehicle breached the terms and conditions of parking on each of the above stated occasions for the reason stated. For each contravention, a parking charge notice was issued, for which the sums owed remain outstanding. We refer you to the Supreme Court decision in ParkingEye Ltd v Beavis [2015] UKSC 67. In this case, the Supreme Court found that parking charge notices do not contravene the penalty rule or Unfair Terms in Consumer Contract Regulations 1999 provided they protect a legitimate interest. Unless payment is made within the next 14 days, we are instructed to issue court proceedings to recover the same and any of our client's legal costs, without further recourse to you". I visited the Matalan store last weekend and discussed my issue with a member of staff, with the hope Matalan would intervene and request for the PCN to be cancelled, being a regular customer of the store. The member of staff was not very helpful but did advise me to contact Smart Parking directly for any resolution and also pointed out that Smart Parking were no longer the contracted to manage the car park. I would now appreciate the kind assistance of our very valued forum members to advice on how to fight this PCN successfully and have provided some relevant pictures from the car park, if this helps construct a solid defence. Thank you.
  8. Hello, just to give some basics. The past couple of years has been seriously bad healthwise and has caused the obvious roll on effect of being skint because i am stupid enough to be self employed. Money being tight and getting even tighter i have allowed myself to get in trouble with my council tax. On my 2016 account i owe £116 + £75 compliance stage fees, this is now with Collect Services. I have agreed to pay £20 per month on this which should get me out of trouble. Unfortunately, and please don't judge me as i have suffered and still am with severe depression along with many "real" ailments ,i have now got into trouble with my 2017 council tax. I received the bill in April with imstallments,but i have not paid any. So far the council for whatever reason have not contacted me, i am going to start paying the minimum amount plus additional to catch up, however i do not see the council accepting this and fully expect it to take the same route as the 2016 account and end up in the hands of the bailiffs ... ANY ADVICE ON HOW TO DEAL WITH THIS WOULD BE GREAT. Thanks Dan
  9. Hi folk, nearly 2 months ago [13/06/2017] I got caught by a speed camera van doing 38 in a 30. they sent me a letter of intention to prosecute [20/06/2017] which asked for the details of the driver. I was out for the day my mum decided to fill it in saying that it wasn't her driving and sent it off. Ages later (I can't remember the date, but it must have been 3-4 weeks later) they sent me the same letter asking for the drivers details again. Luckily I was in that day so filled it in and sent it off again. That was now ages ago again (feels like 3-4 weeks but I'm unsure of teh dates) and no responce. My conundrum is that I'm supposed to be leaving the country at the end of this month to emigrate to Canada. However, I expect they will offer me a speed awareness course, which I would much rather do than get 3 points on my licence, I don't want to book my flights until they have gotten back to me offering me the course (or just the points if they choose). Is there any way to get them to speed up this stage of the process and get them to offer me the course/points asap as they are really taking their time. Failing that, is there any way to see how long it will take them to make up their mind (as if it's going to take them ages then I'll just take the points). Also, if they offer me the speed awareness course, then how booked up are they usually (will there typically be a booking in a day or 2 or are they normally booked up for weeks in advance). Sorry for the long post but it's really important to me as I really want to get to Canada as soon as possible and this is stopping me. Thanks in advance guys. AJ.
  10. Hi all, 1st post! I recently had to move my horse from a livery yard on the basis of his welfare due to the yard owners management. They since have retained £100 from my deposit. A written contract was also involved. I believe I have the deposit has been extorted and fraudulently held. Before I post the full story....am I in the right place? Are there any 'horse people' or here or is that irrelevant, as in, facts are facts so post story and we'll see if we can help? My biggest question is whether a Small Claims Court will deal with my case which involves a percentage of the deposit retained, bullying/harassment I received from yard owner before my Notice period had ended and the reason why I had to move the horse which constitutes 'unnecessary suffering' under the Animal Welfare Act due to the yards management. Thank you in advance
  11. Hi All, I have been browsing the forums for a while and am finally in a position to aim to repair my credit file. This is where I stand at the minute: £428 - Lowell - Showing as Defaulted in 2014(not sure of original creditor) £767 - Kapama - this a payday loan and is FAR FAR higher than original debt to i beleive minicredit - Defaulted 2014 £216 - Myjar - Defaulted 2016(don;t understtand this as had no contact since February 2015) £77 - Lowell - Defaulted 2014, again, unsure of original creditor £251 - MKDP - Defaulted 2011 - Again, unsure of original creditor# £291 - British Gas - Defaulted 2014 £1368 - British Gas - Defaulted 2014 £865 - British Gas elec - Defaulted 2014 As you can see I was in quite a mess but I aim to sort this out. I have got kind of lost within the forums and wonder if anyone would be able to respond or DM me on where to start. The questions I have are many but start with, how do I check original creditors with the debts that are with the likes of Lowell, Kapama and mkdp. I know I need to send them CCA requests but the issue I have is I beleive a couple of them are for debts that I have had no contact with since around 2009 so past the 6 year statute. so how can lowell etc re-add a default that the original creditor already defaulted me on.? Basically... where do I start and can I through negotiations have defaults Actually removed from my Credit file(I aim to get a mortgage soon) Many Thanks Me
  12. Evening all, Came home from a few days away to find a lovely letter (in Welsh..!!) from the South Wales Police - 38mph in a 30mph Limit - I always thought the road was a 40mph; anyway my fault. Couple of questions..... 1 - Likely outcome... £100 & 3 points or what's the chance of being offered the Awareness Course?? (currently licence is clean, and has been for over 7 years.) 2 - I thought they have to supply a photo? or does that only come along if you deny / argue and it goes to court? It would be a rear pic anyway as it was a Gatso jobbie at some traffic lights. Thanks
  13. I parked in West Quay Retail park today 16/10/14 at 11:10. as I intended to shop at Maplin that is situated at this place. I parked right under the sign where the parking regulations where stated tho I couldnt read the small print as the sign is about 12 feet high and i wear varifocal glasses meaning i have to look through the bottom of them to read small text and I could not bend my neck far enough back to do this because of the height of the sign. in large print it clearly states 1 hour maximum stay with no return within 2 hours. I walked out of the car park at the back looking for a cash point and and then around the front into maplin, left to do more shopping in the town as I was well within the 1 hour, on returning to my car at 11:45 i had been issued a ticket with a time of 11:33 with reason for issue being Driver/passengers observed leaving site! The issuer was as I noticed the ticket issuing a ticket to another car, I informed him i had shopped at Maplin and showed him proof. he refused to cancel the ticket and actually informed me he knows of other issuers that have been sacked for such actions. I had misplaced my receipt from Maplin so went back to see if I could have a copy but purchased another item STILL WITHIN my 1 hour and returned to my car. At this point the issuer returned to me saying he had phoned his boss and I was instructed to follow PART 2 of my ticket. This is the story thus far. on returning home I phoned Maplin and informed them of the ticket saying I will no longer be shopping there if tickets are issued in such a manner. I dont believe I should have been given a ticket for the following reasons, I could not read all of the sign, I shopped on site and was well within the 1 hour!! Do I stand a chance of winning if I appeal? I have uploaded a photo of the sign from the car park. ticket was issued by UK CPS Ltd
  14. Hello forum members, Today I got this NIP with date of 24/07/2014 and says that I have to fill it with my details and send it back to them. I read somewhere that this NIP would be only valid if I received it within 14 days since the offence was made. Can anyone explain to me if this correct ?? This is the first time I receive a NIP and I do not know how this works. The thing is that me and another friend rented a car to visit some places in England ( it was our first time) and on the letter it says that we exceeded the limit which was 30 mph and we were driving at 35 mph. Thank you
  15. Hi guys, I had a disputed account with HSBC with a balance of around £800. (All made up if charges and interest on said charges.) It's been through pretty much every DCA in the UK at some point, and they eventually "refer the matter to the original creditor," when I point out that it's made of charges etc. My credit file shows it as being defaulted in early 2009, and the last payment was presumably some time before then, so I have a feeling that it's almost, (if not already) statute barred. Recently the compello group appear to have bought it, a nd have been sending me letters from all their various letter headed companies which I have ignored. However this one today is a bit different, and I'm not sure if they're just blustering or if I need to do something here? Letter reads: "NOTICE OF INTENDED LEGAL ACTION As you have failed to respond.... Etc etc etc.... MKDP LLP have instructed us to ..... Etc etc etc You had an agreement with HSBC which was assigned to MKDP LLP. Under the agreement the balance was to be repaid but you defaulted, breaching the agreement which has now been terminated. The full amount is now due, and you are required to pay the full balance to MKDP LLP. This letter constitutes a formal demand for payment of £xxx and is made in accordance with the practice direction - Pre-Action Conduct of the Civil Procedure Rules. Your attention is drawn to paragraph 4 of annex a of the practice direction concerning the Courts power to impose sanctions for failure to comply with practice direction." It then says I have 14 days to reply. I'd really appreciate any help with this one! Thanks very much
  16. On 25/2/13 the vehicle was caught speeding at 72mph. There were three possible drivers at the time and the registered owner and keeper at the time changed hands to one of the other drivers. However, it wasn't until around 5 months later that a request for information was sent out and I don't believe this was even a NIP. I'm not too sure though. I was able to obtain photographic evidence from the speed van that caught me and it was in fact me that was driving. So today on the 29/8/13 I received a Notice of Intended Prosecution - Request for information to identify driver of vehicle. Since I hadn't heard anything within 2 weeks, I thought nothing of it, but is there a 6 month rule when it concerns a very recent change of ownership? Surely over 6 months later, they can't still mean to prosecute. This is the first correspondence in my name that I've received, even though that may be irrelevant. Just wondering if there's anything that can be done, such as if it's time barred or not. I thought they only had 6 months to prosecute no matter what the circumstances regarding a change of ownership. EDIT: I forgot to mention, the car was bought just a couple of days before the incident took place.
  17. hi new to this but googled this this morning. we had such a shock, last night a notice of intended prosecution arrived for the car my son occasionally use. He passed his test on 12th June and had gone for a drive with one of his friends, he went trough outskirts of a village with a sharp bend and coming around the bend he saw something ? rabbit run out towards his car, he pulled the steering wheel to avoid this and realized he had pulled it too far and by pulling it back oversteered and want up a grass verve and hit lower rung of ranch fence. he stopped and looked, he realized he had knocked the lower run out of the fence but nothing else. He panicked and drove home. all the time he was taking his test driving with me and the instructor he was a very careful drive and indeed i did 1300 + miles with him in the car before he passed. He is such a good lad, he studies hard at college and have two jobs beside this and has managed to secure an apprentice place next year. He is devastated and just panicked thinking how this may have affected his driving and with this his jobs and he would loose the apprenticship for next year. He does of course know that he should have stopped and i have no doubt that he would have done had he thought he had caused any real damage or hit a car or anything else on the road. we have been back to the place and knocked on the door of the house, the son was home and he did not even know there had been any damage and we could see no new repairs to the fence. does anyone have any idea of how likely this may be to go to court? I and he is devastated.
  18. I've received a notice of intended prosecution from Surrey Police for doing 71 in a 60 zone in Puttenham, Surrey at 11.32. The problem is, I was 240 miles away decorating my daughter's bedroom, in York, with my dad. The car registration on the paperwork is mine. The car make (Seat) is correct. I have evidence of where I was 2 hours later in the form of a debit card payment and receipt (we took our girls to The Chocolate Story in York - well worth a visit in case you're wondering). I'm assuming that the reg has been entered manually, and incorrectly, and "the allegation is supported by means of photographic/recorded video evidence" according to the notice. So I'm confident it'll show a different car. Not sure what to do though or how to go about dealing with this. Can anyone offer any advice please.
  19. Hi, I posted on here around a year ago but need some more advice. A few years back ~ 2004-5 I took out a HP agreement with BCT for a car, a focus which I picked up at my local car superstore, around a year later changed the car keeping the agreement with them. In 2007 After having a baby, I split up with my partner and lost my job, I was living on a tin of beans a day (no joke) BCT were of no help on the phone, so I decided to stick my head in the sand for a while as I couldn't deal with it and was suffering from severe depression. In 2008 I phoned up BCT and told them I couldn't afford any more payments I wanted them to come and pick the car up and made around 3 payments of around £25, sure enough after a week the car was gone off my drive and a letter from some recovery company stuck through my door. None of the above I have a paper trail for, I moved a couple of times, so got no confirmation they took the car other than that letter from the recovery company. I don't have my original paper work due to all the stuff that was going on at the time. I have now been chased by them for the last couple of years at my current address saying I owe around 9000. I have had loads of letters saying they have a summer sale on etc etc and offering reduced offer of 6000. The debt is due to be statue barred in just over a year - march 2014. March 2008 was the date the default was issued, but I don't know if they will try and take me to court before then, the last letter I got was around 6 weeks ago saying they were passing it on to their solicitors and to expect a judgement within weeks. Morally I would like to get this issue sorted as I have always paid my debts when I can, but I just don't have the sort of money they would want kicking around. I'm tempted to SAR them as I'm not sure what they did was by the book when it comes to just taking the car and not getting me to sign anything, also not sure if I took out PPI and GAP, I'm pretty sure I did as they were very very pushy and I think I did it just to shut them up, being young and naive at the time didn't help matters either. I would really appreciate any help or advice anyone can give me. Also I'm wondering why they havent tried to take me to court yet? It's been almost 5 years and quite a large sum. On another note, I remember that the dealer put on an incorrect milage on the Hire Purchase form after me signing it, I asked why, he said they wont finance vehicles over a certain milage.
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