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  1. Hi everyone please feel free to move if needs be but could not find a thread for just BCT. I currently have a claiming on going with welcome and thanks to the guys/gals on that thread it has been brought to my attention there are several other companys that I can claim charges back from 1st being BCT. I sent my SARS to BCT and today had my statements back with of course charges no ppi though. just to give you some sort of back ground we took out a loan with bct arranged by the garage we bought the car the cca was signed on the 28/02/2008 for £5.495.00 total amount payable £9692.00 with a arrangement fee of £480 and an option fee of £120- this I have no idea what this is.??? our monthly amount was £189.00 for we had a few missed payments here and there but managed to get back on track then towards the end of 2010 my oh and myself decided we don't need 2 cars anymore and the car was infact worth less then the amount outstanding. after doing some research we found out we could infact do a VT due to us paying more then 50% off. this was done the car was collect and sold at auction which left an amount outstanding this was then written off due to an error at bct where they entered a ccj on my file rather than a VT ( this was all sorted though) however on the statements I can see they have applied a charge for repossession of £575 after doing some more research it seem has if they cannot charge you this if you have vt the agreement can someone with more knowledge then me please confirm either way? it does all state in their own cca that if I the customer vt the agreement there maybe a £75 admin charge nothing about a repo charge. I today have used the calculator which I was given on the welcome thread to work out charges plus interest but unsure weather I add these repo fees and option fee. I think I have read somewhere the option fee is only payable on your final instalment so this may not apply but not 100% thanks for your help
  2. PLEASE HELP.. I am new to forums and would love some guidance and advice with the finance company BCT. I bought a car several years back and the finance was with British Credit Trust over a 5 year period. After over 2 years of on time payments my husband lost his job and after trying to keep up he eventually had to give in and ring them to say we just couldn't afford the monthly amount of over £250. After their refusal of £50 a month until he found work, we started to get letters regarding payments falling behind. In December we received a default letter due to the arrears and other letters stating extra charges were being applied etc which we accepted as it was our fault. After several missed months and arrears of over £1000 we received 2 copies of the same letter stating that if the arrears were not paid in full within the next 7 days, the debt would be passed to a collection agency, we wanted to avoid this for bad credit reasons and a family member came up with the cash for us to clear the amount. When we called to pay this (before the deadline), we asked them for a print out of the amount being paid and notification that the account was up to date and no further action would be taken. They sent this and the info regarding the remaining monthly payments on the agreement. We paid 1 more month and then decided to VT the finance and return the vehicle as we had paid well over half and knew we were within our rights to do so as this was stated on the credit agreement. We sent a written VT recorded delivery which a week later rang them to check they had received this, they said there was a letter in the post regarding this. The letter arrived stating my husband could not VT as the credit agreement had been terminated by them. They said they had sent this letter weeks ago which we never received and we told them we hadn't which they responded to with a duplicate copy. It was dated the same time they sent us the 2 letters threatening to send the finance to the debt collector. Several calls over several weeks were had with myself, husband and BCT, they never once mentioned the termination of agreement and still when we paid the arrears and asked for the letter to make sure all was back to normal, nothing was said. Even that letter stated what payments were left in the agreement. This vehicle has now been sat on our drive for months and we refuse to pay any more of the finance and we refuse to do what they are asking which is a VS. Anybody know where we stand HELP .
  3. Hi, I posted on here around a year ago but need some more advice. A few years back ~ 2004-5 I took out a HP agreement with BCT for a car, a focus which I picked up at my local car superstore, around a year later changed the car keeping the agreement with them. In 2007 After having a baby, I split up with my partner and lost my job, I was living on a tin of beans a day (no joke) BCT were of no help on the phone, so I decided to stick my head in the sand for a while as I couldn't deal with it and was suffering from severe depression. In 2008 I phoned up BCT and told them I couldn't afford any more payments I wanted them to come and pick the car up and made around 3 payments of around £25, sure enough after a week the car was gone off my drive and a letter from some recovery company stuck through my door. None of the above I have a paper trail for, I moved a couple of times, so got no confirmation they took the car other than that letter from the recovery company. I don't have my original paper work due to all the stuff that was going on at the time. I have now been chased by them for the last couple of years at my current address saying I owe around 9000. I have had loads of letters saying they have a summer sale on etc etc and offering reduced offer of 6000. The debt is due to be statue barred in just over a year - march 2014. March 2008 was the date the default was issued, but I don't know if they will try and take me to court before then, the last letter I got was around 6 weeks ago saying they were passing it on to their solicitors and to expect a judgement within weeks. Morally I would like to get this issue sorted as I have always paid my debts when I can, but I just don't have the sort of money they would want kicking around. I'm tempted to SAR them as I'm not sure what they did was by the book when it comes to just taking the car and not getting me to sign anything, also not sure if I took out PPI and GAP, I'm pretty sure I did as they were very very pushy and I think I did it just to shut them up, being young and naive at the time didn't help matters either. I would really appreciate any help or advice anyone can give me. Also I'm wondering why they havent tried to take me to court yet? It's been almost 5 years and quite a large sum. On another note, I remember that the dealer put on an incorrect milage on the Hire Purchase form after me signing it, I asked why, he said they wont finance vehicles over a certain milage.
  4. Hello im new here. i sent a letter to bct recorded del and kept a copy 26th october 2010 stating i was vt the agreement. i explained the car was in storage and they had 7 days to collect the car before it would begin to incur charges at £20 per day as i had no tax on the vehicle or insurance. i had a letter acknowledging my letter i had sent that contained a price list for damage/dents/scratches and a letter to sign and return abot a collection charge or if i was taking to the car to the auction site in leeds(yorkshire). around 70 miles away. (i live in warrington cheshire.) i sent a letter back recorded saying they could not charge me collection fee and it was in resonable condition for a 2002 car. (52 plate). i heard nothing back until 18th january 2011 saying they could not collect the car now as there were storage charges. i rang and asked why they hadnt collected the car within the 7 days and they said they didnt recieve the letter until 18th nov2010. i know this is a lie. i will get the date, time and name the 1st letter was signed for later. (from royal mail) i have recieved a letter of termination today saying the total arreas of £500+ and outstanding balance of £1,660+. i had already vtd the agrrement in october 2010 so can i have advice as to where i stand please. sorry for adding to this thread, i dont know how to start 1!!
  5. Hi all, I am seeking some advice about my rights regarding an hire purchase agreement with BCT. I have an HP agreement with BCT which began 01/08/07 and will end on 30/08/2012. I have never missed a payment but forsee financial problems on the horizon. My question is this; If I was to voluntarily surrender the vehicle and BCT sold the vehicle would I then be liable for the oustanding balance. Any advice on this matter, regarding HP law, would be gratley appreciated.
  6. Hi, need some advice regards a possible car repossession. I have a car through BCT and have missed several payments due to unemployment and personal issues. I have constantly been in touch with BCT explaining the situation and they have been understanding regards my situation. Until three weeks ago, when out of the blue a guy from Ram Recovery knocks my doors chasing the arrears on the car. The car cannot be repo’d without a court order as I have paid over 50% of the loan. Arrears are £1500 at present. I told them I was not in a position to pay at present and needed time to sort things out. They are now chasing me for 50% of the arrears and if not paid within next few days will get a court order to take the car. I have had nothing supplied to me in writing from Ram or BCT regards this situation and wonder where I stand with this. Contact with Ram is via a mobile number and I have been given bank details to transfer the money. Not sure if this is wise as I have no idea who these people are as I have nothing in writing. BCT has now been moved to an office in Wales (Target Loans) who are dealing with all accounts as BCT are not lending no more. Can anybody advise me as what to do regards this issue please. Also, if they go for a court order, how long does this take to go through and could I make my case to the judge? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.
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