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  1. I have just given Foxtons my 2 months notice to end my assured shorthold tenancy. Foxtons have phoned me numerous times telling me they will be doing viewings in 2-4 hour slots across the days & that I dont have a choice to be there nor the right to find mutually convenient times enabling me to be present. I have said I am happy for viewings to be arranged at a mutually convenient times when I can be present in evenings & weekends. I have said that I wish to be present for viewings. Foxtons are being very aggresisve & bullying telling me I don't have the right to restrict their viewings to when I can be present & that I have to do as they say - I have to allow them to conduct viewings as much as they like when I am not able to be present. Foxtons are intimidating me telling me I have to do it their way or things will get very difficult for me. Where do I stand? I understood a tenant has the right to be present at viewings and they should be arranged with the tenant at a time to suit the tenant too. Any help much appreciated.
  2. A recent report claims that the costs of alcohol use to the government in England – including the NHS, police, criminal justice and welfare costs – amount to just under £4 billion a year, while tax revenue from alcohol comes to over £10 billion. So for all the deaths, misery and ruined lives they still manage to make a 6 billion pound profit on this drug, no wonder its legal, now if the country wants to get back up on its feet here is an idea. Legalise a far safer and less anti social drug namely cannabis. Allow people to grow cannabis in their own homes so that can they sell any excess to the pharmaceutical industry, this will spawn a whole new cottage industry in itself which this country desperately needs. It will have multiple benefits, huge savings on the police bill, it will create thousands of jobs and generate a huge amount of money through taxation, it will also deal a massive blow to the criminal gangs who take advantage of the situation.
  3. Hi all, Here's the situation: Opened a student account in 2007 with full overdraft and extended this a couple of times as per the normal rules and up to the max available limit of £2000 Ever since graduating have had financial difficulties with other credit cards and payday loans which are now (thankfully!) resolved. This is my last debt and i want to get rid, i want to pay it off but Natwest don't seem to want to help. I have already opened another account with first direct and have switched over my wages and other regular s/o and d/d so my ongoing financial commitments are covered. Currently, the account balance is around £2050 - incidentally, it was fees and interest that took me over the agreed limit - something that happens almost every month - (last month was charged over £100 in fees alone. I want to pay what i owe them back - but so far their only communication has been a request to settle outstanding funds within 7 days - and whilst i'm in better financial position than i was, i haven't got the ability to rustle up that kind of money. Similarly, a telephone conversation this afternoon basically stated that i should just keep paying off in dribs and drabs until the overdraft is cleared. Nevertheless, all i want is an agreement in writing saying x amount to be paid monthly until the outstanding is cleared. Will be keeping all communication in writing in the future. How do i proceed? Any help would be hugely appreciated!
  4. My Mum owns the freehold to her flat - one of 16. Most of the flats are owned as second homes (It is at the seaside) The management committee have a rule that the flats cannot be commercially let/ rented - they can only be occupied by the owners and their families. My question is: is such a rule enforceable ? Thank you for reading !
  5. I bought a salvage vehicle earlier this year. Repaired it. It was a cat. Then later on the car was reversed into by a tesco insured driver. My vehicle was taken away to the body shop while i had a courtesy vehicle. Two weeks later i was told that as my vehicle had been involved in a previous accident and the damage had not been fully repaired. My insurance company offerred me £100 as salvage and told me the vehicle would be a cat c. I asked for the engineers report which stated that the damage was similar to the damage the vehicle had sustained in a previous accident and that the vehicles value was £1000 plus the mileage quoted was incorrect as the car had only done 68000. The engineers reoprt stated that the milage was 83000. I told my own insurance company about this and they said chase tesco who will be able to handle this claim . I then contacted tesco who have sent me from pillar to post. I.e Wanting proof of repair, Where the repair happened, How much i paid etc. Where the parts came from etc. I got a letter of the garage who repaired it. over the 3 months i have been given the run around. Something i found out earlier this week. My vehicle has had a cat c marker placed on it by my own insurance company who will not remove it until tesco place their own category marker on it. MY company is ageas and the policy underwriters for the third party are ? youve guessed it Ageas. Tesco came back with a offer of £290 after their own engineer came out to inspect. Then after waiting for 2 weeks for this payment to arrive which i was going to reject. i phoned up only to be told that i claimed major damage to my car where as there was minor damage to it. So now it is being further investigated. What do i do ?
  6. "We've added the right for us to upgrade a Bank Account to either a HSBC Premier Bank Account or an HSBC Advance Bank Account if you meet the eligibility criteria. " HSBC sent me their latest - we are changing your terms and conditions mess and I spotted that they are stating that they now claim the right to change you bank account type (without your request or acceptance) if you meet the requirements for some other bank account type. It seems they want to start moving people from simple free bank accounts to what could be charged accounts (premier etc) if you happen to meet the requirements set to allow that account. Now you could meet those requirements for a few months, they change you too that account, then your circumstances change (eg less than the minimum required transfer in each month) and you will then be in a monthly charge account without ever agreeing or requesting that change. In the details they do say that they MAY notify you if they have your correct contact information, but would appear to be attempting to avoid any obligation to have confirmed you have been notified, let alone agree and they require you to ask not to have your account changed - difficult if you don't get the notification or they choose not to let you know.. It seems rather insideus at the moment, and what is the next change to T&C building on getting away with this? " Bank Account terms and conditions 1. We may give you thirty days' notice that you meet the eligibility criteria for, and we're going to convert your account to either our HSBC Premier Bank Account or HSBC Advance Bank Account. You can ask us not to convert your account if you want to keep your existing one. 2. If your Bank Account is closed or converted to another account type, we'll remove all the Bank Account benefits on the date of closure. "
  7. Almost on a daily basis I receive an enquiry on this subject from either a debtor, solicitor or a police officer. Hopefully this thread will assist. Under the new bailiff regulations an enforcement agent has a general right without a warrant to enter debtor’s premises to search for and take control of goods. The legislation is Paragraph 14.1 of schedule 12 of the Tribunal Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 In cases where a Controlled Goods Agreement has been previously signed, the bailiff may have re-entry rights into the premises under Paragraph 16.
  8. I logged into Moneyclaim this evening to file my defence to Bryan Carter/Lowells. I already logged in 2 weeks to acknowledge the claim and that I was going to defend. Tonight however, after logging in, all I get is And there is no option to file my defence. Does this mean I am too late? Any way around this? I CCA Lowells with a £1 postal order but they never responded with a copy of the credit agreement. Thanks
  9. PLEASE HELP.. I am new to forums and would love some guidance and advice with the finance company BCT. I bought a car several years back and the finance was with British Credit Trust over a 5 year period. After over 2 years of on time payments my husband lost his job and after trying to keep up he eventually had to give in and ring them to say we just couldn't afford the monthly amount of over £250. After their refusal of £50 a month until he found work, we started to get letters regarding payments falling behind. In December we received a default letter due to the arrears and other letters stating extra charges were being applied etc which we accepted as it was our fault. After several missed months and arrears of over £1000 we received 2 copies of the same letter stating that if the arrears were not paid in full within the next 7 days, the debt would be passed to a collection agency, we wanted to avoid this for bad credit reasons and a family member came up with the cash for us to clear the amount. When we called to pay this (before the deadline), we asked them for a print out of the amount being paid and notification that the account was up to date and no further action would be taken. They sent this and the info regarding the remaining monthly payments on the agreement. We paid 1 more month and then decided to VT the finance and return the vehicle as we had paid well over half and knew we were within our rights to do so as this was stated on the credit agreement. We sent a written VT recorded delivery which a week later rang them to check they had received this, they said there was a letter in the post regarding this. The letter arrived stating my husband could not VT as the credit agreement had been terminated by them. They said they had sent this letter weeks ago which we never received and we told them we hadn't which they responded to with a duplicate copy. It was dated the same time they sent us the 2 letters threatening to send the finance to the debt collector. Several calls over several weeks were had with myself, husband and BCT, they never once mentioned the termination of agreement and still when we paid the arrears and asked for the letter to make sure all was back to normal, nothing was said. Even that letter stated what payments were left in the agreement. This vehicle has now been sat on our drive for months and we refuse to pay any more of the finance and we refuse to do what they are asking which is a VS. Anybody know where we stand HELP .
  10. Switching is currently not available for customers with pre payment arrears of over £200 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-19688019
  11. I am really needing some help. I have a house valued at £110,000 and a mortgage of £105,000 which I may need to sell. The only problem is I have a secured loan of £34,000 on my home through Picture (or whoever they are now) which has arreas of £650 and they will only get bigger as I am no longer able to afford the loan. What I am wanting to know is am I allowed to sell my home even though the secured loan won't get paid off. I am intending to rent if I can sell my home. Any advice would be much appreciated. I don't want to sell if I don't have to but will Picture?? take my home even if they won't get any proceeds from the sale.
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