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  1. Last year I owned 3 vehicles and sold one last year and ownership papers passed on, I only had it one year, it was a sports car for the summer. A few weeks ago I got a letter through the post asking if I wanted to renew my insurance and if so it would cost £220, this was exactly what I paid for my camper van insurance last year and the quote came at the same time, I always insure it in April and tax it then. As it came at the usual time, I thought it was a decent price and put it in the drawer to sort out nearer the time. I then got a phone call asking if I wanted to proceed a few days later, decent price I thought so agreed. This was on the 29th of march. I then got another letter today asking if I wanted to renew my camper van insurance and thought it was odd as I already had. It then hit me like a brick what I had done. I had insured a vechicle I no longer own and the owner has it insured with someone else. I have read by law I have a 14 day cooling off period and I will ring to cancel tomorrow, but will I get charged fees for cancelling, if the car is insured by someone else and it was a mistake, will I still get penalised? I don't want them making their own rules up while I try to cancel. I can't believe what I have done, but I'm so used to insuring the camper in April I never checked the reg Thanks for any help
  2. Hi All, Just a word of advice....... If your ever are unfortunate enough to be hit by a driver insured with Royal Sun Alliance, Please make sure you DO NOT LET them try to resolve it even if they admit full liability..... Our parked car was hit by a RSA Client and you wouldnt believe the hassle we have had and is still on going...... * Failed to provide a loan vehicle due to various reasons (staff shortages / Needing to see the original cover note before letting you take car away but they couldnt confirm details of loan vehicle until we got to their pick up point, which meant you couldnt arrange cover note in advance so no chance of having the original when you collected the car...........) * Returned our car after 12 days with more damage than when they collected it - RSA cant explain what happened??. * Returned the car after another 3 days , 90% repaired but still not perfect - refused to let them have a 3rd attempt (Arranged proper repair ourselves and done in 1 day and looks like new again). * Total losses for the period was £2312 but only offered £650 in compensation.. ..., now going to legal dispute (lucky we had legal cover). * Refusing to supply documentation in respect of what work had been carried out on our vehicle. my advice is if your unlucky enough to be hit by a vehicle insured by Royal Sun Alliance DON NOT LET THEM REPAIR IT... ....., USE YOUR OWN INSURANCE COMPANIES 3RD PARTY CLAIMS PROVIDER..... Regards Jdmave NB Please pass onto your friends / colleagues as wouldnt want anyone else to have to have the same experience
  3. Hi all, At the beginning of this month my partner and I took out a policy for both our vehicles (Multi car policy). Partner's van is insured with another company and that runs out on the 14th of this month. He phoned to tell them not to renew it as we are insuring elsewhere. The reason we did this is because my insurance ran out and so we decided to shop around and we found it cheaper to insure on a multicar policy together. I'm now wondering if it's legal to have the same vehicle insured by two companies? As the van is technically still insured until the 14th of this month. New insurance company wants proof of no claims and proof of cancellation with previous insurer, so I'm a bit worried.
  4. Hi all Hopefully this is the correct place to post my problem.Sorry it is a bit long winded but am at my wits end now!! My current van insurance policy began in Febuary with Commercial Vehicle Direct(CVD) and underwritten by Ageas. In May I received a letter from the motor insurance database(MID) to say my van was not on the database and for me to take action. I immediately phoned CVD who told me the problem would be sorted out in the next few days so I thought nothing of it. I was pulled over by the police in June during the day because my reg plate came up as uninsured on the police computer.I was held in the police car while they phoned through to CVD to confirm that the van was insured. I immediately phoned up CVD and was told once again the problem would be resolved.I thought OK its probably an oversight and will get sorted. I came home on Monday to find a government wheelclamping contractors large yellow sticker on my windscreen warning me to insure my vehicle or be fined/clamped/seized. So I phoned CVD on the Tuesday morning and they tell me it will be sorted in 48 hours. 48 hours were up this morning and still I am not on the database! I phone back again.They tell me it will be sorted at some point in the next few days. I have phoned Ageas the underwriters today and they have told me I will be on the database by Saturday or the will speak to their IT department. I really feel I am being fobbed off everytime. I believe it is a legal obligation for the insurance company to register my details on the database and according to the lady on the MID phoneline are subject to a "subtantial fine" if they dont within a certain time. Meanwhile DVLA have issued me with a £100 fine! If my details aren't on the database by Saturday I dont really know what the next step is for me. CVD and Ageas are not fulfilling their side of the contract as far as I am concerned If anyone can shed any light on where I can go from here I would really appreciate the advice. Sorry for the long post but feeling very stressed by this right now
  5. Hi all, I was wondering if anyone can give me some advice, my dad took finance out with a company called Motonovo finance in July 2015 he paid £500 pound deposit and paid a double payment the month after taking the finance out with Motonovo. All payments have been on time and are up to date the payments get payed 21st of every month. Last month December 2015 my dad was working and has his own van which he is fully comp on, I was in the middle of moving house so he said I could lend his car to help me out doing me a favour. I insured the car in my name on the Friday 10th December 10am. Two days later on Sunday night at midnight I got stopped by police for no insurance I advised the police I had insured the car on Friday and phoned my mum who confirmed to police I had took the insurance out on the day I had said. The car was filled with all my belongings as I was in the middle of moving house. I begged for them to let me go in the following morning with the proof but they dismissed what I had said and compounded the car As you can imagine I was really upset a week or so before Christmas an also as the car was filled with all my stuff and I had done nothing wrong . I was crying so my brother rang the police and made a complaint about the police as they was very intimating towards me when I was stopped it was pitch black and they had pressed the panick button all police came from no where there wasn't any female offices there just all male cracking joke and laughing whiles I was crying I got treated disguising a young female on my own. The following morning I rang my insurance and they confirmed I was insured and informed me that it was harsh what had happened as police know it can take up to 7 days to show on the police data base. My policy got sent to me by email and I had printed it out to take to the police to show them I was insured, I then rang the police and they said take it up with Motonovo we haven't got the car no more my dad then rang moto novo who said the police had the car and had been in touch with Motonovo to inform them I had been the police station and could not provide the documents I needed to so not to release the car to us we was confused with this as we had been told not to bother going the police station as they never had the car. I then sent the proof over to Motonovo showing the car was insured at the time it was taken from police. We got told to take it up with the police this went on for days and days police refused to release the car even though Motonovo didn't have a problem with the car being released at this time. Motonovo recovered the car we then spoke to the manger in the recoveries at Motonovo who said if we could get the police to confirm the car was insured they would release the car either though the proof had been sent to show it was he wanted the police to confirm. I then went on to get in touch with the police man who had took the car who confirmed to me he had looked it up and the car was insured and legal to be on the road at the time it was taken, he refused to put it in wrighting but said he was speak to Motonovo direct. I then rang moto novo who then said they want full settlement due to the terms and conditions being broke because my dad wasn't on the insurance policy they took another payment on the 21st of December all payments have been on time and they have had a payment whiles having the car. The car should never of been took in the first place also there are no missing psyments on the account but they are refusing to release the car I think this is completely unfair on my dad he's a honest hard working man who had provided for his family all his life , they are saying they will sell the car at auction then he will have to pay whatever remains so not only has the car been took unfairly and payments are up to date he will be in debt with them. if anyone has any information on what we can do thatvwould be grate thank you for reading this and I look forward to hearing back sorry if there is any spelling mistakes also in advance ha thanks again, Lois.
  6. Ok to summarise: Received a DVLA fine for not being Insured, and not on the database. Checked my documents (they had me worried!) I am still insured! Yay. Conacted Insurer who assured me I am insured and they would check db to update it. Sent DVLA my appeal which included photocopy of valid insurance, cover letter and info etc. Received a DVLA Letter saying (this is not verbatim): "We checked with the insurer and there is no evidence of insurance, pay us" With angry haste, contacted my insurance company who said "let me investigate" They then got back to me saying that there had been an error on the computer and that my insurance had been cancelled by accident at christmas time (I had paid in full for a year) then gave me a new policy number that covered the year, apologised alot and said that I was insured in that time even though the computer dropped me by accident. Sent a copy of my new insurance cert with policy number and a note explaining the situation to the DVLA appeals address. Received a DVLA letter saying: "Your case has been reconsidered in light of this additional evidence. However you REMAIN LIABLE for the £100 fixed penalty...... The agency will take court action against you." I am still insured... I have an insurance policy covering 12 months. I have photocopies of all the letters. I have audio recordings of all phonecalls with insurers. (old habits die hard) What am I missing ? sine
  7. I bought a salvage vehicle earlier this year. Repaired it. It was a cat. Then later on the car was reversed into by a tesco insured driver. My vehicle was taken away to the body shop while i had a courtesy vehicle. Two weeks later i was told that as my vehicle had been involved in a previous accident and the damage had not been fully repaired. My insurance company offerred me £100 as salvage and told me the vehicle would be a cat c. I asked for the engineers report which stated that the damage was similar to the damage the vehicle had sustained in a previous accident and that the vehicles value was £1000 plus the mileage quoted was incorrect as the car had only done 68000. The engineers reoprt stated that the milage was 83000. I told my own insurance company about this and they said chase tesco who will be able to handle this claim . I then contacted tesco who have sent me from pillar to post. I.e Wanting proof of repair, Where the repair happened, How much i paid etc. Where the parts came from etc. I got a letter of the garage who repaired it. over the 3 months i have been given the run around. Something i found out earlier this week. My vehicle has had a cat c marker placed on it by my own insurance company who will not remove it until tesco place their own category marker on it. MY company is ageas and the policy underwriters for the third party are ? youve guessed it Ageas. Tesco came back with a offer of £290 after their own engineer came out to inspect. Then after waiting for 2 weeks for this payment to arrive which i was going to reject. i phoned up only to be told that i claimed major damage to my car where as there was minor damage to it. So now it is being further investigated. What do i do ?
  8. I've received a speed ticket, via a speed camera. I have a named driver on my policy, and it was he who was driving the car. The form has asked me to name the driver (no problem to name him), but also wants his driving licence number, which I don't have, and he's not willing to give me. I'm not going to name myself as the driver, as it wasn't me who was driving. What do i do? Surely they will chase the named driver at his address (which I will provide to them)..is this so?
  9. We received our renewal notice for our house and contents insurance and of course it has gone up in price. Looking through the schedule we noticed that the house is insured for £400k. As the value of the house is about half that we thought we could save money by reducing it to a more reasonable level of say £250k. We phoned the the insurance company R.S.A. who run the scheme for the West Brom. only to be told that £400k was the min. sum insured that they would cover. It seems to us that this is a bit of a [problem] to obtain more premium/commission. Does anybody have any thoughts or observations on this matter ?
  10. On 21 July 2014 at 0830 hrs I was stopped by the police driving my car which was legally insured. However, because on this day I was going to work; I normally use a van which had broken down on the evening of the 18 July 2014. The police told me that because my insurance cover did not include commuting, I was driving illegally. We could not get hold of the insurance company before 0900 hrs so we had to wait. The police told me that I was not allowed to speak to the insurance company before they did. They also said I would need to have my insurance document in front of me before I spoke to the insurance company. However they said when they speak to the insurance company they agreed that I could just pay the excess to allow me to drive to work then that will be the end of the story. However, after they spoke to the insurance company they told me that my insurance company had told them that I was in breach of the contract and they had therefore cancelled my insurance. As a result the police then towed my car away; I got a taxi back home and contacted the insurance company explaining everything. My insurance company said they were not told that I was available at the side road because I would just been asked to pay £40 and an amended document emailed to me. The insurance company also said my insurance was not cancelled I could continue using it as it is or add £40 to include commuting. I chose to add the £40 and they emailed me an amended document not a new insurance as I had been misinformed by the police that I was now uninsured. I paid £170 to collect my car the next day and I am due to produce my licence for 6 points and £300 fine for driving uninsured. I lost two days wages, train fare and fuel to the pound twice because my wife is the keeper but I am the owner. Taxi fare on the seizure day. I feel aggrieved that this is over the top unreasonable and punitive; I could be wrong but as you can guess that is why I am here. I would appreciate informative help, if I just need to pay and have 6 points please tell me straight. Thank you
  11. I just purchased a used car from a private seller. I have insurance on my previous car still active, and the seller of the used car still has insurance on the car I purchased from her. Therefore once i'd viewed the car and decided to buy it, she said it was ok for me to drive home third party as she was insured. She also told me that the insurance she had on the car ran out in a months time and she would just "let it run" instead of cancelling it. My question is therefore, when I cancel my previous car insurance tomorrow and cover the new car there will in effect be TWO insurance policies on the same vehicle. Is this OK? or should I ask the seller to cancel her insurance first. Thanks UKD.
  12. Need some advice and hopefully some clarity. Our Rented (unfurnished) home was flooded due to a faulty water tank in the loft. The water had "tracked" all through the house (4 rooms) and pretty much 3/4 of the house had to be stripped to brick/timber. The hallway/bathroom/kitchen was not effected. I have home basic contents insurance (via Lloyds TSB) and we have had this for over 10 years. The landlord also has insurance and we had a Loss Adjuster that we able to represent both insurance companies. Personal items amount to approx. £3500 Hallway carpet £950 The rest was part of the Builders amount. A quantity surveyor was also involved and after meeting with the Loss adjuster and quantity Surveyor it was given an approx. 10 week contract and we needed to move into temporary accommodation. This was more difficult then I thought (holiday season) and we stayed at a hotel at first. I was concerned about how long things would be and the Loss adjuster told me that the insurance company would pay just under £8000 and after that we would have to sort ourselves out! So after securing self-catering accommodation I worked out that we would have until Dec 17th(flood was early September) Early on things started getting difficult (a long story) and for some reason everyone became a lot "less helpful" and lets just say that I would not be recommending the building firm to anyone. Apart from being very unprofessional and not very good at managing his company he would also never give me a finish date even though i kept asking. I was checking the house on a daily basis and from my own and friends building knowledge things were VERY slow and for 2 weeks they were not on site! (this has some relevance) Also at the end of November I received a form via the Loss adjusters (contents Check list) and that before the claim can continue I would need to fill this out. 80% of the items were in storage, so to not delay the claim I estimated what we had and sent the form back. Finally (14 December) we were told we could move back in. First night back in our home was the 16th December. received various letters saying that due to the contents check list amount we are under insured! Some kind of calculations meant that the insurance company had overpaid and that we would be liable for any outstanding amounts for our accommodation and that some fitted wardrobes that we were claiming for would not be given. HUH? Any advice or even a shared HUH?
  13. Last May my husband purchased a car from a Toyota dealer. Fast forwward to today and we decided to purchase another car from the same dealer but using our car as part ex. We have ripped the house apart searching for the V5 but couldn't find it. My husband of couse blamed me as I usually put things in safe places but can never remember where. We called the DVLA to see about requesting a new V5 only to be told the car isn't and has never been registered to us and is still registered to the dealer. Now I'm sure we received the V5 but it would appear not (bearing in mind we have had 8 cars in the last 8 years so maybe I was thinking about another V5 we have received) What I am wanting to know is were we ever insured to drive the car. My husband and I are named on the insurance policy and I clicked yes to my husband being the registered keeper but honestly had no idea he wasn't until today. Also what puzzles me is last July my husband was sent a letter from the police as he was caught speeding and opted for the speed awareness course. I always though that if you were caught speeding the police would go to the DVLA for the registered keepers details so they could issue the fine. We called the police who issued the letter and they say that they would have gone to the DVLA who gave them the dealers details who in turn advised the car had been sold the my husband. So once again why didn't it click with the dealer that they were still down as the registered keeper almost 3 months ater selling the car? Any help would be much appreciated..
  14. My car was stolen from outside my house last night - I still have the original 2 sets of keys, so no idea how it was stolen. Today I've spoken to the insurance company and am due to speak to them again tomorrow. I've been looking through my paperwork and realise I didn't declare a speeding ticket from 2 years ago - will the insurance company still cover my loss or is my car insurance invalid? Many thanks for any help
  15. I book on line with Rentals.co.uk a car. This was through Atlas Choice. They send me 72 hours later a voucher and I could pick up the car at Green Motion at Gatwick. I also took an extra insurance with White Horse Insurance Reimbursement up to 2000 pound. In the contract with Atlas Choice I was insured for car theft and CDW. I asked if I was insured and Green Motion said yes. This was the 26th of May. Hired an automatic as coming from the continent and having to drive on the left side and using my left hand to change gears would distract my attention to the traffic and road signs. I drove onto the M23 and later onto the M25. I didn't drive faster then 60 miles an hour as I notice that the car was pulling towards the left. Also there was a ticking noise in the left back wheel. This stopped when I got off the motorway and onto the country road in Surrey. Near Woking there was a very dark long tunnel under a railway. I stopped as a car was coming through the tunnel. On the left side in the tunnel was a railing on a pedestrian pavement. I pulled up from a bright sunny day into the dark tunnel and my left front tire hit the curb outside the railing. Suddenly the car toppled over very slowly and fell on its right side. Some one behind me stopped and got me out of the car. Phoned the police and I waited. Had no injuries, my glasses were still on my nose, my Tom Tom was not damaged and the airbag didn't deploy. The police took my statement as there were no witnesses and took photo's. He phoned the hire company and the recovery company. The recovery car damaged my hired car more as the car was flipped over and fell against the railing. Causing a dent in the passengers door. On the right side the small front window broke because the mirror was there. None of the other windows broke. And there were scratches along the right hand-side. On the 27th of May, I returned to Gatwick and to Green Motion to fill out the accident form. They took off my credit card £750 which was my own risk. Returning home, I discovered that they took of an other £ 3909 off my credit account. (total was 5986 Euros) Suddenly I am not insured because reckless driving... Or the damage was not included in the CDW. (Green Motion) but I hired it through Atlas Choice. Or CDW didn't count because there was no other car involved. They change their story all the time. As I hired through Atlas Choice and not through Green Motion, I guess that I have to keep them responsible! I did fill in the AXA forms for my reimbursement insurance. Is this legal! Taking the money off my credit card while I paid for my own risk? Surely I am not responsible for the total repair bill! What can I do!
  16. Hi my insurers are Esure and back on the 16th November 2009 a lorry switched lanes and clipped the passenger side of my car and drove off damaging my car with £1100 damage. I finally have a court date set for 26th October 2010. I have had my car repaired at £450 excess and now the court require a further £75. I want to know if I should continue down the small claims court route or should I just give up at this stage and call it a day. I have captured a poor quality image of the lorry driving away and managed to record its registration number. I feel compelled to go to court as I was 100% in the right. I am worried that the judge will go down the 50/50 route and i will get nothing. any help with this would be much appreciated. Many thanks
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