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Found 11 results

  1. olympic19

    Sun Card

    Had credit card from The Sun in the late 1990's Doe anyone know who is servicing the PPI complaints for this card? Cannot find any info online as to who took over the company
  2. Hi All, Just a word of advice....... If your ever are unfortunate enough to be hit by a driver insured with Royal Sun Alliance, Please make sure you DO NOT LET them try to resolve it even if they admit full liability..... Our parked car was hit by a RSA Client and you wouldnt believe the hassle we have had and is still on going...... * Failed to provide a loan vehicle due to various reasons (staff shortages / Needing to see the original cover note before letting you take car away but they couldnt confirm details of loan vehicle until we got to their pick up point, which meant you couldnt arrange cover note in advance so no chance of having the original when you collected the car...........) * Returned our car after 12 days with more damage than when they collected it - RSA cant explain what happened??. * Returned the car after another 3 days , 90% repaired but still not perfect - refused to let them have a 3rd attempt (Arranged proper repair ourselves and done in 1 day and looks like new again). * Total losses for the period was £2312 but only offered £650 in compensation.. ..., now going to legal dispute (lucky we had legal cover). * Refusing to supply documentation in respect of what work had been carried out on our vehicle. my advice is if your unlucky enough to be hit by a vehicle insured by Royal Sun Alliance DON NOT LET THEM REPAIR IT... ....., USE YOUR OWN INSURANCE COMPANIES 3RD PARTY CLAIMS PROVIDER..... Regards Jdmave NB Please pass onto your friends / colleagues as wouldnt want anyone else to have to have the same experience
  3. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/the-sun-military-awards-open-for-nominations--2
  4. Hello… I wonder if there is anyone who can help with this, please? Years ago my husband who is financially naive, (to say the very least), was sold several pensions, life insurances, annuities, etc., by an IFA. Amongst other things there were two pensions with Sun Life, (why he was sold two policies with the same pension provider is a mystery, but the IFA probably got paid commission for both of them). For several years they were paid in by direct debit under the two different policy numbers, then, when my husband was made redundant and stopped paying in, it would appear that at some point both pensions merged into just one policy. He was not informed of this, or if he was, they may have written to the wrong address as we moved a few times. Both pensions were quite small and under the rule of triviality, he would probably have been able to take the money from each without having to buy an annuity, but by merging the two, it increased the amount of the pension pot to more than £30k. The pension pays about £130 per month. he could really benefit from having the cash as there are no savings and he could pay down the mortgage as it won't be paid off when it ends soon. The IFA is still in business and I tried to contact him to ask about the portfolio he set up, as there may be an endowment which could help as well, but he won't answer my emails… Should my husband contact Sun Life and ask why the pensions were merged and if there is no good reason, would he be entitled to claim what's left in the pot, even though he purchased an annuity? Or will the new pension rules allow him to do that anyway? There was talk last year that people who had bought annuities would be entitled to their money but would have to wait an extra year for it… I've not heard anything since...
  5. Hi, I'm new to all this type of stuff so I hope this is of interest to some of you. I have recently heard from a friend of mine that his local vet has been told that all royal sun alliance backed policy holders will now have to have pre approval for specialist treatment and they can only go to a chosen RSA supplier or there will be financial consequences in addition to the excess. IS it just me or does this sound like they are going down the same route as the motor insurance trade where you have to go to a "preferred supplier" and not the one you want to use. What I don't know is how good the "chosen" supplier is and whether or not they have come to some form of deal with these suppliers on price etc. A bit worrying when you consider we are talking about pets here and not cars. Does anyone else know anything more about this? Companies include More Than, John Lewis, Argos, Tesco and M&S. Regards
  6. CAG in Todays Sun Newspaper. Article titled - Shopping Bill Shock at IKEA Here is the Article in PDF:
  7. Hi I need some advice on a letter I received from Heirtrace in regards to my father. This letter was sent on behalf of Sun life financial of Canada. I'll give a brief rundown of the letter: I am writing to you on behalf of sun life financial of Canada, who has employed Heirtrace ltd as part of a programme to update the contact details of their customers. Heirtrace provides a specialist service to financial institutions, legal firms and other organisations needing to update their customers records, trace missing policyholders and trace the owners of unclaimed assets. Sun life financial of Canada believes that a certain ______ who was born ____ may have a policy with them that was issued by a company that is now owned by sun life financial of Canada. I sent them the relevant forms back to confirm that this was my father, but have not heard from them since. This letter was received last year. I have since wrote to them but yet again not received a reply. I haven't seen my father for 22yrs and have no idea where he is or if he is still alive. I have spoken to my mother about this and she hasn't a clue as to what this letter could be about. I'd just like to know if anyone else has received a letter of this kind and what the outcome was if any. Its very frustrating and when I received the letter I was in shock as I haven't seen my father for so long.
  8. I' hope i'm posting this in the correct place as its my first time on the site. I'm currently 8 weeks into a 12 week redundancy notice as the boss has said that we don't have any work on to keep going. So myself , another work mate and a part time secretary are finishing on the 18th July. Since receiving redundancy notice my boss has now secured work for the school summer holidays and possibly into September. On hearing this news from him i then prompted to ask him what happens to our jobs then come the 18th July and his reply was that you are still being made redundant. What i would like to know is if we all finish on the date mentioned then how would we go on if our boss was to use sub contractors to get the work done. We are a flooring business and all 3 of us have each been there for over 20 years. Thanks.
  9. My solicitor asked me to try, i may be lucky to ask the public: is anyone got motor insurance with Royal and Sun Alliance and was able to get motor insurance with a CU80 motoring offence around May 2011 ?? Much appreciated for your reply.
  10. A neighbour who I have helped in the past with a Housing Benefit issue, just came knocking brandishing a copy of The Sun, on sunday, with a two page spread on bailiffs, with a picture of JGJ looking smug and glam, with a boxout showing the profits of bailiffcos, and a certain tale about an assault on bailiffs whose victim had the conviction overturned JGJ tried to justify her bailiffs action in that case by insisting they were assaulted by the victim. "However, any person who assaults a bailiff should be held to account for their actions.” http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage...-families.html The report is still watered down though, as even where WE know these companies are naughty the Sun says there is no evidence the companies showing the profits are in any way connected with the usual muppetry we see on here from bailiffs.
  11. Its fund managers carried out two huge derivatives deals in 2008 and 2009, to stop the fund becoming insolvent if share prices fell further. But the vitally important deals were carried out without the explicit approval of senior directors. The FSA said the firm's supervision had been "unclear and inadequate". The regulator did not dispute the merit of the two deals, which affected the investments of 114,000 life insurance and pension policies. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-19994565
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