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  1. Hello, I wonder if anyone may be able to help me please. I bought a flight in Dec 16 from Citi Flights, flying from London to Thailand. I flew out on the outbound flight but the airline cancelled my flight home. They left me stranded in Thailand with no other option but to purchase a new ticket home. I have been battling with them ever since and they have said that Citi Flights had no authorisation to sell me the ticket in the first place and it was a fraudulent transaction. Citi Flights have said that the issue is with Turkish Airlines and not them and if they weren't allowed to sell me the ticket how could I have travelled on the outbound flight. I spoke to the CAB consumer helpline and I have issued a claim online for breach of contract and damages under common law against both parties (as I have no idea who is telling the truth). However I have just received a letter to say that Turkish Airlines intend to defend the claim. Does anyone have any knowledge or experience to offer me please? Lauren
  2. Hi please see below the response from BH airlines to my delay flight claim - seems to be saying, yes the aircraft was broke but we are only a charter company so tough! Also interesting interpretation of BH holidays terms and conditions. Whats next then SC court? any views gratefully received: Thank you for contacting BH AIR Customer Service Department and thus giving us the chance to review your complaint. Thank you for your patience while the case was being reviewed. First of all, we would like to apologize for the inconveniences you faced due to the delay of your flight. We do realize that any delay could be quite frustrating and we strive to avoid such occurrences. Unfortunately, delays in aviation do happen and in such cases we try to at least minimize them as much as possible. We would like to take this opportunity to explain that your return flight was delayed due to a combination of factors which made it very difficult for the airline's ground-handling agent to predict how long it would be delayed for. We can advise that your flight was unfortunately adversely affected by a series of cumulative delays to the aircraft on earlier rotations. The root cause of your delay was a technical problem to the aircraft on a previous rotation. We naturally regret to hear that the end of your holiday was marred by the above delay. *We can advise that the track record of BH Airlines on timekeeping is very good, but unfortunately sometimes delays do occur for reasons beyond our control. As a charter airline BH Air has less flexibility than other airlines (such as e.g. Lufthansa or Air France) to replace an aircraft in order to comply with its initial schedule. Preventing this delay would have led us to making „intolerable sacrifices” in the light of the capacities of BH Air’s undertaking at the time of the flight, which sacrifices (as per the rationale of the European court judgment on Case C-294/10 (Eglītis-Ratnieks v. Latvijas Republikas Ekonomikas ministrija) we have no legal obligation to make. Evident from the above, the delay of the flight was caused by circumstances which we could not avoid even where we took all reasonable measures within the capacity of our airline. Furthermore, we would like to advise you that BH Air operated the flight on the basis of an aircraft lease arrangement but not a contract of carriage with you and the members of your family as passengers. The flight schedule announced was for reference only. As stated on Balkan Holidays website – flight timings and routings are only provisional and may be subject to change! Hence, the Airline had no contractual obligation vis-à-vis you and your family to comply with any specific flight schedule and may not be responsible for any flight delay. For that reason and reasons mentioned above, we may not honour your claim for compensation under Regulation No 261/2004 or otherwise. That being said, we would like to take this one last chance to apologize for all inconveniences caused. We always strive to give our passengers only the best customer service and so your feedback as it is highly appreciated. We hope that they will give us the chance to welcome you on board our aircraft in the future and give you the customer service you deserve! Kindest regards, BH Air Claims Team
  3. Regulator the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), which no longer deals with complaints flight delays and cancellations, has announced that a total of 20 airlines have now signed up to approved 'Alternative Dispute Resolution' (ADR) bodies. Customers with complaints aginst those airlines who have signed up with the Retail Ombudsman will have thier case dealt with free of charge. But British Airways, easyjet and Thomas Cook have signed with CEDR which charges customers a £25 fee for unsuccessful claims for compensation https://www.caa.co.uk/Passengers/Resolving-travel-problems/How-the-CAA-can-help/Alternative-dispute-resolution/ Retail Ombudsman Air Astana, Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge,Asiana Airlines EgyptAir , Flybe, Ryanair, SkyWorks Airlines AG, South African Airways TAP Portugal Turkish Airlines, Wizz Air Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR) British Airways, easyJet, Thomas Cook, Thomson (TUI)
  4. I booked an holiday with Thomson for Christmas I booked it as a surprise for my mom as she been feeling run down and I thought she need something to look forward to. A couple of days after my mom started to be more ill losing part of vision went to doctors and got told it was an eye infection. A couple days later she lost more vision and acting all confused so I took her to opticians as doctors kept on saying theres nothing wrong. Soon as we got to opticians and took one look sent us straight to a & e after having a brain scan it was confirmed there's a growth and after having biopsy 3 weeks later she was told she got terminal cancer and there can not treat it because of where it is. I know its my fault I never got insurance because all of this started just after I booked with her sight i never even thought it was anything more then been run down down before I booked it. Then all this happened and forgot about the insurance. I been all over the place backwards to hospital and on Sunday 29th I emailed Thomson exceptions team to confirm we can not fly due to my mom diagnosis and there said under there exceptions terms and conditions there could refund me the money as its terminal cancer. But because I emailed them 2 days late before the cut of date 3 weeks before I fly I will not received nothing back. I feel to be told I was 2 days late I should received something back I asked if I can have it in vouchers and I will travel later on next year after my mom passes away but no I missed the deadline and there nothing can be done. I know its my fault about the insurance and then being all over the place trying to find my mom a place to home to as my property is bot suitable and hospital will not discharge her back to the property but to be told there would of refunded me the money if I was just 2 days earlier. Can anyone help if there anything I can do?
  5. Holidaymakers trying to get compensation for flight delays have been promised better support from three airlines. Thanks to pressure from the CAA regulator, Jet2 and Wizz Air are paying out when passengers are stranded due to ordinary technical faults. Jet2 has agreed to look at claims as far back as six years, rather than limiting cases to two years. But Wizz Air is keeping its two-year limit, a decision that has been referred to the consumer regulator in Hungary, where it's based. Aer Lingus and Jet2 have also promised to improve passenger information when there are flight disruptions. Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/news/article-3202787/Airlines-forced-pay-flight-delays-thanks-pressure-CAA-regulator.html#ixzz3jGlnFWEK
  6. I am at a loss here with the new rules for Air Passenger Duty which in the Uk apparently no longer applies to travellers under 16. I have booked a trip for my daughter to the USA with American Airlines as she will be spending the summer holidays there with relatives. She will be travelling alone and at time of travel will be 15. Due to her age I couldn't book the ticket online, I had to phone reservations. At British Airways you have to book tickets for minors travelling alone also through reservations rather than online, as British Airways says their online system can't automatically deduct the APD for children at the moment, so you have to go through reservations to avoid being charged. Thought this was the same with AA when it flagged up that you can't book tickets for minors under the age of 16 online. So I phoned the AA reservations line and although it is a UK number I seemed to be connected to the US office. Anyway, it all was far more difficult than anticipated as I asked about the APD and the guy on the phone didn't seem to understand what I was talking about. He quoted me £1105.- for a return ticket which is the same I was quoted online for an adult passenger. I asked whether he had deducted the APD as my daughter was under 16 and he didn't seem to understand what I was talking about. He said their price didn't include any tax apart from the taxes and charges I had to agree to when booking the ticket. So I didn't understand what he was talking about then. He kept asking whether I did agree to pay the charges and taxes and I kept saying yes as long as it is not the APD which my daughter isn't liable for. He said that wasn't being applied, so I booked the ticket and paid the £1105.- However, when I looked at the receipt I noticed that there were carrier imposed charges of £163.- plus £156.85 in taxes. So I wonder whether they DID charge the APD after all and should refund that tax of £156.85 ? But when I call AA they don't seem to understand and keep saying I agreed to those charges when I booked the ticket. They also do not respond to e-mails, I just get a confirmation of receipt saying someone will respond within 48 hours, but nobody does. Has anybody got some advice or information for me on this ?
  7. The CAA's plan for airlines to sign up to ombudsman type schemes hasn't been a success. So far, only Thompson have signed up. To encourage a greater take-up, from 1 June, airlines which haven’t signed up to an ombudsman scheme will have to pay £150 for complaints made to the CAA. The change could push airlines to settle legitimate claims more quickly, to avoid incurring a charge for escalated complaints. It may also push airlines to sign up to ombudsman schemes if they’re cheaper. The complaints service will continue to be free to passengers. http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/news/travel/2016/05/caa-to-charge-airlines-150-to-investigate-flight-delay-complaints-as-ombudsman-schemes-stall?_ga=1.101036417.1454227081.1456681947
  8. Airline passengers hit with long flight delays continue to have compensation claims delayed or turned down despite a court ruling almost a year ago that was meant to have settled these once and for all. Rules state that passengers flying with an EU-based carrier or from an EU airport who reach their destination more than three hours late can claim up to €600 (£448) plus expenses, per person if the delay is within the airline’s control. Airlines can only refuse payment if the delay was the result of an “extraordinary circumstance” beyond their control and, previously, many had been claiming that routine technical problems fell under this definition. Yet a ruling, upheld by the high court last summer, should have changed that. It involved a claim by Ronald Huzar against budget airline Jet2.com for a delayed flight. The airline said there was an unforeseen technical problem, amounting to “extraordinary circumstances” meaning it did not have to pay compensation. Judges ruled against Jet2 and this was upheld by the Supreme court last October. It was hoped the ruling would clarify the strength of this common reason used to refuse a payout, but airlines continue to dig their heels in and ignore or contest the outcome. http://www.theguardian.com/money/2015/may/11/airlines-ignore-court-rulings-over-compensation-for-delayed-flights
  9. Does anyone know if I have any recourse to a settlement I received from monarch airlines - I made the claim through a company called EU Delay- they never contacted me however their solicitor has confirmed that a settlement was awarded to me 3 months ago in the sum of £1745 . I have contacted EU Delay who said that after their fees I would receive £1100. However I'm being fobbed off as they keep coming up with excuses and delaying tactics or just blatantly not taking my calls. Is there any way I can get them to pay my share...?...
  10. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-31998530 I know Jet2 regularly pop up here
  11. Hi All Please help I booked a flight last year with Ethiad, I thought i paid but obviously had not! I received this e mail yesterday. Can they still claim there money back ? I genuinely believed i paid and did not check which account I paid out of. Thus with everything going on I never checked. Dear Mr, Last year 08 JULY 2014 you had purchased two Etihad Airways tickets from our call centre for the amount of GBP 622.02 each. Because of an agent error the funds of GBP 1244.04 and GBP 20.00 booking fee was never deducted from your account. In order to collect the funds we request you to make the payment of GBP 1244.04 again. We will contact you by phone to collect the payment. You can pay by credit card or UK direct debit card. We apologise for the inconvenience caused.
  12. I apologise if there is already a thread on this. I thought there MUST be but couldn't find anything. Is there any guidance available on where to complain if I believe an airline is not conforming to the Consumer Rights (Payment Surcharges) Regulations by charging excessing credit card fees? I often use Aegean Airlines to travel between Greece and the UK but I notice they are still charging £7 per booking for any payment card other than their own when all other airlines, as far as I know, have brought their charges into line with the new regulations and charge around 2% of the cost of the booking. Even Ryanair have conformed so, if even THEY can't circumvent the new rules then they MUST be pretty much unbeatable. I have contacted Aegean about this but just received a standard email saying what an amazing and great value company they are with a link to their booking engine. How do I go about complaining? Do I have to have actually been 'caught' by this, i.e. actually made a booking? Does the fact that they are a foreign company matter? I would think not as I am trying to buy a ticket while in the UK, in sterling and originating from London.
  13. Airlines are within their rights to charge a supplement to customers checking-in their luggage, a court has ruled. The European Court of Justice ruled that airlines faced extra costs storing and processing checked-in luggage. But it added that hand baggage was necessary for passengers and should not face a price supplement. The decision is a boost to low-cost carriers that have made optional charges key to their business models. The court upheld a challenge by Spanish budget carrier Vueling Airlines against a Spanish law that prohibits airlines from making people pay for putting their suitcases in the aircraft's hold. The airline was given a 3,000 euro (£2,362) penalty by authorities in Spain for adding 40 euros to the basic price of four tickets bought by one passenger for return tickets between La Coruna in Spain to Amsterdam in the Netherlands. A Spanish court referred the case to Luxembourg to see if it complied with EU law on pricing freedom. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-29253383 Huge blow for passengers as EU's top court rules budget airlines CAN charge travellers extra for checked luggage Court said checked-in baggage is not considered 'compulsory or necessary’ Vueling Airlines challenged Spanish law that prohibits extra fees Court of Justice ruled the law is in breach of European Union rules http://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-2760637/Victory-Ryanair-easyJet-EU-s-court-rules-budget-airlines-CAN-charge-passengers-extra-checked-luggage.html
  14. Hi All, Some advice needed please... I recently flew to NYC with American Airlines and decided to upgrade my economy seat, for £31.60, on the basis that this particular seat had a 'premium charge' against it. The great thing, or so I thought, was that the seat next to me which to be occupied by my wife, didn't have any upgrade cost associated, so overall this was perceived a good deal; one of us would have extra leg room, upgraded entertainment, great view etc. In fact, the seat was directly over the middle of the wing (row 21), had a full row of seats in front, no percieved benefit whatsoever. When I challenged the cabin crew they shrugged their shoulders and AA have this morning sent me an email of complete jibberish, basically stating that there won't always be a value attached to an upgrade cost and, would you believe, suggested that 'some travellers just like certain seats which they're willing to pay for'. Surely this is misrepresentation, but I can't any official body to complain to, who would uphold any form of formal complaint. Any ideas please? Thanks Robmana
  15. From The Mirror yesterday. Hidden costs: Budget airlines charge up to £160 to correct mistakes on tickets Ryanair will hit you in the pocket if a mistake needs correcting at the airport Budget airlines can end up not being so cheap after all Getty Passengers on budget airlines are being charged up to £160 just to correct spelling mistakes on tickets. Others have to shell out for a whole new ticket if they turn up at the airport with one letter of their name in the wrong place. Ryanair has a £160 admin fee if the mistake needs to be corrected at the airport while Thomson charges from £50 to up to the full cost of the ticket on the day of departure. Experts say it’s *another example of airlines squeezing extra cash out of passengers. Fees *apply when the name on the ticket is different to the name in the passport – even simple variations like Dave and David in the passport. And new brides can be caught out if they book with their married name. Airlines say the passenger lists they provide to authorities have to exactly match names on tickets. So airlines can refuse to allow anyone on board if there is even the slightest difference between the name on a ticket and in a passport. Bob Atkinson of Travelsupermarket.com, which carried out the research, said: “Mistakes can easily happen, so it’s worth taking the extra time to double check.” A Ryanair spokesman said: “The name on the boarding card must match the name on ID with any airline.” http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/budget-airlines-charge-up-to-160-1377221
  16. http://www.dot.gov/affairs/2012/dot1112.html DOT Fines Alitalia for Violating International Baggage Liability Rule The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) today assessed a civil penalty of $80,000 against Alitalia, an airline based in Italy, for violating an international treaty by limiting reimbursement to passengers whose baggage was lost or delayed on Alitalia flights to and from the United States. “Consumers have a right to be treated fairly when they fly, and are entitled to appropriate compensation when their bags are lost or delayed,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood. “We will continue to take enforcement action when airline baggage rules are violated.” Following complaints filed with DOT by consumers, the Department’s Aviation Enforcement Office investigated Alitalia’s baggage policy. It found that for a number of flights to and from the United States, Alitalia was limiting reimbursements to between $50 and $75 per day of delay regardless of the amount of the expenses claimed by passengers or whether they provided original receipts documenting their expenses. Alitalia’s policy violated a provision of the Montreal Convention, an international agreement setting rules for international air travel. The agreement says that carriers may not limit their liability for loss or damage to checked baggage to less than approximately $1,700 per person, an amount that fluctuates based on currency conversion rates. The consent order is available on the Internet at http://www.regulations.gov, docket DOT-OST 2012-0002.
  17. Hi everyone, here my story and I hope you have an idea where I could start from claiming my money and whether I have at all a chance to ever see it again. Thank in advance for reading it and for all your ideas! After a great holiday, my partner and I wanted to take a Turkish airlines flight from Istanbul to Brussels this morning. We arrived at the airport around 1 1/2 hours before the flight and went to the check-in. Turkish Airlines had only two general queues for all their flights and it was very long. However, we queued as it seemed there was plenty time until the usual 45 minutes deadline. Anyway, there was no one to ask and we didn´t want to be trouble-makers pushing ourselved through the queue without any permission. Only when we were in the first row we saw a small sign that check-in time at Turkish Airlines already one hour before the flight. We remained calm as we were litterally standing in front of the counter ready for check-in and we were finally called to the counter at around 55 minutes before departure. We were told that we were too late and that staff had called in the queue that people for the flight should come forward. I am 100 % sure they did not call "Brussels" or at least it was inaudible - already a bit nervous, both my partner had been listening and watching carefully what was going on around us. After a fruitless discussion with very unfriendly staff we were denied boarding passes. We had to buy new tickets with another airline which cost us 305 Euros each and which ended up in a very long day of travelling on non-direct flights. I was given a complaint form but Turkish Airlines said they did not have any further information on complaint procedures or on passenger rights. The new tickets were a lot of money for my partner and me, so if you have any ideas how to proceed please let me know. Lucylike
  18. Before I contact the airline, I would like to check something. I was booked to fly on a not busy route on a small aircraft. When I arrived at check-in, more than 2 hours before the flight, I was told I could not be checked in. There were still seats remaining on the flight at that time, but since it was overbooked I was told that I, having paid a discount price, would have to wait until check-.in officially closed then return to see if there were still seats available. Are they allowed to do this? To turn away a passenger with a valid ticket and booking, who turns up on time, in order to allow other passengers the chance to get there first? As it turned out, I spoke to customer services to ask why this had happened, and after a phone call to the check in desk (in a language I couldn't understand) i was allowed to check in and all ended well. However it makes me feel far less confident about booking again in case the same happens. had I waited as I was told to do rather than going directly to customer services, I may well have missed out on the flight. If anyone knows what EU (rather than UK) law says on this, I'd be grateful for the info.
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