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Found 7 results

  1. Post-Monarch review finds too many passengers flying unprotected READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/post-monarch-review-finds-too-many-passengers-flying-unprotected
  2. We booked a holiday with a well known travel agent in our region with monarch and were due to go early November. As a relative works for this company we received a little more discount. When Monarch collapsed we were told that we would have to pay again and could not receive a refund. After a lot of angry words we changed our holiday to the same hotel flying with another company and from a different airport and paid the full amount again. We were told we would have to wait for the caa claim form to arrive and then make a claim as we received the extra discount and it was company policy that a refund couldn't be given to 'staff bookings' although this is not stated in the company handbook. I would not have minded paying the difference between the original cost and the new cost but having spoken to others and reading of others who had the simple task of changing or getting a refund, I would like to know my rights in this case. My contract is with the travel agent who are just not bothered. Unfortunately I paid for the holiday on a debit card and have been unable to get a charge back through my bank. Any advice will be appreciated as I can not see why I have to wait to receive my money back when others didn't.
  3. I hope i have posted this in the correct forum. We were booked to fly with Monarch from Gibraltar to Luton. Due to weather conditions our flight was diverted from Gibraltar to Malaga. We were due to take off from Gibraltar at 7.30 pm Spanish time and arrive at Luton at 9.30pm English time. We left Gibraltar airport on a bus(provided by Monarch) at11pm Spanish time destination Malaga airport. We arrived at Malaga airport and finally took off from there at 3.00am Spanish time and arrived back at Luton at 5.00am English time. So, basically, we were delayed by 7.5 hours. We were given a carrier bag by Monarch whilst waiting at Malaga airport containing a packet of crisps, chocolate bar and a small bottle of water. We incurred extra costs due to our late arrival back, lifts, taxis,work missed etc. Monarch diverted to Malaga two incoming flights(one of which was ours) that were both due to land at Gibraltar at roughly the same time. It later transpired that Monarch had a broken down plane at Malaga that evening that was due to fly back to the UK. The passengers that were due to fly on that plane were placed on the two diverted planes, one of which was ours. I hope i have explained the situation clearly. Anyone advice on our chance of a compensation claim please? Thank you.
  4. Hello, I recently got back from a holiday in Portugal where our flight was delayed by 3 hours going out there. I submitted the claims form and this is the rubbish I get back; Dear XXXXX Flight No. XXXXX Gatwick to Faro 25th June 2017 Further to your claim for delay compensation, we are writing to advise the outcome of our investigation into your case. Monarch Airlines aims as its first priority to provide its passengers with a safe and efficient service. We are sorry for the delay you experienced that has led to your claim for compensation. We would like to reassure you that every reasonable effort is made to ensure that our flights depart on time and in the unlikely event we are unable to do so through disruption, we aim to provide a solution at the earliest opportunity. As previously advised, in some circumstances passengers may be entitled to compensation for delay arising from such disruption under European Union laws. However, any monetary payments are subject to certain criteria being satisfied. Under these laws where the disruption is caused by an ‘extraordinary circumstance’ which the airline was reasonably unable to prevent, the carrier is not obliged to pay compensation. The Civil Aviation Authority and European National Enforcement Bodies have published guidelines regarding what can and cannot be considered as extraordinary circumstances and we base our decision on these guidelines. Our records show that due to high winds three of our aircraft were unable to return from Spain and were forced to remain overnight in Arrecife on 24th June. As a consequence of these aircraft being unavailable for their planned flights as a result of the weather, there was severe disruption across the entire flying programme. This led to a number of flights being cancelled leaving many passengers unable to travel to their intended destinations. However, and in order to avoid cancelling your flight, our operations team were able to implement changes to the flying programme and utilise our standby aircraft. Unfortunately and despite our best efforts this did lead to the unavoidable delay to the departure of your flight. Having considered the factual background of this case in accordance with the published guidelines and applicable case law, we are satisfied that the disruption was caused by an extraordinary circumstance that could not have reasonably been prevented by Monarch Airlines. We are, therefore, unable to accept your claim for compensation for the reasons given. All flight delays are fully documented in accordance with the requirements of our regulator and the relevant legislation in place. Please note that this documentation cannot be disclosed to passengers nonetheless we actively supply this to the Civil Aviation Authority and National Enforcement Bodies upon request. Yours sincerely XXXX XXXXX EU Claims Advisor Monarch I find this unacceptable as the delay was caused by flights the day before! Also if it was caused 24 hours before they had ample time to inform us. This also lead to us missing the first day of our villa as we didn't arrive until the early hours of the 26th June. I would appreciate your input on this and advice as to whether I am being unreasonable and I am not entitled to compensation. Or the best way to proceed in getting compensation that might be due. Kind Regards, tissot
  5. Does anyone know if I have any recourse to a settlement I received from monarch airlines - I made the claim through a company called EU Delay- they never contacted me however their solicitor has confirmed that a settlement was awarded to me 3 months ago in the sum of £1745 . I have contacted EU Delay who said that after their fees I would receive £1100. However I'm being fobbed off as they keep coming up with excuses and delaying tactics or just blatantly not taking my calls. Is there any way I can get them to pay my share...?...
  6. Hi there, I've put this thread in the "General Consumer Issues" forum as I wasn't sure where else it should go! I have started a claim with Monarch for a flight from Mallorca to LGW that landed five hours later than the scheduled time. I sent all my paperwork to Monarch on the 16th September, and they confirmed the same day that they had received it (it was scanned and emailed correspondence). Today, ten days after submission, I have received an email from them to say they are still looking into my claim and that they have 28 days to get back to me. Surely the 28 days started when they acknowledged receipt of all my documentation? Any help and advice on how to respond will be very welcome. Thank you.
  7. My flight from Luton to Rome in April this year was delayed over 6 hours..... Monarch went through the usual oh your claim has been placed on hold till the EU ruling... I contacted them early October pointing out they knew what the judgment was ina s much as their appeal had been denied and the original judgment stood, and would they like to settle now... They responded we will wait on the judgment on the 23/10/2012.... They are putting as many obstructions in claimants way as possible, insisting on each individual passenger filling in a claim form, and asking for all sorts of information , boarding passes , and original paperwork and passport copies.. Over and above that I also had the letter they gave us at the airport apologizing for the "technical problem"... in the EU ruling it states 14 days for payment...they have told me that ain't happening.. actually couldn't believe the blasé attitude of the claims handler...it was more or less, couldnt care less, its not even been assessed yet!!! So county court paperwork will be completed and sent of in the next 48 hours.:-x
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