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  1. Just to let people know about the trouble I have had with budget insurance. I took out van insurance with them in May this year, as well as the insurance I took out break down cover. This month I had purchased a new van , when I tried changing the insurance over to my new van Budget wanted to double my premiums even thou through an online comparison site they were quoting £20 cheaper than I was paying. When I queried this they said that was for new customers and not for existing customers and they would not budge. I decided to cancel the insurance and has to pay £50 cancellation fee as well as £48 for the break down cover as this was non refundable. I raised a formal complaint with them and they did refund the cancellation fee but they will not refund the £48 breakdown cover, so I am now paying for breakdown cover that I cannot use and cannot transfer. Hope this helps some one else JJ
  2. my wife had a ccj against her with payment of 100 a month when she lost her job i wrote to the firm saying that we cannot afford 100 we agreed on 30 a month now a letter containing a income sheet to filled by my wife has arrived on the ie shet they ask for my wifes works details as she is now working again do we have to comply with the work detais as my wife does not want them to be involved????
  3. The budget is tomorrow but Morrisons have already increased price of fuel and fags---how do they know what increases the c hancellor man will make
  4. Well today is the day. George Osborne has just left Downing Street with his little red box,full of secrets. What time is the Budget 2016? How to watch, predictions and more on George Osborne's spending announcement News UK News The Budget What time is the Budget 2016? How to watch, predictions and more on George Osborne's spending announcement George Osborne is set to unveil yet more cuts in his 2016 UK budget speech. Here's everything you need to know What will be in store when George Osborne unveils his 2016 budget? Will it be all doom and gloom? Or has he, once again, got an unexpected rabbit hidden in his hat? Gloomy economic forecasts, bleak export figures and the promise of a Budget surplus of £10billion by March 2019 will fuel the Chancellor’s latest attack on Britain’s public services when he delivers his financial statement. The national debt has ballooned to almost £1.6trillion on his watch - about £24,000 for every man, woman and child in the country. You can also expect plenty of the Chancellor's favourite catchphrases to make an appearance. References to a "long term economic plan" and "fixing the roof while the sun is shining" are near certainties. The excitement is building. I can hardly wait,can you.Have your say now or as things develop or afterwards.Leave it to you. Are you going to watch PMQ time.Anticipating a little excitement.Hope the bar is stocked.Such a thirsty lot. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/budget-everything-you-need-know-7563257
  5. Good morning all. I have not been on here for ages, mainly because of a lot of personal stuff going on with family and also problems with INGEUS and the DWP which I won't go in to but needless to say I am winning (along withmy MP) and hope to have apositive outcome shortly. So, the budget, I really am NOT looking forward to this - for me this budget will define the future direction of this country for decades. What do we all think will be in it? Not interested in things like booze and fags and petrol - I am interested in REAL things that could tip people over the edge or force them in to poverty/rent arrears. Both I and my parents (me - ESA Assessment phase and HB) (parents - HB, DLA, Mobility, Carers, Pension Credit) are worried sick. My guesses are: Child benefit frozen or reduced based on number of children Restructure of the tax credits system JSA/ESA frozen for 5 years ESA WRAG and SG payments reduced or scrapped entirely HB frozen and not available for under 25's unless there is a real need i.e. domestic problems at home etc DLA/PIP frozen for 5 years (care element) DLA mobility payments reduced Carers allowance scrapped or significantly reduced Who knows - it will be pretty dire watching it though! Still - we will find the money for more campaigns in Syria though!
  6. This has to be the best budget in decades. Labour may claim some of it was their idea, what rubbish, they don't have copyright on the few similar words that were used.
  7. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-31615218
  8. Does not affect me, but just wondered what it means to people if the government sell off the mortgage assets they bought from Northern Rock. Does this mean that some with a NR mortgage will at some point be asked to pay a different company ? If they are in arrears, could they be faced with a new company who take a much stronger position on dealing with the arrears ? I think the government have sold off mortgage assets previously. Were there any problems the last time this happened ?
  9. Dear All, I have been charged to cancel (set-up fees) an automatic renewal of a home contents policy I did not want. Budget Insurance claim that they sent me a letter 17.09.14 to remind me that my policy was due for renewal. I absolutely did not receive any correspondence from them. I received an email from them at 18:52 the day before to say that the policy would renew at midnight (giving me around 5 hours to contact them). After complaining over the telephone, they said they would not charge £35.00, but would instead charge me £17.00 to cancel the renewal (or rather the set-up fees). It might not be a great deal of money, but it is to a full-time student like me. Anything I can do? All the best, Milly
  10. Hi, I recently received an unsolicited settlement offer/letter from Marlin Financial Services which appears to relate to a BoS Budget account(no Bank reference number given) The settlement offer 40p in the £ appears to relate to an account which is currently being payed monthly via s/o to the BoS. This being an ongoing arrangement made via CAB which froze interest back in 2003. I have had no statements from BOS for years, so can not verify that the amount outstanding is correct. I have had no notification from BOS that they have sold the debt to Marlin. I am interested in clearing the debt at a lesser more affordable amount approx 32p in the £ Can someone advise me on the best way to proceed. I figure I need proof that they legally own the debt. Establish where monthly s/o payment are going. Also that the amount they claim is owed, which doesn't appear to be to far out by my calculations, includes recent payments. All before making an offer of settlement. Is there any template letters that cover this sort of scenario? I've had a good look but can't appear to see anything. Also is there anything else I should or should not do before proceeding? Many Thanks
  11. Is there an ulterior motive to the pension change ? If people with a pension pot reach 55 under the new rules, they will be able to access the money, without having to buy an annuity. This could have implications for people with debts or who are receiving any state benefits. If you have debts, it is possible that you could be made to access the pension pot by a court to pay off any debts. If you are on any state benefits, you will have to disclose the pension pot as savings, which could mean that benefit entitlement may be cancelled or reduced. Keep an eye on the government when they put the legislation through to see if they add any protections to stop either of these issues affecting people.
  12. Don't say you weren't warned. This is actually a bit spooky! http://simply-wrong.com/dont-say-we-werent-warned/
  13. What a complete rip-off they are and terrible service, Never met a company so bad, paid for van insurance, they asked for proof no-claims which i provided by return email as requested, no fewer than 5 times, they acknowledged receipt every time then cancelled insurance , i phoned customer service and they could never hear me. No emails or Online chat choices. Now have no insurance and say the are going to dab more charges on top, i have 15 years of no claims on two policies.
  14. Hi Just wondering if anybody has experience with Social services for personal health care budget for MH conditions? I'm wondering how sucessful applications are for educational courses. I can't afford to pay for any more courses and it is helping me access my community. Any info would be a great help, thanks.
  15. I have been working out my budget sheets firstly for my own benefit and second to prove that i really am skint to my creditors. I have based my income on half of everything that comes in in joint names. Problem is that when I do that and then put half the bills down i am already at a negative number. Is this OK? Also, is there a list anywhere of acceptable budget amounts for food etc?
  16. Prices are hiked by as much as 433%, according to a new survey Typical examples include charging £1.60p for a 30p can of coke Costs were compared to identical products sold in supermarkets Ryanair says customers are 'free to bring their own snacks' if they wish Read More ...
  17. Hi- I'm hoping someone can advise me on this ongoing situation with Budget Home Insurance! In Nov 2011- I applied for home insurance as per mortgage requirements. They took a payment of £17.46 and sent me policy documents and I thought nothing of it, assuming that I was covered and they would direct debit me monthly. I didn't monitor them as it was a very busy period and then subsequently forgot about it. I did not notice that this was the only payment they took from me, and nothing more. Now in 2013 I have received a letter from them saying that I owe them £80 for cancellation and I assume back dating what they think I owe them? I have no idea what this represents or if I do owe them this amount, as I'm pretty sure that I was not insured at the time. What do I do about this?? Thanks
  18. I am preparing a budget to send to my creditors and am not sure if I am supposed to include certain benefits. Between my wife and me we obtain income support, employment and support allowance, carers allowance, child benefit, child tax credits and disability living allowance. On most forms we've filled in we get told not to include DLA as this is paid to cover the extra cost of my living becauseof my disability - taxis, my specialised chair etc Do I include this in the income for budget for creditors? It makes a big difference to my overall income. Thanks in advance for any help.
  19. Hi iv decided to go down the bankruptcy route and looking some advice I live in northern ireland. My mortgage company our going to start repossion soon so I think iv got around 6 months till this happens. Iv read that You may be asked to sign an 'income payments agreement' to pay fixed monthly instalments from your income for three years. So I want to look at what im allowed in my budget for the Official Receiver. There r 5 of us in total 2 adults and 3 children all below 12 years of age. Thanks in advance.
  20. In a bid to keep my finances in check I am looking for a good budget planner, can anyone recommend one? I'm in a debt management plan and would like to try to save for my wedding too. I've found this one from Vanquis, but has anyone got any others they would recommend?
  21. Been looking on the forum but not having any luck but is there on the forum any thread discussing what was in the budget ? Anna x
  22. Hi All, I'm paying off a debt that is in the hands of a DCA. There's no problem with the agreement; it's my debt, it'll be paid off in 18 months and it's not causing me particular hardship. They called me last week 'to review' and I told them I was fine as I am, to stop calling me and write to me instead. They've now sent me a 'budget' form to fill in with my earnings and expenditure. What do you think? Can I just ignore this? Cheers Caggers! Jack
  23. I have a lot of debt. I can't go bankrupt willingly as CCCS said I should, as I will lose my rent agreement on my house and I have 3 children, the eldest is disabled. I paid all my debts solidly, (borrowing from Peter to pay Paul) until a couple of months ago. I sold everything I had to pay for them as well. Now I've just stopped paying as I can't do it anymore. I have nothing left to sell. I have also recently been diagnosed with Bipolar-disorder and, yes I spent an awful lot of money during my highs, which I then tried to recuperate by selling during my lows. I now have my partner looking after all the money (benefits now), but it is in my name as I have to be the one to claim it. I have personally £20 per month to pay for anything personal, which will include my debts that I ran up during my highs. How can I explain to the creditors/court that the money that comes to me in the form of benefits is for my children and partner as well, and not just mine? As if you look at the money that goes through my bank, it looks like I have enough to pay my debts, when I haven't. If I changed cetain benefits to my partners accounts would I still have to say this was mine on the budget sheet? Can anyone please give me any advice on this, as I haven't contacted any of my creditors since I stopped paying them and really need to try and sort this out. These debts have been totally run up by me and not my partner- who now looks after the money so we have enough!
  24. Hi, I used to be with Budget for my Car Insurance. When I first started the cover, I was 'fined' £20 for not returning a form I was never sent. Eventually and after costly phone calls, I got the form, sent it back, but never received the £20 back I was told I would. I recently sent them a letter stating that I wanted £20 plus the cost of calls to them for their mistake. The total was £25.37. I was phoned by someone in their complaints department who promised me the money within a few days. 2 months on, I'm still waiting. I want to send them one more letter before I take this to the small claims court. My question is, can I ask for other things to be added on such as my time and the cost of the letters, or the electricity I have used for computer time etc? The last letter I sent them cost me £1.55, so if I send another one, that would be a total of £3.10 that their actions have cost me (in addition to costly phone calls) in order to get my money back. Can I add this to the total to be paid back? I basically want to send them one last warning letter that if I don't receive my money back plus other costs accrued so far, I will be taking legal action. Thanks in advance
  25. Hi, I missed my jsa signing on day and Im currently paying back my budget loan, Im worried whats going to happen with paying back the £6.75 instalment that usually comes out of my jobseekers allowance every week. Thank You for your time and help.
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