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Found 10 results

  1. Can anyone recommend a good union please? I used to be with GMB Union but wondered what my options were? Thanks
  2. I lodged a grievance against a colleague. A thorough investigation was carried out and my grievance was upheld. There were a number of recommendations made in the report in Oct 2017. One of the recommendations was that me and the colleague attend mediation. It also recommended that if she did not engage in mediation action should be taken via breach of Code of Conduct and/or Dignity at Work Policies. She is saying that her husband is not well so she is not able to participate in mediation at this time. My employer is saying she is not refusing but is delaying. Other recommendations around my line manager reminding her of expected behaviours, her responsibilities and pointing out possible consequences have not been completed. I have continually chased my line manager and HR around these recommendations as what was a bad situation has now got worse. My line manager finally met with my colleague yesterday for half an hour. Following that my line manager met with another colleague and asked her about my mental health. She told my LM that she has concerns about my MH caused by the colleague. I then met with my LM. She said that the colleague, who I lodged a grievance against, had told my line manager that I'm the problem - I'm clearly mentally unwell and am paranoid. My LM obviously believes what she is saying. I reminded her that the investigation had proved the opposite! My mental health has been negatively affected by all of this and I am struggling to attend work. I've met with our Wellbeing Manager to develop a plan to manage my stress levels but she's advised that until the grievance outcome recommendations are carried out nothing I do is going to make any difference. Other than hand my notice in, and I cannot afford to do that as I'm a single parent, I'm at a loss to know what to do next. Any advice greatfuly received!
  3. Hi everyone, I've been on ESA in the Support Group for the past 2 years and today i received a capability for work questionnaire through the most that has to be returned within a month. I am just wondering how long after you send the questionnaire back do you hear back from them with a possible face to face assessment date and do you still receive your normal payments while this process is going on?
  4. I currently have a Dell Inspiron 1750 laptop. It's nearly 4 years old and is about to die on me. Can anyone recommend a decent desktop please? With or without a monitor will do. Would rather not spend more than £400-500 on a desktop. It's mostly used for listening to music, surfing the internet and doing uni work, which is mostly word processing. Thank you.
  5. Hi everyone, I'm hoping someone can offer a little help and advice. I wish to serve a SAR on the bank that previously held my mortgages (I had two linked to the same property, due to undergoing a - relatively amicable - divorce and being obliged to buy my spouse's interest in the house - who had no desire for the property...just the cash). I've lost all of the documentation, pertaining to said mortgages. I would like copies of the original offer and subsequent agreement along with all terms and conditions (including those if/as and when they may have been amended). Additionally, I want the bank to provide a full list of mortgage repayments made by me and received by them along with details/notes of any and all communications between our parties, howsoever conducted (written, telephone, carrier-pigeon etc.,) as well as any manual notes and/or interventions which may have occurred with regard to my account, throughout the term of the mortgage. Does such a SAR template already exist or is there any member of the forum who may help me to properly draft a suitable Subject Access Request? I'd be extremely grateful for any help/advice/referrals. Many thanks. Jib T
  6. In a bid to keep my finances in check I am looking for a good budget planner, can anyone recommend one? I'm in a debt management plan and would like to try to save for my wedding too. I've found this one from Vanquis, but has anyone got any others they would recommend?
  7. are dell computers reliable? im looking to buy one but ive read a few reviews and the opinions are mixed about this make of computer?
  8. I have a Nintendo 3DS. The only game I currently have is Mahjong. Can anyone recommend any similar games please? Also, are any of the Mario games any good?
  9. Hi Everyone, I wonder if anyone can help. (plus hope it's ok to post this here) I've got in a rut, rereading my favourite books and really need some new recommendations. I've read and liked: Robin Hobb Ian M banks Guy G Kay Peter V Brett Raymond Feist Tad Williams Robert Jordan (though gave up when one book seemed to cover a few days) George RR Martin Peter F Hamilton Trudi Canavan Tolkien (of course) Earlier David Eddings (later, for me = bad) Didn't get on with Steven Erikson's stuff, or Joe Abercrombie Probably others I've forgotten. I read other genres, but love series of books that I can get into. I'm laid up a lot of the time so my kindle has become my very good friend. I'm grateful for any fantasy/sci fi reccomendations. If you have anything else you want to recommend, that's great too - as an example of what else I liked, I loved Time Travellers Wife, and hated anything by Kate Mosse. My guilty pleasure reading is Jodi Piccoult. Thanks Lyn
  10. Sorry, if the information exists on the forum. I did a search on this but no luck. Anybody with any idea on which one to use? Thanks in advance
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