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Found 3 results

  1. my wife had a ccj against her with payment of 100 a month when she lost her job i wrote to the firm saying that we cannot afford 100 we agreed on 30 a month now a letter containing a income sheet to filled by my wife has arrived on the ie shet they ask for my wifes works details as she is now working again do we have to comply with the work detais as my wife does not want them to be involved????
  2. Hello, sorry for posting in this section but I followed a music licence related-post I found through google. I am a PhD student and I am writing a publication on classical music. I'd like to show in my publication 4 musical fragments taken from 4 different musical pieces of 4 different authors, two of whom from the beginning of the twentieth century and the remaining from the mid-century. I would like to ask if I have to license the material and, if yes, how or where I can find more detailed information about. Luca
  3. I took out a loan in Sept 2006 for 5 years. Norton Finance were the brokers involved. PPI was paid as a single premium at the start of the loan. The sum being £3700, together with interest paid to the finance company pans out at around £8000. Naturally Norton Finance claim in a letter to me it was not mis sold, although a "corruption of computer files" has ment they cannot produce a recording of the telephone sale. I have asked for any evidence they have of any signature they may have from me with regard to me agreeing the PPI but they have not responded. I am in the process of complaining to the Financial ombudsman, but in the meantime will be issuing a County Court Summons. Any ideas on how I should tackle this. I am not legally qualified but do have some experience of issuing summons. Would appreciate any feedback of others that have had complaints with Norton Finance
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