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Found 7 results

  1. HI I am wandering how I can find out if I was charged PPI from these brokers, it was either Norton or ocean, they got me a secured loan with Swift finance back in October 2005, I literally don’t know where to start. I was ripped off by thousands by swift, at the time I was gambling heavily and basically ended up selling my home to clear the debt, I have put of trying to find out anything because it just takes me back to a time when my life was in ruins, now I feel like It’s the time to try Any help would be appreciated, I also had a mortgage with preferred and Gmac, eould it be worth trying them
  2. I had a loan with Norton finance which I paid in full, after I thought the charge would be discharded. They have, I have found, retained the charge after over six months after the payment of the discharge statement, including charges were paid. This was handled by a solicitor, and should have been sorted. Who and what is involved in sorting out the problem as this has had repercussions in my selling the property. Can anyone advise as to how this can be dealt with and, to be honest I feel a compensation claim is forthright, but with whom. Can anyone advise please.
  3. Hi everyone, I took out a secured loan for £40,000 on 28 October 2004 with First Plus, which was arranged by Norton Finance. Apparently they also added PPI to the loan, amounting to £ 9790. It was my understanding at the time that I had to have the PPI - indeed, the loan was to consolidate previous debt and I was desperate to get this sorted. A couple of years later, I was advised by another broker (who has since gone bust) to remortgage and so I did and as part of the remortgage the above loan was redeemed on 19 October 2006 (original term was ten years). Now, I have been told Norton Finance who arranged the loan have gone into administration but there are still web sites up and running ? I also filed a complaint to Firstplus who basically said that the broker was no longer trading and that the loan was taken out before the golden date, 15 January 2005, when the FSA started to regulate the finance industry. However, I have heard that people have one claims for PPI taken out before then. Also, my question still remains unanswered: Can you lender themselves (i.e. Firstplus) still be held liable for the sale of the PPI, as it was added to the Loan, and so could be regarded as part of the loan product they were providing? Shouldn't the lender themselves have checked that PPI was required ? also, because the loan was redeemed within two years, I never knowingly received any rebate of the PPI as it was suppose to cover the first 5 years of the loan term. £9790 is quite a lot of money to wave good bye to and I am determined to put up a fight before I am told to just forget it - as everybody has been saying so far. Any advice on this would be helpful. I am about to make a subject access request to Firstplus but if its not worth it, please let me know before I waste a tenner ! thanks. Dean
  4. Hi all just searched mmf web site on google and norton flags it as a red site with a drive by down load
  5. Hello, I have a loan with norton finance and over time have accrued charges and default notices. the original loan was for 8000 and now has 4700 outstanding, 1500 of this is arrears. I am now paying 50 over the monthly repayment to clear these arrears. Charges and defaults total 1300. I noticed that charges dropped from 40 to 35, when i questioned the company they said "in fairness to customers" so i feel that they have already admitted these charges are unfair. Is it possible to claim these charges back? I have successfully claimed back bank charges in the past but am unsure if loan charges can be claimed back in the same way. I am also concerned about contacting the loan company while the account is in arrears. any advice would be great thanks in advance
  6. Hi, Please could somebody advice. I took out a loan via Norton finance with firstplus in Nov 2007 for 10 years. The monthly ppi payment for the loan are £87.62 and the ppi only runs for 5 years of the 10 year loan so ends this November coming. I have successfuly made a ppi claim via the FSCS and they have compensated me for, and i quote "the compensation aims to put you back in the financail position you would have been in had you not received the insurnance advice. The compensation only covers actual losses. It does not aim to cover future losses." I have received £2617 from the FSCS. Question One. Am i still elligible to claim my 'no claims bonus' back with First Plus in November or does the money paid by the FSCS inlcude this? Question Two. I'm still going to be paying £87.62 ppi payments for another five years for nothing (as the term was five years) . Can i cancel this insurance and reduce my month repayment by the ppi payment (£82.62)? If so will i get charged by firstplus for cancelling? And will the effect my 'no claims bonus' ? Question Three. If the FSCS have deemed that the policy was missold, shouldn't firstplus stop taking my £87.62. Please reply if you can help me. Thanks, Andrew
  7. I took out a loan in Sept 2006 for 5 years. Norton Finance were the brokers involved. PPI was paid as a single premium at the start of the loan. The sum being £3700, together with interest paid to the finance company pans out at around £8000. Naturally Norton Finance claim in a letter to me it was not mis sold, although a "corruption of computer files" has ment they cannot produce a recording of the telephone sale. I have asked for any evidence they have of any signature they may have from me with regard to me agreeing the PPI but they have not responded. I am in the process of complaining to the Financial ombudsman, but in the meantime will be issuing a County Court Summons. Any ideas on how I should tackle this. I am not legally qualified but do have some experience of issuing summons. Would appreciate any feedback of others that have had complaints with Norton Finance
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