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Found 3 results

  1. HI I am wandering how I can find out if I was charged PPI from these brokers, it was either Norton or ocean, they got me a secured loan with Swift finance back in October 2005, I literally don’t know where to start. I was ripped off by thousands by swift, at the time I was gambling heavily and basically ended up selling my home to clear the debt, I have put of trying to find out anything because it just takes me back to a time when my life was in ruins, now I feel like It’s the time to try Any help would be appreciated, I also had a mortgage with preferred and Gmac, eould it be worth trying them
  2. Hi what a pain. I arrived from Yorkshire early morning to check on my friends house in London, They are on holiday. He left me 30 day passes to park in permitted Zones outside the house street. When I arrived, I stuck one in my car - an one day all zone pass. 7:30am. About an hour later I saw a tow lorry outside about to lift my car. I went outside and said I have a pass and this is the house I'm staying in. Apparently I didnt read a sign they stuck up a few days ago? who knows. It said Parking prohibited on dates 30th april (today) due to footway reconstruction on both sides of road from house number # to # including my mates door number! They said just move your car 2 houses up and you're fine cos you have an all zone permit..but dont forget to pay the fine too:mad2:. My mates car was fined and lifted to a new spot too..i couldnt move his because it wont start..suffice to say they went on a rampage and fined every other car on the street. Can i appeal and what do i write in the letter? Thank you. Jaws
  3. How exciting. Those nice people at Rock Law who have been so nice trying to contact me from a Birmingham number - 0121 6152941 finally spoke to me today. Very strange because when I tried to call the number, it wouldn't ring. They were really keen to talk to me because they had been calling me repeatedly although strangely each time I answered there was silence. A loose connection I expect. Anyway, we finally spoke. Very nice guy called Gavin with a Welsh accent and he told me that he was in Swansea even though his number came from Birmingham very clever of these people to be able to do that and to be in two places at the same time Swansea is a very nice place I know because I've been there and he told me that I had some PPI which needed to be reclaimed and he also told me that every loan ever made by any bank in the last 25 years had PPI embedded in it and could be reclaimed. Wow and he was from Rock Law Rock like the stone and law like the police he said and he laughed because I think that it was meant to be a joke and he was going to send me an email to get things going but he wanted some personal information first and he really tried to persuade me to give him the information even though I said that I was worried about handing personal details over the phone to someone I didn't know but he was very nice and I nearly trusted him but not quite and so he said that he couldn't help me if I wouldn't tell him my birthday and I wouldn't so he went. Rock_Law_Gavin-2.mp3 And those people at Rock Law are very busy but they still find time to be very worried about my finances because they even phoned me again Rock_law.mp3 Call number one recorded on a Samsung mobile phone using the automatic call recorder app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.appstar.callrecorderpro&hl=en no processing Call number two recorded through Skype using Amolto call recorder http://amolto.com/ no processing
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