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  1. We are starting a major forum upgrade. We have been working on it for several weeks.the upgrade process will begin today (Tues 26th Feb 2019) in the afternoon In the morning we will be preventing any new registrations. In the afternoon at about 14:30 we will be resetting the forum to "read only". This will prevent any new posting. The idea will be to freeze the data at that point in time. We will then take a copy of the forum and begin the conversion to the new platform. We expect that the conversion process will take at least two days. During that time the forum will be open for people to visit and to explore but it will not be possible to post new questions or to post replies or for people to register. At some point on the Wednesday the existing forum will be replaced with the upgraded forum platform. This also will be set to read only for a few hours whilst some of the initial rebuilding and indexing of data takes place. The forum will then be set to "read/write" and people will be able to register, to post questions and to post replies. However, the indexing process will take several days and so for a while some posts may appear to be incorrectly formatted, or they may not be available at all or they will not appear in forum searches. As the indexing continues these problems will gradually disappear and we expect the process to be complete after a further three or four days – probably the Wednesday or possibly the Thursday. You may also need to configure some aspects of your personal profile, upload a new avatar – et cetera. We hope that all the data will be intact but please be prepared to come across problems – and in particular there may be attachments which are not available or don't seem to display properly. Please let the site team know – but be patient. We are trying to convert 13 years worth of data and none of it is straightforward. We hope that the final result will be a more modern platform, a more secure platform, and generally a better experience.
  2. If you discover issues caused by the recent upgrade then please post them here.
  3. Since our recent upgrade last month we are still having lots of problems with our mobile view. It will be very helpful if people could keep us updated here as to the problems that they are having. Thanks
  4. I appreciate any help and advice I can get on my case as I feel I have hit a brick wall with Vodafone. I will try and keep the summary below brief. In short I sought to upgrade my old 12m contract to a new 12m contract and upgrade my old iPhone 6 to a new iPhone 6s Plus. I placed a pre-order, only to receive a 6s and not a 6s Plus which was delivered around 5 weeks ago now. Phone was returned promptly as possible. Vodafone charged me for the upgrade via direct debit and have yet to refund me for the returned handset. Furthermore they have not rolled back my tariff as I was advised to ask them to do, and there has been a problem with my contract dates, meaning they do not see me as being owed a new handset, believing I have already upgraded. My old iPhone 6 has been associated with this new contract and I have had problems unlocking it as a result, to this day I have not been able to successfully unlock the phone. So to summarise, I am owed £385 plus the difference of my new tariff versus my old tariff (approx. £10 for the 2 months that have elapsed), an apology for the sheer incompetent and inaccurate customer service wouldn't go amiss either. Given the time elapsed I will soon be considering legal action if not resolved to my satisfaction. Long version: On Sep 12th, 2 weeks before the release of the new iPhone I received an email inviting me to upgrade. I called customer services and explicitly placed an order for a 6s Plus and agreed to a new monthly tariff. On Sep 24th I received an email from Vodafone thanking me for my 6s order. I queried with customer services to be told not to worry and a 6s Plus was on the way. On Sep 25th I took delivery of a 6s and not a 6s Plus. I called customer services who told me I could try and return the phone to store, but would most likely need to wait for a returns bag which I was told should be with me within a couple of days. 1 week on and I had not received a returns bag. Another call to customer services revealed a returns bag had never been ordered for me, but one would be dispatched. Extremely frustrating, but this time a returns bag did turn up. It was also confirmed to me I was due to pay for a 6s Plus and not a 6s, so appeared to be a "picking error". I received the returns pack and posted the unopened box back on Oct 7th, and can see via tracking the package was signed for on the 8th. No confirmation of receipt of return was given to me, despite customer services claiming I would be sent an email or text updating me with the status. On Oct 14th I called customer services to confirm they recognised I had returned the phone, which they did. I was informed I would be charged for the phone in my next direct debit payment. I asked if, given receipt of my handset, they could reverse this charge, but they said no. I was told the refund payment would be processed within 72 hours, but to this day there is no sight of the refund. I was given the option of cancelling the direct debit payment (including the contract payment), which I declined as I didn't want to end up in a situation where I was showing a missed payment opening a whole other issue. At this point I asked for my tariff to be rolled back to my previous contract terms, and was told this would be done. On 15th Oct I was unable to make or receive calls, despite having full signal. I thought this might have to do with a tariff adjustment. On visiting my local store to home this seemed to be a network issue that was resolved 3 days later, but over this time I could not make or receive calls via 4G. No notice from Vodafone on any network issues. On 19th Oct I visited a store local to my work to check on the process of my refund, my tariff change and my showing of eligibility to upgrade. Nothing had changed despite being more than 72 hours since I was told these changes would take effect. On 20th Oct I attempted to unlock my iPhone 6 which was now past its 12m contract date, only to receive an email saying I hadn't yet paid 3 months worth of bills on this device. It then became apparent my old phone had been linked to my new contract. A further visit to my work branch saw me have to repeat the sorry story again, and this time the sales rep sent an email to "HQ" telling them what needed to be done. I saw him type the email and it covered all the necessary points. Despite promising to keep me updated, this individual has not contacted me once with an update. The manager local of the branch local to my home has called sporadically but hasn't manage to resolve any of the key issues. On Oct 27th I sent a recorded letter to Vodafone head office, detailing the above points, requesting I wanted the above to be rectified; a refund for the handset and the excess tariff charge, to be able to upgrade my phone and to be able to unlock my old phone. It has been a week now and the letter has still not been signed for. I cant recall sending a recorded delivery letter and it not being delivered within a couple of days. I called customer services last night on 3rd Nov, explained my story again and was told it takes 72 hours for a refund and they had been promising this for nearly a month. I told her I had written a formal letter of complaint and would be seeking further action to recover monies that I am owed if not resolved, to which she hung up on me. Throughout this process customer service has been atrocious, plain and simple. Lies is a strong word, but it would appear I have been told false information on numerous occasions. No one seems to be able to help, and no one I have been able to reach in the company has any authorisation to override what is a relatively simple mistake, and a mountain has been created out of a molehill. I have spent hours on the phone to 191 and would estimate the average wait time is about 45 mins, and on more than one occasion I have been cut off. I will not hesitate to proceed with a small claims charge if need be. Vodafone have been quick to take money from me, and slow to refund, and have not refunded when they have said they would have. This has caused me some financial inconvenience as I have had to move money around to cover this handset charge that would usually be offset by me trading in my old handset. I would be extremely grateful if anyone with sufficient authority at Vodafone could contact me to resolve this (if this person even exists), and to also receive some advice on how I would prepare a case for a small claims court and what I should be looking to claim for. I would need to take a day off work, so would seek cost associated with this too. Beyond the financial aspects, I would like to receive an apology from Vodafone, for what is their error, but yet I am the one having to chase all loose ends to try and get a resolution. Thanks for taking time to read.
  5. So I upgraded about a week ago as my upgrade date was 1st August and the plan ended 15th October. The first upgrade advisor said I had to pay an upgrade fee of £210 because ; I didn't necessarily mind as I thought I must have got my dates mixed up and new my current phone would have paid that off. The advisor discounted this down to £168.67 so I wasn't too annoyed with that. The more I thought about it though, I felt I shouldn't have paid anything so I got back on to the chat and was told ; Obviously I thought that was quite a nice offer so I agreed to continue ( I had already paid £43.67 as they told me the bill couldn't have a charge higher than £125 added at one time?) So, the upgrade arrives and all seems to be well....... until my bill arrives! £138.94 charge! No idea where this figure comes from as it doesn't add up to what the chat advisors had even said. Going onto the chat I have been told I have to pay this ; trying to return the device is a nightmare as I keep getting passed from pillar to post. Then other advisors are just simply saying All well and good saying that but not when a bill of nearly £200 is on the line :mad2:
  6. Following the hack of their website, Talktalk are offering a free upgrade for all their customers. The type of upgrade offered would depend on the kind of package customers already had. For example, customers with TV packages might be offered a sports channel that they did not already have. Customers will be able to choose their free upgrades between 1st December and 31st December In addition, a new bundle of online and telephone security features to improve your protection from s cammers, malware and cold callers will be offered free of charge. http://www.talktalk.co.uk/customerupgrade/?refresh=true
  7. When Talktalk were hacked last year, they offered customers a free upgrade as compensation. They were able to add one of the following to their existing services with the group: TV content including movies, kids entertainment and sports; A mobile SIM with a monthly allowance of free texts, data and calls; Unlimited UK landline and mobile calls; A broadband health check by experienced engineers Turns out that far from free, Talktalk have been charging some customers TalkTalk customers should check their bill closely if they accepted a free upgrade, and make sure they are not paying for it. http://www.theguardian.com/money/2016/feb/01/talktalk-hacking-free-sim-offer-apology-charge
  8. I am currently running windows 8.1 on my laptop, however a pop up window keeps appearing saying that my pc is scheduled to upgrade to windows 10 on Saturday 12th March. Despite the fact that I clicked cancel to cancel the upgrade, another window opened advising me to "upgrade now" or "upgrade later", and does not appear to have cancelled the upgrade. What do I do ??
  9. To cut a long story short I believe BT or one of their employees is responsible of untrue or misleading actions possibly fraud to my father of nearly 80. Basically my dad removed caller Id from his phone to reduce the cost. He has the true-caller BT phones so straight away they stopped working correctly. I explained that it was because he had removed caller ID. While I was visiting him he asked me to put it back on for him so he phoned them went through security and I then took the phone. I explained my Dad had accidentally removed caller ID and his call blocking had stopped working and could they add it back on. The employee of BT explained that he he was such a long standing customer and providing he agreed to another years contract (he has broadband and telephone with BT) they would give it him free. A few weeks latter my Dad received a letter thanking him for his change of package. This letter explained an increase in cost to the line rental, a BT Infinity Activation charge £49, delivery charge £7.95 and a increased cost of his overall package £30 per quarter. And a new 18 month contract. None of these upgrades were mentioned during the phone call none were asked for my Dad has Sky and has no need of unlimited data. As you can imagine my Dad phoned them straight away and asked for an explanation. They could offer none but confirmed they would get back to him. A nearly 2 weeks latter they still have not. The additions have been cancelled. I have emailed a official complaint to BT requesting copies of all the calls because I'm going to send them to OFCOM I believe that this behaviour should be stopped and BT held accountable. So far I have received no reply its now been 6 days since the complaint. I believe people should be made aware of this as I find it despicable. I had a similar trick played on me by another supplier which was very quickly sorted out.
  10. Microsoft have been getting flak for a new sneaky upgrade http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/microsoft-criticised-over-deceitful-windows-10-upgrade-a7047466.html
  11. I had been with Orange for approx 4 years (2 X Contracts) converted to EE, then another T Mobile Contract taken out fom2 years, ending in September 2015. I had requested a contract/phone upgrade towards end of contract, but was declined as EE claimed I owed them for a Sim a only contract I had taken out for my son - for which the contract had ended, approx August 2014? This had been owing to the SIM becoming faulty and several requests made for a replacement had taken considerable time to arrive. Furthermore, the sim only contract, was a £9.99 per month tariff/deal; for which they stated as being £150.00 in arrears? I disputed owing this amount and explained the difficulties associated with managing account, with no sim card and that I still had the replacement sim-card, fully in tact and attached to card, which we had received months, after initial request - by which time my son had a SIM card from another provider. They were adamant that they would not reason, or adjust outstanding amount and until it was paid - refused me upgrade. I continued using my old IPhone 4s/SIM card and continued paying monthly contract at a rate of £43.00, from Sept to March. By this time, it had come to my attention that, I should not be paying the proportion of the monthly cost, which relate to the handset? A colleague advised me that EE should have reduced my monthly payments, to reflect my Sim Card tariff only - which would reduce costs by approx 50% I visited an EE store to try and resolv, however they very once in tly stated that, if a customer account in arrears - they are unable to access that account on their system, so unable to assist or investigate further? Hen I mentioned the matter of my monthly payments being excessive as I should have reduction for phone as now paid in full (since sept 2015) - they said, that would not happen automatically, I would be expected to apply for it as it is apparantly considered as being an "upgrade?" So on receiving EE demand for payment of March Bill, I refuse to pay - without them having regard to my situation and all the overpayments I had made. Matter remains unresolved and my phone 'permanently disconnected' not van reciving incoming calls? I can't believe that NetworkmProvider Giant, such as EE - have no regard to loyal customers and not bothered to provide any customer service at all. Can anybody advise if this is lawful? Surely by entering into a 2 year contract, signed and agreed by both parties - would indicate a contract of just that - 2 years! Is it right that I would be expected to have to write to request my contract ends or they bill me accordingly?? Any advice would be gratefully received- many thanks in advance - Nadiq:mad2:
  12. If you've not upgraded to Windows 10, and are thinking of doing so, then you'll have to get your rear in gear as Microsoft have announced that they're ending the free upgrade on 29th July. Previously there had been speculation that Microsoft might extend the 12 month free upgrade offer for Windows 7 and 8 users. If you upgrade after that, it'll cost you upwards of £80 (there's no official UK pricing as yet) to get Windows 10. If you're buying a new device, it'll come installed on the machine as standard. The good news is that Microsoft will finally turn off that annoying 'Get Windows 10' app that pesters Windows 7 and 8 users into upgrading to Windows 10. http://www.bitterwallet.com/freebies/no-more-free-windows-10-upgrade-after-july-91964
  13. I have a spare old Dell Vostro 200 (Mid 2007) that i need to update on the cheap. (Nephew) Itunes states the current manufactured installed Graphics card it is not powerful enough for video playback. Currently installed is a PCI Express x16 Graphics card The memory has been upgraded to 2 Gig from 1 Gig I have been told the ASUS AMD 6450 Graphics Card will do the job It has to be a low profile Graphics Card Can anyone give any help as to compatibility. I have been looking at this? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ASUS-AMD-6450-Graphics-Card-/391176520116?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item5b13f001b4
  14. Hello folks. I'm due an upgrade in September with Vodafone. Two days ago I went to Carphone Warehouse, just to look at possible handsets and tariffs. I was not expecting to walk away with a new handset or a new contract. The guy showed me a handset I was after and offered me a good tariff. He told me that to keep my existing number would cost me £3 extra each month, or if I cancelled my current contract and number and took out a new Vodafone contract on a new number, the line rental would be cheaper per month. I agreed to an early upgrade and a new contract/new number. I walked away with a new handset. He also gave me £30 for an early cancellation fee, to cover despite me having told him, and him actually seeing-on his computer that I was due an upgrade in September. Anyhow long story short...if possible... I phoned up Vodafone to cancel my existing contract-yes and I agreed to pay the early cancellation fee, but then they ask me about what CW offered me, and told me that they can offer the same deal on the same handset, but I could keep my current number, without paying anything extra. Here is where it gets interesting... I was told to go to CW and ask to cancel my new contract, which I tried to do but was told that I couldn't cancel my contract, or return the new handset, and that once a new contract was taken out, it wasn't possible to change ones mind. They also say that as you've been able to try out a new handset in store, you know what to expect, yes problem here being, giving half an hour or 15 mins to a new handset, doesn't give you the whole idea of what you are trying out, before you buy-it's stupid! I go back home and phone Vodafone again, as thought of just paying early cancellation fee etc. The chap I talked to told me that I could phone CW customer services and ask that they either pay out the old contract, or accept my cancellation of the new contract. He also told me that CW have done this to other people, as in offered people an early upgrade, but asked them to pay to keep their new number, and have refused to pay out the previous contract. Funny, as when I purchased my previous handset, Carphone Warehouse did offer to buy out my existing contract on an early upgrade which was two months early...oh yes of course but I forget, it's down to the individual's discretion! I phoned CW customer services up-the number that the Vodafone chap gave me, and the woman tells me that I cannot cancel my new contract, as Vodafone has to do it, as they're the network carrier. So I can possibly cancel a new contract-Vodafone depending but cannot return the handset-got it! I tried to explain the situation, but this woman insists that CW cannot do anything, I ask about the cooling off period of 7 or 14 days, and she tells me that it doesn't apply, as Vodafone have to cancel, and anyway I cannot return a handset either, she kept on repeating herself, no matter what I said. I told the woman that with my previous handset, CW offered to buy out the last two months of the contract with Vodafone, with my early upgrade, but the woman said that CW do not do this. I phoned up Vodafone, and for the 3rd or 4th time was told about the Carphone Warehouse non-existent 7 or 14 day cooling off period, whereby I can return a handset, or cancel a new contract. Vodafone tell me that as I purchased the handset from CW, they are the ones to accept a return within the 7-14 days cooling off period. Vodafone told me that it would cost £69.73 to cancel my existing contract and I've been told this four time by different members, however, the fifth time I rang them up, the guy tells me that it will cost £165 to cancel my existing contract-how is that possible? I can see where the £69.73 comes in, but £165 to cancel a contract nearly two months early? What I want to know is what if I go to the CW store and they tell me that I can't cancel the new contract, cannot return the handset, and that Vodafone are the ones that choose to cancel a new contract, what do I do then? Or who do I contact-as both Vodafone and Carphone Warehouse are pointing to each other and making me run around with contacting them, plus they don't seem to understand the English language (no offense here, I talked to people from the UK with both Vodafone and CW) and they seem to have an in built dialogue that likes coming out repeatedly, though I must say that the Vodafone people appear to have a better grasp of English than those of CW. Basically then it seems that you are FORCED into a contract then. Can somebody please give me some advice? Thank you for reading this Regards S.
  15. Will it be worth it? http://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows/windows-10-faq?ocid=win10_auxapp_LearnMore_win10faq
  16. Hello CAG! You know, there are times when we all have to deal with 'not so good' customer service but in the end matters end up being resolved with some persistence. However with Vodafone customer support I've never felt soo helpless. I have followed their process to the letter, and thus so far it has got me nowhere. I need a Vodafone rep to action on this and get it sorted. Background: June 2012 - I sign up to Vodafone as a new customer, 24 month contract (Iphone 4). June 2014 - Contract ends, I do not change anything. October 2014 - I decide to DOWNGRADE to a sim 30 day contract plan (£11.ono) as this suits my needs and I don't want to upgrade. My plan is changed as requested, no long term contract. - See Attachment #1 [ATTACH=CONFIG]55754[/ATTACH] Everything WAS GOOD - until... Mid January 2015 a fraudulent upgrade order is placed on my account. I have a 'full-fat' version of my issue in a thread with attachments over at the Vodafone eForum... which sadly has got me NOWHERE. ## I'll need to PM the rep the forum link as I can't post the link on here ## Monday 12th Jan 2015 Text message received on my mobile thanking me for the upgrade. What upgrade? I try to login into the online portal to make sure all is well. I can't login, I'm able to reset my account, seems someone changed the username (email address), added an extra character. Price plan still shows 1mth Sim only, £11.50 ... so I think nothing of it, perhaps a glitch. Wednesday 14th Jan 2015 - 10pm DPD email received confirming that my Vodafone package is to sent out tomorrow. What the hell? - even worse... it has my name on the package and an address based in Birmingham... I do NOT have any connection with that address, nor do I live in Birmingham! I try logging into the online portal, once again my username has been changed. I managed to get access back, and now my bill has bumped up to £48.50!!... from what I can see it's a two year contract on an iphone 6! What the fraudster didn't know, was that I received the DPD delivery email, therefore I was able to change the delivery day to one FULL week later so that he/she would not get it tomorrow. Once delivery had been changed, I spoke to Vodafone web support, called lost/stolen dept on the phone and even filled in a online 'Fraud Claim' form on their site to cover all bases! Thursday 15th Jan 2015 - 8.30am Call the Vodafone Lost/Stolen dept for an update, they confirm DPD has got the package and is returning it back to Vodaphone... SUCCESS! - See Attachment #2 They also mentioned the fraudulent order was placed via the web portal. Finally I am told the non-contact Fraud team will need 7-10 days to investigate before my account is returned back to normal. [ATTACH=CONFIG]55755[/ATTACH] Thursday 15th January 2015 - 7:00pm I receive an automated email from Vodafone in the evening confirming my new 'fraudulent' plan - I know at this point I need to wait 7-10 days for the fraud team to do their thing and put everything back to normal. I can no longer login to my online account as it was confirmed by customer services online access has been deleted for security purposes. I agree with this move, though it means for the time being I have no easy way of checking my tarrif/bill. Email Confirmation of new fraudulent plan - See Attachment 3. [ATTACH=CONFIG]55753[/ATTACH] Sunday 18th January 2015 I call Vodafone support to catch up on 'RETURN' status of the package from DPD. Note that from the moment "return to consignor" was requested the DPD tracking page no longer updates (I guess it has a new consignment number). It's apparently on it's way through returns so I'm told. The billing team confirm my account is still set to bill £48.50 on the new plan(contract), and that it can't be changed until the Fraud team are done investigating. As a precaution the advisor did tell me to cancel my direct debit which I have done. The fraudsters try to trick me into releasing my account details (since they no longer have web access to my account). They send me this bogus email, hoping I'd click on the link and submit my information. They sent it twice an hour later, I guess they are pretty pi$$ed they didn't get their iphone6: - See Attachment 4 [ATTACH=CONFIG]55752[/ATTACH] Wednesday 21st January 2015 - 11:30am I use the Vodafone support chat to find out more about what is going on. The agent confirms the handset has arrived back at the warehouse. My account is still set to the new contract (£48.50)....! I've also reached the point at which I want to leave Vodafone once this mess has been fixed. See Attachment 5: [ATTACH=CONFIG]55751[/ATTACH] Sunday 25th January 2014 - 4:44pm Vodafone Forum Staff send me a special form link to escalate my issue ... a.k.a golden ticket. A WRT Reference is supplied: #9227428 I am then given the following response: Thanks for your email here. I understand that you wish to cancel the upgrade which has been done on your account without your consent. I can see that a fraud case is already raised on your account and the team is investigating on this matter. As the dedicated team is checking on this we can't comment on this issue at this point of time. As soon as the investigation is complete the team will let you know. Any corrective measures, (if required) will be taken by the team and your account will be made up to date. It may take up to 4 - 5 more working days for the team to complete the investigation. You can get back to us after this timeframe for any update if you don't get any update by this time. Your patience and cooperation in this matter will be appreciated. Kind regards, ###### Customer Service Agent (eForum) Wrapping it up 5 days on since that last update, did I get a call or any correspondence from the Vodafone team? .... No. Has my plan reverted back to what it was (sim 30day) .... No. Do they have their phone back? ... Yes. Vodafone, you can't deny I have tried everything to make sure this matter is resolved and that I am not billed incorrectly. Were the phone truly stolen (delivered to fraudster) I could understand the need for a longer investigation, but the handset is back with you yet my account is still set on a 2 year contract for £48.50 p/m. Vodafone reps, I need help with the following please: Some form of direct communication with you. I'm done with talking to web chat support, general telephone support, and eForum - I keep going around in circles. A REAL update from the fraud team. I know customers cannot contact them directly, but internal staff can - I don't want to hear another generic "they need x days" statement... they have the handset! Revert my account to what it was, sim 30 day, and provide me with a PAC code - I'm moving on, a PAC code once activated should properly terminate my account. Thanks for reading! Dal
  17. Hi My OH got an upgrade with Orange a few years ago (Mar 2008 to be exact) Orange had been taking DD for both old and new contracts since March 2008 until June 2013) My OH got a 'gesture of goodwill' refund from Orange for the last 6 months overpayments (~£200) At the time I thought this was a refund of all overpayments, however now it's come to light this was only the tip of the iceberg! From trawling through statements the actual overpayment was just over £2k. Yes, I know she should have checked statements regularly, but excusing that, it does not give Orange the right to keep the money...surely? Apparently they only offered 3 months payments initially but upped this to 6 months and wouldn't go beyond this. Should I contact Orange again and offer them the chance to repay the rest of the money? Or should I go straight to the regulator? (is that Ofcom in this instance?) Or small claims? Thanks (again I know she should have checked her statements!)
  18. As my contract was ended i decided to " upgrade". Talkmobile have process where they send you text code - IF you are eligible for " upgrade" - i was ! However, i got a bit suspicious and checked and those "upgrades" are just the normal prices offered to any customer - so it is NOT an upgrade Does this breach any law ? (i know i will be told -no!)
  19. I have written a complaint on Virgin Media's forum re my recent treatment and service. I originally phoned over my Wi-Fi not working but it's opened a whole can of worms. I don't know whether I'm making a mountain out of a mole hill but I would like to think not. Please take a look and let me know whether it's me that being ridiculous or not.
  20. Hi, just looking for a bit of advice. My mobile contact is due up first week in February, so contacted orange last night to see what deals they had. I was offered an upgrade deal which I accepted however speaking to friends I could get a better deal elsewhere therefore phoned them this morning to say was going to be cancelling the upgrade and was giving them their 30 days notice to move elsewhere. I was told no problem if I declined delivery of the handset (which is likely to be tomorrow) once they have received it and logged back into their inventory I would then be able to give my 30 days notice. I was advised this could take 10 working days. This doesn't seem right to me. I've asked for it to be noted I'm giving my 30 days notice form today. I know it's only 10 days but that practice seems wrong to me. Is this correct? Thanks
  21. Hi, I have been with Orange for more than 10 years and every upgrade we always have a bit of a haggle, as annoying as that is I have accepted it. This time they have really annoyed me and now they have not responded to my complaint - after 8 days! here's the story: I have upgraded from an iPhone 4s to a 5s. When negotiating the deal with the chap (whose name and extension have gone in my complaint) I told him I don't pay for phones and what could he do. He set out a deal which was acceptable (not as good as the deal I had agreed with the person I spoke to the day before of which there was apparently no record!). When I queried what size 5s he was giving me he said 16gb. I said I wasn't sure that would be big enough as I think my old one is bigger, he says he has checked the system and my old phone if a 16gb - OK, go ahead I say. my pics and music will fit on so that fine. I create a back up of my 4s and then go to upload to the new 5s. There is not enough space to put stuff on. I end up having to delete loads of photos and can still only fit a fraction of my music on it! Something seemed wrong so I had another look at my old phone, dug out the box etc and determined it is a 32gb!! hence twice the size of the one I have been missold! I have called orange and was advise to email my complaint to XXX @ orange (last Tuesday). I got a read receipt on Wednesday last week but have not heard anything since. I am sat here with a 4s I want to get wiped and sold, but I can't do that until I know I have everything transferred to a new phone and back up copy! Today I have forward my original complaint to the email address they list in the Code of practice so will see how they respond! Am I within my rights to cancel the whole contract and take my business somewhere else?. I can't stand being lied to and ignored. Not after 13 years of paying on time! Cheers
  22. I have been an Orange Pay Monthly Customer, since June 2009. Prior to my initial contract reaching its end, I had the option of taking out a new contract with Orange - 3 months earlier than official end date. Seemed a good incentive to get customers to renew their Contract with them. Nice bit of Marketing! So on the 20 August 2011, I entered into a new 24 month contract/plan with Orange, selected my new shiny phone - negotiated call plan /minutes bundle etc. Signed on the dotted ...........and headed home! I had been reluctant to renew on a 24 month contract, as it is a long time to be tied into a contract and a phone which seems so dated by the end of the term. Anyway, New Contract dated 20 August 2011 - I estimated the end of that contract being same date in 2013. I had been puzzled by the fact that my online Orange Account; stated my eligibility for upgrade was not until November 2013? I visited the Orange/EE Store today and was told. Orange used to offer an upgrade 3 months early - but no longer! However, what I was not made aware of was that the 3month period is added to the new contract, making it a period of 27 months!! I was livid, I think 24 months is bad enough - let alone 27 months. It is not cheap either, £35 per month. I feel conned - even my bills state my current plan as being' Dolphin 35 (24mth) ' and nowhere at all on my monthly bills, does it make any reference to this being subject to 27 months. I feel very strongly about this being a ploy - to trick people into believing (as I did); that the 3 month earlier option - was a means of securing your custom for a further 2 years. What is the point of then having 3 months added to your new contract, thereby prolonging the agony on your new contract! Is there anything I can do about this; as its really 'sheer trickery' and only serves to con loyal customers like myself into thinking that your custom is appreciated and rewarded as such!! Any advice /suggestions would be very much appreciated. Many thanks indeed - your help is greatly anticipated! Thank You Sooooo Much!
  23. According to this section of the site https://www.gov.uk/become-lorry-bus-driver/licence-validity-and-renewals Drivers over 45 will continue to renew their entitlement as they do now. When you renew your licence at the end of a 5-year period, you’ll need to provide a medical examination report. therefore, a 47 year old that has had the C/C1 class entitlement installed automatically on their paper licence when they passed their test in the mid 80s, will now need to upgrade in the same manner as before, which is - do nothing. However, will/does this situation change if the licence is upgraded to a photo type one based on the following link ? https://www.gov.uk/exchange-paper-driving-licence
  24. Hi All, Some advice needed please... I recently flew to NYC with American Airlines and decided to upgrade my economy seat, for £31.60, on the basis that this particular seat had a 'premium charge' against it. The great thing, or so I thought, was that the seat next to me which to be occupied by my wife, didn't have any upgrade cost associated, so overall this was perceived a good deal; one of us would have extra leg room, upgraded entertainment, great view etc. In fact, the seat was directly over the middle of the wing (row 21), had a full row of seats in front, no percieved benefit whatsoever. When I challenged the cabin crew they shrugged their shoulders and AA have this morning sent me an email of complete jibberish, basically stating that there won't always be a value attached to an upgrade cost and, would you believe, suggested that 'some travellers just like certain seats which they're willing to pay for'. Surely this is misrepresentation, but I can't any official body to complain to, who would uphold any form of formal complaint. Any ideas please? Thanks Robmana
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