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  1. Hi I would be grateful for a little bit of help, or confirmation that I'm on the right tracks for putting my case forward to DLA for mandatory reconsideration please. It involves the past presence test, genuine sufficient link test etc. Basically I really could do with someone showing me where to find the relevant decision makers guidance and confirming whether what I'm going to write is correct. I have found some DMG but I don't know if its up to date, so Ill need to ensure I link the correct DMG paragraphs etc to support my claim. Basically we do not meet the past presence test as only returned to uk in nov after living in Australia for 18 months....but I believe we meet the other three criteria involving eu regs, hab residence, self employment etc, genuine sufficient link to uk....meaning, I think, that this means past presence need not apply to us. We are British born, lived in uk al our life barr 18 months, have worked in uk most of our adult life, live here now, wife self employed , both have nics paid, kids go to school here/college etc. http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/1991/2890/regulation/2A I need help how to link and word this please. Thank you
  2. Hazard perception test now features more weather conditions READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/hazard-perception-test-now-features-more-weather-conditions
  3. PHP7 test post Customer services guide Gesture of goodwill Fast track Consumer rights act
  4. Diabetes test strips recalled in new alert READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/diabetes-test-strips-recalled-in-new-alert
  5. Changes to the Driving Test will likely be introduced on 4th December 2017 http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/driving-test-learner-sat-nav-three-point-turn-dvsa-driver-and-vehicle-standards-agency-uk-a7684801.html
  6. Well i can't catch a break this week. Sent my S8+ off last week to Samsung - My heart sank when i found out it was going to ANOVO but thought id give them a chance. Faulty Display with permanent Pixel Loss / Burn / Whatever its called. Anyway device returns to me yesterday. And ANOVO haven't fixed the display back to the device properly. So there goes its IP68 Rating - Well done ANOVO! Either way check out these reviews of ANOVO if you get a chance... HERE HERE HERE They truly have flunked the Stooge Test...
  7. hi everyone, ive just been advised to take a hearing test after working in the print industry and the automotive industry so my question is if I won any money through a claim would my benefits be affected ? im on income based esa high rate so would any money won be deducted for my benefits as my pension now does ? many thanks in advance.
  8. Controversial plans to tighten rules on trade union strike ballots in Britain have passed their first Commons hurdle despite fierce Labour criticism. MPs backed the Trade Union Bill, which proposes higher voting thresholds for ballots, by 33 votes at second reading. Business Secretary Sajid Javid said the bill was "not a declaration of war" against unions but necessary to stop "endless" threats of industrial action. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-34241810
  9. Semt to Specavers for field test etc. Licence revoked . Only action is to appeal to magistrates court as dvla do not accept new eye information I sent in. Any other people who have had this problem? Very ineffient to deal with, so far it has lasted 8 months. Specsavers test is cheap done by juniors! Any advice information from similar cases would be welcome?
  10. Conservatives plot a motoring revolution: Draft report reveals biggest reform to regulations since driving test introduced in 1935 independent
  11. From 24 March 2016, the way headlamp aim is measured on the MOT test is changing. The new testing standards will emphasise the importance of correct alignment and stress that it shouldn’t be just a quick check. It’s been trialled with the help of VTS council member volunteers with the results verified by the Vehicle Safety Research Centre at Loughborough University. Headlamp aim consistently tops the MOT compliance survey as one of the most likely items to be assessed incorrectly by testers. In other words, the most complained about as a test failure. These new changes will look to reduce errors and increase test consistency. The changes will slightly widen the tolerance band for European ‘E’ beams with headlamp centres up to 850mm. There will also be the requirement to test the ‘image break’ point for all European 'E' beams. https://mattersoftesting.blog.gov.uk/the-mot-headlamp-aim-test-is-changing/
  12. READ MORE HERE: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-36844425 My heart and Condolences go out to the Family very sad news.
  13. Following the Rev. Nicholson case I am going to default on council tax and argue the costs of £75.00. http://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWHC/Admin/2015/1252.html I am going to challenge the validity of the costs being on the summons as the only amount that can be claimed is the outstanding sum. Application for liability order 34. (1) If an amount which has fallen due under regulation 23(3) or (4) is wholly or partly unpaid,or (in a case where a final notice is required under regulation 33) the amount stated in the final notice is wholly or partly unpaid at the expiry of the period of 7 days beginning with the day on which the notice was issued, the billing authority may, in accordance with paragraph (2), apply to a magistrates' court for an order against the person by whom it is payable. (2) The application is to be instituted by making complaint to a justice of the peace, and requesting the issue of a summons directed to that person to appear before the court to show why he has not paid the sum which is outstanding. The summons states the £75.00 is "Summons Costs". The issue fee is only £3.00
  14. Hi there, I wonder if someone might help. I have a Habitual Residence Test on Monday. The form asks for passport and Id for my husband and my husbands residency documents. I have actually lost my passport so that is awkward for one and then residency documents, my husband and I are disabled. I am from the UK and lived in holland for one year. We have been here together 16 months not claiming anything. The CAB say my husband doesn't need residency documents but I think he might and might also not be eligible for them. I feel a refusal coming on and want to know what I can do. Thanks
  15. Hi Caggers For anyone who is self employed and claiming WTC they will be subject to scrutiny and have to prove they are effective and working. They also have to earn each week the equivalent to min wage at 24 hours. If not will be stripped of the WTC. I have heard rumourned we will be forced back on to JSA to look for better paid work. Even with UC the rule would have given us 12 months grace to make the business work to that level of profit, no such thing with this new ruling.
  16. For all diabetics!!! Irish Sugar Test One day an Irishman goes into a pharmacy - reaches into his pocket and takes out a small Irish whiskey bottle and a teaspoon. He pours from the bottle onto the teaspoon and offers it to the chemist. "Could you taste this for me, please? “The chemist takes the teaspoon, puts it in his mouth, swills the liquid around and swallows it. "Does that taste sweet to you?" says Paddy. "No, not at all," says the chemist. "Oh that's a relief," says Paddy. "The doctor told me to come here and get my urine tested for sugar Apologies if it offends.
  17. THE SMEAR TEST IS MEDIVAL AND RIFE FOR ABUSE its about time a new less intrusive test was formulated, scientists can diagnose most cancers and diseases by blood tests THIS IS 2014 about time we women were offered a more civilised test. a higher number of young ladies are failing to turn up for their smear test this is no suprise to me as I suffered at the hands of a sadistic practice nurse but according to the police this is not uncommon as you have given your consent for the test so there is nothing you can do legally.
  18. academics at barts and London school of medicine have found that urine tests identify the presence of h.p.v were 87% accurate whilst not being as accurate as the smear test it could be improved. 1 in 5 women fail to turn up for smear test because of the intrusive nature of this test. good news for 1 in 5 of us. ABOUT TIME
  19. So after lots of problems with jobcentre with my claim for jsa income based today I've received paper saying that I have passed the right to reside and habitual residence test. Does that mean I will get JSA?
  20. From the ATOS Miracles Facebook page: Would the injustices against YOU by the dwp and Atos make a good legal test case? Liberty are currently trying a bedroom tax test case and similarly would like to find an appropriate case against the dwp and Atos. It would set a precedence and could help many others. Ideally you would have co-operated with the process, then found entitled by the appeal process and suffered stress and hardship as a result. The case could be via the person themselves or the family of someone deceased. Atos Miracles will offer support to the brave person whose case is taken up. Together we can get things changed!
  21. Sophie Jones, 19, lost her battle with cancer on Saturday morning - her family say it should never have happened The parents have set up a petition in order that other young girls are not let down as Sophie was - you can sign HERE
  22. I will be setting a test case via the European ombudsman on this matter, specifically in the way in which I have been treated by the csa who have sexually discriminated against me let alone contravened equal rights under the human rights act. I have issued proceedings against the csa which has been stone walled by the ministry of justice, the csa has failed to comply with the terms of their fitness to be called a data protection registrar, breaking the data protection act repeatedly by by ex wifes friends whom work for the csa. they have been found to be wilfully passing on details such as workplace, earning amounts addresses etc. I love my son dearly and pay for him over and above what I should have been paying, the csa have mis appropriated funds which I have proven they cant account for. they have charged me full rates of what they class as default rates whilst unemployed, even in college studying they have continued to charge me full rates of their mythical default rates. this business has been proven to have ccjs against them they are a privately run business on a government tender... nothing more. they have also used stolen documentation taking from me by my ex wife during the divorce period which they based a calculation on which was wrong. I have obtained copies of their actual regulations and operating guidance as set down by the government which shows that people have at least one month to report changes to the csa, however the csa completely ignore this and repeatedly makes threats of imprisonment and fines if information is not forthcoming to them within days of what they consider to be a change. the court system has thrown my case out in what I consider to be an unlawful act in itself I wont be wasting any time in dealing with judiciary review, I will be taking it before the European route. if anyone can give any advice on how best to tackle this, my mp has been involved, because the csa got me sacked from my job for harassing my finance director.
  23. Hi All My mother is 80 and has just sold her house and moved into a sheltered home. The cost of this is actually a bit more than her pension income, and as her savings will be significantly over £16,000 she will have to live off her savings until going below the £16,000 when she will hopefully get some help with the rent. She has around £85K and wants to give me £20K as a gift. She is worried about the DSS seeing this gift and then not giving her any help if the future when she needs it. I don't think she would need to worry about this for 10 years or more, but I need to look into it for her. If she made a claim in the future, does anyone know how far back a means test would go? Thanks Charlie
  24. Data Protection Section Debt Collection Section LEGAL Mortgages and Secured Loans
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