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Found 5 results

  1. Hey folks, noob to this site, but have had battles with dodgy employers, dodgy retailers, and dodgy service providers in the past, so some experience at this kind of thing. Mainly here to seek advice, but will chip in my tupennies worth as and when. Hope you're all enjoying the frosty mornings!
  2. Well i can't catch a break this week. Sent my S8+ off last week to Samsung - My heart sank when i found out it was going to ANOVO but thought id give them a chance. Faulty Display with permanent Pixel Loss / Burn / Whatever its called. Anyway device returns to me yesterday. And ANOVO haven't fixed the display back to the device properly. So there goes its IP68 Rating - Well done ANOVO! Either way check out these reviews of ANOVO if you get a chance... HERE HERE HERE They truly have flunked the Stooge Test...
  3. Ladies and Gents Today I made the last payment to Lowell for a Cap One Debt... Only took a year... I wanted to celebrate a little and Ill be making a donation to the site to say thank you for giving me a platform to get the advice I needed. You are a service that should be promoted more... So once again... THANK YOU!!!
  4. Hi everyone. My name is Stef & I'm based in East Anglia. I'm hoping to learn a thing or two from this site & its users & maybe make a friend or three along the way. Cheers.
  5. Hey everybody, Just thought I'd say introduce myself, I'm new to the forum and hope it can help me as it has helped others (great forum by the way, been looking through different threads, lots of information available on financial right that I had no idea about)
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