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Found 3 results

  1. Ladies and Gents Today I made the last payment to Lowell for a Cap One Debt... Only took a year... I wanted to celebrate a little and Ill be making a donation to the site to say thank you for giving me a platform to get the advice I needed. You are a service that should be promoted more... So once again... THANK YOU!!!
  2. Amongst all the misery associated with PDL victims - perhaps we should take a moment to rejoice in the action taken by the OFT in closing down MCO Capital and delivering a knock out punch in the form of a £544,000 fine - Now THAT's what I call JUSTICE!!!! It is beyond question that sites like CAG have played a huge part in bringing about this outbreak of common sense on the part of the OFT, who are probably overwhelmed by such organisations running rampant! Well done and sincere thanks to both organisations - the fight is on and we all play a part, however small......
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