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Found 3 results

  1. Hi everyone , I will try to keep this thread to the point and as short as well. I have a Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge on Contract with Vodafone , I think the contract is about 5 months old and the mobile phone developed a fault that would not allow the phone to charge. Being under warranty: I contacted Samsung who arranged a collection on Thursday 5th of January 2017 using UPS Courier. On the 9th ANOVO (Samsung repair Centre) Horrendous reviews : https://www.yell.com/biz/anovo-uk-ltd-norwich-7746761/ http://www.192.com/atoz/business/norwich-nr6/mobile-phone-repairs/a-novo-uk-ltd/9968b8cc-c30a-4982-9fc3-5da74d6773eb/ugc/ It had taken them 2 Weeks just to even look at the phone and I was informed my phone was liquid damaged at the charging port. A full engineers report on request was not issued to myself however I did end up getting a written summary stating the following : "The first observation of our engineer was that the device is in worn condition. No cracks on the LCD or back glass were visible. No physical or liquid damage to the device was detected. The LDI is not activated on your IP68 rated device. The USB connector is contaminated with dirt and dust and green liquid residue is also visible. Liquid contamination may be transferred from charging cable. The cable is not waterproof." The repair centre's summary report then go on to say : "The Engineer has reported the device is repairable" Bare in mind the S7 Edge Phone is IP68 Rated - Water resistant can uphold 30 minutes of 1.5 metre in water. Apparently I had water on my charging cable causing S7 Edge to fry the charging port without any "moisture detected" warning which is a feature in the phone that should stop any charge to the phone to prevent the charging port getting fried. I requested the return of my phone which had taken 1 and a half weeks to receive. So now its been 3 1/2 , The condition I had received my phone is was horrifying, the back glass panel of the phone was hanging off, their was glue hanging out of the phone and their was a missing chunk of glass from the corner of my phone. ...... I have attached images. Their was also a letter saying my phone was not repaired due to it being out of warranty and that the phone would not be possible to be repaired as it is uneconomical repairable. I immediately called Samsung regarding this who raised a damaged in transit case with ANOVO and I was advised because ANOVO had used the wrong courier to return my phone out it was nothing to do with Samsung even though they arranged the repair? So now I am stuck dealing with Anovo about this which I think is wrong? After several times of sending my images to Anovo, they finally raised the issue with DPD and sent through a claim form. From here I have contacted DPD who have said ANOVO have claimed for £630 worth of damages and that it has been credited to ANOVO's Account? I have then contacted Anovo who have no information but that the investigation team is dealing despite DPD saying they have credited their account ? Anovo still say this will take 28 Days. I am being passed from pilla to post from DPD to ANOVO to SAMSUNG and back again nobody has a clue what has happened in my case and I speak to someone different all the time. It started off as a product lesion case with Samsung who do not have a contact number. I am on hold for Hours on a daily basis trying to sort this out as I am going away soon and I want my S7 Edge back for the holiday. It has been a nightmare from the start and I would not recommend Samsung or ANOVO to anyone, I have even gave a 2nd engineer to look at my phone who insists it not the charging port that is the fault when in fact it is the battery for the phone, he had tested the phone on a wireless charger dock and the phone still does not charge. so the engineer's report is IMO wrong too So all in all a conclusion : I still have no mobile phone and it looks like this is going to be for pretty much 2 Months +. Does anybody know if their is anything I can do to try and resolve this any quicker its is really getting frustrating for me dealing with all these clowns. Regards Craig
  2. Well i can't catch a break this week. Sent my S8+ off last week to Samsung - My heart sank when i found out it was going to ANOVO but thought id give them a chance. Faulty Display with permanent Pixel Loss / Burn / Whatever its called. Anyway device returns to me yesterday. And ANOVO haven't fixed the display back to the device properly. So there goes its IP68 Rating - Well done ANOVO! Either way check out these reviews of ANOVO if you get a chance... HERE HERE HERE They truly have flunked the Stooge Test...
  3. Hi guys i need your help, i literally am being mugged off, ive called all samsung departments on numerous occasions, anovo, ive emailed, tried twitter DM's, and im getting a scripted nonsensical explanation! originally i sent my s7 off as it NFC wasnt working properly and it was overheating got the first reply from the service centre on the 11th, said the phone was out of warranty repair and they cant address the issue till i pay them to get it fixed, i said no to their repair as i wanted to get it repaired locally in my shopping centre, after i thought about it i figured it would be safer to do it with samsung direct going forward, i resent it in on 19 Jul i received the follow up literally saying exactly the same as the first mail, im trying to attach a screenshot but cant To summarise, this is what i wrote to them via post; To whom it may concern So, I've been loyal to you for years now, my entire family only uses samsung, tablet devices, phones, televisions, as do my business partners and close freinds, ive converted everyone over from Apple, and today i really got my "thanks" 2 weeks ago, my galaxy s7 developed issues with its NFC and it started overheating, so, i sent in my phone for repair, and they tell me "your phone has damage which isn't covered under warranty, attached is a screenshot" it was the email attached, of the back of the phone being cracked, as you can see, they are clearly referring to the crack on the glass. So i pay the money and then don't hear back for a few days, then i receive an email saying my order is on its way, so i call your incompetent Anovo repair team (who if you google have appalling customer ratings, its quite embarrassing actually) and they tell me my device is "beyond repair due to its expenses to replace the main board which has fried" so, now they are telling me, the overheating issue is due to the board, but it is to expensive to repair under warranty, now, the mainboard is an INTERNAL issue with the phone, not an external problem cause my accident damage therefore, it is irrelevant of the cost, it is a manufacturing default that the phones circuiting has resulted in it to overheat and fry yet your employees keep telling me that the phone is out of warranty due to the cracked class, i don't understand this logic? so with a car, if it has an outside crack, the manufacturers garage will tell them "we know you have engine issues but since you have a crack outside on the car we cant do anything" this is truly repulsive and shows how out of touch your company has become from reality, you are literally not taking responsibility for your phones fault and deterring the core issue and passing it on to myself and saying the issue is the cracked back it is irrelevant of the cost of the internal part, manufactures warranty covers the internal parts of the phone failing im truly sad and hurt at the service ---------- i cannot attach the screenshot it keeps saying "error red font" i cant even photo a external link to the image, it says im too new a member... they did refund the money i paid for the crack but thats not the issue! they are not addressing the internal issue and using the external as some sort of justification for not fixing my phone, thats literally what the phone support told me, and she said she checked with her manager and " they cant do anything as its out of warranty damage and they wont look to replace it" SINCE WHEN WAS AN INTERNAL COMPONENT OF A PHONE NOT SOMETHING COVERED FROM WARRANTY i dont know who else to talk to, i dont have a phone anymore and they wont help me at all... phone was given from samsung directly not a retailer
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