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  1. can someone please advise. I sent my car to national engine center to have the engine replaced. the car was returned with body damage and had 30Miles extra on the clock. I paid for it through paypal and after opening a dispute this garage finally agreed to take the car back on condition that the paypal case be closed, they agreed to repair the list of damage I provided and within 7 days return the car. on day 14 they sent the car in for a MOT without consulting me first, the car failed. it has now been 3 weeks and they won't return the vehicle, they say I can fetch it if I want as they are waiting for an order from my area and only then will they be able to deliver my car. the only way I have of fetching this vehicle is to have it transported, something they should be doing as this was the agreement they entered into on Paypal and it is part of their service they offer. They wanted to drive the car to me from Cardif to outer London (without asking me). Every time I speak to the Owner he threatens to remove the engine refund my money and return the car with the original engine on a pallet. so I am in a bit of a pickle as to what course of action to take, and how do I get them to just bring my car back
  2. I have read the thread Received-a-Court-Claim-From-A-Private-parking-Speculative-invoice-How-To-Deal-With-It-HERE***Updated-Aug-2016 am keen to use the template there as my defence, however my situation is "interesting" so would be keen to hear what you all think I can do/change in that defence template to adjust it to my situation: I received a claim via post from County Court Business Center, whereby Parkingeye are claiming £175 against me for overstaying in a services center (South Mimms). Claim date 10 Oct 2016 and I replied with Admission on 13th Oct. How it all started: I went to meet up with people I had never met before to go off road motorcycling. I drove my vehicle and trailer from where I live in Aldershot to the meeting point in the South Mimms services area. At no point did I notice signs about having to pay for parking inside the shops after 2 hours of free parking as I never went near the shops. I guess I was focused on where to go, where the people I was meeting were and where I could park the car out of the way. In any case, I met them, got all geared up and left, expecting to be gone only a couple of hours. I returned after almost 8 hours due to various reasons. Mainly that I ran out of fuel on my offroad bike, so had to push and splutter it to get back to the South Mimms services. Saying this, it would've only added maybe 2 hours at most to my returning time, so I would've clearly still been gone for 6 hours. However I did not know how long we were going to be gone in the first place. When I eventually got the bike back to the car, I packed up and left. Again, never having come close to the shops. A few weeks later I got a letter which looked well dodgy from a DCA. I looked online and everyone said don't pay them they are [removed]. I ignored that letter and maybe 2 or 3 more that came in the post. I then heard no more thinking good riddance. Now, a few months later, I got this court claim and have to go to court to pay this fee. I have read up on this a bit and it seems to me that if I just admit guilt, I could get a CCJ regardless if I pay now or not. I've decided to defend against the full claim. Not sure this will make any difference as I guess I am pretty much guilty for not being more pro-active in looking for signage. On google maps you can see signs in various places. However at the time I didn't notice them as I wasn't focused on that at all. I've lived in the uk for 7 years now and in that entire time I've used services areas perhaps 5 or 6 times. I never knew that there would even be parking fees as I've never seen machines dotted around like you get in council parkings. Again I guess this was a bad assumption on my part. Now I've gone into moneyclaim.gov.uk and completed the Acknowledgement of Service. However, I am unsure what to do next. I don't know if I should dispute the whole claim or part of the amount. Either way, I need to ask if any of you know how to proceed now, ie: Do I write a letter to parkingeye asking to pay a discounted fee, or do I just write up a defence and submit it via the website? I have bought the parking prankster's amazon book and tried to read as much of it as I can but it's very intimidating with information overload. I found the template he provides for a defence and thought I might start with that and try change it to cater for my situation but since your defence template on the thread I linked above seemed better, I thought I'd use that one instead. I'd like to attach a scan of the claim form but since my posts are less than 10, I am unable to. Any help would be welcome on how to proceed next
  3. Hi everyone , I will try to keep this thread to the point and as short as well. I have a Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge on Contract with Vodafone , I think the contract is about 5 months old and the mobile phone developed a fault that would not allow the phone to charge. Being under warranty: I contacted Samsung who arranged a collection on Thursday 5th of January 2017 using UPS Courier. On the 9th ANOVO (Samsung repair Centre) Horrendous reviews : https://www.yell.com/biz/anovo-uk-ltd-norwich-7746761/ http://www.192.com/atoz/business/norwich-nr6/mobile-phone-repairs/a-novo-uk-ltd/9968b8cc-c30a-4982-9fc3-5da74d6773eb/ugc/ It had taken them 2 Weeks just to even look at the phone and I was informed my phone was liquid damaged at the charging port. A full engineers report on request was not issued to myself however I did end up getting a written summary stating the following : "The first observation of our engineer was that the device is in worn condition. No cracks on the LCD or back glass were visible. No physical or liquid damage to the device was detected. The LDI is not activated on your IP68 rated device. The USB connector is contaminated with dirt and dust and green liquid residue is also visible. Liquid contamination may be transferred from charging cable. The cable is not waterproof." The repair centre's summary report then go on to say : "The Engineer has reported the device is repairable" Bare in mind the S7 Edge Phone is IP68 Rated - Water resistant can uphold 30 minutes of 1.5 metre in water. Apparently I had water on my charging cable causing S7 Edge to fry the charging port without any "moisture detected" warning which is a feature in the phone that should stop any charge to the phone to prevent the charging port getting fried. I requested the return of my phone which had taken 1 and a half weeks to receive. So now its been 3 1/2 , The condition I had received my phone is was horrifying, the back glass panel of the phone was hanging off, their was glue hanging out of the phone and their was a missing chunk of glass from the corner of my phone. ...... I have attached images. Their was also a letter saying my phone was not repaired due to it being out of warranty and that the phone would not be possible to be repaired as it is uneconomical repairable. I immediately called Samsung regarding this who raised a damaged in transit case with ANOVO and I was advised because ANOVO had used the wrong courier to return my phone out it was nothing to do with Samsung even though they arranged the repair? So now I am stuck dealing with Anovo about this which I think is wrong? After several times of sending my images to Anovo, they finally raised the issue with DPD and sent through a claim form. From here I have contacted DPD who have said ANOVO have claimed for £630 worth of damages and that it has been credited to ANOVO's Account? I have then contacted Anovo who have no information but that the investigation team is dealing despite DPD saying they have credited their account ? Anovo still say this will take 28 Days. I am being passed from pilla to post from DPD to ANOVO to SAMSUNG and back again nobody has a clue what has happened in my case and I speak to someone different all the time. It started off as a product lesion case with Samsung who do not have a contact number. I am on hold for Hours on a daily basis trying to sort this out as I am going away soon and I want my S7 Edge back for the holiday. It has been a nightmare from the start and I would not recommend Samsung or ANOVO to anyone, I have even gave a 2nd engineer to look at my phone who insists it not the charging port that is the fault when in fact it is the battery for the phone, he had tested the phone on a wireless charger dock and the phone still does not charge. so the engineer's report is IMO wrong too So all in all a conclusion : I still have no mobile phone and it looks like this is going to be for pretty much 2 Months +. Does anybody know if their is anything I can do to try and resolve this any quicker its is really getting frustrating for me dealing with all these clowns. Regards Craig
  4. I received a parking charge notice from UKCPS on the windscreen of my car which was parked in a co-op car park. The PCN is for £100 (£60 if paid within 14 days). for leaving the site. Apparently I was seen by the parking attendant parking up and walking off site. I appealed the charge on the grounds that we purchased good from the store on the day and that the parking attendant had ticked the Parking Charge Notice inappropriately as the tick was outside any of the boxes on the paperwork. UKCPS rejected my appeal on the grounds that there are signs which clearly state that persons using the site must stay on site for the duration of the stay? No photographic evidence has been provided! They have given me the option to pay or appeal to the IAS. What should I consider doing? Any advice gratefully accepted.
  5. Hi guys Need some help my partner is on esa wrag and i start getting training as barber (non paid) in shop in November 2014 which i told benefit people and they asked written letter which i sent them. After few months job centre people sent letter saying that they over paid to my partner due i was working, i sent the letter through cab and told them that i was getting training and it was not paid. I even rang them but they still insist the employer should have paid for the training, the shop owner does not need any more worker but he was kind to me giving equipment and chair for learning, it was me who requested that i want to learn here and shop keeper gave me a favour giving free training. From April 2015 i start working there as self employed in the same shop and working 15 hours a week and earning about £50+ a week. Since i told job centre i am working 15 hours they stopped my partner's esa money and we are waiting for their decision, now we received another letter again and they asking us to pay back £1500 the period when i was getting training. I made cab appointment but its in next month and benefit people want to take the money out end of this month. Benefit people want the money back which i never received as learner and they keep saying that you should ask your employer he should have paid you
  6. Hi all. Today I have received a claim form from BW legal on behalf of VCS. The ticket was issued on 26/06/2015. I followed advice on here r.e ignore it, however this has now come through. Help & advice appreciated!
  7. Hi Everyone. I have received a Claim Form from these crooked debt collectors for £1649 for an alleged debt with MBNA which was sold to Arrow Global. Issue date is 5th November. Im about 20 months away from this alleged debt becoming Statute Barred. Can someone help me with which process to follow? Do i put in a defence or do i ask them to provide the credit agreement and other documents before i do that? Thanks. PS im prepared to fight them. I have beaten alleged speeding offences on 7 occasions because i understand the law and system. But im new to the CCJ world
  8. At my last job centre plus advisor interview, she decided to put me onto something she called 25+ skills support for unemployed. She printed me of two letters saying to go to so and so place at 10am for an assessment interview. I asked her specifically what this was and what would it entail. She said it would be an interview and a quick skills test so they could see if they could help with any training etc to get back into work. I turned up today for there to be a large group of us, we are taken up to a classroom and told it is the first day of an 8 week course, mon - fri 10-4. None of us knew this, we all thought and had been told we were there for an interview and assessment. The people who run the course told us the jc+ keep doing this and not informing people what we are being signed up to do. I was allowed to leave early to take it up with my jc+. I managed to see a manager who agreed my letter was wrong and I should of been informed of exactly what I was doing. He told me the problem was once I agreed to do courses like this it was mandatory and I would be sanctioned if I didnt attend. I told him I hadnt agreed to a course as I was only told I was going for an interview. He called my advisor over who sat and lied to my face saying she gave me the full information and the letter I was given was just a standard letter they use for everything. My reply was that the letter was therefore a lie. The manager said he would look into and speak to my advisor about how she is dealing with me as I wanted to put in a complaint and this is how he is dealing with it. I fully expect at my next sign on date to be sanctioned again ( she did it before, I appealed it and won) because she now knows loud and clear I think she is pointless. I would be very grateful if anyone here could help me with where I stand on this and what my rights are considering I was completely mislead and lied to about this. I am at breaking point with them and today was the first time I had to have a security guard stand behind me while in there.
  9. Hi, I'm new here and was just wondering if someone could give me a little advice please. I've been on Job seekers since May 2012, on the 12th of April I had my usual sign on and interview, the advisor can be a bit temperemental, some days she's super nice and others she's horrible.Well at my last interview she more or less told me I'm' weird'. I already have confidence issues as well as really bad anxiety and this upset me deeply, I almost cried sitting there. Anyway she told me she was going to phone me for a phone interview the following Friday (not sure what for to be honest, she never says much when I'm in the room with her), thing is I missed the call, and didn't know I'd missed it until Friday evening. Me being anxious with bad panic attacks I've been too scared to phone and explain that I'd left my mobile on silent. She also wanted me to attend this thing on Wednesday (24th) about interview techniques, however I live more than 20miles away from the JC and couldn't afford to go down. It also seemed pointless as I'm quite intelligent, just shy and nervous. I'm now scared that I've messed up. She didn't give me a letter saying I had to do either of the things, just that I might benefit from the interview technique thing. Can she sanction me for missing the phone interview? Any help would be much appreciated.
  10. Sent my appeal off with some brief details of why i was appealing , Had a Letter from DWP confirming that they received my appeal, and about how much ESA i will get until it's heard, But so far over 1mth since requesting the full written statement of the Atos wca Form IB /ESA85, But so far i have not been sent it, The person that i recently spoke with from DWP ,Confirmed that they could see that i had previously requested it, but could not understand why i had not yet received it, What can be done to force them to supply this info,(assuming it actually exists) ?
  11. I am trying to pursue a claim for my PPI payments on a HP agreement taken out in 2004 and have found out that due to the age of the agreement the company who sold me the car was not regulated by the FSA, is there any point pursuing the claim against an unregulated company. The PPI payment was one which was added to my loan as a one off payment totaling £925. It was missold on the following grounds. I was told my HP loan would not be successful if i did not take out PPI and GAP Insurance as i was a high Risk Customer (bad credit rating). I was not told the insurance could be purchased from other sources I informed the seller that as i worked for a company that provided FULL PAY for sickness the policy was not needed. The Car Sales company was Called CAR CREDIT UK LTD a subsidiarity of Contact Center finance services, the loan was provided by First response finance but they have already told me to BOG OFF as the agreement is over 6yrs old and they do not need to investigate after this time. Any advice greatly received
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