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  1. Afternoon all! My girlfriend doesn't watch live TV, at all. That said she does have a Virgin set top box due to signing up for the tv/phone/internet package when she subscribed. She also has no TV license, but hasn't ever told the TV license people that she doesn't watch TV. I'm telling her to cancel the TV package and just fill in the form on the TV license website to say she doesn't watch TV and that will be the end of it. She's worried that they will investigate and see she has been a Virgin TV customer for ages and ages and demand back payment for a TV license. I'd really like to get this sorted as it's a big worry for her and she really doesn't need it at the moment. How should we play it and what do you think she should expect to happen?
  2. This is a longish post but bear with me as it involves consumer safety and the fact that a few Chinese companies are trying to sell goods in the UK whilst supplying fake plugs and fuses. I recently bought this item: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01NCMF1XJ/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 On looking at the 'kettle lead' that came with it, the Earth pin is partially insulated when it should be solid with no insulation. On checking the fuse, it is also fake. These fake fuses have no sand within to absorb the shock when the fuse blows. For example. http://tinyurl.com/j7oycpv What follows is my email exchange with the seller. ME: Their first response: Not quite the answer I was expecting so I replied with: I did contact Amazon expecting them to take action. All they did was to take the product away from their 'Fulfilled By Amazon' tag so as to distance themselves from sending out shoddy products. Anyway, it has been over a week since my last email to the seller so I was surprised to find this in my inbox today and these are their word in full. I just couldn't believe that any company could say the bit in red. Yes, sure, I will give it to someone else so that they have the problem of fake plugs and fuses instead of me. The saying, "You couldn't make this up." is so apt in this situation. As it happens, I have a spare kettle lead so it doesn't matter to me one iota.
  3. Hi, I invoiced my boss two weeks ago just after i left my job there (I was self employed so had to invoice) and he is yet to pay it even though he usually pays a couple of days after, but now i've left he is obviously being stubborn. I have emailed him and he hasn't responded to any of them in the last few days. I have tried to call him but he doesn't answer so he is obviously just ignoring me. The amount is only £120 as i only done a days work for him last month so i am not overly worried about it, but it's just the principle and him being an idiot about it for no reason (baring in mind i left on good terms as well). One of my friends worked for him as well and then left, and my boss owes him £700 as well. So how long do i have to wait before i can do something? What can i even do about it anyway? My friend has been waiting 4 months for him to pay his £700 invoice. Thanks for any help.
  4. Hi First post on here as reading through some articles and you have been able to advise people I have recently moved away from my local DW gym and the week before I moved I went over to cancel the membership I filled in the cancellation forms and they said they will be in contact to confirm it has been cancelled. I asked if I would get charged for December and they said no. Unfortunately I didn't get this in writing. I didn't think anything of it and to be honest forgot about it as I was moving into my new flat. When I was going through my bank account I see I have been charged by DW for £38(Last Night) Called up on my lunch break today and they said that they have not got anything from the branch saying I want to cancel. I called up the branch spoke to the Admin manager which I didn't do the cancellation form with just someone on the front desk I gave it too and she is saying that she wasn't given anything she asked if I had a receipt and I said no I was never given one so I now have to do a 3 hour round trip to go and fill in these forms to cancel again. I asked about the charge in December and she said that this wouldn't be refunded and explained about the 30 day notice I said that's fine as it would of been charged no matter what but I also now have to pay in January as well I asked why when my initial cancellation was in November she just said you had too and that was how it was left. My partner has told me to just cancel the direct debit but I am not sure if this will resolve it or not
  5. In brief - We went to a local independent flooring company, wishing to purchase a wood floor. The owner talked us through the various products, came to our house to look at the area it was for, measured up, checked the subfloor etc. He then recommended a product for us, ordered it and arranged for "his team" to come out and fit. He arranged the day and time they were to come out and told us that we should pay them cash on the day. In the meantime, he took moisture readings, spoke to the manufacturer and also the manufacturer of the underfloor heating we'd had put down, to check what underlay might be needed. The floor was fitted by "his team" - his brother and another man. It subsequently failed 4 times in the course of a year. The first 2 attempts to remedy the problems were made by the fitters. After it went wrong the 3rd time, it came to light that the fitters and the company owner had parted company, so the company owner/supplier came out and attempted to repair it. The same thing happened again, and he came out again. At this point, the supplier offered us a replacement stair carpet for our trouble. We said that this was not necessary, but if the floor failed again, we would be seeking a refund. When it failed again, we requested our money back. The supplier agreed, minus fitting costs. When we argued, he withdrew his offer and offered us a replacement floor instead. We expressed our concern that we had no confidence he had the neccesary skills and knowledge to fit a floor, given our experience thus far. We then took advice from the CAB and wrote a letter before action, inviting the supplier to comment on what he believed to be the issue with the floor, and offering to go to mediation. He responded, trying to lay the blame on us with various spurious claims, including that the contracting of the fitters had nothing to do with him - since the receipt he issued clearly stated "supply only." We then wrote again, offering to have an expert inspection and report done on the floor, and asking that both parties share the cost in order to confirm what had caused the problems with the floor. He refused, saying the cost was too great in relation to the value of the floor. We once again gave him the opportunity to refund us, while warning him that he may be asked to pay the cost of the report, should we take our case to the small claims court and win. In order to ascertain whether we had a case, we had the expert inspection done. It found that the fitting was to blame for the issues, including inadequate moisture and humidity readings taken by the supplier. The expert contacted the supplier to find out exactly what prep he had carried out and the supplier told him. The report also queried the suitability of the product for the conditions of our property. Once again, we wrote to the supplier with details of the report's findings and requested a refund of both the flooring, fitting and cost of the report or we would have no choice but to take our case to the small claims. The supplier has not responded. We feel we have a strong case. However, our concern is that it may be thrown out on the basis that the receipt we were issued was for supply only. In the letters from the supplier, he does state that he tried to repair the floor on 2 occasions, hut says it was purely a good will gesture. However, he also states that he did the pre-fitting site visits and prep. So, what is our legal position regarding his responsibility for the fitting of the floor?
  6. Hi all, I own an upstairs flat in a block of 2. We have the standard criss-cross lease arrangement i.e. we own each other's freehold and lease to each other. Sometime ago the ground floor flat got repossessed.The lender though for some reason does not have a charge over the freehold title (I guess an error was made with the title/lease originally?). What issue does this cause the lender with resale. I am the freeholder and they haven't contacted me. Do they *need* my consent for this? i.e. they can't resell the flat until they have a charge over the freehold? What happens if I say "no" ; what can they do??? thanks in advance
  7. Sent my appeal off with some brief details of why i was appealing , Had a Letter from DWP confirming that they received my appeal, and about how much ESA i will get until it's heard, But so far over 1mth since requesting the full written statement of the Atos wca Form IB /ESA85, But so far i have not been sent it, The person that i recently spoke with from DWP ,Confirmed that they could see that i had previously requested it, but could not understand why i had not yet received it, What can be done to force them to supply this info,(assuming it actually exists) ?
  8. I bought an item online 4/10/12. As I still hadn't received it this morning, I logged into my account on the sellers website to find that my order is still listed as 'pending'. I phoned the seller immediately and he stated that he had not received my payment. I paid through the seller’s payment processor ... Nochex. I paid on the 4/10/12. I immediately checked my bank statement online. The payment came off my account on 9/10/12.. . there's a payment reference number on my statement. I informed the seller of this and he said he'd check with Nochex re same. He got back to me later and said that he hadn't resolved the issue with Nochex. I told him that I wanted my goods to be dispatched today as I've paid for them and have proof of same. I said that I was more than willing to send him a screenshot of my bank statement as proof that the item had been paid. He didn't seem impressed as he said that he was still without the funds. I said that was between him and Nochex to resolve and had nothing to do with me. He said [begrudgingly] that he would post my item today. It's now 7.30pm and there's no change to the status of my online account . .. my order is still listed as 'pending'. What is the legal position on this? Surely the dispute is between the seller and his payment processor to sort out. I've paid in good faith. The money has left my account. Does he not have a legal responsibility to send my goods? Cheers.
  9. Hi I was asked to leave my employment in July after one month. To date I have still not received a payslip or P45 from them, despite repeated requests. I have contacted HMRC and as they never submitted the P46 I completed they are unable to assist me any further. ACAS are unable to assist as it isn't a tax matter. Any further advice?
  10. I am 40 this month and am currently on £220 Housing Benefit per month and £202.70 Income Support (Incapacity Benefit) per fortnight, and I have been concerned about the "horror stories" concerning the ATOS reassessments based on their medical examinations. I personally take medication, like Sulpiride for anxiety and paranoia, and Omeprazole for a hiatal hernia caused by my abdominal obesity, ie. I look like a pregnant man, my belly is so big. My knees are also quite stiff, and I don't like resting on them to look in cupboards and so forth. So when I get a letter from ATOS/DWP saying I have to come in for a medical, I just go ahead and answer truthfully, right? If I'm deemed fit for work, I will have to attend interviews and so on, but for a while will only end up with something like £71 per week during the "assessment phase", but eventually end up on the "work-related activity group" at £99.15, right? That sounds not much less at all than the benefit I'm on now, which is a good thing. And I've been thinking about reentering employment for a long time now, as voluntary work just isn't cutting it and I want more money, frankly. The job market is dismal, but I'm strangely confident, for some reason. I would class myself as only slightly disabled, but is it the fear of reduced benefits or having to travel to interviews that are petrifying the genuinely needy disabled people out there, leading to the poverty and suicides we've heard about when they're deemed fit for work? Or am I missing something? Also, does the Universal Credit mean that Housing Benefit and ESA will be all combined into one lump sum per month?
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