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  1. This is a thread to contain my payday loans, my original one is here: HERE Here is a list of the payday loans i taken out from 2011-2014 (ish) The last contact i made with them was December 2017 as instructed by Redbridge Finance a company who was "supposidly" going to help me claim compensation from them. Wonga Quickquid Payday express Mr lender Myjar The money shop The cheque centre To name but a few, there are probably more but it really hurts my head when i try and think back. I am not being chased for any of the above debts at the moment, and not all of them are on my credit report. The only ones that are on my Noddle credit report are: Lantern: a debt collection agency wanting £262 default date 11/08/2014 Advance against income Active securities LTD a debt collection agency wanting £442 Default date 07/09/2014 I'm not sure which company they are from (original creditors) , i haven't heard anything from them ever although all of my debts were taken out at my old address. There are probably more than the ones i listed at the top of the page, but it's going back a long time and feel free to read the thread linked in the top for a short back story going back to 2012. I was hoping for some advice on where to go from here, redbridge tried to put a claim in against Wonga, filed a complaint against the FCA to find they went bust. Thanks so much in advance.
  2. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/topic/408616-trying-to-reclaim-ppi-but-paragon-says-no/?tab=comments#comment-4978454 same boat mate, paragon say no and not regulated Paragon informed me that the PPI was done by warranty Holdings Ltd, guess what, now dissolved
  3. After submitting income and expenditure form, I have a lender asking for 2 months bank statements "to validate the information on the income and expenditure form" "We would require this information in order to agree a potential reduced repayment plan." Am I under any obligation to provide this?
  4. Me again, So out of the blue SLL Capital have put a default on my credit file for a Mr Lender Loan from 2016 that i never repaid. Can they do that? The Mr Lender loan isn't on my credit file before this I will of course do a irresponsible lending complaint to Mr Lender, is it worth sending a prove it that i owe this debt to SLL Capital?
  5. some may be familiar that i filed an IRL claim with payday loan companies due to my gambling addiction, is this worth pursuing with the ombudsman further after their response? even though mr Lender have agreed to waive all interest and fees it looks as though the ombudsman is saying that they didnt have to do thorough checks as it was my first loan with them
  6. I had a personal loan from 1999 which had PPI on it. I didn't request PPI but the box on the CCA had a pre-printed tick in it. On challenging the PPI, Paragon claim the loan wasn't dependent on PPI and that they weren't regulated at the time so I have no claim against them. The FOS haven't been much help. I've read a thread by user justice4me from 2012 where they managed to successfully make a PPI claim in much the same situation. Does anyone have any information regarding what is needed to successfully make a PPI claim against Paragon? Cheers, OMWO
  7. Hello I received a citation for an old credit card debt and was wondering if any one knew how to get the date extended so I have time to make up a defence if this is possible? I'm in Scotland Many thanks Tom
  8. Dear all I would be very grateful for any help with my situation. I had a SPO following mortgage arrears (£3600) in 2008. Since then I have been making my contractual payments but had missed payments on three occasions from unexpected expenses resulting from direct debits being returned unpaid. I was in a particularly bad financial condition in the last 6 months following an elderly family member falling unwell while abroad. The mortgage arrears accrued to £3400 again and the mortgage company ( a subprime lender) has now applied to the court for a warrant for possession. I panicked and raised money from friends and family to clear off the arrears, but the lender is refusing to accept any payments and instead insists that I send them last three months of bank statements before they would decided whether to accept the payments or not. They insist that until I serve them the bank statements, they can't do anything about the eviction and says an eviction date will be issued in due course. They also made me complete an income and expenditure with them over the phone. I am very reluctant to send in bank statements, since with the financial difficulties over the last three months, I have resorted to payday loans (cleared) and I am very worried this will again jeopardize the situation. I am otherwise in a stable job and would be able to afford my contractual payments going forward. I have raised the money and want to clear the arrears but I am left in this dire situation. With family and young children, it looks as if my fate is sealed. May be someone else on this forum would have had a similar situation and I am sincerely hoping for some advice and help. Apologies for the long post.
  9. PDL company admitted fault in final response offered compensation which was accepted and a date by which it would be paid was agreed. That date has come and gone and the PDL company now say they are to busy with claims to pay up and don't know when they will pay the money. Is the agreement you already have with them as legally binding as it would be had they been directed to pay by the Ombudsman. It seems this is the latest from CFO lending and there are multiple reports of them doing this.
  10. Hi all. I had a loan with Mr Lender. I emailed today regarding a claim for irresponsible lending as I have issues with problem gambling. I have stopped gambling and taking it one day at a time. I had a reply within the hour. They said they carried out proper checks and I had no defaults or problems in the last three years. I already had two loans open with sunny and one with money boat. My credit card was over its limit and I was overdrawn. They stated that the installments that are due are never over 12 per cent of disposable income. But the next sentence said my installment was under 14 per cent???? There was no mention of the gambling issues nor the multiple searches that are on my file. What's the next step? A reply outlining what I said here then the FOS? Any advice great-fully received. Feel free to move thread if needed
  11. Hello This is my first post here so I've tried not to witter on, but it's complicated. The situation is that I was evicted from my home last year when I couldn’t remortgage it after the interest-only mortgage expired. The circumstances don’t matter, I have no quarrel with that. My query relates to what came after. I had managed to dispose of a lot of stuff I didn’t want, but there was still a lot of stuff I did want, left in the property. I’m past retirement age, live alone, and am severely disabled: I cannot legally walk, I have severe spinal problems and a max award of DLA. Acenden have known this since the beginning of the proceedings. They refused me entry back into the house to deal with my property, despite my undertaking to comply with whatever conditions they imposed. They arranged for all my stuff to be packed up and moved into storage, and I’ve paid all the moving fees and a year’s storage costs. Because of my disabilities I was completely unable to inspect my property while it was in storage; even getting to the chosen storage facility was beyond me unless I had substantial help which wasn’t available. When I eventually unpacked everything in my new home, which has taken me the four months since I moved in, I’ve seen that the packaging was very poor, no attempt was made to protect any of my property, a box that had contained glassware and china was full of smashed and dangerous pieces of glass and porcelain; glazed pictures were simply stuffed into inadequate cardboard boxes, the frames mangled beyond recognition and the glass fronts all smashed. Other of my stuff had been so badly damaged as to be made useless and needed replacing (e.g. tumble drier), a long list of other stuff, including a valuable listed edition print and expensive camera kit, has been stolen. I’ve photographed everything that’s been damaged clearly showing the damage, and recording the very poor quality packaging and careless packing. Acenden also suggested to me that they could arrange disposal of stuff I didn’t want before the rest of my stuff was packed up, to which I agreed, provided a list, and their initiative and my agreement and identification of that property are evidenced by email exchanges. They didn’t follow through on the agreement, and I’ve spent removal and a year’s storage costs for their broken promise. Acenden took four months before they even put the house on the market. I have other complaints but my question here, is what is Acenden’s legal liability for the theft of and damage to my property that’s happened while it’s been in their custody. To say that the removers were negligent is an understatement, but I didn’t have a contract with them, Acenden did. I know I need to see a lawyer, but I’m just hoping to get a view here as the first appointment I can get is two weeks away. To say I’m very angry is putting it mildly. I’ve spoken to my insurers – fortunately I have contents insurance that will cover a claim provided I exhaust Acenden’s complaints procedures before I start that claim. Do Acenden have any liability to me for my loss, which amounts to over £10,000 on current replacement values? Thank you for any feedback. Gleneagle
  12. Dont want to reopen a can of worms but we do have an interesting twist on the lender not signing the agreement which is going to court in December.
  13. I had a payday loan about 4.5 years ago when I was in a bit of a rut and didnt end up paying it back. The past few months they have bombarded me with emails to pay it back, around 61 emails to be precise - I have emailed them 3 times advising they are no longer to send me emails but they continue to do so and even replied to my email saying they will email for as long as the money is owed. I am sure I read somewhere that if you request a stop to call or any emails they have to by law comply - Is this right? I have even put them on notice that should they continue to send emails that I will charge then £15 for every email they have sent me - They has since sent me another 7 emails since that warning Where do I stand on this?
  14. Hi All Just after a bit more advice.. It has just come to me that a couple of years ago, one of my PDLs sent me court papers. It was one I had been rolling, rolling for ages then payment plan which I could not keep to. I ended up settling by paying the full balance including court costs interest fees etc because the court papers freaked me out at the time. Can I still take this lot to the FOS or make a complaint based on irresponsible lending like my other loans?
  15. Hiya, apologies if I've posted this in the wrong area, but I've got to say thanks for all your help in trying to sort out my mess. I've a new question, I've a CCJ, which involved a Natwest bank lodging a claim for an amount against my house with the Land Registry. I intend selling my house, when the Bank takes the charge from what's left after paying back the mortgage, there won't be much left. Is it possible to negotiate with the Bank at this stage to try and reduce the claim against my property? Many thanks.
  16. http://www.crowdfundinsider.com/2016/01/80598-trustbuddy-bankruptcy-lenders-to-pay-25-on-recovered-claims/ I am a lender with TB. My money is invested in Finland. I have received several letters from the Swedish administrators. The latest appears to offer an agreement to buy the loans from a debt collection agency. I can't understand most of what they are saying because some of the docs are in Norwegian. I have tried writing to the administrators, but have not received any response to date. Anyone else in a similar position? Not sure what my options are....
  17. Hi I recently allowed our home to be repossessed. The mortgage company got a valuation done before marketing the house but I was wondering is how many should the lender get. Many thanks
  18. Afternoon all, I'll get straight to the point... one of the payday 'giants' has been unfairly processing my data for the last 3 years now and are unwilling to change their position. Hence, I am considering taking them to court. Here's what happened: - Payday loan taken out in 2013 - Couldn't afford it (like most), half of the sum due was taken out of my bank account, leaving the other half due - Been down the irresponsible lending and unaffordable complaint routes, both failed with FOS - The lender has never bothered to default the account, it is still in limbo today - Having checked my credit file, the lender has reported the account 'late payment' for the last 3 years I have contacted the ICO for some clarification regarding credit reporting, and I was advised that the 'late payment' marker should only be used for a maximum of 6 months, after which time the lender should either default or discharge the account. Keeping the account open in this current status is unfairly prolonging the length of time the entry will stay on file. With such accounts, unless defaulted accordingly, they could stay on file indefinitely, much like a credit card or current account. This is clearly a breach of ICO guidelines and the DPA. The lender has claimed their current reporting is an accurate representation of the status of the account and that they are "not required to provide a notice of default for this type of product". I'm not sure why they have said this either. As it stands, instead of this 28 day loan being removed after 6 years, it could stay on there for 9, 12, 15 years possibly.. you get my drift! I'm reluctant to escalate this to the FOS or ICO as from a lot of personal experience, they are extremely inconsistent and unreliable. Therefore, I'd like to go straight to litigation. The thing I'd like advice on, is which legislation(s) to use, i.e. just the DPA or include the CCA and ICO/FCA regulations. Also, as the lender is way past the legal timeframe in which they can default the account, and I'm sure they can't default it retrospectively, is it fair for me to request the account be removed in its entirety? I've seen others also request damages upto £1000, but I'm not sure how they have reached this sum or proved the sum justifies the damage caused. Any advice about the best way to go about this would be great! Thanks
  19. Hello all I'm self employed, and got into difficulty last December with my mortgage (due to ill health which effected my eyesight) Won't pretend I didn't do a bit of burying my head in the sand also!! The last few weeks, I've been able to get back to work full time, and now have the money to pay my mortgage arrears in full, and can keep up to date in the future. However, my lender wont accept payment from me until they hear from their head office, and charges are being added daily. Also the repossession hearing is next monday, and I'm out of my mind with worry. What, if anything, can I do? Help! Thanks for your time
  20. Hi all, Hoping somebody may be able to shed some light on my question.. I have a judgment against an individual. I have come to realise his name is misspelt on the judgment. Have been advised by the court to make a formal application to correct this using an N244 form 'Notice Application'. My question really is regarding what court fee I am supposed to pay. Ive read the official fee guide but it doesn't make it very clear regarding this type of application. Any thoughts? Ive already emailed the courts to ask but thought somebody may have the answer on here. Thanks in advance
  21. Hi I am in the process of clearing most of my debts since leaving step change in august. However, I can't seem to get on with these. I borrowed 300 from Mr lender 18 months ago. I have maid payments of 70 pounds to them via step change and then they gave the debt to MMF. They have been horrible and I paid them 15 pounds in October to stop them hassling me. Anyway, I have sent several letters of complaint to Mr lender and also the guy that owns it but nothing. MMF want 654 pounds off me. I see from my credit file that Mr lender is marked as settled. There is nothing on there belonging to MMF. I sent a cca and got an unsigned copy of an electronic agreement. Shall I just ignore MMF and pay Mr lender the original amount plus one month interest etc or ignore them completely. Since leaving step change i have paid off over 1700 pounds and got over 6500 written off. I now owe less than 8k for the first time in 11 years. Thanks to all of you.
  22. Sky News can reveal that Zitah McMillan, who stepped down as the Financial Conduct Authority's (FCA) communications and international director in December, has joined DFC Global Corp, whose array of financial services operations include The Money Shop, a prominent UK lender. The emergence of her appointment as DFC Global's international chief executive, which was announced internally to staff last month but not otherwise made public, comes on the same day that the FCA issued a further rebuke to the payday lending industry. The regulator said that "too many firms have been failing to meet the requirements to treat customers in arrears fairly" and exposed "unacceptable practices from many lenders, including failures to recognise customers in financial difficulty, failure to direct people to free debt advice and firms offering inflexible repayment options". A former civil servant at the Department for Work and Pensions, Ms McMillan's role excludes DFC Global's operations in the UK, US and Canada, according to the company, encompassing its activities in markets including Finland, Poland and Spain. More
  23. i have taken out numerous loans from sunny over the past 2 years. in total borrowed £2700 in lots of seperate loans and paid back £3800 all together . They are now still chasing me for £600 . Over the last couple of months i had a £25 payment plan set up with them and paid them last month they said i hadnt paid when i had and i had to send them bank statements etc to prove i had . i then missed a payment waitng for them to sort it out and they then sent me a default notice served under section 87(1) of the consumer credit act 1974 for £600 to be paid in full by 8/4/15. Any help on what to do would be appreciated, I am also having big problems with mr lender. I borrowed 750 back in october but ran into financial hardship . I offered £25 a month and an in depth i/e form . They refused . in December they sent me a text saying i owe £1700 .My online account balance was a lower amount. in january the 2nd the said was to be sold to mmf . Then on 11th january offerd me a settlement figure of £750 .But when i log in they say the debt is with mmf . As of today i have not heard a thing from either mr lender or mmf but want to get this sorted before it escaltes . Thanks for your advice on therse matters in advance.
  24. Taken from the FCA website. http://www.fca.org.uk/news/payday-firm-dollar-agrees-to-improve-lending-practices-and-refund-700000-to-its-customers Dollar, trading as The Money Shop, will repay interest and default charges to 6,247 customers. Due to a systems error they were given loans which breached Dollar's own lending critieria. Dollar operates in the UK under the trading names of Payday UK, Payday Express, The Money Shop and Ladder Loan
  25. Hi All, My property has been handed to an LPA reciever and I am a bit confused as I keep getting conflicting information from the lender and the reciever. They 'took it' last Wed. I still haven't had a written notice from either receiver or lender. The first I knew, I was contacted by my tenant who said someone had been round. The lender said that I had to pay all arears (£725) and 3 months in advance (£645) and fees (£1200) and ALL the charges ever placed on the mortgage (£3k+). They also kindly gave me 5 days to do so or the fees were going up another £800. They originally said that if I paid that, they would take it back. They have since said that if I pay that amount they will 'consider' taking it back. On Friday they said that I didn't need to pay it all in one go but the fees would go up. Today they have said it needs to be a lump sum. I can't pay it. They want 5K by tomorrow or goes up to 6K. They wont accept installments, just a lump sum. I have tried Stepchange, CAB, CLA and one more I can't remeber the name of! None of them have been able to help. I had to explain what an LPA reciever was to Stepchange. I am at a bit of a loss. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks K
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