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Found 5 results

  1. Hi looking for some advice, I have been served with a N39 to attend for questioning over a debt with Welcome Finance on November 6th, however, I will be attending the same court on November 11th for a bankruptcy hearing for which the Welcome Finance Debt will be part of.. .question is will I still have to attend the N39 hearing if i am going to be made bankrupt 5 days later??
  2. Hi all, Hoping somebody may be able to shed some light on my question.. I have a judgment against an individual. I have come to realise his name is misspelt on the judgment. Have been advised by the court to make a formal application to correct this using an N244 form 'Notice Application'. My question really is regarding what court fee I am supposed to pay. Ive read the official fee guide but it doesn't make it very clear regarding this type of application. Any thoughts? Ive already emailed the courts to ask but thought somebody may have the answer on here. Thanks in advance
  3. Hi, Really hope for some advise here, I have today when I was working from home very unexpectedly been served with an N39 form. I had taken a loan from Welcome Finance in 2008 as a much younger man, then through a series of circumstances moved away and failed to keep up repayments on the unsecured loan. It had not even crossed my mind until last year when (this is important as i would like to have had the judgement set aside) I was served totally out of the blue with a CCJ, the hearing had been and gone and I had no and I mean no awareness of it what so ever. Then today I have been served with the N39 and much attend court to go through my finances. I am in a position to pay the order, despite my own personal feelings on it. However I have no idea, how where or whom to pay the address on the court order provided for Welcome Finance is for the company that is now in default and no longer exists. I presume I should write, recorded to them asking for payment options etc.. . Any advice would be very gratefully received. Many Thanks
  4. Sorry if this is not in the correct forum, and hope i can get some help on this. My wife and I have been served with the above paperwork this morning, this relates to a ccj from 2005 which resulted in an attachment of earnings order for both of us. I am not sure if the ccj is joint or not as we both have separate paperwork from the court although ref no are the same. I stopped paying the ATO when i was made redundant in jan 2008 and have not had any correspondence of any sort within that time. My wife stopped paying hers when she was made redundant in may last year and has been doing temp work as and when. What I need to know is can they still enforce the ccj on me as no contact has been made or enforced for over 6 years. Also as the paperwork for my wife was given to me is it classed as being served on my wife. Thanks in advance for any replies.
  5. Hi all, A little background ... In 2009 I sent a CCA section 78 request to MBNA to provide copies of my original signed agreement and terms and conditions. Nothing was forthcoming in the 12 day period nor the 30 day period. I then put the account into dispute and MBNA defaulted me (probably illegally?) in mid 2010. I sent everything recorded delivery and have proof that they received the letters. When MBNA realised I wasn't playing ball they sold the debt on. The debt was then sold on again at least once. I received various letters from 'creditors' and a DCA which I pretty much ignored since I knew that without original agreements they had no leg to stand on. Fast forward to July 2013 ... I received a N39 order from my local county court informing me that the current 'creditor' obtained a judgement or order from their local county court (not in my town) in September 2011 requiring me to pay the alleged debt. Since I moved house during this period I was unaware of the original judgement made in 2011. Presumably the 'creditor' sent communications to my old address. So this N39 order I have just received is the first time I've known about the original judgement in 2011. As I understand it, the alleged debt is unenforceable if the 'creditor' cannot produce original signed agreements. So why did the court rule against me in 2011 in my absence? I would like to avoid having to attend court for questioning and as far as I'm concerned this account is still in dispute. What should I do for the best? Can I get the current N39 order withdrawn? Should I send a section 78 request to the current 'creditor'? Your help is much appreciated. I have 3 weeks before the questioning date.
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