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  1. Hi quite some time ago I got myself into some difficulty mainly as a result of several redundancies and a failed business venture. Due to this and feeling I had an obligation to pay my debts I entered into a DMP with Payplan. have been paying £150 a month again I'm finding myself in a redundancy situation have started to think I'm not doing the best for myself. I have a mortgage that I have never defaulted on and never had issues, I've never changed lenders whilst in the DMP, I have been making payments into since December 2011. I went with a DMP as I work in an area that any CCJ's/Bankruptcy would cause me to lose my job. In total I have a combined amount of just under £30k outstanding. Creditor Default Date Opened Date Santander 02/04/2012 15/10/2007 Loan Link 31/05/2012 02/08/2007 Credit Card Capital One 03/01/2012 13/02/2006 Credit Card RBS (Westcot) 20/01/2012 04/02/2006 Credit Card Link (CO-OP) 05/09/2013 16/02/2005 Credit Card PRA (MBNA) 30/04/2012 23/09/2004 Credit Card PRA (MBNA) 30/04/2012 01/11/1999 Credit Card Nationwide Oct 2011 14/05/2009 Subject to Tomlin Loan I'm thinking of stopping the DMP with payplan and potentially asking for CCA's from all of the creditors, apart from Nationwide as I think I've shot myself in the foot with the tomlin order. The balance on this is approx £2700 if I can free myself of the other debt I will divert the full amount to this and get it paid over 18 months. Unless anyone suggests anything else. My understanding of the CCA's is that prior to a certain date they are obliged to provide me with a copy of the original agreement but I might have that wrong. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated
  2. I've recently received a letter from Fredricksons chasing a debt and advising me they may take me to court. I have copies of the Prove It and CCA letters but I'm unsure which one I should send. The debt does exist and is from before my divorce 5 years ago but I haven't acknowledged it or entered into any correspondence with them about it. Additionally, last year I received a letter from Bryan Carter solicitors about another debt and I sent a CCA request to them with the £1 postal order, they acknowledged receipt and said they passed it on to the creditor but I've heard nothing since and certainly didn't receive any CCA - can I now assume that debt is now unenforceable or do I need to do anything more? Any advice is greatly appreciated.
  3. Hope someone can point me in the right direction. Mackenzie Hall have been chasing and taking payment for what was believed to be the debt owed on mortgage with Northern Rock after loss of job / and subsequent negative equity. This amounted to approx 27k going by Mackenzie Hall letters. A cca request was sent as per copy letters found on this site and they have replied with a copy of an agreement for a loan also taken with NR at the same time but for 8k. They only sent pages 1 & 2 of 5 if that makes any odds. Credit check shows the mortgage as settled and no sign of the 8k loan. Mac Hall still quote that I am due 27k even though the amount of loan they have sent paperwork for is 8k. AFAIK this loan had been repaid when the house was repo'd leaving a mortgage shorfall. Any advice is welcome as to what to do , if anything as I believe they have sent the wrong paperwork. Looking at the form the date of signing by me was 2 weeks after what is printed as the date of signature on behalf of NR. Looks a bit odd to me and seems unusual? As an aside to that the way the date is written is not how I would have written it also My ex husband always signed things first but it shows my signature first. Would this be a doctored or altered form? if so why would they go to the bother on a form showing the wrong amounts? Many thanks
  4. Hi all, A little background ... In 2009 I sent a CCA section 78 request to MBNA to provide copies of my original signed agreement and terms and conditions. Nothing was forthcoming in the 12 day period nor the 30 day period. I then put the account into dispute and MBNA defaulted me (probably illegally?) in mid 2010. I sent everything recorded delivery and have proof that they received the letters. When MBNA realised I wasn't playing ball they sold the debt on. The debt was then sold on again at least once. I received various letters from 'creditors' and a DCA which I pretty much ignored since I knew that without original agreements they had no leg to stand on. Fast forward to July 2013 ... I received a N39 order from my local county court informing me that the current 'creditor' obtained a judgement or order from their local county court (not in my town) in September 2011 requiring me to pay the alleged debt. Since I moved house during this period I was unaware of the original judgement made in 2011. Presumably the 'creditor' sent communications to my old address. So this N39 order I have just received is the first time I've known about the original judgement in 2011. As I understand it, the alleged debt is unenforceable if the 'creditor' cannot produce original signed agreements. So why did the court rule against me in 2011 in my absence? I would like to avoid having to attend court for questioning and as far as I'm concerned this account is still in dispute. What should I do for the best? Can I get the current N39 order withdrawn? Should I send a section 78 request to the current 'creditor'? Your help is much appreciated. I have 3 weeks before the questioning date.
  5. Hi I sent a standard CCA request to Lowell, with the standard '12 working days to respond' clause. They responded within that time frame, but only to tell me that they have requested the original CCA from Barclays (circa 2005) and that they will respond as soon as they can. Is there a time-limit to how long they have to respond? Thanks for your help!
  6. I have a question that I have been trying to get clarification on in the threads, but I am little confused. If the answer is here already, please accept my apologies. I am trying to establish my options and what I am going to do, but DCA's are so often misleading and shifty that I am distrustful. I have an alleged debt with B*rclaycard, which was originally a card under the name of what we would find in a garden pond (not sure what I should include). The original creditor who I was with sold the brand to Lloyds TSB and then B*rclaycard. If valid, it is not statute barred at present. I was approached by a DCA in June 2011. When I submitted a CCA request to them with the £1 fee, they responded by return returning everything saying that this account was closed at their office. I have no idea why. I was then approached by another DCA about the alleged outstanding debt in September 2011. I sent them a CCA request with a PO for £1 (tracked delivery) and have just received what I requested. I did write in 2011 to confirm that they had not provided what was requested within statutory time limit - apparently they had outstanding enquiries which is why there was a delay. I have been sent a poor copy (just legible) of a reconstituted agreement, so there is no name, signature or specific details to me on it, and the document itself does not contain details of credit limits etc. either. It is certainly not a true copy of what I may have signed if this related to me. This has left me a little unsure of my options. I am not happy about the agreement being a truly accurate document, which I can challenge. Is this claim enforceable in court, because in addition it was so late in being sent? I have read that if the documentation was not received within time, you can still be 'chased' for the debt, but legal action cannot be taken against you as you are not legally obliged to pay anything. However, I have read elsewhere that this is not the case. The CCA request legalities are there for a reason, surely? Thank you for any help/suggestions.
  7. Hi, I had car insurance 2 years ago with a company called Octagon Insurance, I did it online. when it came to renewal last year , I went somewhere else. Octagon in their infinite knowledge assumed i would renew with them anyway , so they sent me a renewal quote and promptly advised their financing arm - Creation.co.uk to deduct money from my account and set up a direct debit. I got my bank to refund the unauthorised DD, returned the insurance renewal sent by Octagon , but they have been chasing me for about £200 ever since then. I wrote to them to send me the agreement schedule I had with them , but they ignored my mails. Now they have passed my name to Clarity debt collections , and I found out that Clarity did a Credit check on me without my permissions. They also wrote to me that with their usual threats about putting a default against my credit. any advice on how to tackle this cowboys please? thanks James.
  8. Hi all, Longtime no speak. I am after a little advice. The back ground is as follows:- My wife has two CCJ's going back to early 2008 for HSBC Loan & Credit Card accounts. The original defaults/last payments on these accounts go back to Jun 06 and Jan 07 consecutively. These payments were made after the accounts were transferred to the DCA CL Finance. Recently, these accounts have been chased by the DCA's Zinc Recoveries and Lowell Portfolio I Ltd. I sent a CCA request to both of these DCA's on 17/10/11 and neither have been able to produce any CCA's etc. I received a reply from Lowell Portfolio I on 11/11/11 saying that they had not received a CCA from HSBC and were therefore putting the account on hold. Since then I have received a "Notification of Oustanding Account" from UK Default Recovery for the same account. Zinc Recoveries continue to bombard the telephones with nuisance calls from 'Mr Allen'. I am proposing to escalate matters now by sending "Account in Dispute" letters to all three DCA's. Can anybody tell me what I should do after this if no CCA's are forthcoming? Can I get these debts written off as they are unenforceable and can I get the CCJ's removed from my wife's CRA report? Is it a case of waiting until Jun and Jan for the original debts to become "Statute Barred" or do the CCJ's mean that the period for this would extend to the date that these were imposed? Any advice would be most helpful.
  9. In 2009 I requested a CCA from Barclaycard and SAR. No response. I put the account in dispute until I received relevant terms and conditions applicable to me at time I signed Barclaycard in 1998. They kept sending me current terms and conditions. At this point I no longer had use of the card and had not made payment for some years. in 2010 unknown to me Barclarcard has entered a default for the same credit card twice. What should I do? Do I dispute the default? Any advice appreciated.
  10. Hi, revived a letter today from Apex,saying that they wrote to me recently, but they didnt, re a Capital One credit card, that is nearly stature barred or if not alredy... my questions are: 1) my name Geoff is spelt Geofff.. is this an issue? 2) the address is incorrect being the wrong flat number is this an issue? 3) should I ignore this letter? giving me time and finally 4) if i do have to contact these people, what is the current state of affairs regarding cca requests and if so can i have a template....
  11. Hi I received a letter from dcl In June in respect of a Welcome Finance Loan, I sent off a CCA request non recorded on the 23rd of June. Up until yesterday 18th July I had not heard from this company, so I prepared a letter advising that I was placing the account in dispute. Today 19th July I received the following letter. "Hillesden Securities Hillesden Securities Ltd. BUCKINGHAM ROAD BRACKLEY NORTHANTS NN13 7DN Mr X Xxxxxx 18 July 2011 Dear Mr Xxxxxx Account Number 1xxxxxxxxx0 Formerly Welcome Financial Services Ltd xxxxxxx Thank you for your letter dated 23 June 2011 regarding the above account. I can confirm and advise the following:- We have removed your contact telephone number from our records and will continue to pursue you through written communication only. Please note that if you do not keep a regular dialogue with us regarding this account and update us accordingly, our guidance from the Information Commissioner states that we are entitled to re-instate your contact telephone number to continue collection activity on the account when required. Hillesden Securities T/A direct legal & collections are an agency collecting on behalf of our client, Welcome Financial Services Ltd who remains the legal owner of your account. Your request for information under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 is required to be made directly to Welcome Financial Services Ltd. Your letter states that a postal order for £1.00 is included, however there was no postal order enclosed. Upon receipt of your letter and statutory fee Welcome Financial Services Ltd will comply with your request. Yours sincerely Data Controller Compliance Team Telephone: 01280 845616 Registered Office: Willow Road, Bracklcy, Northants. Registered No. 1418063 in England. A Member of the FACCENDA Group of Companies" My query is do I contact Welcome or as dlc are their agent continue to deal with them. I have sent off the dispute letter and a copy of the original request again this time registered post.
  12. Hi, I would be extremely grateful for some help with this. I have sent a letter to Barclays requesting my CCA with a £1.00 PO. They have replied back to me saying: Dear Mr R, Thank you for your request for a copy of your CA and financial statment. We are pleased to provide you with a copy of your F.S. Sections 77 & 78 of the CCA 1974 (as amended) DO NOT require B.Bank to provide you with a signed original form of the C.A.and in accordance with the act it is not the policy of B.Bank to provide this. This was for a Loan taken out online for £10,000.00 on 5th June 2008 Is this correct that B.Bank do not have to supply this information? Where do I go from here. Any help please.
  13. Hi, recently my wife was being chased for a dept so she asked for the CCA. after some time they have now provided a CCA with my wifes signature however they have said "For terms and conditions please refer to your catalog, they are printed within there" my wife no longer has an agreement with the catalog company as this was terminated and passed to the DCA. The terms and conditions they would be referring to would have been printed in a catalog that was issued in 2007. my wife doesn't have a recent catalog as she no longer has an account with them. my question is Does the DCA have to supply all of the statutes that was signed with the original credit agreement or are they within their rights to say they have provided a signed CCA and the T's & C's are printed in the catalog. if anybody can help with this that would be great, not sure if there is a template that deals with T's & C's to the point that I don't even know if the T's & C's they are reffering to are actually statutes of the CCA agreement. Thanks in advance Andy
  14. Hi Everyone, [goto post 73, details until them are wrong] I’ve found out recently that my mother and her partner took out a 900 pound loan out with Scottish Finance in 2002. Originally paying back 30 pounds a week for 2 – 2 ½ years until her partner died. She then paid either 15, 20, 22 pounds a month ever since. It was passed onto DLC in 2008 and they keep calling her to increase the repayment amount, even though they know, she’s on the basic state pension. I’ve been to the CAB and they gave me a CCA request to send off, and then return to them with the reply. Unfortunately, the local CAB is now in crises and not answering their phones, or taking on any new cases. And I’ve been told it’s going take at least a month to get a return appointment. So I was wondering what to do next, basically. it appears my mother has repaid over 4000 pounds so far in ‘interest’ and the balance is still higher than the original loan. It’s around 1200 pounds. I sent the CCA request to DLC, and received a reply from Hillesden. Inside an envelope with a ‘return to DLC if undelivered’.! Their reply to the CCA says that they are ‘awaiting a copy of your original agreement and statement of account from your original lender…..’. I visited, what was the local office, of London Scottish and found out that they went into liquidation in 2008. And that they had left all their files behind, which the new occupiers (who I spoke to) had to shred and take to the tip. So basically, I think I need to know whether to wait the 21 days that Hillesden would like, which means the letter should hopefully wound arrive just before my new CAB appointment, and taken both letters there. Or should I send them a ‘failure to provide a copy…’ type letter and take all three letters along to CAB. She's not paying any money at the moment so should I send a in dispute letter? Or have they admitted that in the '...not able to enforce..." section. Any info, suggestions, or advice would be really helpful. Thanks, bob
  15. I'll admit, this might be a bit cheeky, but I'd like to know if anyone has any details on how efficiently First National Motor keeps their records. In 2003/4 I took out a car loan with them. In 2007, due to difficult personal circumstances, I couldn't keep the payments, and ended up in court. Since then, apart from a few letters from Banner Jones solicitors, I've heard nothing, so haven't been too stressed by it, however, I now could do with a different mortgage, and have 1yr, 51 weeks to being ccj clear. I'm tempted to write to them and ask for a CCA, but am a bit concerned about the beehive principle! Is it better to wait 2 years, rather than have them round demanding 4 grand I wonder? Does anyone have experience of them and their records? My plan is, tell me if this will work, to have the debt rendered unenforcable, then apply to remove the CCJ? Paul
  16. I have recently run into Cabot Finance, an experience that I would not wish upon anyone . The problem I have is as follows: 1. Following the sale of my house due to mental illness in 2001, I asked Barclays to close the current acount associated with my mortgage. 2. In 2009, whilst checking my credit file I was made aware that there was a default against my name logged by Barclays. (I have a copy of this credit record). The debt had arisen, not because of a credit agreement per se, but because Barclays had made an error. The debt was the accumulation of account fees that had been charged against my account, even though the account should have been closed. The statements had been subsequently sent to the house that I had sold. I had not given a forwarding address because as far as I was concerned, the account was closed and the house not longer mine. 3. Barclays acknowledged that they had made a mistake and cleared my account and any mention of it on my credit file. I even have a hand written fax from a Barclays manager requesting that their debt recovery department remove the debt because of Barclays error. 4. In July this year Cabot Finance started calling every day, sometimes twice a day for over a month. (I am still recovering from a 3rd bout of mental illness so this only added to my problems) 5. I complained to the CSA and the FSA as I stated there was not any grounds to contact me. 6. The CSA stated that there did not 'appear' to be any breach of their code of practice as Cabot 'claimed' that they were legitimately chasing a debt that was outstanding. 7. In September 2011 I received a letter from Cabot restating that I owed them (they had bought a debt written off by Barclays) the sum that had been previously written off by Barclays - a total of £186. Not sure how this had happed 8. Having checked my credit file again, Cabot have now logged a default on my credit record, thus making it impossible to even have a modest bank overdraft 9. After reading the advice on this site (thank you) I wrote the following letter; Please note that I do not acknowledge any debt to either Cabot Financial nor Barclays Bank. I require you to supply the following documentation in order that I may correspond further on this matter. 1. You must supply me with a true copy of the alleged agreement in relation to the debt to which you refer. This is my right under your obligation to supply a copy of the agreement under the legislation contained within s.78 (1) Consumer Credit Act 1974 (s.77 (1) for fixed sum credit). Your obligation also extends to providing a statement of account for such debt. I enclose a postal order made out for a £1 in order that you will supply a copy of such agreement and statement of account. 2. You are notified that you are obliged to supply these documents, whether you are the original creditor or not under S189 of the CCA 1974. Non-compliance with my request is a criminal offence under the above Act and will result in a report being submitted by me to the relevant statutory authorities, including the FSA, The Financial Ombudsman and the Credit Services Association. As you are aware, a credit agreement that is not properly documented and signed by the customer is totally unenforceable under the CCA and therefore is a complete defense to any court regarding the claim that is issued. I have also noted that you have placed a default against my credit record. On the basis that there is not any basis for your claim I would respectfully ask that this is removed with immediate effect as there is not any justifyable reason that such default has been logged, which would also be contrary to the CSA Code of Practice and the FSA regulations. 10. Today (7th November 2011) I received a letter from Cabot asking me to CALL them. Other Facts It should be noted that I have not informed Cabot of the evidence I have (re Barclays fax above) as I was hoping that the onus or burden of proof was upon them to demonstrate by way of a statement etc that I owed Barclays money i.e. Cabot had to prove there was a legitimate reason for making demands upon me. QUESTION I WOULD LIKE ANSWERED A. Even though the debt relates to an alleged debt relating to bank charges, is this covered by the CCA and does my letter (see above) hold water? B. Should I write back to Cabot and state that they should refer to the letter I sent (see above) and reiterate my demands for proof of the debt. C. Even in the absence of the CCA not being applicable are Cabot obligated to provide me with proof of any alleged debts and the reason for them being outstanding. If so, is there any legislation or consumer law I can quote? D. In relation to the default, and on the basis that I can provide written evidence, should I write to the Information Commissioner to enforce the removal of the default by Cabot? If so, should I bring the following CCA paragraphs to their attention (from advice on this website): Removing a Default s159 Correction of Wrong Info provides, etc (1)Any individual (the “objector ”) given— (a)information under section 7 of the Data Protection Act 1998 by a credit reference agency, or (b)information under section 158, who considers that an entry in his file is incorrect, and that if it is not corrected he is likely to be prejudiced, may give notice to the agency (in this case Cabot Finance) requiring it either to remove the entry from the file or amend it. do note the rest of s159. in sum, they have 28 days to respond. either removing, editing, or taking no action. after, a further notice of correction can be requested to be added to the file. again, 28 days to respond. if refusing they should apply to the ICO for an order. an 'objector' can also apply to the ICO. failure to comply with an Order is an 'offence'.
  17. Hi folks, Quick background: DCA (Wescot) kept referring me to their client (RBS) whenever I made a CCA request. Taking advice from the forum, I made the CCA request direct to RBS. Their deadline for compliance was 07/10/11. They have now sent me a package of copy documents under a letter dated 10/10/11 claiming to fulfil their obligations in a s78 CCA request. The first copy is an alleged credit agreement. Whilst I recognise the name and address (I've moved home a lot since that address), it's a single page headed "Credit Agreement regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974". Apart from the name and address, credit card number & credit limit there are only 5 paragraphs: 1. We will set your credit limit... and we may change it at any time... 2. Within 25 days of each statement you must pay us... 3. The rates of interest we charge , and the equivalent APRs... (followed by a table of interest rates) 4. If you repay the full new balance shown... we will not charge you interest... 5. There is a minimum interest charge of 50p... There's also a "Your right to cancel" box. There's no date and no signature boxes, let alone signatures. And nothing that says the agreement is approved by anyone at Natwest (as it was then). Second document is a single page photocopy with paragraphs similar to those on the first document. The interest rates are the same, but it still only runs to 7 paragraphs - it looks like the first page of a set of T&C. Third document is an A4 copy of a tri-fold set of T&C's. Interestingly, its first page is similar to document 2, but whereas document 2 ends the page at paragraph 7, page 1 of document 3 ends its first page at paragrah 5. The full copy of T&Cs have no date, but the last page bears a reference "1/03TCNW-1". Document 4 is a current, original, copy of T&Cs in tri-fold format. Their reference is "NW TC1 05/11" Document 5 is a regenerated copy of a letter that would have accompanied a replacement credit card. It bears my current surname and current address, the card number & credit limit but is undated. It says that the account was first opened in February 2003 (which would tie in with the address in document 1). Document 6 is a copy of a credit card statement dated 21/09/11 but bearing my last address before this one (I moved to my current address in August 2010). Document 5 & 6 are very contradictory: if at 21/09/11 they did not have my current address, how would they have been able to deliver a replacement card? There has certainly not been a replacement card since 21/09/11 and they would not have issued one if the account was in dispute, would they? Their letter says that if I want an account breakdown, to contact them & they would tell me how much they would charge. That's the package. So has RBS complied in full with my CCA request? I would be grateful for comment, opinions and advice on the next steps. Thanks CAGgers. Dave
  18. Hi everyone Received a doorstep visit from an 'agent' of Credit Security today, in respect of a disputed M&S Money agreement. M&S were CCA'd in September 2008 and failed to comply. (They sent only a copy of T's&C's). This is the culmination of long ignored correspondence from Credit Security, which has now reached the point of them threatening Court and the doorstep visit. I've now compiled the attached letter, partially using a CAG template. Any comments and observations would be much appreciated before I send on Monday 17 Jan. Letter.140111.Anon1.pdf
  19. I put in a request under CCA section 77/78 to pheonix collections I left it for 40+ days and still got no responce. I decided to log a complaint through my equifax account online and got a reply within days.. Response (Administrator)14/06/2011 03.10 PM Good Afternoon, We can confirm that we have received your request for a copy of the credit agreement in regards to this account. We can confirm that Shop Direct have been unable to provide us with a copy of the signed agreement for this account and have therefore requested that we close this account. Please be advised that you will no longer be pursued for this debt by either Credit Account Management on behalf of Phoenix Recoveries or our appointed agencies. We have arranged for our record on the files of the Credit Reference Agencies to be deleted. Please allow for up to twenty-eight days for your file to be updated. We trust this brings a satisfactory conclusion to this matter. Kind Regards, Credit Account Management I am totaly satisfied with this outcome and only sent 1 letter...lol The account was opened in 2002 then defaulted in 2008 as I was made redundant. £3653 + Defaults "PoooooF" gone just like that:-D cant believe how damn easy it was
  20. Hi, I am being chased by Natwest solicitors Incasso. I requested CCA but they say I do not remember any judgment against me. What should I do?
  21. Hi All, I am in need of some help ASAP, basically I had a phone contract with o2 2 years ago which I terminated early and was charged for. I refused to pay based on the fact that the reason it was cancelled was due to the fact that they changed my tariff and would not change it back to the original one that I signed up for... anyways 2 years later I began to get letter after letter from the "lovely" people at lowell financial, this was also topped off with many calls to the point where I started to make payments even though told them that I did not have enough money coming in to make the payments that they requested. I have looked at my credit profile and have seen that they have put a defaulted notice on my profile and want to know if I an request for this to be moved considering I am paying the money and have never had a default notice from them, not only that I want to know if there are any options open to me in regards to dealing with lowell as im completely confused and I really dont think I owe them £900, I paid them a payment last month and they even took a extra payment out of my account which is now being investigated as it was classified as a card payment, thus my bank said that as it was not a direct debit they must have stored my card details on file. Please help me.
  22. I am after advice on how to go about sending CCA requests to payday loans and catalogues. Here is my situation: 1. Quickquid loan- owed £1069, currently with mckenzie hall repaying at £15 per week with standing order- originally a loan for £900. 2. Wonga-owed £700, currently on repayment of £10 per week with standing order, roughly £600 left to repay. 3. Txt loan-owe £100, with interest £117 is due to be repaid on the 12th of this month.- they have my current card details. 4. Payday express, owe £400, rolled over once already for £100, now £500 due to be repaid on the 15th of this month- they have my current card details. 5. WDA, owed £350, on repayment plan of £40 per month by standing order- one payment left of £59- however this includes £36 set up fee for the repayment plan- due to be repaid on the 6th of this month- unable to make repayment- nothing heard from them as of yet. 6. PDUK- owed £550,on a repayment plan of £50 per month by standing order, £200 left to repay, due 6th of this month.Been given until tomorrow to pay or further collection procedures will commence. 7. Additions direct ( catalogue )- £900 owed, missed two payments now on repayment plan of £66 per month as they would not except any lower amount- to be paid 22nd of this month- £450+ of this debt is made up of late payment fees accrued over the last couple of years. I also have three credit cards which works out at about £45 per month in repayments and a personal loan of £150 per month. I am currently on maternity leave and receiving £125 per week plus £20 in benefits. I very very stupidly and out of desperation took out the payday express and txt loan whilst on maternity leave without stating that i was on maternity leave- i know how stupid this sounds, but believe me it was pure desperation- to pay household bills after my partner due to personal reasons was unable to make this months rent and council tax payments. All other companies are aware I am on maternity hence the reason for the repayment plans.These loan were taken out last year with the view of having them repaid well before I went onto maternity but due to a combination of having to take my maternity leave early- baby was premature and other unexpected bills they were rolled over for several months. My plan was to send each company a CCA request just to bide me some time until next payday when I can continue with the repayments. However as the due dates for most of these loans are within the next day or two would I be best to email them to let them know I have sent a CCA request- I have them written out and ready to post today- and that I shall be refraining from making any further payments until valid CCA's are received and then I shall continue with repayments- this may stop them from phoning all day long. Should I copy every company onto the same email so as they are aware of exactly how many creditors I owe to and I am not favouring one over the other. Please believe me that I am not doing this as a way of avoiding my debt-if valid CCA's are received then I shall restart payments somehow. It has just got to a point where there is now no money left to repay anything this month- council tax and rent alone was £400.
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