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  1. Hi quite some time ago I got myself into some difficulty mainly as a result of several redundancies and a failed business venture. Due to this and feeling I had an obligation to pay my debts I entered into a DMP with Payplan. have been paying £150 a month again I'm finding myself in a redundancy situation have started to think I'm not doing the best for myself. I have a mortgage that I have never defaulted on and never had issues, I've never changed lenders whilst in the DMP, I have been making payments into since December 2011. I went with a DMP as I work in an area that any CCJ's/Bankruptcy would cause me to lose my job. In total I have a combined amount of just under £30k outstanding. Creditor Default Date Opened Date Santander 02/04/2012 15/10/2007 Loan Link 31/05/2012 02/08/2007 Credit Card Capital One 03/01/2012 13/02/2006 Credit Card RBS (Westcot) 20/01/2012 04/02/2006 Credit Card Link (CO-OP) 05/09/2013 16/02/2005 Credit Card PRA (MBNA) 30/04/2012 23/09/2004 Credit Card PRA (MBNA) 30/04/2012 01/11/1999 Credit Card Nationwide Oct 2011 14/05/2009 Subject to Tomlin Loan I'm thinking of stopping the DMP with payplan and potentially asking for CCA's from all of the creditors, apart from Nationwide as I think I've shot myself in the foot with the tomlin order. The balance on this is approx £2700 if I can free myself of the other debt I will divert the full amount to this and get it paid over 18 months. Unless anyone suggests anything else. My understanding of the CCA's is that prior to a certain date they are obliged to provide me with a copy of the original agreement but I might have that wrong. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated
  2. Hi Wondered if anyone could help?? I have been payin of my debt for a LONG time through StepChange, to be precise i've paid off around £11k in 8/9 years and recently have changed to Pay Plan who have advised me to to a debt relief order which i don't really want to do. However my grandad recently passed away and my dad has £4k that he said he is willing to pay off my debt if i can get reduced payments on them all. Using the National Debt Advice Service templates and calculator i have sent letters to all my creditors which are all debt collection agencies to if they will accept a partial payment to settle the debts. I'm trying to get around 10k down to 4k. However upon checking my credit file, Noodle, which used to show all my defaults it no longer has anything on it so i'm wondering where these defaults or debts have gone? Westcott Service Ltd have recently written to me to say they have sent my offer to the Royal Bank of Scotland and is waiting for them to see if they will accept it however i assumed my debt had already been sold to Westcott so would be up to them. They also said my credit file would just be marked as partially settled which doesn't really bother me as i am a student and don't plan on even attempting to get a mortgage for at least 10 years by which time it would have dropped off my file. However if its not already there will the Royal Bank of Scotland add it to my file again. Hope that makes sense??
  3. Hi guys. Ok so I'm going to try my best to explain it all date by date below. I had some debt issues awhile ago and was put on an IVA with Payplan. November 2008, I started the IVA with PayPlan November 2013, I completed the IVA and was given the completion certificate which I have here with me 10th September 2015, I was informed by AI scheme limited (by letter) that I may have a PPI claim 21st September 2015, I received letter from Barclaycard saying my claim was sucessful and that they has sent a cheque for £3601.61 to Payplan 25th September, I called Barclaycard requesting the cheque be stopped as I haven't had any dealings with Payplan since my completion in November 2013 but was told that I had to contact Payplan. 25th September, I called Payplan but was told they are allowed to keep the money and I am only entitled to the intrest (8%). After explaining that the completion certificate says that they are only entitled to any 'pending PPI claims post closure) I was told that I am still only entitle to the 8%. The lady on the phone said "Oh we are allowed to keep it for up to 6 years after the start of your IVA" ..... However it's now been over 7 years. Her supervisor still said "You can have 8%" I did try to log on to the PayPlan site to look at any old documents but as the IVA ended in 2013 it won't let me in. Do I have a legal standing on this? I had no idea any PPI was due to be until a couple of weeks ago when AI scheme said I might have. It's been way over the 6 years since I started my IVA and I have the completion certificate to prove I finished up in Nov 2013. Any help you guys could give me would be very much appreciated. I heard about Green VS Wright in March 2015 that may be of help? Thanks.
  4. Been in a DMP with Payplan since May 2013, was originally for 4 years but over the last couple of years due to a debt being added and monthly payments reducing this is now showing as ending July 2020! what worries me more is that even in July 2020 we still don't know if that wil be the end due to charges and interest being added. Not even sure if we can both get iva as we have 2 debts with link financial and I have been told they reject a lot of iva's. My worry about an IVA is at the moment of budget is not 100% accurate and would have to change as I know they require more proof of your expenditure. We are currently left at the end of the month with a bit of spare money which allows us to have a bit of a life (money for Xmas for my son and days out for him) on this plan but know we should really put everything into paying our debts off but this way it just makes life a bit for manageable. We currently pay 360 month to Payplan and have £21500 debt left and have paid 12000 off so far. I keep reading lots of stories about iva's that scare me but just want to get this debt paid off. Me and my husband both have old cars and I do worry about replacing them as we both pay lots of money in repairs and mot. Grateful for any advise
  5. HI, Been with Payplan for 10 years now and my yearly review is now due. However for aslong as i have been with Payplan, paying various montly amounts over the years i just do not feel i am making any headway into my debts. I am considering managing my own DMP but really do not know where to start or even if this would be a wise decision. Payplan have informed me that they no longer think a DMP would be the best solution for me, and indeed in the past they have suggested IVA or Bankrupcy. Not sure i want to go down those lines. Anyway here for a bit of advice and support on how to proceed really. My debts are listed below figures taken from account at Payplan. Have checked my credit file which shows just 3 closed debts(the more recent ones) I also recently had 1 debt removed from payplan when i checked my account more closely as they had the same debt listed twice. Im really keen just to get my house in order, find out where i stand and get the debts cleared in a positive way and acually feel like im making headway. 1st Credit Ltd £564.67 History National Austrailia Group 12/02/07 Barclays Partner Finance 27/02/07 Roxburghe International/David Rubin & Partners 12/04/07 Barclays Partner Finance 12/10/12 1st Credit Ltd 21/05/14 Barclays Partner Finance 10/12/15 1st Credit Ltd 10/12/15 Barclays Bank PLC £3471.48 History Egg 28/07/06 Egg Prudential 28/07/06 Direct Legal & Collections 05/12/06 Barclays Bank PLC 08/03/16 Barclays Bank PLC £5031.74 History BarclayCard 28/07/06 Barclays Bank PLC 28/07/06 CapQuest Group Limited £1594.14 History First Direct 28/07/06 HSBC Bank 28/07/06 HSBC Bank 16/10/09 Cabot Financial (Europe) Ltd 13/01/12 CapQuest Group Limited 06/03/12 Capital One Europe PLC £1686.8 History Capital One 28/07/06 Capital One Europe PLC 28/07/06 CashEuroNet UK £317.19 - this is pounds to pocket Moorcroft Group PLC £2305.16 History Vanquis Bank 26/09/12 Moorcroft Group PLC 02/04/14 Vanquis Bank 11/09/15 Moorcroft Group PLC 14/09/15 PRA Group LTD £5810.85 History Egg 28/07/06 Egg Prudential 2 28/07/06 Direct Legal & Collections 21/09/06 Goldthorn Debt Recovery 30/04/07 Egg Prudential 30/04/07 Direct Legal & Collections 03/12/08 Egg Prudential 21825252 23/12/08 Direct Legal & Collections 12/08/09 PRA Group LTD 19/05/10
  6. Hi Again I come to get great information and help. I was with PayPlan Plus for about 5 years, paying £22+ per month for payment protection. My questions are ... 1 ... Can I claim Payment Protection from a Debt Management Company even though it was a free plan 2 ... Can you advise of the address of payplan as i have since emigrated and no longer have anything from them 3 ... If successful They are not allowed to pass this on as a split to the creditors are they Many thanks for your help again. Very much appreciated especially as I no longer reside in the UK. Grumpy Old Me ... lol
  7. Hi, Just had the following email from Payplan for my 6th review: ************************************************************************ It's time for your Debt Management Plan (DMP) Review Throughout your DMP we like to check that your plan is running smoothly and that the amount you're paying is right for you. It's also important for us to check if your DMP is still the right debt solution for your needs. For your reference, we've enclosed copies of the most recent income & expenditure details and creditor list we have on file for you. As a reminder, your current regular DMP payment is £186.15 What do I need to do? Please read through and check all the enclosed information carefully. If nothing has changed, you don't need to do anything at all. Based on the enclosed financial information, we believe your DMP is still the right debt solution for you. So everything will continue as normal, and we will resend this information to your creditors. If your income and/or expenditure have changed significantly, please call us on the above number as soon as possible so we can update your details, make any necessary changes to your debt plan, and check if your DMP is still the right debt solution for you. Remember, you don't need to contact us if there are no changes, and you're happy with the way your DMP is progressing. Yours sincerely Payplan ************************************************************************* Looking at the last bit, I don't have to call if no changes, Havn't done that before. Could it be because we are within 2 years of completion, or they are so busy they havn't the time? Anyone else had such an email?
  8. Hi, It’s been nearly five years since we asked PayPlan to help us with our debt difficulties. And In that time our debt has gone from nearly £29,000 down to just £5,000. We are paying £340 per month. Now, the child benefits/Tax we have been receiving will be reduced with our eldest finishing college. There will be a loss of about £65 per week, but we don’t expect to regain the full amount from our son due to his indecisiveness about his future. With our reveiw due in August, we are unsure what to say about the his income. Would the creditors expect an income figure for him? or just a token board and lodge amount? The debts in question have nothing to do with him. To date he is still looking, but nothing yet. Hope this is clear.
  9. Hi all Me and my partner are currently on a joint DMP with Payplan (in the sense my outgoings to PP are noted in the household outgoings for me, and vice versa) We currently rent a private property and all income/expenditure is based on this place. Her folks are moving abroad and can't sell their property, so asked if we'd like to move in there for the time being. It's a larger property than we currently rent. They won't agree to a tenancy agreement, but will agree to a Licence. In this Licence, it will stipulate they agree for us to live there until they return from abroad, and will lay out what we are expected to pay. This will be the mortgage and all associated bills (everything, basically) as one lump sum payment due on the 1st of the month. This will be drawn up by their solicitor. My issue is they want to keep all bills in their name, and for us to merely pay them an amount to cover their outgoings. The licence would presumably be subject to change as things like gas/electric goes up and down. I approached PP and asked for advice but they were unable to comment on how the DMP may be affected by this change. I don't need to move, it would be fine to remain as we are, but we'd be helping them out by taking over the place and covering their outgoings (mutually beneficial arrangement) I'm just worried things will go south if we go ahead, a creditor might take exception to this and we can't prove our outgoings aside from the agreed payment as per the licence being paid over monthly to the parents. I feel its a non starter, but I worry too much as it is to be quite frank. Can anyone see any issues or offer any advice? If we move in and the DMP falls apart we couldnt resume the contractual payments on the debt. I don't think the move will cost more than we pay now, as their mortgage is less than our rent. The extra on council tax and utility bills will just about balance things out - so we're not saving anything by moving (may cost more). I'm just unsure it is a good move when on a DMP given the circumstances and would appreciate any input! Cheers
  10. Hi there I have received a letter today from Lloyds Bank asking my for a repayment plan saying I owe them £1030.24 I had an original debt with them in 2003 which was and is being dealt with by Payplan. I have checked on my Payplan account and even though I have been paying them every month for the last 12 years I still owe £174. I am really confused how having paid over £5000 towards a debt of just over £5000 I am now still owing over £1000!!! I understand that they can still put charges on but is it unreasonable to stop paying seeing as I have now cleared the original debt? I feel like I am going to be paying this forever and ever. As soon as I feel like I am nearly at the end of it all I am landed with a request to give them another £1000. Can anyone suggest what my best option is? Should I request a CCA and see if they can provide it? Should I write to them and explain that I have paid x amount and that I have cleared the original debt? I really don't know what to do and am at the end of my tether Thanks for any help
  11. Hi there, I have a Lloyds TSB Credit Card debt. Until 3 months ago, they were happy to recieve payments via my DMP Payplan. Despite that, they havent actually written to me for 2 years. No sign of being passed to a DCA. Now my PayPlan account is closed as I have decided to deal with all my creditors myself. Not sure if I should just wait to hear from them or take some other course of action? The outstanding balance is confusing because of PayPlans shoddiness, and my over-reliance on them. For example, I have another bank a/c debt with Lloyds. Payplan said the outstanding was £179. Since stopping with PayPlan, the debt has been passed to Wescot, who say the debt is £451. (This is on a separate thread). So back to the Credit Card debt - I am unsure of the amount outstanding, and wouldnt CCA request them because - as far as I know - Lloyds themselves are still dealing with it. Thanks again in advance
  12. Hi, This is a strange one, I'm posting here to see if a common problem. About 6 months ago Pay Plan messed up my DMP by increasing payments to my creditors without contacting me. One creditors balance was cleared and PayPlan created a new payment plan without contacting me. It turned into a gigantic mess so I sent a formal letter to Pay plan to cancel the DMP and started to self administer my DMP, as well as complaining about their mess up. Got an email response, very poor response, and decided to get new SAR details to confirm the facts before making a formal complaint to them. DSAR sent, no response. Searched through my files. When I sar'd them in 2012, same thing, I only got a response when I send LBA. Last week I sent a SAR chase up letter, they claim not to have received the original letter, but will oblige with the SAR this coming week. I just though their DSAR department was incompetant, but then I got the shock of my life. I opened a CC statement to find a pay link payment on there, why? My PayPlan DMP is closed. Looked into my account, they have split the £10 fee for the SAR amongst my creditors! The SAR was a formal letter, clearly detailing I wanted full disclosure etc, especially telephone notes (as they were also very naughty last year and lied to me!). The best bit.......the have paid several creditors whose balance was 0! Sheer incompetence. Are play Plan covered by FOS? Am I entitled to any compensation, as I now have to spend time contacting quite a few creditors (again) to sort this mess out. Last time I had to renegotiate with 9 creditors to set up DMP myself, with many of them several signed for letters, requiring new i&e's etc, so the costs have been mounting up. Not what I need in the slightest. Any advice would be welcome CS
  13. Hi All, Really really need your help on this one as i am in an IVA with Payplan which started in December 2012. My total loans came up to £8,351 and Payplan calculated that i can pay 64.48p in the pound which worked out to be £5,361.84. With my income and expenditure, my payments had been set at £116.81 which was perfect, however i had a massive increase in pay due to a promotion and Payplan increase my payment to £231.89 a month. I have been in contact with Payplan to find out what my end date will be and they said that my plan is for 5 years, however i worked out that i would be paying them more than my original debt including interest, 3 out of the 5 creditors where interest free loans! They even said that as soon as i have paid Payplan the amount required they will end my IVA, however i have tried to call and email them and not getting any joy at all, when is this date? I am aware that fees are in place, however they are not being transparent and i have said i looked at the terms and conditions and agreement i have signed and have already been charged these fees (which was about £1.5K . . .makes me think why did i enter into an IVA). I did not know that i was heading for a promotion and wished i did not enter an IVA and dealt with my problems however the response i am getting from Payplan is lacking and need help!! Has anyone had this experience before? what was your solution in the end?? thanks all sean
  14. Hi, I've been with Payplan for a number of years now, and suddently I get a letter telling me my yearly review is close, and they have asked me to provide payslips and bank statements, and have given me an envelope to use. Usually I update them with a list of income and outgoings. Why are they suddenly asking me for this? Are they trying to flog insurance? I pay around £150 a month and never missed a payment.
  15. Hi Guys, I've been using PayPlan for close to two years now to steadily get myself out of Debt and free of the creditors nooses I put around my own neck. My balance is presently in the region of £1000 left to pay off, but in recent months PayPlan seem to be increasingly frustrating to work with. Case in point - One of my creditors Oakam, have now sent the wrong balance three times for my account, the first time this led to me spending over an hour jumping through hoops only to find that my balance and what I owed were not the same thing. This happened again in October and after banging of fingers in draws so to speak once, I managed to get the answer again, balance was what was loaned, amount left to pay was something else. It hasn't helped that for some reason at the start of my DMP with PayPlan they changed the reference number for my debt with Oakam to another for three months and never twigged this was an issue until I checked into it myself. Today I've received the same message again, no checking of previous issues with this creditor or how their letters are badly formatted, resulting in hair pulling on my behalf. PayPlan I know is in the pocket of the credit industry to get back what I owe, I've no issue with repaying it all back to them because I knowingly took the money and promised to repay it. But now I seriously wonder if I should find an alternative to them or go it alone, what would you guys advise. I've already gone for the PPI on three of my creditors and won back some, should I SAR all of them and go after my unfair bank charges? Thank you in advance for any advise rendered. Edit - It would also seem using noodle that Oakam claim I have a balance of £8k rather than the £120.76 I have with them. That is very, very worrying, I've opened a dispute about it.
  16. Hi there I am seeking advice about approaching creditors for a settlement offer, and wondered if this was wise, and what is the best way to do it. I have been on a DMP with Payplan for over 10 years, drip feeding my debts - no IVA or bankruptcy. Originally over 25K, now looking at just over 5K. One of my creditors last year offered me a settlement of 60% write off (mbna), and I was lucky enough to have a family member to help out in that respect. This drastically reduced my overall debt. Still chipping away, I wondered if there was any merit in approaching other creditors on my DMP to see if similar settlement figures could be offered. Has anyone done this? Many thanks
  17. I have been with Payplan for around 7 years and have cca all of those whom I don't recoginise as the original creditors. Not surprising no one has complied which means three quarters of them are non-compliant. I thought of asking payplan to stop paying them but don't have much confidence in them doing it with out a lot of hassle so I am thinking of cancelling the dmp and dealing with the legit creditors myself. Any thoughts anyone?
  18. hello again cag'ers Does anyone know if I can take one of our creditors out of the dmp and deal with them directly please. many thanks for any advice
  19. Hi please help Having spent over a week reading posts i am more confused than ever,i went to the bank asking if they could help with a loan to buy a taxi as i could not find any work after losing my job.I was very stupid really, but they gave me a loan of £7,500 on our joint account on my wife's part time income but she was not present and did not consent to it.Basically the business failed as the car i got was in the garage more than on the road and cost me every penny we had + i made a total lose. When we unable to pay for these loans anymore(i already had 1 and so did my wife with same bank)i contacted them for help and thought at first they seemed very helpful,they said not to worry they would put me on to a company that dealed in IVA's (payplan)plan plan took £289 of my wife a month and £189 off me,this was a little better than what we was paying the bank but after nearly 2 years of this and seeing the statements that showed the bank + max credit (was virgins cc mbna must have sold)we was barely paying anything to the bank or MC some months as little as .18p. We have failed our IVA and have received letters confirming this.We asked PP for help on a few occasions and the best they would do was drop £5 a month which was a kick in the teeth as in that 2 years our expenses had gone though the roof.The new job i got after the failed taxi business has ended(2 yr contract) Now the bank has sent a letter to me about the overdraft but still not received anything about the loan which my wife has, the letter was dated 3/4/13 recieved on the 11/4/13 and we have not heard from Max Credit YET.We have been to see a advice person from a local charity who has said for my wife to go Bankrupt,she also said with my debts been less than 15 k they should have advised me to go for a debt relief order and that is what she is saying i should now do. Ok to the point now as we have no assets and a car we need for work and school which is less than £900 should we go ahead with BR or should we try and fight this by asking for original paperwork or sar which i no nothing about yet or should we just go with the advice center and after the BR is over the 6 yr make will our credit rating start to improve,and can Debt people still chase us for money. (Deep Breath)I have tried to put as much info in this and i thank anyone that reads this and i will answer any questions if i have not got it all in,but my head is spinning now. Kind Regards Mark & Clare P.S my wife still unhappy about bank giving me loan on the strength of her wages which she believes this was illegal.They included our tax credits which that lovely man Mr Cameron has since stopped. also our income is soily my wife's wage which is only P/T and we get very little child tax credit.
  20. Hi, I have been with payplan for 8 years, however i am beginning to wonder about the debts im paying. For example i get letters from Activ Kapital offing me a massive 3k discount to settle the debt, then the other day a letter from them charging 1.2k interest on the debt for the year. Also 2 companies on the debt list are charging me for Egg, and Egg prudential which is odd, as i did have a credit card and a loan from Egg, but 2 not 4 so cant figure out why this is. Now i begin to wonder about my other debts, have charges been added etc, are they enforceable. Payplan are ok, but i dont really think they have a proper hold on what these companies are doing. So i would like to investigate the debts myself, find out exactly what i owe and who too, and what charges have been added etc and see if they are enforceable, i really don't know where to start to be honest. Here is a list of my debts. Aktiv kapital and Direct legal collections seem to be charging me for the same debts, although they have different account numbers listed. its a bit confusing to be honest. Can any one tell me where to start? Can i get these companies to prove the debts? and get a breakdown of the debts from year dot? Thank you for any advices offered. Aktiv Kapital (UK) LtdEGL1782 £5,838.34 More Detail Barclays Bank Plc £4,968.21 More Detail Barclays Bank Plc £3,503.30 More Detail Barclays Partner Finance £482.04 More Detail CapQuest Group Limited £1,500.67 More Detail Capital One (Europe) Plc £1,770.86 More Detail Direct Legal & Collections £3,629.26 More Detail Pounds to Pocket £614.35 More Detail Vanquis Bank Ltd £2,058.12 More Detail Wonga.com £367.02
  21. Basicallly: Owe £777 to WDA. Emailed about 5 days before the repayment date saying that I was going to unable to repay full amount, sent I & E form and waited a day. Nothing. So resent email and waited a day and again nothing. It was on day of repayment so had cancelled the DD and cancelled card and CCA. Sent £50 direct to their bank, emailed them saying I had done so and will be sending this amount every month (this was amount I had offered in repayment). Had one standard email saying missed payment but nothing else - no phone calls or emails. Should I be worried or should I leave it? Not willing to call. Many thanks Swanleyboy
  22. I have had a dmp with pp since 2006 and now approx 24K is outstanding. The final two defaults drop of in November. All debts were sold on to DCA's and I pay nearly £500 per month and to be honest everything has gone along fine. As far as I can see no interest or charges have been added since the debts were sold on although a lot was added on in the first instance before they defaulted with the origional lenders. I am getting to the stage where I really want these debts cleared off so as it is becoming a real financial strain but equally I do not want to hinder my credit reports which look like they are finally starting to reapir themselves I would really appreciate some advice on the following? I only had PPI on one of the loans which I have succesfully claimed How do I go about claiming back any interest and charges from the original companies before the debt was sold and can I do this? PP said not? I am not in a position to offer large full and final settlements but would like to try and do so bit by bit, how do I go abouth this? As most of the debts no longer show on my file, can I confirm they would not reappear once settled with the companies that now own them? There is one credit card debt origionally with MBNA sold to Link which is showing on my credit file twice but both defaults drop of in November so I am assuming it is not worth raising this? Any help appreciated
  23. Hi everyone, Basically between me & my husband we have £18,000 of debt. £6,000 - Santander (Car HP) £5,990 - Lloyds TSB (Overdrafts) £1,700 - Top up for Car HP finance £2,000 - Hitachi capital (CSL sofa) £1,700 - ISME catalogue £700 - Next directory This is around £1,000 per month, NOT paying off the overdrafts, just interest! Hubby earns £1200 a month and i am unemployed due to a terminal illness. We have 2 children. Monthly income is £1600. So once petrol and food/baby items have been paid for, we're left with nothing. I have looked into a payplan DMP, and have been offered it at £330 a month, then £240 for car HP as they can not take that on. I have read that they often can't stop interest and that gets added on at the end of the plan, meaning we'd need to pay for a long longer. Does anyone have any advice for us, should we be taking this path? Or are there other options?
  24. Hi, Just wanted to say this is an amazing forum who has given me so much hope. I am anotherwho got themselves into trouble. Got a small Wonga loan ages ago, then found it was hard to pay off, so got another one to pay off etc etc. Feel so stupid. Makes it worse that for 10 years now I have been with Payplan (absolutely brilliant) However i got these loan whilst with Payplan. I swallowed my pride and emailed them and they were great. So loans were all due about a week ago (25th). Have 4 Wonga - 1442.64 (5.80) PayDayUK - 613.48 (2.47) PaydayExpress - 800 (3.22) PoundsTillPayDay - 1143.82 (4.60) After talking to Payplan they sent off my financial statement that day. I pay £200 pcm to Payplan and upped it to £250 per month - this for me is stretch big style but was on their advice. The numbers in brackets are the offers to them as Payplan pay on a ratio system. Payplan told me that PayDayExpress accepted immediately. I cancelled my card and stopped all CPA with bank. Issues 1. Heard nothing from PPT. Worried sick! Isn't that odd? 2. Wonga did send me email asking for I & E but spoke to Payplan who said ignore it as they were sent one anyway. Email says charges will stop for 38 days while they assess it (oddly today got an email from them saying they have charged me £20) so I emailed back and asked why based upon the email that said there would be NO charges. 3. PayDayUK are calling 4 times a day with all different numbers. Ignoring them. Again oddly they do not leave a message. Any advice on what I should be doing would be gratefully received. Swanleyboy
  25. Hi, I have been on a DMP for 2 years now. I have a combination of Overdraft, 1 loan, credit card and mobile phone debt. All debts are going down nicely without interest or extra payments of any kind apart from my lloyds credit card. At the beginning of the DMP I only owed £5100 (still £100 over the limit) now the card is yo yos between £5900 and £6100, interest payments alone out weigh my DMP payment. I have spoken to PP about this numerous of times they just keep telling me to ride it out, once the other debts are paid they can offer lloyds a higher payment but this will still mean paying for a considerable time due to the interest. Last month for example i paid £115 but the interest was £149.11. I have requested by letter that the interest is frozen but i just get offered a lower interest repayment as £125 - £130 which isn't low enough for the DMP payment to make any difference and the offer is only for 3 months! I have already investigated PPI on this card and there is nil! I haven't received any late charges since the time of being on the DMP . it literally just the interest is killing me!! They will not give me the chance to pay it off. Am i better off cutting it looose from the DMP and seeing how i chance against a court?? Please help!
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