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Found 3 results

  1. Hold onto your hats, this gets quite confusing! ... I have received a section 21 from a rogue London Landlord after complaining to the council for serious disrepair. I signed a tenancy agreement back in 2010 and the Landlord was a different company, but we paid our rent to a letting agent who managed the property. The company I now refer to as my landlord has been in charge of the maintenance of the property since 2011, yet the Agent still collects my rent payments. We have just last 2 weeks received a section 48 - which i have not signed receipt of... The landlords name is a new person I have never had any dealings with, and the "landlord" I have been dealing with for 4 years is now refereed to as an Agent. My agent (also pretty crooked) has told me that they are no longer my agent, but will not provide any proper notice or information on when this has stopped. They just ignore my emails. I have always paid my rent to the Agent, but neither the Landlord nor Agent will provide me details of where I can pay the rent to from now for the remainder of our 2 months notice period. It is clear there is some pretty dodgy stuff going on just to get us out due to our complaint to the council who inspected this week. I have never missed a rent payment in 5 years. Them not wanting me to make the remainding payments makes me think they just want rid and will have stronger case if i miss these last two payments? I am thinking of a counterclaim. Anyone any ideas or cases or examples of who I should be talking to here please? Thanks alot!
  2. Hi all Me and my partner are currently on a joint DMP with Payplan (in the sense my outgoings to PP are noted in the household outgoings for me, and vice versa) We currently rent a private property and all income/expenditure is based on this place. Her folks are moving abroad and can't sell their property, so asked if we'd like to move in there for the time being. It's a larger property than we currently rent. They won't agree to a tenancy agreement, but will agree to a Licence. In this Licence, it will stipulate they agree for us to live there until they return from abroad, and will lay out what we are expected to pay. This will be the mortgage and all associated bills (everything, basically) as one lump sum payment due on the 1st of the month. This will be drawn up by their solicitor. My issue is they want to keep all bills in their name, and for us to merely pay them an amount to cover their outgoings. The licence would presumably be subject to change as things like gas/electric goes up and down. I approached PP and asked for advice but they were unable to comment on how the DMP may be affected by this change. I don't need to move, it would be fine to remain as we are, but we'd be helping them out by taking over the place and covering their outgoings (mutually beneficial arrangement) I'm just worried things will go south if we go ahead, a creditor might take exception to this and we can't prove our outgoings aside from the agreed payment as per the licence being paid over monthly to the parents. I feel its a non starter, but I worry too much as it is to be quite frank. Can anyone see any issues or offer any advice? If we move in and the DMP falls apart we couldnt resume the contractual payments on the debt. I don't think the move will cost more than we pay now, as their mortgage is less than our rent. The extra on council tax and utility bills will just about balance things out - so we're not saving anything by moving (may cost more). I'm just unsure it is a good move when on a DMP given the circumstances and would appreciate any input! Cheers
  3. So i am asking for my mum youll have to forgive me im trying to get every little bit of information about it but she either has trouble remembering minute details or did not ask for information directly from Eon. But she says this was over 20 or so years ago she applied to be on a plan called staywarm at a fixed price for unlimited energy/electric after seeing it advertised in the paper, it was apparently for anyone on benefits at the time. Now maybe 4 or 5 years ago they told her she was too young to be on the plan (60 or older) and so put her on a normal tariff and slapped a huge bill on her at which she pays £30 a fortnight (plus the normal bill. Now what i am asking is, my mum recalls telling them her age of course, and i am not familiar with what this tariff was at all was the age limit always 60 year old? and if it was not and it changed to that limit at one point is it down to her to Notify that she is too young? Or EON? I mean she literally went from an unlimited tariff at a fixed rate to a pay meter which has charges on aswell as a £1000+ bill. Im going to be ringing them up myself shortly to find out what the hell is going on so i will add more details in later.
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