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Found 5 results

  1. HI, just wondering if anyone can help at all plz, im in receipt of payments fro my ex for our 2 children that live with me throughout the week and visit their mother 6 nights per month plus 2 weeks holidays. The CSA closed there file on the 11th Feb but collected the arrears on the schedule, CMA have assessed payments but starting the 7th March leaving quite a shortfall in payment. Ive been on the telephone to both companies and told theres nothing they can do about the period in between which is alomst a months payment.. is this right as they both state that the paying parent has a legal obligation to pay???? This has also gone the same as receiving nothing for the first 14 months of our separation.. No wonder my ex first agreed to direct payment and then worked the system, its the children i feel sorry for not myself.. Any advise would be appreciated as to what i can do Hadituptohere
  2. Hi Can anyone tell me the legalities on recording business calls do you have to tell them on picking up the phone or putting a reference on website be sufficient TIA
  3. Hold onto your hats, this gets quite confusing! ... I have received a section 21 from a rogue London Landlord after complaining to the council for serious disrepair. I signed a tenancy agreement back in 2010 and the Landlord was a different company, but we paid our rent to a letting agent who managed the property. The company I now refer to as my landlord has been in charge of the maintenance of the property since 2011, yet the Agent still collects my rent payments. We have just last 2 weeks received a section 48 - which i have not signed receipt of... The landlords name is a new person I have never had any dealings with, and the "landlord" I have been dealing with for 4 years is now refereed to as an Agent. My agent (also pretty crooked) has told me that they are no longer my agent, but will not provide any proper notice or information on when this has stopped. They just ignore my emails. I have always paid my rent to the Agent, but neither the Landlord nor Agent will provide me details of where I can pay the rent to from now for the remainder of our 2 months notice period. It is clear there is some pretty dodgy stuff going on just to get us out due to our complaint to the council who inspected this week. I have never missed a rent payment in 5 years. Them not wanting me to make the remainding payments makes me think they just want rid and will have stronger case if i miss these last two payments? I am thinking of a counterclaim. Anyone any ideas or cases or examples of who I should be talking to here please? Thanks alot!
  4. Hi. I have a debt with Cabot that I have been paying since November last yr. I got a letter from Cabot and Marlin in the same envelope last year saying my debt has been handed to Marlin to administer on BEHALF of Cabot. Needless to say I just continued to pay Cabot direct not Marlin. Now Marlin have got Weightmans LLP involved also who are working on BEHALF of their client which is Marlin who in turn are working on BEHALF of Cabot. Weightmans are accepting my pay terms, however I have been paying Cabot. Sooooo my question is who the hell do I continue paying? Should I write to Marlin and Weightmans stating I am paying Cabot (which they must know anyway). Don't want to get into a long winded battle just want to pay off my debts (having a fair few others too being paid) and I know who I owe to. Should I just refer payments to Weightmans now or is their a valid legal reason to continue paying Cabot as I have been. Thanks kindly.
  5. Recently on 26th September 2012 we purchased a vehicle on HP and duly signed the finance agreement known as a Conditional Sale Agreement regulated by Consumer Credit Act 1974. Within less than 24 hours the vehicle developed a serious fault and was malfunctioning. The dealer collected the vehicle and then handed it over to a franchise dealer as they were unable to rectify the fault. The franchise company is in the same situation and cannot rectify the fault either. According to the HP document we have a “Right of Withdrawal” which states the following; You have a right to withdraw from the agreement without giving reason. T his right is available to you for 14 days from the day after the agreement is executed by us, until 14 days later. If you wish to withdraw your right from the agreement you must notify us orally by telephone, or in writing to xxxxby email to xxxxx or by fax. If you exercise the right to withdraw you are withdrawing from the credit only and not purchase of goods. You are then required to repay the total amount of credit and the accrued interest. Interest will accrue from the date the amount of credit was provided until the date the amount of credit is repaid. You must repay the amount owed without delay and no late than30 days after giving notice of withdrawal. The amount of interest will accrue at a daily rate of £1.09. To repay the amount of credit and interest due please contact us at the address above. As it appears there will be some difficulty in resolving the issue with the vehicle and it could take days, weeks or even months and then the problem may re-appear in several months time, where does that leave us? We have advised the HP company and the dealer in writing that we are exercising our right to withdrawal and are rejecting the vehicle, but not sure if it is the right thing to do. We have not had use of the vehicle for a week which is still at the main dealer. Where do we stand with getting back our deposit and other incidentals totally just under £3600? Is there anything we should be doing?
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