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Found 13 results

  1. Having been on the wrong side of Insurance Companies and having my insurance voided through a careless error in filling out an online comparison application, I decided to start a government petition to try to get insurance voids time limited. Insurance voids can happen for many reasons, careless errors, unintentional omissions, financial difficulty, negligence, black box insurance contraventions. It's fair to punish offenders but not for life, this needs to be time limited like penalty points on a license. If this issue has affected you or anyone in your family please sign and share this petition. petition.parliament.uk/petitions/238286 Thanks
  2. HI, just wondering if anyone can help at all plz, im in receipt of payments fro my ex for our 2 children that live with me throughout the week and visit their mother 6 nights per month plus 2 weeks holidays. The CSA closed there file on the 11th Feb but collected the arrears on the schedule, CMA have assessed payments but starting the 7th March leaving quite a shortfall in payment. Ive been on the telephone to both companies and told theres nothing they can do about the period in between which is alomst a months payment.. is this right as they both state that the paying parent has a legal obligation to pay???? This has also gone the same as receiving nothing for the first 14 months of our separation.. No wonder my ex first agreed to direct payment and then worked the system, its the children i feel sorry for not myself.. Any advise would be appreciated as to what i can do Hadituptohere
  3. My house caught fire via my neighbour who has admitted responsibility, the insurance have made suggestions they may void Claim due to previous history not being divulged . If this happens (not confirmed yet ) what steps would you suggest next ? Suing my neighbour ? Please could someone advise my next steps and who to contact please
  4. ALL THE PEOPLE SUCH AS BHALL AND THE REST OF THE POSTERS ON THE SITE THAT HELPED AND OFFERED INFORMATION TO DEEDS BEING VOID THREAD PLEASE SEE http://self-realisation.com/equity/banksterbusters/summary-judgment-mortgage-deed-declared-void-in-the-high-court/ :smile:
  5. In August 2013 I bought a car from a dealer and I arranged insurance through Admiral. The car is due Road Tax at the end of November but since I never received a road tax reminder, I contacted DVLA to find out where it was. DVLA told me the car has not been registered in my name and its still with the previous owner, so the garage has not sent them the new keepers details form. Now considering one of the insurance questions is "Are you registered keeper of the car" which I answered Yes to, does this mean that currently, I am not insured to drive it ? To make matters worse, about 8 weeks ago I was in a crash (my fault - damage to my car and another car) and everything went through the insurance company. What should I do ? Get the car registered in my name asap and forget about the insurance implications as they don't know anything ? Or should I be contacting the insurance company and tell them that, through no fault of my own, I think i wasn't covered when the crash happened. Not sure if the garage would be liable for the repairs here ? Any assistance appreciated. Thanks, Gavin.
  6. PC World sold me a void Whatever Happens Policy and refused to repair a valuable laptop 23 months later blaming me for their errors. Having taken many months of installments they maintain that the blame rests with the customer for being sold a policy with a void product code by their incompetent staff. I am taking them to court but wondered if anyone else suffered in a similar way at the hands of these faceless, unaccountable, clumsy buffoons? I am so sick of their attitude I intend to make very long and loud warnings about this useless organisation and it's amateur attitude
  7. Hi all. I recently had my car insurance made void by the underwriters due to them interpreting my occupation as different to what my business ACTUALLY is. Asda/Southern Rock are claiming I should have put "Door Supervisor" as my occupation in their dropdown box. I selected "Other - Professional" from the first dropdown box, and "Security Services" from the second dropdown box. I argue that even though I was performing Door Supervisor duties at the time my car was maliciously damaged, my business includes Surveillance, Security Guarding, Manned Guarding, and other security duties within the security industry. In fact, the Nature of Business as described on Companies House is "80100 - Private security activities". I also argue that if I were to put Door Supervisor as my occupation, and were to perform one of the other duties that my company provides, then Door Supervisor would be misleading to the insurers. Hence, why "Other - Professional" and "Security Services" was the most accurate description from the dropdown boxes. I have complained to the Financial Ombudsman about this. I have a new job starting with Sunwin/Co-Op over the next couple of weeks, where I will be employed, rather than self-employed. The job is a Cash and Valuables in Transit Officer, which mainly involves driving. My question is: Now that the underwriters have made my insurance void, I am struggling to get personal motor insurance. Will my personal insurance being made void affect me getting insured on my new employer's business motor insurance?
  8. Hi All, I had a problem with my Vodafone mobile so took in for repair. When handing it over it was signed as in good condition with no damage. And it is not economical to repair the phone. However, I'm now being told it was damaged and that the warranty is void. What are my rights here? They are saying they will send me a picture of the phone inside. But I know the phone wasn't damaged, it was well looked after. Any ideas? Thanks
  9. Hi, I'm in dispute with my car finance company at present over the amount stated on the agreement. However, in the process of going over the paperwork, I've noticed that the original agreement is missing 3 pages of terms. I am able to prove that I have never been provided with these missing sections as everything was done electronically. On that basis, is it possible that the HP agreement is void? Thanks, 1970
  10. Hi, I was involved in an accident a month ago, probably my fault. My car is a total loss. I have sent in the V5 etc and the insurance company are querying the registered keeper. When I filled in the policy application online I indicated that I was the RK, as it turns out the RK is infact in the name of the business, which I am a partner of. How do I stand?
  11. Hi Guys Basically, when my son was 16 I applied online through the carphone warehouse to get him a contract phone with orange. I filled out his info and then filled out my info in the direct debit section. I received an email to say that the application had been received and a day later that the application had been approved and the phone was on its way. My son was happily using the phone, the bills were addressed to him each month and the payment leaving my bank! Last week his phone was stolen, I rang orange and put a bar and blacklist on the phone. Next day I rang them back to request a replacement sim. I was then told that they could not deal with me because I was not the account holder, also they could not deal with my son as he was under 18 and should not have a mobile phone contract!!! I explained the application to them and apparently somewhere along the line his name was put as the account holder with my details. Now I am stuck, orange will not deal with me or my son!! I have requested that the contract be nulled but they cannot do that because of the discrepancy! Help.
  12. I was employed to work as a kitchen manager for a newly opened franchised business. The franchisee's put into place by head office had invested a large sum of money into the business which was packaged as a stand alone, freehold opportunity. My contract of employment was drawn up by the franchisee's which I agreed with and signed. However, it became apparent that the owner of the franchised company had other ideas for the business and decided to remove the franchisee's from the business, rendering every bodies contracts null and void and ultimately without a job. No offer of payment has been made nor any clear or concise reason behind the management decisions made. I would like to know my rights and seek full reimbursement of wages owed as well as possible damages to rectify the vulnerable position i've been forced into. I am currently now in arrears with my rent. Do I go after the franchise or do i go after the already out of pocket franchisee's who were ejected from the business? Please help!
  13. I had an accident at the end of January. After sending all my documents in as requested, the underwriters have voided my policy. They say that I didn't tell them about 2 SP30 convictions. My position is this: I believe that I declared all accidents and convictions when applying originally online. I never received any documents at all, which I only realised at the time of the accident. I always keep the insurance certificate in my car. It wasn't there. The attending police officer at the accident informed me who I was insured with, as no contact of any kind had been received from Hastings since buying the policy. If I had received the documents I would have checked them, as I always do. I would have noticed the missing information and contacted Hastings. Their underwriters are saying that because I didn't contact them about the missing documents they are concluding that I did receive them and they have voided the policy AND cancelled my policy on the car I've had to buy in the meantime. They have informed me that there is a third party claim, and said I must complete and return a "Form of Consent and Indemnity" so that Hastings can deal with the third party claim on my behalf and then bill me for it. Is this last part a joke? I withdrew my original claim a few weeks ago, having had to contact them again after my initial request apparently was ignored. Hastings Direct are the worst insurance company I have EVER dealt with. EVER. I have told all my contacts and business associates the same to save them form the miserable experience I have had since the accident. Any advice on this would be great. I'm hanging fire at the moment, but I'm thinking that I need some legal advice. By the way, the person named by the third party (motability) as being involved in the accident is NOT the person that was driving the car. I don't know if this is relevant.
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