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  1. Hi All, Really really need your help on this one as i am in an IVA with Payplan which started in December 2012. My total loans came up to £8,351 and Payplan calculated that i can pay 64.48p in the pound which worked out to be £5,361.84. With my income and expenditure, my payments had been set at £116.81 which was perfect, however i had a massive increase in pay due to a promotion and Payplan increase my payment to £231.89 a month. I have been in contact with Payplan to find out what my end date will be and they said that my plan is for 5 years, however i worked out that i would be paying them more than my original debt including interest, 3 out of the 5 creditors where interest free loans! They even said that as soon as i have paid Payplan the amount required they will end my IVA, however i have tried to call and email them and not getting any joy at all, when is this date? I am aware that fees are in place, however they are not being transparent and i have said i looked at the terms and conditions and agreement i have signed and have already been charged these fees (which was about £1.5K . . .makes me think why did i enter into an IVA). I did not know that i was heading for a promotion and wished i did not enter an IVA and dealt with my problems however the response i am getting from Payplan is lacking and need help!! Has anyone had this experience before? what was your solution in the end?? thanks all sean
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