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  1. Hi, I have been on a DMP for 2 years now. I have a combination of Overdraft, 1 loan, credit card and mobile phone debt. All debts are going down nicely without interest or extra payments of any kind apart from my lloyds credit card. At the beginning of the DMP I only owed £5100 (still £100 over the limit) now the card is yo yos between £5900 and £6100, interest payments alone out weigh my DMP payment. I have spoken to PP about this numerous of times they just keep telling me to ride it out, once the other debts are paid they can offer lloyds a higher payment but this will still mean paying for a considerable time due to the interest. Last month for example i paid £115 but the interest was £149.11. I have requested by letter that the interest is frozen but i just get offered a lower interest repayment as £125 - £130 which isn't low enough for the DMP payment to make any difference and the offer is only for 3 months! I have already investigated PPI on this card and there is nil! I haven't received any late charges since the time of being on the DMP . it literally just the interest is killing me!! They will not give me the chance to pay it off. Am i better off cutting it looose from the DMP and seeing how i chance against a court?? Please help!
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