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  1. I had an email to my hotmail on 15th March asking me to contact the 'home visits team' to arrange an appointment. I didnt see this until last week as its an old email address. There was another email dated 18th March stating as I hadnt responded a doorstep agent would visit me anyway. No company name was given, no contact, no company footer or details of what they wanted, nothing but a reference that means nothing to me. I googled the 'phone number and linked it to Motormile finance UK Ltd. I replied to their emails upon receipt on 23rd March asking them to write to me detailing what they wanted and sent the usual ,I acknowledge no such debt to your company etc, do not phone and the doortep visit letter etc etc. I told them I would make no such appointment and made it clear to them that I know my rights and wil not be intimidated by them .I also sent copies of these emails by recorded post with a covering letter which has been delivered and I have copies to hand to anyone that calls. I dont know what they want with me as I dont know of any uncleared debts or accounts that I'm not paying. They havent responded to my letter or to my two emails sent to them so I resent them and copied the email to two other email addresses linked to motormile. Still nothing. Today they rang my place of work , it was an automated call which said something along the lines of 'This message is from MMF to inform you that you have not responded to our correspondence and therefore we are instructing our doorstep agent to call on you, if you would like to make an appointment please call xxxxxx. My colleague on the switchboard rang them to explain it was a business number and requested they remove it. They responded by stating 'we are trying to contact xxxxx', giving my name and asking my colleague to pass on a message. My colleague said if it was a personal matter they would have to ring me outside of working hours on a personal number unless an emergency , as is company policy. The person from MMF then said my number would be removed but could take 24 hours so further calls may be received. It was obvious that this was a DCA and they stated doorstep visit etc and then disclosed my name to my colleague. I was honest to my colleague and said I dont know what it is about but it was still embarassing. I've written again today enclosing the stuff already sent and told them I will not tolerate calls like this to my work or anywhere for that matter and told them to write to me. I can see there are threads going back several years re MMF , it seems they dont give up, I'm paranoid that they are watching me or something assessing my 'standard of living' and I dont want them turning up at my house. I'm not scared of them if they do call and know what to say but I could really do without this hassle at the moment. I am worried they may distress my daughter who suffers from anxiety disorder if they turn up at my house while I am out and she is alone or that my neighbours may overhear or that they might call when I am out at work and one of my parents is here as is the case sometimes when my daughter is on school hols. Where do I go from here ? OFT ? Does anyone have an email address for MMF that is actually monitored? I refuse to phone them. If it becomes apparent that I do in fact have an outstanding debt then fine, but I wont respond to threats, intimidation or shady emails. All advice greatly appreciated as always.
  2. Hello, For the past six months or so, I have been receiving letters at my house for my brother - who does not, and has never lived here for one of his debts. this DCA obviously found my name in the phone book or something and thought they'd get lucky. I have asked them to stop calling, and after the last letter I sent them an email as follows: Since sending this I have had two more letters, one now advising me of a doorstep collection. Am I within my rights to go ahead and sting them for harrassment? Advice appreciated, Thanks Sam
  3. Hi everyone Received a doorstep visit from an 'agent' of Credit Security today, in respect of a disputed M&S Money agreement. M&S were CCA'd in September 2008 and failed to comply. (They sent only a copy of T's&C's). This is the culmination of long ignored correspondence from Credit Security, which has now reached the point of them threatening Court and the doorstep visit. I've now compiled the attached letter, partially using a CAG template. Any comments and observations would be much appreciated before I send on Monday 17 Jan. Letter.140111.Anon1.pdf
  4. Hello all, i hope i get some help because im going nuts!!! So two years ago, on the previous flat i was renting i had british gas & Electricity. When i moved out i missed "Apparently" few payments. since Last year i been receiving calls from Wescot Credit services to pay the debt. I chose to ignore them because i remember not having any debt. Then i received a letter from a solicitors office sayin that wescot is willing to consider realistic options for repayment based on my personal circumstances. I emailed them, asking for the bill that states my name, my flat the bill is for and the amount i owe, as well as the dates for this amount. That was a month a go (10/03/11). I told them that i only will to contact them through emails. I received no reply whatsoever Today (7/04/11) I received a letter from ScotCall Debt collecting services with a Doorstep Collection Notice, saying that if i dont pay the debt immediately my account will be passed to their Field representatives to arrange a doorstep call. What can i do?? Shoul i email the ScotCall Debt collectors and say the same stuff i told the solicitors? (send me a bill with the amount owned etc) Please Help. Regards, Charlee
  5. Hi Everyone, I'm posting this again as I was concerned that it wouldn't be easily noticed tucked behind another thread. I found this forum a couple of weeks ago when I Googled Allied International after they had left me a voicemail asking me to call them. I also received a WARNING card from them informing me that they are acting on behalf of their client LTSB and I should contact them urgently. I had a Goldfish loan which I paid for four years without any problems until I started having difficulties back in Dec 07. I contacted LTSB and asked if I could reduce my payments to £150 a month and they agreed. I continued to make regular payments until I became unemployed in May. I informed them of my situation and asked them if I could make a minimum payment of £2 but they refused and sent the debt to their own debt collection department. I made the £2 payments regardless. However, last month those payments were returned to my bank. The debt was £3,000 in May. I sent a CCA request to Allied International on 10th Oct. I received a phone call last week and I told them I will not discuss anything on the phone. This morning I got another call and again I told them to correspond in writing. They claim they have responded to my CCA request and I should have received it by now. Then he said his work is done and hung up. I took this as a subtle threat that they are about to do something. Could someone advise me what I should do next? Should I just wait for the 30 days to expire and send the 30 day letter? Many thanks.
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