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Found 16 results

  1. PDL company admitted fault in final response offered compensation which was accepted and a date by which it would be paid was agreed. That date has come and gone and the PDL company now say they are to busy with claims to pay up and don't know when they will pay the money. Is the agreement you already have with them as legally binding as it would be had they been directed to pay by the Ombudsman. It seems this is the latest from CFO lending and there are multiple reports of them doing this.
  2. I'll keep this short - I have a gift card which clearly shows a printed start date in 2012 and a card expiry date in 2016. In much smaller letters are also the short T&Cs that say the value will expire 24 months from first load. When I received this I noticed the 2 'facts' contradicted one another but assumed as it was clearly printed "card expires xx/xx/2016" we would have no issues. To back this up I actually emailed customer services back in '14 to check and was not told which is correct, but in actual fact Thomson always honour expired gift cards and vouchers ///:razz: So fast forward a yeara nd of course I try to redeem it and I get a card expired notice - I half expected that but the issue I have is in resolving it. I have tried phoning customer services who just say ignore the date and go by T&Cs; they can't help and I must call my local brand; they can't help either and told me to contact the branch it was purchased from....they too can't help and say head office say 24 months that's that and to ignore the email from Thomsons back in '14 becasue they made a mistake. I can't believe the lack of interest or help in this. It's in black and white that the card expires in 16. I am confident in a court of law they would see this as either a mistake or misleading / confusing information; even without the email from the rep; however I have no more avenues to try and not sure the most effective action to take from here.
  3. o prior to my line going active on the 19th, I was given an offer for 6 months half price line rental to try and keep me proceeding with the order as Sky had offered me a good deal to stay with them. I was happy with this new offer so obviously told sky I wouldn't be sticking with them. It was at this point they threw out a great offer to which it was back to TalkTalk to tell them I wouldn't be proceeding. On the 13th January, on the live chat, an advisor named Reshan stated ; Reshan: The order is 6 months half price call plan, with line rental and your package. Reshan: Thank you for your patience. Ryan: you're very welcome. Ryan: Yeah, that's the offer I had a note off, that works out just below £65 more expensive than the sky offer. This is absolutely the most you can offer? Reshan: I can offer you 12 months half price on your package. Ryan: that would definitely beat sky so I would be more than happy with that Reshan! Reshan: Please give me a moment. It was at this point the advisors computer stopped working and the offer wouldn;t be applied right away. Notes were being made and it would be applied shortly. I've tried so hard trying to get this applied and advisors are saying what he is saying is 12 months off the broadband cost which is FREE for 18 months so essentially no difference to the package. From the context of the chat I was having, I assumed it was off line rental but TT are insistant that Line Rental is seperate and not part of the 'package'. I've also been on to the Chief Exective Office and they've been so helpful too......not! The person I spoke to said that what Reshan meant was he was extending the offer of FREE broadband from 12 months to 18 (Even although that's not what is said above) ; that's all the person from the CEO team emphasised - I then found my welcome letter which states FREE broadband for 18 months which was generated before any discounts were applied. I just feel that I have been totally misled into proceeding with the order. I have trailled back through all the chat logs and found this gem this morning which again totally contradicts the executive office's stance ; Joan: You're welcome, okay. Here's what I can do for you. Since the account is still not yet active I will need you to contact us right after the 6 months end to add another 6 months of the Half price line rental. Joan: Now if after 6 months it's not available we will just apply a credit for you equivalent to the offer. If I proceed down this route I can absolutely see what would happen 6 months down the line ..... it would not be honoured whatsoever and it would be more of a headache. Can anyone advise me of what I can do as nowhere is being helpful!
  4. last June we booked out holiday for this year in May and we told partners supervisor/boss at time and he said it was to early and to tell him in January this year. we just told him and he said no, I and another lad have booked ours to go away together, we told him this had been booked since last june and that he knew about it, and that we cant alter holiday as it the half term, and he knew this and he has no children an knows we cant re book or cancel it without losing money. Im so upset by this, we have all been very excited over this holiday for a long time. we have 4 children and 2 are disabled this holiday is a break for them as much as us. His boss/superviosr has refused it and if my partner now takes the time off he sacked I'm crying typing this I've got proof we booked it back and June 2014
  5. Hello all I bought a MacBook Air last summer and bought the extended warranty, which gives me 3 years cover. I had a problem with the screen a few weeks ago contacted Apple to get it repaired. At first I took it into the local Apple authorised reseller and when the technician saw it he advised me to contact Apple directly because if he sent pictures of problem to Apple they would automatically rule that it was due to accidental damage and therefore refuse to repair it under the warranty. I contacted Apple, explained the situation in great detail and the machine was collected by their agent to be repaired. After several phone calls back and forth, Apple are claiming that the problem is as a result of accidental damage and are still refusing to cover the repair. I do not believe this is fair and would like to know if anyone can see a way forward for me please. Yes, the computer is covered by our home contents insurance but I don't see why I should claim the £500+ it will cost for a replacement screen when there is nothing I have done that could have caused the damage. How exactly is "accidental damage" legally defined and upon whom lies the burden of proof? The full details follow, it gets a little long I'm afraid, but the details of this case are very important. What happened is that I closed the laptop one afternoon, left the house, returned a few hours later, opened the laptop again and the screen was distorted. I live with my partner, we were both out of the house together, there was nobody else in the house and therefore it is impossible that anyone used or tampered with the computer in my absence. There was no visible damage to the glass screen, but the display looked as though someone had shot a bullet through it - there was a black roundish mark about the size of a 5p and from that black mark were several horizontal lines. In my discussions with Apple before the computer was sent off for repair they asked if there had been any impact to the screen or if anything had been on top of the keyboard when the laptop was closed. I said no, explained that I am extremely careful with the laptop and would never dream of closing a lightweight, delicate glass screen whilst anything was sitting between it and the keyboard! I didn't say this to them, but I'm not 12, I understand the value of money and I'm not likely to be slapdash with something that cost £1,300! After the computer was sent for repair, the technicians called me to tell me there was in fact a crack in the screen behind/near (I can't remember which) the camera which is housed in the frame of the laptop screen. This of course was not visible until they dismantled the screen for examination. They claim that this sort of problem is "always" (their word) caused by accidental damage and therefore would not be covered by the warranty. I know for a fact that NOTHING has hit, struck, dented, knocked or in any other way caused impact to the screen. I also know beyond a shadow of a doubt that absolutely nobody had access to that machine while I was out of the house that afternoon. I'd been using it on my lap whilst sitting up in bed and when I went out I placed the laptop on top of the duvet. It didn't fall or slip. The only pressure of any kind that can have been inflicted upon the screen is the pressure between my thumb and fingers as I grasp it to open the laptop; the laptop opens easily and smoothly so no particular pressure is required. I don't carry the laptop out and about. I have been very ill over the last year and leave the house about once a week on average, and even then I've taken as little with me as possible, I certainly haven't been stuffing a laptop into my bag! It sits at home. It has been gently treated and I really cannot begin how to imagine how the damage was incurred. I'm not a technician so I think it's probably pointless for me to speculate, but the only possible thing I can think of is what I mentioned above about opening the laptop. If that is indeed the cause then I think it really should be considered a manufacturing error because opening a laptop is, in my opinion, a perfectly natural part of its operation. Really sorry this is such a long post but I thought the details were relevant. If anyone has any feedback on this I'd be very grateful to hear from you. If I have to accept their decision then so be it, but I think this is a totally unacceptable situation. ETA: I'm so sorry, should have realised that this is a very important detail - I bought the laptop in June last year, so just over a year ago.
  6. Hi everyone, I'm looking for some advice on an account with Honour Student Loans please. It's a little complicated and, yes, largely my fault, but any advice would be appreciated. I look at small ( This year I decided to enroll on a degree with Open Uni, starting with an Access course this year and moving onto the actual degree next September. It was during setting this up that I realised that I still had this loan, and that it had been passed to Honour Student Loans. I'm afraid my dealings with them have been far from satisfactory... They're telling me I owe over £1200, give very few details on how this is broken down - other than to state that SLC went to court in 2001, which I was never informed about. I've stated I want full details before I agree to any repayments, which they are refusing to do so. I have requested all paperwork, and will put in an SAR shortly if needed, before I make any agreements. Am I within my rights to do so? Whilst I may need to pay this off, I've already seen their attempts at bullying me into paying and I will not stand for that. I'll keep you informed of any progress.
  7. Over the weekend (21-22 June 2014), Ebuyer had a Mionix Naos 8200 gaming mouse on offer at a discounted price. It was marked with the orange banner they normally use to indicate a particular product qualifies for free shipping with no minimum spend. After adding it to my basket and checking out, there was no option to apply the free delivery that had been promised on the product page. As Ebuyer don't have any telephone support over the weekend I contacted Ebuyer customer support by logging a new eNote on their system. Their response has been shockingly bad and they refuse to refund the delivery charge. See the transcript below of the conversation so far: Me 21/06/2014 11:53 The product page for the Mionix Naos 8200 [redacted as the forum system won't allow me to post a link] shows 'Free Delivery'. However, when I add it to my basket and then try to check out, there is no free delivery option. Only paid options. Why is there this mixup on your system? I wanted to order during the weekend special for this item (£29.99), but it is impossible to do so at that price. Sarah 24/06/2014 09:57 Dear [redacted] Further to your enquiry, confirm that we do have a free shipping offer, and this is highlighted on a number of web pages however as with any offer, Terms and Conditions do apply. These are stated on our help pages. Free Shipping only qualifies on orders with a total > £49.99 inc VAT, so this item would qualify for free delivery when purchasing at the current price, but not when purchasing at the offer price. I hope this helps. Kind Regards, Sarah Ebuyer.com Customer Support Team Me 24/06/2014 10:06 Hello, This item clearly had 'Free Shipping' prominently displayed next to the offer price of £29.99. I took a screenshot of it at the time. You can view it here: [redacted as the forum system won't allow me to post a link] Please refund the shipping charge back to my card. Thank you. Sarah 24/06/2014 10:21 Dear [redacted] Thank you for your response. Again I kindly advise that we do have a free shipping offer, and this is highlighted on a number of web pages however as with any offer, Terms and Conditions do apply. As this order did not meet the Terms and Conditions outlined, due to being at an offer price, carriage was correctly added and this charge agreed to upon submission of the order. Regretfully this charge cannot be refunded. Kind Regards, Sarah Ebuyer.com Customer Support Team Me 24/06/2014 10:28 Hello Sarah I'm not sure if you're aware, but eBuyer actually has 2 different free shipping offers: 1) The customer spends a minimum of £49.99 2) Certain products have a little orange banner which says 'Free Delivery'. In these cases it is not necessary to spend £49.99. You can see an example of this if you view a product such as this: [redacted as the forum system won't allow me to post a link] Hopefully you are already aware of these 2 facts and I haven't taught you anything new. If you add the £9.99 product above into your cart, you will notice that there is a free delivery option when you go to the checkout. This is because the item had an orange 'Free Delivery' banner on its product page. In other words, it is not necessary to spend £49.99. As I demonstrated in my previous note, the Mionix Naos 8200 mouse which I ordered had one of those little orange 'Free Delivery' banners. Let me know if my facts about the 2 kinds of free delivery options are incorrect, or if there's anything else you need me to clarify. Thanks. Sarah 24/06/2014 10:41 Dear [redacted] Thank you for your response. Yes you are correct, there are two options for free 5 day delivery, one is available on orders over £49.99 and one is for certain individual qualifying products. As you have outlined in your response, the difference is determined at the point of checkout. Free delivery will be an available option to select if an individual item is part of a free delivery promotion. If the free delivery icon refers to the minimum spend offer and your basket does not add up to the required value, carriage will be added. I hope this helps. Kind Regards, Sarah Ebuyer.com Customer Support Team Me 24/06/2014 10:49 Hello Sarah The product I ordered was part of the free delivery promotion, as it clearly had the orange 'Free Delivery' banner. Other products which are not part of the free delivery promotion do not have that orange banner. If what I'm saying is not correct, then please let me know the URL of a product page which does have the orange 'Free Delivery' banner but still requires the customer to spend at least £49.99. Because I suspect what you are telling me is not accurate. If a product requires that £49.99 be spent (which is the standard offer that applies to everything), then what would be the point of adding the special orange 'Free Delivery' banner to its page? Can you confirm that you've visited the URL below and seen the screenshot I took? [redacted as the forum system won't allow me to post a link] Please refund the delivery charge as the product I ordered was part of the free delivery promotion.
  8. Hello all! In October last year, I bought a second-hand motorcycle that came with a 12-month parts and labour warranty. In that time, the bike has covered around 1,000 miles and because of the weather I only really got to use it in anger a couple of weeks ago and that's when I noticed that changing up through the gearbox at high revs made the clutch slip. No problem, I thought, I'll get onto the dealer to let them know. After I got back home I decided to do an oil and filter change and that's when I noticed the exhaust downpipes had rusted through and have small holes in them where corrosion has perforated them. I got onto the dealer on Monday last week and he said he'd get onto the warranty company. over a week later (today), I'd heard nothing back from them so gave them a ring and the bloke I spoke to said "they won't have it". I asked what he meant by this and he said "because it's a wearable item". I explained the bike's only done 1,000 miles and that the fault was likely there when I bought it and because I'd not really had a chance to use it properly I'd only just noticed the fault. I asked to speak to the bloke who'd actually sold it to me because in his words "if it's not covered under the warranty, we'll make sure it is" but he won't be there until later on this afternoon. Now, before he gets there I wanted to get an idea of my rights. The bike was sold-as-seen and had a "sold as seen" sticker on the screen but because of the warranty and reassurance that they'd fix it no-matter-what, I signed on the line and bought it. I understand things like brake pads, chain and sprockets and other consumables won't be covered but to my mind, a clutch is a major component and so is the exhaust. Any help on my rights before I go into see them will be greatly appreciated.
  9. In December 2012 my Mum entered a competition on a local radio station. She won a voucher worth £20.00 for a local restaurant and two bottles of wine. Thinking this was a lovely present idea, she then purchased 2 gift vouchers as Christmas presents in 2012 for £20.00 each along with 4 bottles of wine to package 2 in with each voucher. She gave these as christmas presents to myself and my siblings to use with our partners. As you can see in the picture there is no 'Voucher Expiry' date etc. When my brother called to use his in FEBRUARY he was told the restaurant would no longer honour the vouchers due to a manager running off with money(although no change to the actual owners). The restaurant will not honour these now, where do we stand? She paid on her credit card so may be covered by Section 75 however I do not want the restaurant to get away with this! Letter (voucher) image attached. I have also posted this issue on their Facebook site tonight! Family members have suggested ordering our food and then producing the vouchers with payment, if they call the police we have evidence of our vouchers and they will be embarrassed by a scene. Advice appreciated! sorry image is too small, there is no expiry date and no condition of pre-booking.
  10. Hi, Many months ago after being spammed with dozens of calls, texts, and emails, from Payday Express, I got them to agree to £200 in settlement of the entire debt. I insisted they put the words full and final in writing but I couldn't quite get them to do that, so the offer stalled. Now the debt has moved to Ruthbridge are they in any way obliged to honour the £200 PDE seemed willing to agree to? Ruthbridge are claiming closer to £800 from me.
  11. I recently bought a mattress from Dreams. I suffer with a bad back so getting it right is really important for me. I was reassured that should the mattress not be comfortable, I could have a 'comfort exchange' for another mattress if I requested this within 40 days. Unfortunately the mattress was way too hard and I requested an exchange. When i tried the 2nd mattress in the shop, I was reassured more than once by more than one member of staff that should it not be right, I could exchange again. So far so good. A few days after I got the new mattress I realised it was too soft and was causing me pain (so fussy, I know). I went to the shop where the helpful sales guy organised another exchange for me. He organised a delivery date of today, which is documented, and I have a receipt for the additional £149 Ii paid for delivery and the balance as the 3rd mattress was slightly more expensive. I also have a text from Dreams from 27th May confirming delivery would be today. This was the last communication I had from them. No delivery was forthcoming. When I called the service centre, I was informed that they cancelled the order on 1/6/13 as apparently (although I cannot find this in any of the literature) the shop was not allowed to authorise a 2nd exchange. I was never advised of any problem. Neither have I been refunded the £149! The service centre said the shop should have told me. When I asked how they would know there was a problem with the order that they needed to relay to me, the employee told me the shop should have been told of the cancellation but he could find no record of this (ie it never happened). They are refusing to take responsibility, stating that the shop should never have agreed to a 2nd exchange as its against company policy (apparently it didnt use to be but they have recently changed this). All they will say is "this should never have been done". My areguement is that this is immaterial, it has already happened. We need to deal with what is, not what should have been if they hadn't got it wrong! This has fallen on deaf ears. The shop are refusing to take responsibility saying that they didn't cancel the order, customer services did, therefore its their responsibility. I believe that this is a procedural error within the company that they need to sort out among themselves and as I have documentation clearly outlining the agreement we made (ie that I would get the mattresses swapped, with delivery today, for the sum of £149) they are legally bound to honour this. They cannot unilaterally decide to cancel the agreement sometime after it was made. Am I correct? They are doing their best to weasel out of it. I am going in to the shop tomorrow to try and get them to ring the service centre and sort it out between them, but if anyone can add anything helpful at this stage on where I stand, 'Id really appreciate it. I am so frustrated and annoyed. If I had been told that this was the last chance and there would be no exchange, Id have spent all day in the shop making damn sure it was the right one! Thanks.
  12. Hi Everyone I just hope some one has some ideas about my situation which began in May 2008 with the Barclays/Woolwich. They offered me a settlement of a complaint after us all agreeing 60 pages of figures and head office agreeing and now they say they made a mistake and their offer if settlement is not legal. I had two mortgages with them one a joint repayment monthly offset, the other, solely in my name and interest only buy to let mortgage. I wanted to re-mortgage the B2Let with UCB what in effect happened was Barclays/Woolwich redeemed the wrong one ie the residential. I was alerted to this by Barclays returning my mortgage payment to the residential mortgage and telling me I was in errears on the B2Let. When I told them their mistake they refused to re-instate everything. I went through the rest of 2008 paying 2 mortgages on the buy to let as different departments were looking into it and I was worried about my credit rating. In 2009 a conclusion to my complaint was I had no case and they doubted if I could get another residential mortgage with them. Then I contacted the land registery to be told Barclays didn't have a charge on either property! When I told Barclays this they refused to believe me but when they saw it was true their was a deathly hush. I, yet again, was doing the decent honest thing. To cut to 2012 I contacted after many letters calls etc Bob Diamonds office they agreed Barclays had behaved badly offered a settlement and now say they have given me an unrealistic expectation. Any thoughts would be great.
  13. I dropped my HP DV6 laptop off at the local PC World on December 10th 2012 to have the hinge repaired under the Whatever Happens / Coverplan scheme, which promises to repair your computer within 28 days or offer a replacement or store-credit for a laptop of similar specs. On January 7th (Day 28), I received an SMS message thanking me for dropping the laptop at the store and givig an estimated return date of 16th January. I contacted Knowhow by phone, only to discover an administrative cock-up had occured due to the DV6 being mistakenly logged as my DV7 which had also been in for repair earlier in December. Somehow this had messed up their system. I requested a replacement under the 28 day policy and was told the matter was under investigation. Further calls to Knowhow only served to confirm no-one had a clue what was going on, and that any offer by Knowhow to return a call was simply an excuse to get me off the phone and blatantly not going to happen. On day 34, I decided to email Knowhow as I was reluctant to keep banging my head against the wall with the telephone system. Today (day 35) I got a reply from David Cattermer informing me that as the laptop had now been repaired and should get back to the store 'soon' (still no assigned date for delivery) and as such I was no longer able to request a replacement. Should I stick to my guns and insist on a replacement?
  14. Help please, I am a Newbie and have been reading lots of threads but I am now totally confused. I had two credit cards with MBNA and they agreed to my repayment offer. They subsequently sold on the debts. The first DCA have honoured my agreement with MBNA and have only written to me once telling me this. However, the second debt was sold off and I immediately started receiving calls from DLC. I refused to discuss my situation with them over the phone and told them to write to me, which they did, I sent them I & E, but they said repayment was too low (but never told me how much they wanted), I told them that I had an agreement with MBNA but they still refused to honour the agreed repayments. I have received letters from their solicitors to inform me that they would proceed with court action if I failed to pay the full outstanding amount. Which I again responded with the proposed repayment. They have now started court proceedings 'to obtain Judgement for payment forthwith then applying for a Charging Order' but then state 'the Judgement will not be enforced if you maintain the payments at the proposed rate' to be reviewed in six months. I have now received the court papers what do I do now?
  15. Hello, I have acquired a promotional voucher to enable me to free activiation and a free set top box from BT Vision, As i am already a bt customer i decided to ring BT, They say the voucher is not valid and expired back in 2007, There is no clear expiry date on the voucher, I have made a formal complaint which is being looked into, But they keep referring to the txt on the back of the packet which i will attatch here By jakemuk at 2012-06-07 Can i have some advice on this Thanks
  16. Hello, I have come against a big problem with my current Mortgage lender. I originally had a Mortgage with Santader then to cut a long story short I lost my buyer. Found a new buyer who made an offered but subject to extending the lease on my flat. I was not able to accept as it cost 6k and I don’t have the funds, however the vendor of the property I was buying agreed to release 6k as a cash allowance in order for me to pay for the lease extension. Santander has refused to lend on that background as they saw it as the price of the property I was buying been reduced by 6k and didn’t see it as a cash allowance. I then applied for another Mortgage with Co-operative bank. During the Mortgage application I asked the sales person about 5 times whether it would be OK to have a cash allowance on completion. They confirmed that it would not be an issue, before agreeing to proceed to the final stage I asked them to double check, the sales person has put me on hold checked with underwriter (allegedly) and confirmed 100% it will not be an issue. ( the conversation was recorded) 6 weeks later, I am due to exchange on Wednesday the 27th June My solicitor written to the bank to confirm that we will need the funds to be transferred and to remind them about the allowance. They came back saying that they are not prepared to lend with the cash allowance because that means that the price of the property has been reduced. I called and complained and they said that they listened to the original telephone conversation and agree that it was an error on their behalf as the Sales person never checked it properly before confirming, however they policy is that they don’t allow any incentives. I complained further and they said that the Senior Underwriter will investigate now and they will get back to me on Monday the 25th to confirm what their decision is. My question is- is it really acceptable for them to withdraw the original offer ( as now they are saying they are happy to lend but for 6k less that original application because they don’t agree with the cash allowance) They basically miss-sold a product to me. If they told me before I agreed to buy their product I would have never agreed to take it as I was very specific that I only accept to proceed subject to my requested claw with the cash allowance. Is it legal for them now to go back on their word? I would really really appreciate your help!! Any advice would be much appreciated Thank you so much in advance!
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