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Found 4 results

  1. I was shocked by the pipe bombs sent to prominent Democrats in the US this week. It seems that the US isn't the only place where politicians especially are subjected to abuse; Diane Abbot has been talking about this. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2018/oct/23/crimes-mps-uk-online-intimidation-abuse I don't condone violence for any reason and especially not over politics. Why can't people just agree to differ?
  2. My daughter has received notification from HMRC that she has been overpaid tax credits, stating that her employer supplied a figure for her earnings of £2000 more than her P60 states. She has told them she disagrees and supplied the P60 and her P45 as evidence but they say they accept the employer's statement and have sent a debt collector. How can this happen? I thought the P60 was evidence, not the word of an employer who has an issue with an ex employee!
  3. Hello all I bought a MacBook Air last summer and bought the extended warranty, which gives me 3 years cover. I had a problem with the screen a few weeks ago contacted Apple to get it repaired. At first I took it into the local Apple authorised reseller and when the technician saw it he advised me to contact Apple directly because if he sent pictures of problem to Apple they would automatically rule that it was due to accidental damage and therefore refuse to repair it under the warranty. I contacted Apple, explained the situation in great detail and the machine was collected by their agent to be repaired. After several phone calls back and forth, Apple are claiming that the problem is as a result of accidental damage and are still refusing to cover the repair. I do not believe this is fair and would like to know if anyone can see a way forward for me please. Yes, the computer is covered by our home contents insurance but I don't see why I should claim the £500+ it will cost for a replacement screen when there is nothing I have done that could have caused the damage. How exactly is "accidental damage" legally defined and upon whom lies the burden of proof? The full details follow, it gets a little long I'm afraid, but the details of this case are very important. What happened is that I closed the laptop one afternoon, left the house, returned a few hours later, opened the laptop again and the screen was distorted. I live with my partner, we were both out of the house together, there was nobody else in the house and therefore it is impossible that anyone used or tampered with the computer in my absence. There was no visible damage to the glass screen, but the display looked as though someone had shot a bullet through it - there was a black roundish mark about the size of a 5p and from that black mark were several horizontal lines. In my discussions with Apple before the computer was sent off for repair they asked if there had been any impact to the screen or if anything had been on top of the keyboard when the laptop was closed. I said no, explained that I am extremely careful with the laptop and would never dream of closing a lightweight, delicate glass screen whilst anything was sitting between it and the keyboard! I didn't say this to them, but I'm not 12, I understand the value of money and I'm not likely to be slapdash with something that cost £1,300! After the computer was sent for repair, the technicians called me to tell me there was in fact a crack in the screen behind/near (I can't remember which) the camera which is housed in the frame of the laptop screen. This of course was not visible until they dismantled the screen for examination. They claim that this sort of problem is "always" (their word) caused by accidental damage and therefore would not be covered by the warranty. I know for a fact that NOTHING has hit, struck, dented, knocked or in any other way caused impact to the screen. I also know beyond a shadow of a doubt that absolutely nobody had access to that machine while I was out of the house that afternoon. I'd been using it on my lap whilst sitting up in bed and when I went out I placed the laptop on top of the duvet. It didn't fall or slip. The only pressure of any kind that can have been inflicted upon the screen is the pressure between my thumb and fingers as I grasp it to open the laptop; the laptop opens easily and smoothly so no particular pressure is required. I don't carry the laptop out and about. I have been very ill over the last year and leave the house about once a week on average, and even then I've taken as little with me as possible, I certainly haven't been stuffing a laptop into my bag! It sits at home. It has been gently treated and I really cannot begin how to imagine how the damage was incurred. I'm not a technician so I think it's probably pointless for me to speculate, but the only possible thing I can think of is what I mentioned above about opening the laptop. If that is indeed the cause then I think it really should be considered a manufacturing error because opening a laptop is, in my opinion, a perfectly natural part of its operation. Really sorry this is such a long post but I thought the details were relevant. If anyone has any feedback on this I'd be very grateful to hear from you. If I have to accept their decision then so be it, but I think this is a totally unacceptable situation. ETA: I'm so sorry, should have realised that this is a very important detail - I bought the laptop in June last year, so just over a year ago.
  4. Ordered an item online, was 'delivered' by myHermes. Used the tracking info the company gave me, and on the day it was due to be delivered, I waited in for it. I've never had any problems whatsoever with myHermes, but upon reloading the tracking page, it said "Delivered - left in porch". Problem is, we don't even have a porch! I contacted both the company and Hermes to find out what happened and what I can do next. Hermes said they spoke to the local courier, who says the item was left on the doorstep through a side gate, and could not be seen from the road. However, we share our gate with another flat, and the gate itself isn't in great condition so could have blown open. Either way, surely our doorstep isn't a 'safe place' to leave an item? They could have used the shed at the end of the garden (which other couriers tend to use) or even my son's play house would have been more secure than the doorstep! After hearing back from the company I ordered from, they've said that unless I can prove the item wasn't delivered, then there's nothing I or they can do, as it shows 'item delivered'. Am I out of luck (and £30) now then?
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