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Found 12 results

  1. I have a loan with PDE which started at 645 but it now up to 870, I want to reduce how much I owe to them threw negotiating, could anyone give me advice on how to deal with PDE?
  2. So I will try and keep this short. About two years ago I took a pdloan with PDE for around £300. After missing my payment they promptly passed my case on from collector to collector I haven't heard from them in about one year. Today someone else in my household who has never had a pay day loan nor knows iv had a payday loan got a default letter in the post this morning from PDE claiming she owes £900. She called them and they said they would call her back within one week. Just to be clear she's unaware of my debt and is not guarantor of any sort.
  3. Hi, Many months ago after being spammed with dozens of calls, texts, and emails, from Payday Express, I got them to agree to £200 in settlement of the entire debt. I insisted they put the words full and final in writing but I couldn't quite get them to do that, so the offer stalled. Now the debt has moved to Ruthbridge are they in any way obliged to honour the £200 PDE seemed willing to agree to? Ruthbridge are claiming closer to £800 from me.
  4. I have been sending emails to Payday Express trying to set up a repayment plan for the money I owe them. I cant afford to pay it all in a lump payment so I am hoping to set up a repayment plan, however I asked them in the email to stop all the interest being added before I begin making repayments. They are ignoring me and not replying to my emails. I still keep receiving 4-5 text messages a day from them saying they have not heard from me. I dont want to phone them as I will then have no proof of what was said in the phone call and also... I dont really want to be rail roaded on the phone agreeing to a payment I cant afford so I would rather do it through email. But what am I to do if my emails to them go unanswered and interest keeps being added on? I will never manage to get it paid. Thanks for any advice x
  5. hi guys. have posted before about other payday lenders. i have managed to pay off pduk, minicredit and pounds2pocket.. i now only have PDE and wonga left to pay off. unfortunately i lost my job as the start of july. i had money in my account for PDE at the end of july however they never lifted the money. Im currently trying to talk both wonga and PDE to lowering my payment plans as when they were both made i was employed. PDE have said if i dont make a payment of £120 by the 31st august, it will be passed to their legal team... wonga want me to pay £80, however i have been in email contact with them and hoping they will lower it. but im really worried about PDE. i told them at the time I had lost my job and he said it didnt matter i had a payment plan... (which was made when i was employed) and it could be changed. he said i was already so many days overdue on the payment plan and once 31st passed, it would be passed to their legal team.... what on earth do i do?! im terrified?! im actually more scared of this £240 debt i have with them than i was with any other company... what do i do?! any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  6. I am juggling 4 PDL at the moment and trying to arrange a repayment plan for each. I was going to cancel my bank card but realised since last month my card expired and was sent a new card with a different valid and exp date and sec code. but some details remain the same- long card number, sort and account code. Would they still be able to take money outta this account as and when they like please?
  7. I am in a bit of a mess with a few pdl. I have asked each 1 for a repayment plan...and as most of the post show PDE are being very difficult. I gave them 2 options- £130 a month as a repayment off my existing loan and not as a roll over fee- as this is what I have been paying to rollover the loan for the last few months. £50 a month untill we can come to an arrange as a 'goodwill gesture' They have not replied. The loan is due out of my bank tomorrow, what should I do- leave £50 in leave £130 hoping theyre not going to use it as a rollover fee. I have not defaulted on any PDL as yet.
  8. Hi i stupidly took out a loan with PDE, i had difficulties in paying and requested a payment plan which they refused, i have 2 accounts with halifax, one for wages and savings, one for payday loans and direct debits, i had only registered the payday loan/debit account with PDE, yesterday i tried to draw money from my other halifax account and found it had been emptied by PDE i called halifax and they said it wasnt fraud despite me telling them that i hadnt given the other account details to PDE, this is wrong, PDE have accessed my account illegally and halifax wont help me at all, what should i do? i even spoke to a very helpful guy at PDE who also agreed it was wrong, can they do this? help please!
  9. Just a heads up to people with loans from PDE you must contact FOS to add to the substantial file they have on them, if they have done the following, Hi all payday express have been deliberately not taking the full balance even though there are enough funds in my account, they are just taking the interest so as to rollover the loan. They say they are acting on my instructions which is rubbish, I have contacted the OFT and received a very interesting reply. I am also in contact with the FOS.
  10. Guys, A little issue with Payday Express i am trying to work out and could do with some advice. I decided to pay off the remaining balance from my repayment plan with last month's wage but due to not cancelling the original standing order on time they received two payments. I've asked them to refund the £25 overpayment and there's been no issues with that. The problem is they insist on not only having the details of my post-payday bank details but they want a statement sent to them to verify the account before sending the refund. There is no way i am giving any payday loan company, paid off or otherwise, my banking details. I have asked for a cheque to be sent to my home address but they have refused and insisted on my banking details. Any advice on this? Jamie
  11. so i had a repayment arrangement set up with these guys and they lifted more than they should have (should have lifted £60) and after constant emails with no replies i gave in and rang them this morning after £75 was taken from my account without my permission... actually got this solved fairly quickly which is why im so suspicious. i though they had only lifted about £80 extra... turns out they lifted over £140 extra and they are supposedly going to refund this today.... whats the likelyhood they do? nothing ever seems to go smoothly with these guys and i did tell them the money was required today as i need to buy food to which i got its up to your bank to put it in today heres hoping it appears!
  12. just bit of info might be of interest to others. I owed PDE around £500. I offered a monthly payment amount over the phone which they agreed. after 1st payment my circumstances got worse and I was unable to pay any more. I didn't hear a dickie bird from them for about three months then out of the blue message from EQL aka Equidebt to contact them which I did. Debt had been passed to them by PDE. They immediately accepted less than £20 per month with no charges added, until amount owing is paid off. They also offered final settlement amount of just over half the amount owing if I settled within the month but unfortunately I was not in position to do this. Also everything confirmed in writing within a few days.
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