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Found 5 results

  1. Me again, So out of the blue SLL Capital have put a default on my credit file for a Mr Lender Loan from 2016 that i never repaid. Can they do that? The Mr Lender loan isn't on my credit file before this I will of course do a irresponsible lending complaint to Mr Lender, is it worth sending a prove it that i owe this debt to SLL Capital?
  2. Hi Just received my credit file and after getting into a bad financial situation I have a total of 19 defaults on my credit file!, 11 are due to drop of this year and 3 next year the rest are around 2022, for the latter do you think my credit file will improve If I pay them of so they are marked as satisfied? or should I just wait, none of them are chasing me for payment at the minute Just edited to add one is for a mobile phone debt that I was paying for 2 years at £35 per month, it says I owe £550.00 now
  3. HI Apparently i have 2 outstanding pay day loans , I think with money in advance and access fast money. After i left step change and started dealing with the debts on my own one of these debts went to OPOS who i wouldn't communicate with as they were really nasty. Now its gone to Sll Capital and they say so has another. They're not for a lot but still more than i originally borrowed plus one month interest. I know i am being cash cowed as i paid monthly to Step Change for a while. About £65 pound each. The amounts i borrowed are around £150. they have been emailing calling and writing and i got fed up and sent all to spam. Now ive just had a letter of default last week and today they have sent me a text saying they have issued a notice of assignment. What do i do now, can a DCA register a default? Please help, there is also another thread ive put in about My Jar that i need help with Thanks
  4. Good Morning, Just looking for a bit of advice... SSL took over my old Cash Store debt back in Oct approx. I was paying them £5 per month as agreed, then i cancelled Januarys payment as I asked them for the signed agreement from the Cash Store - Which they claim to not have. I've then received a CCJ claim from from Northampton regarding this, which they have also added £35.00 on my debt. Are they able to do this?.... I've no issues paying it as I've got 8 other creditors on repayment plans.
  5. Hi All Received a court claim dated 6th Nov from SLL Capital for a payday loan I initially took out with Cash Store in 2012 for £800, total figure now stands at over £1350 incl fees, interest and charges. POC's are as follows : 1. The claimant's claim is for the sum of £13**.** inclusive of interest and charges being monies owed under ref **** by the defendant to SLL 2. I will provide the defendant with separate detailed particulars within 14 days after the service of the claim form. AND THE CLAIMANT CLAIMS 1. The sum of £13**.** pursuant to the paragraphs above 2. Further interest upon the outstanding sum at the rate of 8% per annum pursuant to section 69 of the county courts act 1984 from the date hereof at a daily rate of £0.30 until judgment or sooner payment. 3. Costs and court fees I have acknowledged service and intend to defend in full based on incorrect amount claimed due to charges/fees added after termination etc. Any more advice would be appreciated, I will look at other defences but any help gratefully received.
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