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  1. After submitting income and expenditure form, I have a lender asking for 2 months bank statements "to validate the information on the income and expenditure form" "We would require this information in order to agree a potential reduced repayment plan." Am I under any obligation to provide this?
  2. Hello It is my first time posting in this so I’m unsure what I need to put. I Joined 1gym a few years ago on a 12 month contract (I wasn’t aware of as I was rushed to sign the forms and I was only young). I didn’t use the gym and they were taking more money out than agreed I sent an email and cancelled my direct debit. I haven’t heard anything since until today I received an email from CRS asking for over £300 for the membership as an unsettled debt. It needs to be paid within 7dayz or they will take further action. I believed everything was fine as I haven’t heard anything until now? What should I do?
  3. Hi, I’m hoping for some advice for my uncle. He is 71, has had schizophrenia all his life, used to live with his parents till they passed away 15 years ago and now lives alone. My mum (his sister) and my dad visit him weekly to check on him, take him some food and do a little clean for him. He receives DLA (lowest rate) and pension credit and has rent paid on a small run down flat. He is usually very private about his finances last time they visited he was very anxious and told them he received a letter from the DWP to ask for bank statements to prove his amount in savings. They asked to see the letter but he said he had thrown it away. When they asked him how much he has, it turns out he has nearly £25,000. Obviously this is way more than he is allowed and we would like to know what is likely to happen now, and what is the best thing to do next? The money has not come from any outside source, purely from his entitled benefits mounting up over the years resulting from him living very and neglecting himself and his home due to his mental illness and medication. For example; he doesn’t eat well, only one decent meal a day and my parents take him fruit and veg and meals when they can. He was going out in winter in a thin summer coat so they bought him a warm winter one. His couches and bed are over 20 years old and falling apart and he refuses to buy a new ones saying they’re fine! he only has this much in savings because he hasn’t had the mental capacity to use his entitlement to care for himself properly all these years. He doesn’t smoke, drink or buy any new clothes or possessions for himself. We are wondering whether to try to convince him to spend a chunk of the money on things he does actually need and keep receipts before sending the bank statements in, or if this is likely to get him into more trouble with the DWP? He talks about being anxious about funeral costs so we could help him get a prepaid funeral plan. He also needs a new mattress, bedding, 3 piece suite, TV, white goods for the kitchen, new clothes and shoes etc all of which he has neglected to buy for himself for 15 years. Thank you very much for your advice!
  4. Hello I hope some one can help. My husband today got letter from the HMRC stating that since he earns over 50k per year we have to pay back all the child benefit payments we have received since 2014. He received form SA252 on 17 August 2013 (following incorrect 2012/2013 Self-Assessment – where didn’t tick the Child Benefit box!) whether receiving Child Benefit – clearly missed this. Since that time there has been no communication and no letters etc have been sent to me his wife either, even though I get the payment. The HMRC states that they sent letters on 15/9/17 and 23/10/17, which we did not receive, they now sent a letter stating they are going to charge us £1500 in penalties as we never replied to the letters we did not receive. Apparently we need to pay back (on top of penalty of £1,517.82 by 6 December); 2014: £2351 2015: £2475 2016: £2549 Any ideas of what to do? Spent an hour on the phone to the HMRC, once they decide you are in the wrong you are in the wrong. Help!
  5. Hi all, I sold a very expensive figurine on eBay and sent the item to the seller very well packed first class next day. Two days later the seller requested a full refund stating the item had been damaged in transit. I requested photos of the damage which showed the packing box (shipper) squashed on one corner, the box inside with the figurine inside appeared to have a cut along the corner running up the side of the box. When I received the item back the damage to the box of the figurine appeared inconsistent with the damage shown to the box that housed the figurine. What I mean bear with me on this, The shipping box was squashed on one corner, however the figurines box had no sign of being squashed and looked like it had been cut. The figurine box was wrapped in bubble wrap at least 5 or 6 times and I am guessing when the buyer tried to remove the bubble wrap say with scissors he has cut the box. Do I have any right to claim the buyer has damaged the item and will eBay see the obvious inconsistency? I have the photos he originally sent as do eBay!
  6. I have received a couple of letters from DHL, requesting a payment of £11 for Duty and VAT following the delivery of my order from China. "In the event that we do not hear back from you within the next seven days, this matter will be passed to a debt collection agency working on behalf of DHL for further action, resulting in an administration charge being added to the account, If you have already paid this sum please accept our apologies for this communication." Are we entitled to be provided with proof of payment to HMRC by DHL ? Upon further investigation, i can confirm that the Chinese retailer displays the following message on the product page of the purchased item: "VAT Included! We have made arrangements with shipping courier to pay all VAT and import fees on behalf of you. The price at the checkout is FINAL."
  7. Long story short, 18 yr old son purchased a brand new car in October and as part of the deal the dealer offered him £2300 for his PX without seeing the car but I assume they ran a valuation on it and HPI check etc at time of quoting the PX figures etc..... This week my son has just received an email and recorded letter from the dealership headed final before legal requesting he pays £500 to the dealership as the PX only fetched £1800 at auction as a consequence of the car having apparently been written off under Cat D damage that my son had no knowledge of having bought the PX privately about 18 months ago. Surely the dealership has no grounds for redress given that they would of been aware of the cars history when they provided us with the PX price? Secondly had the car fetched more than £2300 at auction would they be writing to me to say they they owe me the difference over and above the PX valuation? I somewhat highly doubt it. They are saying my son signed to say the PX had not been involved in any accidents and was not subject to outstanding finance or being written off but he genuinely didn’t know that the vehicle has been previously written off as damaged but repairable. Can anyone offer advice as surely the purchase was concluded back in October and the PX provided by the dealership is a risk that all dealers / traders take especially as the car ended up going to auction.
  8. We had a credit card with a debt of around >10k when we moved to Canada. It was transferred to Apex and we asked for a CCA in 2013, they did not supply it so it was no longer enforceable and we stopped paying it. In 2016 it was transferred to a DCA and again we asked for a CCA, they did not supply so we carried on with not paying it. My questions are: a) How do I find the data of our last payment and acknowledgement of the debt. Do forums like this constitute acknowledgement. b) How do we go about requesting our Credit Reference from the UK as we have not lived there for over 10 years and is there any benefit if so what c) Is it worthwhile asking the original credit card company for their records to see if their were any PPI or spurious charges or should we let sleeping dogs lie. I have posted previously under a different username but forget the login details. Thanks in advance
  9. Hi everyone . I want to thank everyone in advance and also apologise in advance - as I realise my questions are probably very common here, but I have very little time left and I am overwhelmed with so much info on internet , while trying to do my duties at work and as a father. Summary : 1.My debts are in the region of 4,000 for a loan, credit card, overdraft and phone account. I started missing payments in 2010 due to family separation and depression, stopped making payments and stopped contact with lenders in 2011. Meantime paid some sums, made some agreements, paid some money on those agreements, on some haven't, don't have good recollection , don't know if i owe some of the debts, if they are for correct amount, if some of them are statue barred, unfair charges etc. 2.All of debts are now being owned by various debt collecting agencies, sometimes changing hands more than once. some already started offering me full and final settlements of 50-60 %. 3. For one of the debts(Cabot, original overdraft from Halifax in region of 1000, now 1400) a court proceeding has started december 2016) -claim form has been sent to Northampton county court. Currently I haven't sent any form back to court, as i called the solicitors representing Cabot - Mortimer Clarke Solicitors LTD and they agreed to give me time until 31.01.2017 to prepare my expenditure form and make offer for repayment and/or full and final settlement upon which they said won't continue with court proceedings as it is up to them to request them. Unfortunately they refused to give me written confirmation of that (twice) which leaves me in a situation where they can decide anytime to request court decision and court won't even know I am in contact and agreement with them while issuing the order. 4. My credit report has inaccuracies- default dates are years more recent than they should be and one of the debt collecting agencies (Cabot) opened a new account with same default date and amount of original debt, but no markers that this is debt bought from original lender, which might lead to confusion this is different debt imo while accessing my credit report. What would you advise me in this situation? My first aim is to get relevant and accurate information on debts, so i know where i stand. Do I have the right to ask the dca for all the info or need to contact the original lender ? Does the dca has the right to redirect me to request the needed info from original lender or they are obliged to provide it as the new owner of the debt. Also templates I found so far are just for one issue or used long time ago. I need a template which requests original agreement, payments, any voluntary arrangements we had, so I know if i owe anything, different amount or if it is already statue barred. What should be the fee i have to pay ? What will happen if they cannot provide the requested inf o- will debt become unenforceable until they do ? Can I use that also to correct my credit report ? I am not sure what template to use for debt for which there is already a started court case - I am afraid that when i send that request to the dca in question they might instruct their solicitors to request immediate judgment. Thanks again
  10. Hi, Can someone explain the difference between box 1 or box 4? box 1 - admit liability for claim and make written application to pay by instalments and box 4 - admit liability for claim and apply for time to pay under consumer credit act 1974 the paperwork looks very similar? Which would be the best one to submit? I owe the debt, they have proved i owe the debt, i want to pay it off but can't pay in one lot. I would rather not have to attend court if possible, hence why i want to admit and make offer to pay. Just confused re the 2 options for making application to pay in instalments.
  11. I'll keep it short but include all necessary details. I started a foundation degree with the Manchester College in September 2011. I was on the course for 6/7 months and then I dropped out. I never informed Student Finance and I just informed my college that I was dropping out. I am not sure if my college then in turn informed Student Finance or not but I never received any further payments after I dropped out (I know that much). I am not going to lie and say I know all the figures of what I borrowed or how much I was actually paid. upon checking the student loan repayment website, it says I owe £4099.70 as of 31/03/2016 (this amount may have changed now, I'm not sure). I was in employment from September 2013 up until January 2015 where I ticked that I had a student finance and my employer was automatically making payments on my behalf but I didn't actively keep track of them, I just remember seeing them on my payslips. I then didn't pay anything off my student loans until my most recent employer who I started with in November 2015 and have just left this month (January 2017). I have some payslips (not all) to say that money has been taken out of my salary for payments towards student loan repayment. I can maybe get a copy of all my payslips from my old company if needed. Out of nowhere I have received a letter from a company called Akinika Debt Recovery who I believe from my research used to be called IQOR. They now say I owe them £1087 and they have made attempts to contact me by phone, SMS & this letter. I haven't spoken to them as of yet and I didn't want to until posting here. I have no idea why they are suddenly contacting me regarding this SLC debt as I was under the impression I was paying them through my employer (up until my redundancy this month). The only thing I can think is that my former employer has been collecting payments from me for the debt but has not paid SLC or because of my redundancy SLC have passed the debt onto Akinika. I am going to ring the HR department tomorrow and seek there advice as to if they have paid them or not. I have no idea what to do or who to turn to or whether to make contact with Akinika or not to see if they have ended up with the debt, but I don't know if contacting them is the wrong thing to do . Should I try and contact SLC and see what they say? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you. Edit: Also just as a side note, I have never received anything from SLC. This is the first that I have heard of this debt (besides knowing about it already)
  12. Good morning Caggers It has been some time since I last wrote and to that end I could do with a little update please? I had several loans to which I had defaulted some 6.5 to 7 years ago now. Now, out of the blue, I have DCA's and banks requesting payments on them. They have completely vanished from my credit reports. What is the correct course of action to deal with them please? Many Thanks for your help in advance!
  13. Allegedly I drove into the bus lane in august 2014, twice. Bmth Council have sent PCNs and all corespondense to my old address. I moved to the new address in january 14. My oversight was to notify driving licence department of DVLA and presume they will share information with vegicle registration people.. . I letter has been delivered to my on 04/08/15 by the new owner of my old address. Its from Equita. They have been trying to reposess my car for the debt of £579. Since them I have been in touch with Bournemouth Council and TEC, Filled out and sent PC2 and PC3 forms. However, Bournemouth Council is requesting for my application to be rejected on the ground that the correspondence they sent was never returned as undelivered so I had plenty of time and opportunity to reply to them. I believe now both parties are waiting for resolution by TEC. Is there anything else I can do?
  14. I have a number of defaults on my credit reports they are about 4 years old. I am thinking of writing to each creditor/collection agency asking to produce copies of the default notice and the credit agreements. My question is this. If a creditor or collection agent cannot send me copies of the original default notice and the original default becomes unenforceable is it possible for them to issue a default notice following this for the same account? therefore a 2nd default on that same account would be on reports for another 6 years? Thanks in advance.
  15. Looking to send a DSAR to Npower after not being billed correctly for nearly 1.5 years after having a new electric meter installed in August 2014. Have made official complaints to Npower direct & the Ombudsman but still not any further forward with getting a correct bill as basic maths seems impossible for Npower staff. Am now dealing with Npower via letter/email only as fed up with being lied to/pasted from pillar to post/having the phone hung up on me. New development is that Npower haven't taken Jan 2016 direct debit payment, my bank states that Npower never put the request through! So now I want to view what records Npower has to compare them to mine, think should make for interesting reading. But am unsure which Npower department/address to I send the DSAR request & cheque to? Plus who do I make the cheque payable to? Planning on sending the request (using the fab template on this board) & the cheque recorded delivery but is there anything else I should do/be aware of?
  16. Just wondering whether it's worth getting further medical evidence together and asking for a MR to be moved to the Support group? I wonder as I'm getting the feeling all DWP care about is the outcome of your WCA, specifically the number of points you got allocated.
  17. Hi New member here, i am hoping i get some advice here. My Wife had started a job at a medical spa which does botox , skin facials. She worked there in May 2016, my wife started work but they were paying her such a low wage , she was reluctant to take the position, but she took it. The woman in charge had no idea how to run a medical spa at all and started to use the 12plus years knowledge my wife has . Before my wife had started work the woman had said to my wife that if my wife leaves within two years she would have to pay back any training costs. My wife started work but never signed any contract stating that she would have pay anything back , even the offer letter had no reference to this. My wife went on two half days of training for laser training but never got a certificate of any sort. This woman boss would contradict any ideas my wife brought up, my wife after a month wanted to discuss her wage as it was just not satisfactory of the work and experience she has. So my wife called a meeting with the woman boss and presented this to her, the woman boss did not even entertain the prospect of raising her salary at all. So my wife decided to leave before all her ideas were going to be used, the woman boss has now sent a letter asking my wife to pay back training costs for the two days, but nothing was signed and not even a job description was given to my wife. I think personally this woman is bitter that my wife had the guts to leave and she is now asking for money to feed her own ego. Any advice would be helpful, thanks
  18. Hello there I'm a 20 year old student who was lucky enough to be caught out by a revenues inspector before we'd even left the first stop (penzance).. i got the whole 'you dont have to say anything' etc followed by a set of questions. I chose to comply, i have a railcard, im not a train hopper, i wasn't hiding in the toilet, i was short for time as i was relying on a lift to the station and so i ran onto the train at the last minute. after the set of questions and after i spent time arguing my point, he told me i would receive a letter which would be a caution along with the cost of the ticket, no more, no less. I double checked this with him and he told me the fine would be no more than the ticket; £12. (12 quid max without railcard) i thought that was fair enough. ive just received the letter and its charging me 90 odd pounds after the cost of the ticket which he refused to sell to me on the spot. i will be ringing up tomorrow to contest this as i think its extremely unfair to treat a user of the trains this way, especially after a first offence. i buy tickets every time and i own a railcard and to be treated this way is a little upsetting, especially as i was told it wouldn't cost more than the ticket. I didn't even know i was committing an offence, i thought well if you havent left the station you havent stolen anything, right? its like arresting a person in a shop for stealing an item before theyve even tried to leave the shop! Another thing to point out is i ALWAYS get on the train from a station which doesn't have facilities to buy a ticket, which is fine with the workers, so of course i am a little out of habit Id appreciate any advice or buzzwords i can mention to them on the phone that will help my case, i'd also like to hear your opinions. am i in the wrong here? i think a railcard is proof alone that i pay for the service. Thanks
  19. Hi there, I am hoping for a quick bit of advice. I move into a new property of Monday, and the housing association have told me the following - 1. They want to take photos of myself and my wife for "their records". I am not particularly happy with this as I dislike cameras in general. It makes no mention in my tenancy of this. 2. As we are on Housing Benefit, they want us to start paying £10 a week in anticipation of Universal Credit, so we can build up a credit on our rent account. I have not had to do this with my current council place. Again it makes no mention of this in my tenancy. I am moving from my Council Property with a secure tenancy to a housing association on one of their starter tenancies. I don't want to rock the boat too much as my tenancy will not be a secure one. What can I do? Has anyone else had these issues? Thanks
  20. Hello everyone, I just joined this forum and have a small problem. I'll keep it as brief as I can. I was renting a room for 6 months in a private accommodation and recently moved to a different city. The problem is that my previous landlord is now requesting me to pay £200 or to find a replacement to rent out the room... and on top of that he gets to keep the deposit of £200. Now I gave him about 2 weeks notice before I moved out and never actually signed the contract which I did see in electronic form.We only ever agreed that I will stay for 9 months in verbal form. I am ok with him keeping the deposit,but do I really have to pay the extra money? He is threatening to take legal action and I don't really know what to do. Would really appreciate if you could shed some light on this matter. Thank you.
  21. Hi all. Went bankrupt in 2008 and included a welcome loan in it as a debt. Last year received a CCJ from them claiming repayment, filed a defence saying it was included in the bankruptcy, now received a demand saying i need to provide proof or they will proceed with the claim. Do i need to provide proof, surely its not that hard to prove i was bankrupt They claim they cant locate any proof of the bankruptcy. if so HOW DO i prove it??? Rgds
  22. Hi, Hope this is not a stupid question but after paying a token £1 per month payment for a number of years my debt has been passed onto a new Dca and they want proof that I'm on benefits. I can provide a photocopied letter from the SSA but my question is a data protection one, , can the information they hold on me be passed to outside 3rd parties and any other agencies or is it held by them 'in house'. Many thanks...
  23. I am finally getting my bottom into gear and paying of my debts (hence the many posts I have already posted or will post) I owe a company call Credit Solutions £170.93 If I am to call them up and say I am willing to pay off my debt right away but I want it reduced will they do it ? I am thinking of trying to get them down to half of what my debt is worth. They did write to me a few months back to pay of my debt at a reduced rate but I was not in a financial position to do it, So I know it is an option. Has anyone tried this ? Has it worked ?
  24. Hi, don't know if I'm in the right forum but I could do with some advice on exactly debt collectors can ask you for. I defaulted on a store card (I think) a few years back and have been paying an agreed amount monthly to Mackenzie Hall. A week ago I received a letter from 1st Credit stating that they had recalled the debt and ordered Mackenzie Hall not to collect it anymore. They asked me to ring them to arrange repayment. Due to mental health problems and other health problems I emailed them telling them that I don't talk to collection agencies over the phone due to my health and that I would continue to pay the monthly agreed amount as I had done with Mackenzie Hall. I received a email back today asking if I would send medical evidence to back up my claims and that they'll deal with it from there. Sorry if this is long winded, but I just wanted to know what my rights are, do I have to send medical evidence, as this is not going to change how much I can pay each month. Thanks for reading any help would be much appreciated.
  25. Hi I have recently asked to leave work two hours early for a forthcoming hospital appointment. I have agreed to make the time up and explained when I will be doing this. However, my line manager has asked for a copy of the hospital letter. I have worked there for two years and I have never requested time off for a hospital appointment before. I have had the occasional Doctor's appointment and I have always made the time up for these. While I understand the employer needs to manage absences, I do feel there is a lack of trust and, due to the personal nature of the appointment, I do not wish to disclose this information. One option would be to provide a copy of the letter with the personal details blanked out, but my line manager says she needs to know the nature of the appointment in case it is a recurring issue. I feel this is an invasion of privacy. I have checked the company handbook and all it says is that where possible appointments must be made outside of work time, and if they are in work time the company reserves the right to deduct the time from sick leave. I should add that if I do disclose this personal information, I don't have any confidence in my manager keeping it confidential. When people call in sick she tells the team why they were sick rather than just saying that person won't be in that day due to illness. Any thoughts on where I stand? Any advice gratefully appreciated. R
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