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  1. Hello, While I was at university, we were all given iPads on loan in our last year and I made the mistake of leaving mine in a classroom one day. I informed the university as soon as I realised and was pretty much told by at the time not to worry as they could likely locate it. Of course, it never turned up, or at least was not logged on their system to have done, and they started emailing me after my graduation (June 2016) asking me to return or pay for it. I informed them I didn’t have it to return and could not afford to pay them the sum of £500 for it. I ignored their invoices and eventually they passed it on to STA International to pursue from me. I am still receiving letters from STA every few months, big red capital letters telling me I have however long to pay before they escalate it. I just would like to know, are these safe to ignore? Of course all manner of things such as CCJ’s and whatnot has been threatened, but I’m not sure whether these are empty threats or whether they really have the power to do anything. It doesn’t seem to have escalated past the ‘URGENT’ letter stage for quite some time, and their most recent letter (received today) gives me 5 days to pay apparently. Yes, I did fail to take care of the iPad. But, I am also of the opinion that for the £9k a year I spent at that institution, I don’t deserve to be pursued like this. For that money I’d expect to be gifted an iPad, not bombarded with threatening debt collection letters. I am simply loathe to give them another penny of my money. If anyone has any insight to STA and whether this is likely to go any further please let me know!
  2. Hello I wonder if someone could offer me some advice. I received a letter from lowel Solicitors headed: Notice of Acting. They asking me to pay an old Orange debt. 1- Should I ignore the letter? I haven't speak to them so far and always ignore them. 2- If there was no payment at all which date SB will be calculated from? 3- If the contract made in Scotland, SB referred to Scotland or the place you are living now? Thanks in advance
  3. Hi 10 days ago, I get sent an e-mail from MMF saying my debt is being referred to Moriarty Law. Ummm, OK then. I replied saying, "I have no knowledge, please provide agreement etc". 4 days later, I get e-mailed a copy of an agreement from Wageday Advance. The signature is dated 23 November 2012 and the credit limit is £120 I then asked for statement of account, breakdown of charges and notice of assignment. On 23 March, I get a very simple breakdown saying the loan date is 1 May 2013 and the original loan value was £330 Those two don't match. I asked if this debt was included in the redress scheme arranged between MMF and the FCA and was told it wasn't. On Friday, I asked for the complaints procedure and for all debt collection activities to be halted; I got that today. I will be asking for this debt to be included in the redress scheme and for all current and future collection activities to cease. All I can say is, if you get an e-mail from MMF chasing debt ask for proof and lots of it.
  4. Hi all, I would really appreciate some advice. My business partner and I run a small business, and cashflow is very delicate. Some time ago we got in some money trouble and an invoice was sold to a debt recovery company. We managed to pay it off (or so we thought), but unfortunately my business partner is a bit scatternbrained with numbers, and paid the incorrect amount. The total outstanding debt was £5,723.96. My business partner sent them a transfer of £5,700, accidentally leaving off the £23.96. My business partner had some fees he wanted to dispute - The debt recovery company then sent a follow up email saying all prior fees are legitimate, and that "I have checked your account and can see we are still awaiting a payment of £23.96. I am assured this will be paid in due course, and this case can then be closed.". My business partner forgot to respond to the email (stupid, I know), and three weeks later (yesterday) they send a hired thug to our place of business, while customers were there, demanding the £23.96 plus a £1111.87 enforcement charge. He said that unless we paid that to him on the spot, he would confiscate goods that he valued to the sum of £8000. The £5,723.96 sum had a high court writ, which comes with a cap on fees of this nature that can be charged, as illustrated by the table below: The bailiff claimed to be able to charge for both stage two and three whether or not he actually had to carry out stage three. I pointed out that I was perfectly willing to pay the debt and the enforcement fee on the spot, which meant that he did not have the right to charge a "sale" enforcement fee, but he refused to drop it, saying I either pay exactly what he is demanding, or he starts ripping equipment out of the walls there and then. I had no choice but to pay the entire sum, and did so. There is no doubt in my mind that this is illegal and extortion, and in fact the bailiff himself used the very word "extortionate" when explaining the situation he was putting us in. My question to you is which regulatory body can I bring this to the attention of, are there any court cases setting a precedent in these situations, and are there guidelines that prevent bailiffs from charging huge bills for debts as low as £23? Even the £495 bill is entirely unfair, and clearly taking advantage of an admin error made by a small business. The law was not written to allow them to do this, and it puts our business at risk. Any advice on putting this right would be massively appreciated. Thanks a lot.
  5. I'll keep it short but include all necessary details. I started a foundation degree with the Manchester College in September 2011. I was on the course for 6/7 months and then I dropped out. I never informed Student Finance and I just informed my college that I was dropping out. I am not sure if my college then in turn informed Student Finance or not but I never received any further payments after I dropped out (I know that much). I am not going to lie and say I know all the figures of what I borrowed or how much I was actually paid. upon checking the student loan repayment website, it says I owe £4099.70 as of 31/03/2016 (this amount may have changed now, I'm not sure). I was in employment from September 2013 up until January 2015 where I ticked that I had a student finance and my employer was automatically making payments on my behalf but I didn't actively keep track of them, I just remember seeing them on my payslips. I then didn't pay anything off my student loans until my most recent employer who I started with in November 2015 and have just left this month (January 2017). I have some payslips (not all) to say that money has been taken out of my salary for payments towards student loan repayment. I can maybe get a copy of all my payslips from my old company if needed. Out of nowhere I have received a letter from a company called Akinika Debt Recovery who I believe from my research used to be called IQOR. They now say I owe them £1087 and they have made attempts to contact me by phone, SMS & this letter. I haven't spoken to them as of yet and I didn't want to until posting here. I have no idea why they are suddenly contacting me regarding this SLC debt as I was under the impression I was paying them through my employer (up until my redundancy this month). The only thing I can think is that my former employer has been collecting payments from me for the debt but has not paid SLC or because of my redundancy SLC have passed the debt onto Akinika. I am going to ring the HR department tomorrow and seek there advice as to if they have paid them or not. I have no idea what to do or who to turn to or whether to make contact with Akinika or not to see if they have ended up with the debt, but I don't know if contacting them is the wrong thing to do . Should I try and contact SLC and see what they say? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you. Edit: Also just as a side note, I have never received anything from SLC. This is the first that I have heard of this debt (besides knowing about it already)
  6. Having major issues with the children at NPower. I thought I would share it for some advice and so that others can see how they treat customers. Basically we ran into some arrears a few months back. This was due mainly to them not billing us, to which we had a letter stating this and many DD not being registered that we tried to set up during this time. After each failed DD we kept contacting them regarding the DD but were ignored until we made a formal complaint to which we then had the debt spread over a longer period and some money added to the account as a goodwill gesture. This goodwill gesture they keep throwing back at us as though this new period of incompetence should be accepted by us. Anyway, fast forward to more recent times and we fell behind with the arrangement to which I apologised and wanted to set up another payment plan now our situation was better. That is when the nightmare began resulting in NPower well and truly throwing their toys out of the pram. This is the story so far: My wife called the call centre on 11 July 2015, hoping to clear the matter up and after waiting around 2 and a half hours after once being cut off got transfered to some sort of specialist department for payment plans. At around 5.10 she got through to someone and explained our situation and asked if there was any posibilty of having the debt spread over a longer period than 36 months and was told no, not at all. Fearing that they would enter our house as per the letter she agreed to the higher repayment with the view to appealing it. That and there was no other option. So when my wife was ready to set up a direct debit, guess what happened next? The person refused to set up the DD telling my wife she had to go away and think about it. Given that we were only given one option what was there to think about? No amount of asking made her change her mind. Still worried my wife called the department again hoping for someone else. This time she went through on a number she was given by the previous person, so no waiting. This time the guy refused to do the DD because his computer had broken. However, he had told my wife that he was the only person there meaning 2 things -1) that there were plenty of computers for him to log onto and 2) that the previous person who my wife had spoken to had finished her shift and this would explain why she was reluctant to do any more work that evening. Eventually after much persuation he set up a DD on his manager's computer - only he did not. I then sent a letter of complaint to them and learnt later in the week that the last person my wife spoke to had not set up a DD debit. It seems that when my wife called that Saturday that he was also due to finish his shift due to the department closing some 20 minutes later and had no intention like his team mate of setting up a DD. A 3rd call was made yet still no DD was set up. I received a reply to my complaint via post where we were simply directed back to the same department if we wanted the debt spread over a longer period and no attempt at all was made to address issues such as were there any fees added to the account as the letter stated would be if we did not get in touch. Our fear is that if they have not done their job right would it look like we had not contacted them. This is has been asked 3 times now and ignored by 3 departments meaning the quesion has been ignored 9 times in total. I then asked for the complaint to be escalated and after waiting for a few weeks decided to chase this up as well as the other issue. This is when I was informed that instead of escalating the complaint it was closed down and they would reopen the complaint. I explained at this point I was well within my rights to take the comaplaint to the ombudsman. He also made reference to the 'accounts' and as we only have the one to our knowledge I asked him to clarify what he meant by accounts and by default I asked the following departments to clarify this situation. To this date no one has clarified this and we are unaware of whether there is one account still or whether another one post my complaint had been opened as well. At this point I decided to contact the online team. From the conversations on there it seems that it is regular for them to not set up direct debits and to cancel complaints half way through as well as many more serious complaints. I repeated my request for the debt to be spread over a longer period as it had been before and was advised to send in an Income and Expenditure form. I was hoping that in regards to all the rubbish I had endured they would push it through with out but they would not. I also found them to be very evasive. I asked them to confirm their compaints procedure as I was a bit concerned by my previous complaint being closed down. Initially they refused and it was not until Monday I was sent a link. I think she realised she was in the wrong and sent it. Last Monday I sent in the I&E form but I also reveived a dead lock letter from Elizebath Gibson which did not give me the time to send in the I&E anyway. Everyone concerned has given me the opinion that unless I send in an I&E form the best that they can do is spread the debt over 36. Now that it is sent in they are claiming I can no longer spread the payment over longer. There was some issues regarding them receiving it and despite being told I had the correct email address I have had to send it 3 times. 2 times to the wrong address that I was told was the correct one and then not the correct one and once today to a working one. I was also told over the phone yesterday that once received it will go to the same departement that I complained about to be considered for the longer repayment period and when I called today as instructed to see if the email had gotten through I was given the different email address. So many different stories. With some hope I contacted the online team as advised by todays call and explained the confusion. The confusion being when they decided I could no longer have the debt over a longer period I was unaware that the form had not gone through. I told them it had been resent and can we look at it all afresh. They are still standing by their decision to no longer offer me this. This being the 36 months, metre or sending in the I&E form. However, it appears now that they are even refusing to take a look at the I&E form. Somethind I also noted in Gibson's deadlock letter. She is claiming that I declined to have a meter installed. This is a lie. It was mentioned a couple of times by the online team however I did not reply to it as I chose, if you like, the option of sending in the I&E form. Sorry about the long post guys.
  7. I recently got a job as a temp for an admin position, although the agency did not charge me for finding work but when i looked at my payslip they are charging me 5% of my gross weekly pay for MANAGEMENT FEES! is this legal? when i enquired with them, they said this money was deducted as a Management fees for admin related duties such as processing my timesheet, payroll and paying the invoice finance company that advances them the money to pay my wages every week. As they have to wait for a month before they get paid, is this legal or could i take them to an industrial tribunal and sue them for breaking the law. But in all fairness in their agency terms and conditions it clearly specifies that a management fee of 5% will be deducted from my wages, but if this agency is breaking the law, i do want to take further action....PLEASE ADVISE!!!
  8. I am wondering what course of action to take regarding a debt from a MBNA credit card opened in 2005. The account went into arrears and was passed to global arrow and a default registered in 2011. My last payment was in Feb 2011. A few days ago I got a letter sent to a previous address from restons who say they are acting on behalf of arrow to claim immediate payment, failing to do so will result in a cc summons and a judgement against my name. Please could anyone advise on what I should do. If a send a cca request do I send it to restons or global arrow. Someone suggested sending a" letter before action" but I'm so confused as to what to do. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  9. I had a letter come through the door a few weeks ago from Lucas Credit Services, stating that they were acting on behalf on Lowells. In the envelope was a letter from Lowells saying Lucas were sorting the debt for them, and i had 7 days to reply Before the 7 days was up i had Lucas emailing me "if you don't reply to us, we will continue to correspond to you via email". I had no more letters but 3 emails. Up until now, i've not heard anything about this debt since 2011. It seems as though they are trying to get a rise out of me. Do i correspond to them via email? At the moment, i set it to go into my junk folder, i did debate blocking them. History: Its a Vanquis credit card taken out in 2010 of around £400ish. I tried to pay them multiple ways: went into bank and was refused, rang up and they kept disconnecting me. with that, i didn't bother to pay I then came into financial difficulties, i'd gone beyond the point of no return. It was defaulted in 2011, and no payment was ever made on the account. Its no up to £600 odd, and i know most of that is charges. Whats your guys take on this?
  10. Good afternoon, We are hoping someone may be able to give us some advice on an extremely stressful situation. Up to the end of January 2014 my partner and I have been receiving assistance from housing benefit as our employment/business situation has been far from standard over the past few years. We have endeavoured to notify the council of anything which would affect our claim and have been working extremely hard to get ourselves out of the position where we need this assistance. We were invited to an interview under caution in February 2014 as there had been a discrepancy in our capital. This came as a surprise initially but after attending the interview it was clear why it had occurred. In January 2013 we lost a close relative and I was executor to the Will. This meant that over the following few months, some large sums of money passed through my account as they were being dispersed from the banks to the beneficiaries as well as paying the estate expenses. In hindsight it would have made sense for us to have notified the council that the funds were passing through our accounts but because only a small amount would end up being legally ours, we knew it wouldn't take us over the threshold and therefore didn't want to complicate matters any further (there had already been several complications relating to my employment which led to suspension and re-instatement several times plus countless hours of letter writing to explain everything over and over again). Anyway, during the interview under caution I had prepared a full breakdown of the amounts passing through our accounts (down to the penny) and could show that after everything was paid and transferred to the beneficiaries, we were left with less than £16,000 and the amount which was left was used to pay off a debt relating to my employment. Following the interview, several more pieces of information were requested by the council and everything was provided in a timely manner. Last month we received a series of decision notices dated 4th April (standard computer generated notices) saying that we had been overpaid by just over £3,500 in housing benefit and £500 in council tax benefit. Their calculation made no sense as the figures didn't relate to any that had been provided throughout the investigation but they seemed to have taken the first lump sum paid in and then suspended our entitlement from that day forward. We spent a considerable amount of time looking over the overpayment periods and then wrote back to them (within the 1 month window on the 24th April) to say that we intended to appeal the decision as none of the information had been taken into account and their figures did not make sense. We also requested a breakdown of their calculations and a statement of reasons. We didn't receive a reply until 8th May which is just outside the 1 month appeal window stating that they would like us to attend an interview to agree to pay an administrative penalty of 50% of the overpayments which totals over £2000 on top of the overpayment. They appear to have ignored the letter requesting a breakdown of their calculations and our appeal intentions. I have written to them again requesting the breakdown and advising that if it isn't provided then we will have no choice but to make a formal complaint and involve the local government ombudsman. We are concerned that they have only given us around 2 weeks before we need to sign and agree to the administrative penalty or court proceedings will begin. Has anyone experienced a situation where the money in their account isn't legally theirs and therefore cannot be of benefit to them? The council had a copy of the Will during the interview and it was referred to several times so they were aware that the money wasn't ours. Any advice would be appreciated as the situation has caused us a huge amount of stress over the past few months. Kind regards R & G
  11. My wife and I are both retired.My wife is disabled and receives DLA.I receive Carers Allowance. My wife also receives pension credit(savings) and has two small private pensions.I also receive a private pension(income drawdown). In December 2012 I had a 5 year pension review and my pension was slashed from £560 per month to £250 per month due to new GAD rates being imposed. We advised DWP of a change in circumstances on 20th dec 2012 and despite phoning them every 2 weeks we have received nothing. Our meagre savings have now been used up and we are now worrying about paying our bills particularly the mortgage which is £515 per month. I have raised a complaint with the DWP and now don't know what else to do. Can anyone advise. Thank you.
  12. Hi! I've recently had a letter from Capital Credit Management chasing up debts totalling just over £1000 that I know nothing about. The tone of the letters were quite nasty, threatening court action if I did not pay up ASAP. Straight away I sent them a letter using the national debt line website template stating that I had no prior knowledge of the debt and asking for written proof. It would appear that they have totally ignored this and have sent another letter even more threatening than the first. I know they received my letter as I sent it next day signed delivery. I'm pretty sure all of what they've done so far is illegal. Should I phone them stating that I need proof of debt? What do you guys recommend I do next? Thanks!
  13. Hi I keep on getting letters from Arrow Global for a defaulted 02 account I got into difficulties due to me loosing my job back in 2011. the account is still registered at my parents address it also shows that address on my credit file they are not sure which adress I am at so they are sending letters to both of them. I have not responded so they are sill in the dark They are defaulting my credit file every month What would be the best way forward I tried to get 02 to take a payment they just said it was in the hands of the DCA company. Thank you
  14. "]Hi I have a DCA chasing me for an old account with BT I left them because of the awful way they treated me, I am still claiming JSA What is the best way forward please The account is showing closed on my credit file with a default registered on July 2012 but nothing since. Is it the DCA company doing this I have thought about a make a offer letter I have read other threads re defaults and if unable to get removed. Thank you
  15. Hi, I'm not sure what to do, a warrant was issued on 4th october 2011 for a pcn, and this was revoked by the traffic enforcement centre (TEC) (court) on 20th november 2011 when i filed an out of time witness statement. I received a letter from the bailiff on saturday 2nd june 2012, and a visit from them this morning. I had appealed to the council but not had a response, and have heard from the TEC that they have not reissued a warrant and that hounslow council is basically acting on the old revoked warrant issued on 4th october 2011. surely this is unlawful? illegal? have tried contacting the council but they only accept written communication- email/letter, no visits in person or phonecalls, and i'm worried the bailiff will come again and add more fees. does anyone know what to do in this instance? thanks
  16. http://www.credittoday.co.uk/article/14089/online-news/councils-acting-illegally-on-bailiff-fees-
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