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  1. Hi my son just received the above letter from Essex Police. Location was M25 Epping nr M/Post 5563b anti clockwise on a special road ( namley M25) between J23-27. at 12;42 on 4th May he was doing 62 in 50. He was driving and on his way to Luton Airport. I asked him about his speed and he said he was following the speed of other cars on the road. He also (assumed) that the M25 was a 70mph. To be honest,do many of us actually check our speed if we know we are doing less than 70.Its not an area he knows, and also i know ive probably driven up that part of M25 but cant say i took notice of any signs on side of the road. So any advice on what they might do. will it be points, D A C or a ban? he is worried due to driving a co van for a living.
  2. Hi This is my first post as I am really at a loss. In February my boyfriend got caught twice within 2 weeks speeding, once 36 in a 30 and then 42 in a 30. He had recently started a new job on the other side of the city so wasn’t great with timings, not an excuse but still. The owner of his car (his mum) received the letters regarding naming the driver which my boyfriend filled in and sent back. This was in March. Then in mid-July he received a letter from the magistrates court saying he had an £846 fine and 6 points (!!!) but he didn’t read the letter correctly and assumed for some reason this was his speeding fine. He organised to pay it with a payment plan but didn’t actually make the first payment as in the mean time I saw the letter and realised it was actually a fine for not providing his information. So I rang the council and after getting passed from pillar to post (3 magistrates court and the police) they finally revealed that the case had been tried in his absence because he’d never replied to a letter sent to him in the mean time. He never received any letter apart from the initial letter where he was named as the driver. I organised for him to do a statutory declaration in the magistrates court so the case and the fine has been put on hold until then however what is the likelihood of this being successful? He has no other points on his licence in case you were wondering. Thanks for any help you can offer.
  3. Hi, My son had his work assessment earlier this year and he has just received his letter advising him that in the assessors opinion he is capable of work although the writer has recognised that he suffers from anxiety and depression this does not pose any risk to either himself or others in a work place. Where his 'illness' is more of the mind than the body he was able to demonstrate good mobility etc and therefore scored nothing. So the question is where does he go from here, and which is the department most likely to be of assistance to him. Will he be entitled to his housing benefit? will he have to reclaim that element of his monies? Same applies for council tax. Which living money would he be entitled too? UCredit/JSA/others? Help much appreciated people, in advance. Thanks to all. swift640s (aka worried mum)
  4. Hi, Looking for some advice. I had a medical assessment now I got 0 points. I understand I can claim JSA and do a mandatory reconsideration, however the JSA claim online states you must not have received ESA within 1 calendar month? So, must I wait 1 whole month before applying? Thanks.
  5. The taxman has been accused of using small businesses and the self-employed as a “cash cow” after unveiling plans for a “draconian” new penalty regime. HMRC has announced that millions of companies and individuals with an income of more than £10,000 will have to file quarterly tax returns online. Those that are late in supplying information about their tax affairs will face a new “penalty point system”, similar to that used for motorists. Four offences will result in an automatic fine, which could be as much as £100. Every additional point will result in a further fine. Under the plans the points will only be “reset to zero” after two years in which all information has been submitted on time. The scheme will see those who repeatedly fail to file their tax returns on time face hundreds of pounds worth of fines. At present those who miss their annual deadline face a single automatic penalty of £100. HMRC is also proposing to treble fines for the late payment of tax. At present people are charged three fines worth 5 per cent of any outstanding income tax after 30 days, six months and a year. A consultation document published by HMRC proposes that the penalties should be 4 per cent after 30 days, 10 per cent after six month and 15 per cent after a year. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/08/15/taxman-accused-of-using-small-businesses-as-a-cash-cow-after-unv/
  6. Drivers caught using handheld mobile phones in Britain are to face "much tougher penalties", with fines and points doubling, the government says. Under new rules expected to come in next year, drivers will get six points on their licence and face a £200 fine. Newly qualified drivers could be made to retake their test the first time they are caught. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-37389800
  7. Tesco Bank is reducing the rate its credit card holders can earn Clubcard points when spending outside of Tesco, blaming a looming cap on interchange fees coming later this year. Currently 2.8 million cardholders can rack up Clubcard points when spending using a Tesco credit card, wherever they spend. But soon the points Tesco Clubcard Credit Card holders can earn on purchases made outside of the supermarket will change from one for every £4 spent to one for every £8 spent. Tesco’s Clubcard Credit card customers will see the change from 1st December. https://www.lovemoney.com/news/48703/tesco-bank-halves-clubcard-points-for-credit-card-customers The points available normally through the Clubcard scheme and by shopping with a Tesco credit card in Tesco stores and on Tesco fuel will remain unchanged.
  8. Hi My friend has 12 points on his licence and had his exceptional hardship plea accepted and he had the following 3 points for wrong direction July 2012 3 points for mobile phone Nov 2012 6 points for Speeding (SP30 i think) Dec 2012 I undertand 3 points are physically removed after 4 years, but off the record really after 3 years. Please explain what this means, so the first 3 are removed already as its been 3 years now what about the rest? Thanks!
  9. Please help!!!! This is a long story so please bear with me. My sister hired a car last year to move home. She was on the hire agreement with my Dad as a free driver also. My Dad was caught by a speed camera while moving her stuff to her new house in the hire car. My sister put her current address on the hire agreement The address she was moving from NOT to as she stayed there until two days afterwards. She did not pay for mail forwarding but asked landlord to forward any mail. A NIP was sent a few days afterwards to old address as this was provided by Enterprise hire company. She changed address with DVLA three weeks after moving and recevied confirmation four weeks afterwards that they held her new address Six months afterwards she hears from the DVLA that they have given her 6points and £900 fine for not attending court and providing driver details. She obviously did not know as everything went to old address. She went to court again as she explained she didn't know about it. She was told she did not need legal representation and just to take my Dad and explain he was driving. They both went and my sister pleaded not guilt to speeding (As it was our Dad) and not guilty to providing driver details as she felt she had changed her address in the correct time frame. It is now going to trial and she has been told lots of different things regarding whether she was right/not right to plead not guilty. Apparently the hire company should have told her to provide a forwarding address?? is this correct? The agreement doesn't give her the opportunity to do so. Advice would be VERY most welcome as my sister and my Dad are both very upset
  10. Personal Independence Payment (PIP) – table of activities, descriptors and points Daily Living Activities and Mobility Issues... Some readers are confused with what the DLA/PiP descriptor/s are and what points could be awarded. Here is a guide that could answer some of your questions. See this link >> https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/Global/Migrated_Documents/adviceguide/pip-9-table-of-activities-descriptors-and-points.pdf This is a guide only, as each claimant will need to have his/her own points to be able to qualify for these benefits. These may help you understand how your illness/disability affects you and how it may affect the outcome of your claim. This guidance also includes the descriptors'/points for mobility too... The first 6 pages are for daily living part of your claim, see section 1-10 then for mobility please see pages 6-7 sections 1-2... Also I have added a 12 point diary for you to use if you wish (very useful tool), this can be found here >> http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?457126-DLA-Pip-12-point-diary(21-Viewing)-nbsp Print off as many as you need and keep them until you need to reclaim or provide written proof as to what your abilities are around the home and out in public. Please remember there are good days and bad days, these all need to be kept in the diary... If you have any questions regarding the use of the diary please start your new thread for more detailed advice... Finally getting regular written reports from your care providers/Dr's/Consultant/carer will also be very useful...
  11. When I got my assessment report through from ATOS, there are vast problems. The lady nurse, for one, said I was smartly dressed and coped well at interview. Firstly, I wore jeans, and said I did not have time to wash my hair as it was a mess. I was not coping at all, I kept stiuttering and had some difficulty in answering some of the questions, my mum stepped in and answered them for me. I was awarded 0 points, considering I showed her my dosset box and medication and said my partner helped me in and out of the bath where needed, even though I have had rails I can use. I then stated I had trouble with pain in my hands due to having fibromyagia and had difficulty in cutting up veg, and felt unsafe to cook without supervision, I got zero points!! She also scored me zero points even for the fact that I cannot budget with money. I did get enhanced rate for mobility, but I am not happy getting 0 for daily care. How do I do a mandatory recon please, Iam so shocked going from middle rate personal care on dla to scoring nothing, potentially loosing £53 per week.
  12. Hi I was caught doing 80mph on a dual carriageway back in March and just had my court hearing on Tuesday July 26th. During which time my points have gone from 9 down to just 3. I was unable to make court as it was 150 miles away and only had a few days notice. My case was heard and I was disqualified from driving for 6 months from the 26th July. If they are to take the 6 months from the 26th then I only had 3 points at that time and should only get 3 points and £100 fine? Have I got a case here?? Would appreciate any help MK
  13. Quick question I have to send in my card licence for a 3 pointer what is requirement to also send the paper part ( which is being phased out)? Many thanks
  14. Hi All, I’ve created this post in the search for some answers on a few finer points of my AST Agreement that has recently ended. The LL/LA has come back to me requesting £378 of charges for cleaning and gardening. In my opinion I have left the flat in a clean and tidy condition so much so that the pictures taken on the day of me moving out have been used online to show new tenants! However, the two points I am curious to have answered are: 1. My moving in inventory states that “although untidy at the beginning of the tenancy the garden is to be completely tidied shortly after move in therefore must be tidy at end of tenancy”. Whereas my AST Agreement says “To keep tidy..as at commencement of the tenancy”. Can an inventory be used to state terms different to the AST Agreement? Also I have never had a copy of the check in inventory and the copy of the check in inventory i received from the LA isn’t signed by me. 2. My AST Agreement states that “the Agent must tell the tenant within 14 working days of the end of the tenancy if they propose to make any deductions from the deposit”. The LA took 18 working days to notify me of the deductions from my deposit. I have spoken to a local housing charity who said that this doesn’t hold much weight. If this is the case how come this term is included in the AST Agreement? Any help would be much appreciated
  15. Went to my local Job Centre today only to find out that they have removed the Job Points, and out of the 7 phones they had, only 1 was left, their excuse...all the jobs on the Job Points can be found on Universal Jobmatch, and we should be helping ourselves by using OUR own phones! I've hated being unemployed for ages now, but this just smacks of being heartless! Job Centres are supposed to help us get back into work, but in my eyes, this whole UJ system is only in place to catch us out and sanction us! The sooner i'm off this nightmare roundabout...the better!
  16. neighbour has a 21yrs old son he got caught last year driving alone on provi licence. [one off silly mistake whilst parents were away] got 6 points for no ins/£200 fine. all done paid ended he has now passed his test they want to allow him to drive their second [wifes] car she has her own full comp insurance on it. she is the owner/keeper can he be put on her insurance as named driver? can he get his own full comp insurance to drive the same car? if he does do they have to tell the wifes insurance provider? can you have two separate policies on the same car? sorry not my game
  17. Tesco has been forced to suspend more than 2,000 customer accounts after hackers posted their details online. Cyber thieves then used the login details to steal Clubcard vouchers, the supermarket giant admitted. A list of thousands of usernames and passwords was posted by hackers on a text-sharing website . It is thought the data was taken from other websites in high-profile security breaches and used to access Tesco.com customer accounts to steal Clubcard points, with 2,239 hits where the same usernames and passwords were used. But only a "handful" of people are understood to have actually suffered theft of their Clubcard vouchers, as secondary security information was needed to fully access the accounts. Tesco has now deactivated the affected accounts as a precaution and is contacting all customers impacted, pledging to reimburse those who have lost out. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/tesco-suspends-thousands-customer-accounts-3144560#ixzz2tbtgKU82 Although this only affects a tiny percentage of Tesco's 16 million Clubcard holders, even if you've not been affected, it's worth considering changing your password
  18. Hello. I am currently getting income based JSA for about 1 year now. I stay with my mum, But all of a sudden my mum is saying i need to pay £27 towards to rent as the council will only pay £109. So why now do i need to pay. I have a brother who gets ESA, and my mum gets income support. What are causing the housing benefit deduction, My brother only started claiming ESA this year in march, And all of a sudden the housing benefit is cut. So could someone help me because i am getting the impression the cut is because of me but i have been getting jsa for around a year and my mum has been getting full housing benefit since untill now.
  19. Hi I have just received a speeding ticket & a fixed penalty. On my pink slip part of the ticket it only shows the £60 fine & nothing in the points box. Can I contest the ticket?
  20. Hi I have 3 points on my licence for speeding. I didn't inform the insurance company because i did not think it was classed as a convicton (drink driving). My wife has a clean licence and was driving my car. Somebody hit my car whilst my wife was driving and the car is now a write off. I have had to put a claim through. Has anyone experienced anything like this and what could the outcome be.
  21. Evening all, Well, I've finally had a letter from DWP saying that I scored 0 points on my assessment, no surprise there - and that my entitlement to ESA has ended from last week. I've sent a letter by recorded delivery (yesterday) to DWP requesting a copy of the face to face assessment report as going by the DMs letter and what was said at the f2f most of my answers have either been omitted or changed and I want them to look at the decision again. I'm waiting for an appointment with someone to help me go through this procedure, but I was wondering if there is anything I should be doing in the mean time as I don't know how long the appointment is going to take? (It has been passed as urgent) Do I complete the GL24 at this stage or is it just a letter requesting them to look at the decision again? I know I can't really do much until I get the report because it might be correct, but I'm obviously anxious that its time sensitive and want to get things started. (Don't want to get into the same rut as I did with the ESA50 by burying my head in the sand until the week before deadline) If the DWP drag their feet in sending this report, should I send the letter/GL24 anyway? I'm sorry if these questions have been posted before, I have had a look around the forum but am just getting myself confused and into more of a state. Many thanks for any help Up2
  22. Sent my appeal off with some brief details of why i was appealing , Had a Letter from DWP confirming that they received my appeal, and about how much ESA i will get until it's heard, But so far over 1mth since requesting the full written statement of the Atos wca Form IB /ESA85, But so far i have not been sent it, The person that i recently spoke with from DWP ,Confirmed that they could see that i had previously requested it, but could not understand why i had not yet received it, What can be done to force them to supply this info,(assuming it actually exists) ?
  23. I was recently required to complete ESA50 form, in order to be transferred from Incapacity Benefit, to ESA. I then had to attend a medical, for the WCA assessment. Just to put you in the picture, I suffer from Psioratic Arthritis & Anxiety/Depression. It had been most irregular, as I was not touched at all by medical person and asked the strangest question, like 'what do I buy from the shops etc' It had been fairly brief, without going into much detail about my condition at all? The outcome letter had only allocated me a total of 6 points! I am now appealing the matter, have read the various 'descriptors' deciding which ones I fit into. But its the evidence/letters of support, I am not too sure of? Letter to Doctor or Consultant; requesting some support in my appeal. Can anybody give me an example of what I should write in the letter and what I am hoping for in return?? I am not altogether sure, my doctor would even comply - but I am told gather as much help and support as possible. I just don't want to be wasting the doctors valuable time, by ggoing around the houses, I would rather it straight to the point/ Any help/advice - very much appreciated. Incidentally I also receive DLA lRC + HRM Many thanks Nadia Phillips
  24. Hi my husband has psoriatic Arthritis he has had his medical from atos and got 0 points he asked for a reconsideration and was put on to wrag and given 15 points for 6 months he has appealed this and lost it is now going to a tribunal. he was awarded the 15 pints for not being able to reach and for poor mobility not being able to walk very far and unable work a manual wheelchair. yet they still think he could hold down a job. I am unsure what to say when i write a cover letter to the tribunal. i wrote a letter detailing a day in my husbands life but when i got all the paperwork back that was not there should i mention this and send a copy and i was wondering if i should only comment on the dexterity os his hands as he has the 15 points for mobility he also has psoroias which usualy covers 80% of his body but when he had his medical he had started uv light treatment so it was not to bad. can anyone help as i am stuck. thanks
  25. I am going through the guidelines here on reclaiming PPI in order to get a good grasp of what is involved before going ahead. I am not sure on a couple of fundamental points, and would appreciate some steering please. The PPI relates to a credit card I have held since 2002. I note from the letter-templates here and from other documents that you are required to specify the reason why you feel the insurance was mis-sold, and also that you should ideally (must?) claim a particular sum that you believe is the amount involved. When I applied for the card I believe it was with a form received through the post. I no longer have any memory nor a copy of that form as it was so long ago now, so can not recall precisely what was asked nor what specific details I filled-in. I was not *sold* the insurance, but would have ticked an appropriate option-box to accept it as before the whole PPI issue blew up I always felt that the built-in cover was a good thing to have in case of hard times. I assume that either there was an amount of information their on the form telling applicants what the insurance covered and exclusions/circumstances etc., or that its equivalent was provided with subsequent paperwork. I also assume just now that the card issuer would today lean on the ticked acceptance box as indicating that they had made me properly aware of all relevant particulars, and that I had acknowledged them and agreed. The reality however is probably closer to the fact that if I had been presented with the normal microscopic T&Cs section/sheet, I probably wouldn't have given them much of a glance at all. I would like to think that there is an element of common-sense somewhere, such as a concept of "reasonable expectations" when it comes to people's understandable oversight when it comes to the endless small-print on forms for example, but I am not holding my breath ... With this information therefore, I now have three questions. 1 - As I have to specify a mis-sold reason, and whether just for that purpose or also to have accurate information now anyway which would seem very sensible, can I get a copy of my application now to see just what I was being offered and how I applied? If not, then I don't see how I can even check for mis-selling and then specify a basis for claiming in the first place. 2 - Does the provision of printed particulars of the insurance - whether on that form or in a subsequent document - constitute *selling* in the same way that a for-real person would be supposed to point out to you the effect of such things as pre-existing medical conditions, unemployment/retirement, alternative insurances, and other things that are widely given as mis-selling reasons . .. and does ticking their box at the time mean that all was known-about and understood so legally there was no mis-selling? 3 - I do not have any way at all of calculating how much I have paid in monthly PPI charges over the life of the account as I do not have my statements going back all those years. I couldn't even guessstimate even if I wished to, as the monthly amount varies anyway of course according to the card balance. I am sure I am not alone in not keeping statements going back to the year dot however, so what is the approach taken to arrive at the figure you are claiming? Maybe there is an industry-formula, though I can't immediately see how that would be possible given the extremes of people's credit-spending and repayment habits ... Any guidance would be welcomed as just now I do not readily see how I can even formulate a claim. Thanks.
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