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  1. The end of an era: RAF Tornado returns from operations for the last time READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/the-end-of-an-era-raf-tornado-returns-from-operations-for-the-last-time
  2. Retailers have rights too! New small traders' returns guide 22nd February 2018 Retailers have rights too! ParcelHero introduces new small traders' returns guide. At least 200 specialist online stores don't expect to survive the massive growth in returns this year. As UK consumers learn to make the most of new return regulations, ParcelHero has introduced a new guide for sellers, spelling out what their own rights are. A recent survey by leading courier price comparison site ParcelHero revealed at least 200 e-commerce businesses don't expect to survive the massive growth in returns this year. Returns reached 47% of all ParcelHero shipments in the first days of the New Year and traders say that they were often pressured into paying the cost of returns even for unwanted items - or risk losing their all-important 5-star ratings. https://caithness-business.co.uk/article/8110 ........... is it just me or is this a wee bit iffy... buy our insurance and we'll protect you...urmm..wonder whats mor expensive for the trader..refunding returns process or their insurance....
  3. Hi I recently returned an item to a small online retailer due to the item being faulty/ incompatible with another item it was designed for. I made it clear in their support ticket that I wished to return the item for a full refund. Their support rep responded with "If the item is faulty we will replace it for you from our stock." The attitude of the customer service rep and part of their Terms of Service has me concerned: "Where items are returned as faulty and no fault is found by [RETAILER] a charge of £19.99 plus return postage is payable to cover the engineer's time." Also the return document sent for me to include with the item had the following paragraph: "Nb. Returns which are tested and found to be without fault, or where damage is found to have been caused by misuse, are liable to a £19.99 engineer's fee, plus return postage. By returning goods to us you are confirming that you understand and accept this." I left this unsigned. The item was returned in its original packaging. Would the seller have any recourse the levy a "engineer's fee" if they find no fault? If the item was returned fixed/replaced against my instructions what would be my next option (payment was through paypal)? Thank you in advance.
  4. https://www.theguardian.com/money/2017/jun/17/uk-debt-bubble-queens-speech-consumer-credit-loans-spending I noticed quite a few advertisements for 'no interest' loans taken over 4 years with companies such as PC World/Currys - B&Q and a Carpet store. So, it looks like for companies to stay in business they need to sell - people cant afford to buy - so lets tie them up with MORE credit for 4 years !
  5. Hello, I rented a studio over 4 years ago through a London Agent; standard AST. The Agent secured my deposit (over £1000) with TDS. After one year my LL decided she did not need the agent anymore and offered to rent the flat directly to me. This, according to her, saved her some money to proceed with the needed repairs. I have been renewing contract (no changes in there) for the consecutive 3 years since then. Due to her numerous failures to carry out repairs (leaks, mold, poor insulation, lack of heating - literally she removed electric heaters from the walls to make the flat look bigger, fuse box issues - lights tripping out the box on a daily basis, boiler issues, shower power issues plus criminals next door, with their drug-related behaviour 24/7), I had enough and decided to move out, ending the contract in 2017. I gave her 2 months notice, but according to the contract I did not have to. She was extremely unhappy with my decision. On the same day she gave my private phone number to an Estate Agent; without permission&behind my back. They informed me that my LL decided to sell the flat and they would need immediate access to take pictures and show the property to potential buyers. I was speechless. I looked at my contract only to find out that she was in breach. The contract states that if the LL intends to sell the property, the tenant must be informed in writing 2 months prior the notice of intention to sell. Anyway, for the 2 months I have been harassed by my LL and Estate Agent so much, I had to take sick leaves as I was not able to perform my duties at work (she had known that I work nights only). On the day of my move she broke into the property (the police were called by my neighbours) and changed the locks. It's been over one month now and she does not reply to my requests for the return of my tenancy deposit. To cut the story short, when the new AST was up in 2016, she delayed it until the next month. She claimed that because of her delays in paperwork my deposit was protected for the time being as periodic, but she would protect it in full once the contract was signed. In 2016 I did not receive any reminder from TDS that the fixed term was ending and that action was required so that protection of the deposit continues ( this is what they say when asked about clarifying whether a LL complies with their rules). In the middle of my 2016-2017 tenancy I checked TDS (I had no reference number, nothing regarding the full AST deposit protection scheme from her). The only way I could check my deposit was by inputting the start date of the tenancy and full name on their website. The TDS could not find my deposit. I asked my LL about it and she said, blushing and stammering, that the deposit was in her account. I was at my wit's end so I tried to find my deposit with a reference number on periodic one. It turned out it's been periodic. My contract for the year 2016-2017 was not periodic. The previous deposit protection was fully registered and says: Tenancy start xx/xx 2015. Expected to end on or after xx/xx/2016. Can anyone advise how I pursue TDS and my LL about this? All advice/experience with LLs and TDS much appreciated. Thank you
  6. Hi all i apologise in advance if this is long, I bought a Mattress off amazon costing almost £500. It was sold by a company and delivery was fulfilled by amazon via prime. I was working at the time of delivery but my 70 year old dad agreed to pop in and wait for it for me. When it was delivered they knocked on the door and the driver told my dad he had to get the matress off the van himself...which he did. (i really wish i was there grr) i get home from work and find a really cheap rubbish mattress that is not even rolled and is taking up alot of space in my front room. It's the wrong mattress and very poor quality. i contacted amazon and they apologised and said they would send dpd to pick it up tuesday (today) . I sat in all day today and dpd were a no show i contacted amazon again and the reply i had was that i had to pay for the return and they would put £5 promo credit on my account. Surely the mistake was made on they're end and i should not have to fork out for delivery? i can only imagine how much it would cost me to return a mattress.
  7. Hi everyone, Can someone advise me please? In November 2016, I had the rust on my car sorted by a local recommended garage. It was a cash job as it saved me £100 on the quoted £600. Now, only five months later, the rust is back and it looks as bad as it did before the "repair". I have just rang the garage, only to be hurryingly told that they don't give any guarantees over their rust repairs. I didn't even get to the point where I was going to tell him that I don't have a receipt - it was obvious that he wasn't interested. So then, I know that I have potentially lost out here by going cash-in-hand, but any rights on this matter that I could put forward that might change his mind on this? P.
  8. Hi guys, Just trying to get a quick heads up as to where I stand legally on this situation with online retailer Very. at the beginning of June I purchased a HP Omen desktop pc for £1200 along with a 32 inch HP Omen monitor. The computer was a reasonable specification, not the top end, but the advert implied that the computer could be easily upgrade, the exact wording was as follows; 'This gaming PC can evolve with you too – with tool-less access to the hardware, you can crank up your gaming power by customising the specification when the time comes.' I understood this to mean that upgrading the computer later on would be easy decided to purchase. Unfortunately when the computer arrived I saw that this wasn't the case. The layout was unlike any other pc I have owned with a cage/chassis mounted onto the graphics card and the other components, optical drives, hard drive connectors etc all connected to this mount. The memory banks were directly under the mount too so even something as simple as adding more memory would require the complete disassembly and removal of the mount, the unattaching of all fans, drives, processor etc that were connected to the mount and the removal of the graphics card afterwards, then reassembly of all components, connectors, mounts etc afterwards. This is far beyond what I would consider an easily upgradeable system. I contacted Very and asked to exchange it on the grounds that it wasn't as advertised. The person I spoke to was very helpful and apologetic, telling me to return the computer via the free Collect+ service then he sold me a much more expensive model, with a bigger, plug and play style casing that is indeed easily upgradeable. I received this computer 3 weeks ago and am very happy with it. It cost £1600 and I've already paid £400 off of it. three weeks later I have had the original machine returned to me (at my expense) on the grounds that it's not actually returnable unless faulty. I now have TWO computers. I have called them multiple times each time they are very helpful and tell me they will sort it. Then they ring their returns department who tell them, no I cannot return it, even though one of their member of staff authorised me to do so AND sold me another computer. I am wanting to know what my legal rights are in this situation? They have are telling me I now have to have BOTH computers because their employee was at fault in authorising a return. Surely this is their problem not mine? And if she shouldn't have authorised the return, then surely selling me a replacement under those conditions is wrong as well so that would void their returns policy in selling me a replacement. I've been trying to resolve this for the past week and have reached an impasse. I would think in this circumstance I can legally demand they return one of the computers as the error was theirs not mine, and they certainly shouldnt be able to enforce the purchase of both systems, totalling £2700??
  9. This company has some very poor reviews - my friend only discovered after purchasing a CV joint , which was badly made and would not fit. They refused a refund and would only offer a exchange. I believe my friend returned after the 30 days period ("No quibble returns policy"??) Looking at the T/Cs -there is nothing to me that says they are complying with any aspect of "No quibble returns policy" What do other's think-are they within their rights -or taking the pxxx ?
  10. The taxman has been accused of using small businesses and the self-employed as a “cash cow” after unveiling plans for a “draconian” new penalty regime. HMRC has announced that millions of companies and individuals with an income of more than £10,000 will have to file quarterly tax returns online. Those that are late in supplying information about their tax affairs will face a new “penalty point system”, similar to that used for motorists. Four offences will result in an automatic fine, which could be as much as £100. Every additional point will result in a further fine. Under the plans the points will only be “reset to zero” after two years in which all information has been submitted on time. The scheme will see those who repeatedly fail to file their tax returns on time face hundreds of pounds worth of fines. At present those who miss their annual deadline face a single automatic penalty of £100. HMRC is also proposing to treble fines for the late payment of tax. At present people are charged three fines worth 5 per cent of any outstanding income tax after 30 days, six months and a year. A consultation document published by HMRC proposes that the penalties should be 4 per cent after 30 days, 10 per cent after six month and 15 per cent after a year. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/08/15/taxman-accused-of-using-small-businesses-as-a-cash-cow-after-unv/
  11. Bit of an issue i really need some help with. . Will list information in date order. 2003 - 2008 Ran a small company (pet shop) with my wife as a partnership. Mid 2008 closed company down as it was no longer viable. Offered job in Portugal in late 2008. Moved in November 2008. Myself declared bankruptcy in November 2008 before we left, my wife did not because she was ill and was unlikely to work again, handed keys back to mortgage company for our house. October 2009 company took myself and my wife to court for £13K debt. Did not fight as we were out of the country. Myself and my wife Received CCJ. Wife became pregnant with twins was very ill. November 2009 i was discharged from bankruptcy. November 2009 Other company got a charging order against repossessed house September 2010 Old house resold after we had given mortgage company keys back.. it sold with a mortgage shortfall. Wife gave birth late 2010. Was in ICU for many weeks. June 2011 returned to UK so family could help us with twins and my wife's recovery. I work from home so i can look after wife and children. We now live in rented house, with leased car. Wife works for me for around 10K per year (doing my accounts). Wife has no bank accounts or joint account etc. This morning received letter from Company with "Notice of Hearing of Application" TO ENFORCE JUDGEMENT. This is on the 8th Feb 2017. What should we do? One thing i notice on the Application notice form sent is that the date they say i was made Bankrupt was 27 November 2009 , this is incorrect as it was November 2008. Could i get the original judgement Set Aside because 1) i was out of the country and they knew because official receiver had informed them of our new address 2) One of the defendants was Bankrupt but they got a judgement against me anyway. One other problem hearing is at 2pm i cannot make that meeting because i need to pickup my children from school at 2:45pm. I would not like my wife to attend she is still quite ill (has a heart condition (under treatment) and stress is not good for her). Nothing in the house was purchased by my wife, if the bailiffs come can they remove goods that i can prove were purchased by me AFTER the bankruptcy?
  12. Hi folks I was wondering if I may get some advise from you guys, if possible. I bought a Dell desktop PC direct from Dell around 6 months back, but it was delivered damaged by Dell's local courier, I called Dell to come and collect the damaged desktop for a replacement. it took them ages, almost a phone call to Dell everyday for more than 2 weeks, to respond and finally I called and told them to collect the units and provide a full refund. Dell finally arrange collection last month, 5months after I first contacted them, from their side and the desktop was collected. almost a month after their collection was completed, Dell contacted me via email and said instead of a desktop that they should receive, they had received a laptop from me instead! Before anyone raised any eyebrows if I am at fault, the desktop weighs around 15kg. The laptop Dell mentioned they received is only 2kg. I can't believe this big discrepancy where Dell is asking me why I send a laptop, of which I never had in the first place. I called the courier who came to pick up the unit and they have registered 10kg on their system, which is another discrepancy. All the math doesn't stack up along the courier transition to end. Therefore from (A - collection from my side of 15kg) thru to courier warehouse (weigh 10kg, have Dell instructed them a unit weight of 10kg to save costs? I don't know) then to Dell depot (B - and after almost 1 month after receipt, they received a 2kg item????) I had called Citizen Advice to seek advice and been told about - Consumer Rights Act 79 - ADR etc From my layman term, I would like some advice from kind folks of what I can do? a.) In the case if Dell still insist they received a laptop, how will I be liable or am I liable ? I am not sure how they are going to explain the weight discrepancy going through the courier transition b.) Citizen Advice says I may need to prove what I send? However, Dell is the one who arrange collection and somehow stupidly I trusted their arrangement. Does the collection proof of receipt suffice much? c.) Is there any place or dept that I can raise this issue against Dell's incompetency on their courier logistics? But trying their luck to possibly seek compensation from customers? Would appreciate any advise from kind souls to help me lessen this grievance I am facing with Dell.
  13. Hi guys, is it possible for a company to charge you fees for doing a late return under the new Consumer Contracts Regs? Ive ordered a bunch of clothes and they got back to the company (Jacamo) late. I know that Im in the clear with regards to timing because the first parcel arrived on the 19th of Jan and I used their own collections service (effectively giving them notice of return) on the 3rd of Feb, which is within the 14 day period (if I am counting it correctly). Even without that, Ive got multiple parcels, one of which Im still waiting for, so I would be able to still return. My question is, can they still introduce a late return charge, even if the new regulations allow me to return at a much later date than what they state?
  14. Waitrose Online Shopping:- Do they give a stuff about your refund for an unsuitable returned item? I think not and you won't get a refund easily if my experience is anything to go by. Is this Company Policy or is it the Store Manager who can't or won't manage? I made an online order which arrived in early February, an item was substituted I was offered 2 salmon fillets instead of the 4 that I had ordered. I refused the substitution as we are a multi person family, the driver told me I would get the substituted item credited back within 7 days, (£5.99). This did not happen, I contacted Customer Services via email, (I always do everything in writing as phone calls are easily forgotten), they said the refund would happen within a further 7 working days and they would contact the local store. Another 7 days; nothing! I again contacted Customer Services (the same agent) by email they said they had contacted the store who would credit my card withion 5 to 7 days and the Store would email me confirming that. Guess what? Nothing! So, one month from the initial order delivery, I made copies of my order, my emails and my card account and went out of my way to the Store and explained the issue to a Customer Services Supervisor who then refunded me the £5.99 in cash, plus £15.01 for my expenses, i.e. paper ink, diesel and my time with a "Sorry" She took all of the paperwork from me and said I would probably get a phone call from her manager to find out more. Have you guessed? No I didn't! I honestly believe that if I had not chased them, I would have had £5.99 appropriated from me with the apparent intention of permanently depriving me of it. There has been more than a little negligence in that way they have dealt with my money but at what level? So to date I have been refunded my costs, (barely) and a verbal sorry from a supervisor, nothing else. What did I expect? At least a verbal or written apology and explanation from the Manager as to why the Store failed me. So, no more online shopping because I can not trust Waitrose to do the honest thing without a fight or the right thing in hindsight. Can you? There are other supermarkets out there.
  15. Hi All, I recently bought some jeans on eBay, they are not the size the label claims them to be and having explained this to the seller he is adamant that he is right and won't do a return and refund. I tried to use the return option through eBay but he declined my request, should I escalate the issue through eBay or would it be better to do a charge back through my bank.
  16. Hundreds of thousands of people will no longer be hit with £100 fines for failing to complete their income tax returns on time, under radical government plans. HM Revenue & Customs has admitted that its penalties regime may be too rigid, and is drawing up proposals to end fines for taxpayers who miss the deadline “by a day or two”. New rules outlined for public consultation could see people who owe the government tax charged higher interest rates on their debts to encourage them to pay sooner, instead of being hit with automatic fines. A system of penalty points – similar to motoring offences - could also be introduced so that financial sanctions apply only to people who persistently fail to pay their tax bills. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/tax/11398244/HMRC-plan-to-scrap-100-fines-for-late-tax-returns.html
  17. Sir Bruce Forsyth is to take part in a special routine on Sunday's Strictly Come Dancing to mark his departure as one of the show's main hosts. Yuk! Can't stand the patronising old git.
  18. I recently bought a pair of earrings from Hsamuel online. And I picked it up from HSamuel in Westfield, Sheperd Bush. First of all, the order came with an unsealed package. I did not think much about it until I went and check online and realised it should have come sealed properly. On hindsight, I should have read the terms and condition properly though I didn't. And I figured since it was not sealed, I should return the earrings! I went back to the store to complain. The sales assistant name Carol said that it only comes sealed if you requested it to be sealed. I am quite sure this is untrue. And the manager Helen, she said that I cannot get a refund because of hygienic reason. Though it was not sealed when I got it in the first place, so for the same hygienic reason, I should not accept the earrings?! The customer services, it was just not up to standards. And the products came unsealed. Please advice what can I do?
  19. Morning, Long story short (sort of), I bought my wedding suit from Reiss (£500) on the 23rd August. It's the most expensive item I have ever bought by far. The trousers needed altering but I chose to wait for a week or so as I hadn't bought my shoes yet. After doing so, I went into a different Reiss as it was closer to work. I paid £35 to get the trousers altered but at the time was certain the store manager who performed the pinning wasn't listening. Each time I asked a question about how he was pinning them, he sighed or pulled a face. I was stood there sweating in the end. Even later that day I rang up and asked what would happen if they came back and I was unhappy with them and he said "I followed your instructions, it was a simple pinning process".  The thing is, I was asking him for advice, not barking out orders. I’m not a tailor but that’s the con isn’t it, that some of these 'customer service experts' pretend to be. I had to wait a week and then got a call yesterday.  I went to collect them and they now look like they were made for a 6 year old and on the underneath there’s a piece of material that (and I hate the phrase) makes it look like I have a camel toe.  I even took them into an independent tailors and they agreed that there was something strange about the look. Does anybody know my rights here please? I've half gone off the suit now due to this incident. I realise Reiss have a no refund policy but is there any trick I could use? I suppose the best outcome is to hope that they either let me swap it for a different suit or I end up lumbered with a £535 credit note. Thanks for reading (if you do...)
  20. Is there any way i can get them to start going this automatic ? for the past 8 year i have had to chase them by going to my local hmrc office and handing in my p60's but yet all my friends seem to get theres sent automatic without having to do any chasing
  21. This company has a very strange interpretation of Sale of Goods Act. If the item is 6 months old it only gives partial refunds. So if your item failed after 7 months you only get a 90% refund. Thats not the half of it. They originally tell you to contact the OEM for returns, again shirking responsibility! Its only when I insisted under the SoGA, that they had to take the RMA, that they arranged a courier collection. What happened to me was that I asked for a replacement item as I knew if I would only get 90% back if I put refund on the RMA. But someone at ebuyer changed the status of the RMA to 'refund' even though they had plenty of stock to give a replacement. They deny any wrongdoing and refuse to replace the item saying I asked for a refund. Rather than put the situation right regardless of whose fault it may have been, a decent company would have said OK whatever, who cares who put refund, the situation is that now the customer is asking for a replacement and we will honour that. In the end so many weeks passed of eBuyers stalling on the replacement, that the item then became out of stock - discontinued (funny that!) They say you have to place a new order, but the items have doubled in price since I bought the old one! Again, very convinient! Are there any grounds on which I can sue using small claims? I have lost only about £5 but I want to do it for the principle and to protect other consumers who have lost far more! People need to be aware this is how they manage to offer low prices.
  22. Hi friends, I tried to search but most of the template letters are designed towards claiming single payment PPI, especially, for fresh cases. Mine on the other hand were monthly payments and they were stopped by Barclays in 2005. Why? Because, I claimed back some of the money Barclays had been charging me in the name of their Additions fee that I had never opted for. This probably prompted them to also stop my PPI immediately. And yes, I did not know what PPI was all about at that time. Now, I wish to take up claiming back the PPI Bacrlays charged me over a period of 9 years (since 1996 to 2005) My questions .. 1. Can one claim back the PPI they regularly paid some time ago in the past? 2. Do I need to first ask for my policy details, or should I simply write to them that this has come to my notice and was a mis-sale. 3. Is there a template on this site for the first letter I should be sending to the bank? Help me. please Hugs Autumn
  23. My wife bought a camera for £600 with 12 months warranty via amazon 8 months ago. The camera is now faulty and amazon will honor the warranty. HOWEVER....the camera is now not available and ceased production and has been been superceded by the next model which is £100 dearer. Amazon will refund us the original purchase price but not upgrade us to the new camaera so we are now with out a camera. I would have thought they have a duty to replace the camera to the next best available, is this right?
  24. Hello, I bought a "custom made" item of clothing online in July and received it in September.. I specifically asked the retailer if they would be able to match my specs (after sending them several emails and pictures of what I wanted to be done) and they said they could. On receiving the item, it was 3 sizes too big and completely different from what I asked of them, when it was meant to be custom made and made to measure. I tried to do a claim through PayPal but they do not cover personalised items and was advised by a PayPal agent to contact my bank, which I then did. I received the full amount back from the bank, as chargeback. However, I am now being contacted by the retailer to ask for the product back. The clothes are for a wedding in December and I have already sent them off to a tailor to get them fixed. As they breached the contract in the first place, are they allowed to claim the product back legally or make a criminal case against me (which they threatened on the phone)? sorry for the lengthy message and I hope i posted this in the right place. any help or advice would be greatly appreciated... thanks in advance Han
  25. research shows that it is likely to be a "harvest mite" that is causing this illness.
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