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Found 3 results

  1. I bought a used car in December from my then employer, it had electrical problems before it was ready for sale. I had problems with it cutting out then engine on light on and then back to normal? They said it was E.C.U issues but didnt want to fit one. They put a new throttle body on and had it reprogrammed but its still doing the same thing. They then found it to have a cracked head and gasket. Fixed that but still cutting out/engine light on. As I worked there they only looked at fixing it while they were not busy so its taken a lot longer than it should have. Now the 3 months is up and the problem is still there. Do they have to fix it free of charge or am I now having to pay?
  2. My wife bought a camera for £600 with 12 months warranty via amazon 8 months ago. The camera is now faulty and amazon will honor the warranty. HOWEVER....the camera is now not available and ceased production and has been been superceded by the next model which is £100 dearer. Amazon will refund us the original purchase price but not upgrade us to the new camaera so we are now with out a camera. I would have thought they have a duty to replace the camera to the next best available, is this right?
  3. I bought a washing machine from Comet that continued to repeatedly break down, eventually they replaced it, I put some more cash towards a better machine. It is an Indesit PWDE 8148s. It is 14 months old. Today it had a catastrophic electrical failure, probably the main PCB board. Also the heater element has blown and the door handle has snapped off. The door handle is integral to the door and the whole door will need replacing. At no time has the machine been abused, it has been de scaled every month or so. I called Indesit who told me, and I quote ''thats just the way it rocks'', they have now sold me a 1 year warranty for 14.99 a month for 12 months and are coming to fix the machine tomorrow evening. If they cannot fix it they will replace it. My question is this, should I be expected to pay this money after just 14 months or can I expect a washing machine/dryer to last longer before needing major repairs? I quoted the sale of good act to Indesit and they told me it doesnt apply to them , it is down to Comet (who are now no more) to abide by this act. Is there anything I can do? Can I have them fix it then cancel the 1 year warranty? they told me to do this would cost £104 which would be cheaper than getting the machine fixed by one of their engineers, it still has a 5 year parts guarantee.
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