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Found 10 results

  1. Hi All, Possibly a hypothetical question but like to be prepared. Had an interview earlier, job sounds great but when I got home invite to interview from another employer in my inbox for next Wednesday. This 2nd job would suit me better (nearer home, more akin to my current role and better hours). I was told at this morning's interview that they would let me know either way today. If I am lucky enough to get the offer, I would be mad not to accept, but still inclined to go for next week's interview as well. What are the ethics of accepting a possible offer today, then changing my mind if I get the other offer next week? Other half says I need to do whats best for me, and if I end up needing to rescind my acceptance its not a big deal, but I hate to let people down. Might not even get the offer from today, but trying to get my head straight on what to do if it does come good ... Thanks
  2. Got a weird one here for you guys. In March i had a prang with a neighbour. I was driving out of our cul de sac and i stopped because the woman in the end house started to reverse. She carried on and i sounded the horn continuously, she stopped for a split second then carried on and hit my car. I notified the police as the woman's partner came out of the house and was very aggressive towards her and then myself. He later came to my door as we are neighbours offering me money for the damage but due to the car being leased from Motability i couldn't and my next door neighbour had to ask him to leave as i was getting very stressed and panicky. So the facts are :-- My neighbour damaged my car. Both myself and my wife were uninjured and the whole incident was witnessed by my next door neighbours. The woman driving the vehicle only had a provisional licence and was alone with a child in the car. The police are still investigating the matter. Today i got informed by my motability insurers that the other party claims that HE was driving and that I hit him and that because the two other witnesses apart from me and my wife are not independent because they live next door to me!! Even tho we ALL live in a small cul de sac with 9 homes. So my insurers are going to accept 50/50 liability!! I told them that in no way am i going to accept that and i was told that it didn't matter what i said, they will accept it because it is one word against another lmao. I have told them that it will affect my driving history and incur a financial punishment if i seek insurance after they accept. I have told that i will not allow any record of any liability to be entered against me on any records but they will not listen to me. I even told them that it was being investigated by the police and that by this guy saying he was driving, it was a serious offence but they said it was my word against his ............. where do i stand on this? I know it has no immediate effect on me but how on earth can they accept this? Like i could go up and bang into everybody's car in the cul de sac and say it was them and get away with it according to the way this bunch operate lmao. My argument apart from it being a total joke, is that RSA (my insurers) by accepting 50/50 liability are saying it was half my fault so he gets away with half liability and i get punished because if i seek insurance there will be a claim against me and i will be hit with more expensive premiums. What can i do??
  3. I would like to know how much help you would expect from a bank if cash was paid into an account found to be a fraudster. I thought they made enquiries into the receiving bank account over a certain amount of money.
  4. Hi All, I recently bought some jeans on eBay, they are not the size the label claims them to be and having explained this to the seller he is adamant that he is right and won't do a return and refund. I tried to use the return option through eBay but he declined my request, should I escalate the issue through eBay or would it be better to do a charge back through my bank.
  5. I have lost my job and my husband is only working part time and we are unable to pay all our bills at the moment. We have taken advice from step change and have offered Npower £5 per month for Gas and £5 per month for the lecky. We sent a copy of our household budget Last week they phoned and wanted meter readings for both which we supplied. Today we got a letter wanting to set up a payment plan and they are going to TELL US how much we will be paying but we need to set up a payment plan with them. They have asked us to phone with meter readings (which they already have ) but will require an initial payment when we call before setting up a payment plan otherwise they will follow their collections procedures and we could get charges put on. Are they able to do this?
  6. Hoping someone can give me some advice here. Arrow Global and Restons have issued me with Court papers for an HBoS debt which goes back to 1997! Over the past 10 years I have requested the CCA and have SAR'd other DCA's but the CCA has never been sent, only an Application Form with retyped up-to-date Terms and Conditions. Now, of course, Arrow Global have applied for a CCJ. I don't think I would be able to go to Court myself (as a pensioner I don't have the funds for the trip to Northampton for one thing) but do you think I should dispute it? And if so, how?? Regards Chickenlegs
  7. Dear all. Great to have found this forum. Im really hoping I can find some sort of direction. My problem has been on going for about 4 months now, almost from day one of purchasing the car. Its a Toyota Celica 2006 model. To cut a very long story short here ..... the car was purchased, knowingly by me, with non standard alloys. However, from day one I noticed issues with handling. This was reported several times to the garage. After the first recall I was told that there was nothing wrong but also that a 4 wheel alignment check had been done. This turned out to be untrue. I did not receive any paperwork clarifying this. On the second recall I was told the car was ok still, but a (another) 4 wheel alignment check had been done and found some adjustment was needed, proven with the steering wheel now pointing straight. I can only assume that the first time it was not done as they indicated. Problem still there . .. basically the car feels unstable when at speeds above 50mph and tends to wander and jump depending on road conditions. Having done my own investigations, Ive since learned that the tyres are over stretched on the wheels which are in turn not the correct size for the car. The tyres are the original and true size stretched over wheels 30mm wider than standard. When I reported this to the garage they told me that the car was safe and that "their" tyre centre said the tyres fitted (205s) would be what they would fit on these wheels (8J). This must be untrue as I have since been to this tyre centre and they have told me that they would not fit this size tyre to that wheel and put this in writing. I have since learned that should the correct tyre size be fitted to this wheel (235s) then it would clash with the bodywork in certain conditions. Therefore I take it this makes the car unsafe. The garage concerned are not accepting responsibility for this whatsoever, even though clearly they have been lying and avoiding communication from both myself and the finance company who "own" the car. What I could do with knowing is am I in the right here. Yes, I accept I knew the wheels were non standard, but is it my responsibility to check they are correct for the car? Surely this is the garage's responsibility to ensure that the wheels (and car are fit for the purpose it was sold for and therefore if the wheels are too big than the manufacturer recommend would that not be their call? Or is this my call simply because I new the wheels where non standard. The tyres are too narrow for the wheel so there is not enough grip on the road, therefore making it unstable. Any advice would be very much appreciated. Im about to go to Trading Standards on this, but if anyone here knows anything then please do advise. Thank you Martin (Oxford)
  8. Hi, I had an accident last night that 100% was not my fault. I was driving along a main road and a car coming toward me tried to turn onto a side road and smashed into the drivers side of my car, he claimed he believed I was also turning down this road. To complicate matters further I was driving my partners car but under my own insurance so was only covered by 3rd party insurance. It looks like my car is a write off but luckily with it being a Volvo I escaped with nothing other than a stiff neck. I managed to find out online who he is insured with and called them to discuss the matter and was told that the other driver is claiming that I drove into him, this is simply not true and hopefully when I get the police report in a few days this will become obvious. Because I am only covered 3rd party my ins co have said that they have no interest in the case and that I have to deal with the TP on my own, this is leaving me feeling extremely vulnerable and I'm not sure how to proceed. Should I wait for the police report then get back in touch with his insurers? Also, the car is in storage just now and is attracting daily charges, the storage company will hold the car for 21 days before contacting me about it. I've never had to make a claim before, who decides if the car is indeed beyond repair? Who instructs / pays for this? Any help or advice much appreciated.
  9. My circumstances have changed and I have contacted p2p offering a repayment plan. They have rejected it outright. I offered around 25% of the monthly payment I am normally required to make. What do i do now?
  10. My company has gone written warning crazy! Dishing them out left/right/centre. Can I refuse to accept a written warning on the grounds that I don't agree with it?
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