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  1. https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/healthy-weight/start-the-nhs-weight-loss-plan/
  2. Hi All, Possibly a hypothetical question but like to be prepared. Had an interview earlier, job sounds great but when I got home invite to interview from another employer in my inbox for next Wednesday. This 2nd job would suit me better (nearer home, more akin to my current role and better hours). I was told at this morning's interview that they would let me know either way today. If I am lucky enough to get the offer, I would be mad not to accept, but still inclined to go for next week's interview as well. What are the ethics of accepting a possible offer today, then changing my mind if I get the other offer next week? Other half says I need to do whats best for me, and if I end up needing to rescind my acceptance its not a big deal, but I hate to let people down. Might not even get the offer from today, but trying to get my head straight on what to do if it does come good ... Thanks
  3. Hi Guys, Need some help i was on DLA mobility low rate which was due to review December 2019. My GP referred to community health support worker who advised me to apply for PIP as i have high chances getting care and mobility higher rate than low rate mobility due to my mental and physical illness. I was little bit hesitant as i heard a lot of horror stories about PIP rejection rate. Anyways my health support worker rang DWP and arranged a home visit to fill the PIP form. A lady from DWP came to my house on 13th August 2018 and filled all the paper work and contacted DWP to apply for PIP over the phone. The DWP lady also advised that i might receive another PIP form which she advised me to ignore. After 10 days i received new form which i ignored but after 3 weeks i received another letter telling me that they still not received the form. I rang DWP and told that the from already filled by DWP lady after searching on their computer the lady over the phone told me that they got the form but it still not scanned to put on their systems, the lady over the phone also advised that it should be on the system by two weeks and i should contact after two weeks to confirm. After that i was bit relaxed and i totally forgot to ring them back, now i received their letter saying that they rejected my claim is i failed to provide further information. One more thing i never received any further letter from DWP apart from the form which they sent to fill in. The date on the letter is 10th of october and i received the letter on 18th october and i am abroad seeing my parents and coming back 12th of november. The dead line will be finishing 10th of october, i do not know what to do now its not my fault they messed up with my form they also said in the letter that my DLA will be stopped from 23rd october. Thank
  4. MOD launches biggest ever mental health awareness week with new confidential support for personnel on operations READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/mod-launches-biggest-ever-mental-health-awareness-week-with-new-confidential-support-for-personnel-on-operations
  5. Hi everyone, hoping to find some urgent last minute help in this wonderful community Name of the Claimant ? Lowell Portfolio Date of issue – top right hand corner of the claim form – this in order to establish the time line you need to adhere to. 03/10/2016 Date of issue XX + 19 days ( 5 day for service + 14 days to acknowledge) = XX + 14 days to submit defence = XX (33 days in total) - ^^^^^ NOTE : WHEN CALCULATING THE TIMELINE - PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THE DATE ON THE CLAIMFORM IS ONE IN THE COUNT [example: Issue date 01.03.2014 + 19 days (5 days for service + 14 days to acknowledge) = 19.03.2014 + 14 days to submit defence = 02.04.2014] = 33 days in total What is the claim for – the reason they have issued the claim? Please type out their particulars of claim in full (verbatim) less any identifiable data and round the amounts up/down. Unfortunately I have now lost that document as have moved house twice since receiving their claim... have attached the defence I sent and the claimant's witness statement Have you received prior notice of a claim being issued pursuant to paragraph 3 of the PAPDC (Pre Action Protocol) ? No What is the value of the claim? £938.19 Is the claim for - a Bank Account (Overdraft) or credit card or loan or catalogue or mobile phone account? Vanquis credit card When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? After (05/08/2010) Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Debt purchaser Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? No Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? No Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? No Why did you cease payments? I lost a job at the time and couldn't make monthly payments What was the date of your last payment? 30/12/2011 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? No Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management planicon? No ------------------------ Hello everyone, Only just joined the community, but have been carefully following few threads to help with my personnal situation. So far it has been a priceless source of information and I hope to seek further help! I have my court hearing this coming Tuesday at 10am - here is a timeline of events: - Vanquis Agreement dated 05/08/2010 - Last payment made to Vanquis on 30/12/2011 - Notice of debt received by email from BW Legal/Lowell on 13/09/2016 - Letter with CCA request sent on 28/09/2016 - which was ignored - Claim issued by Lowell on 03/10/2016 - CPR18 request sent on 25/10/2016 - again, ignored - Defense sent on 05/11/2016 (copy of my defense attached in the thread) A year gone and never received the documents I asked in order to prepare defence of enter into mediation - DQ filed by claimant on 20/11/2017 - Sent another CPR18 request on 24/11/2017 - yet again ignored - Direction Questionnaire filed on 30/11/2017 Which brings us to present days, and the witness statement receive from the claimant only 2 weeks before the hearing (attached to the thread) - while I have been requesting information since November 2016 ! With the hearing happening in 3 days, I'm getting exponentially nervous about what's going to happen - and how I should prepare to defend myself. I misunderstood the notice of allocation for the hearing and didn't send a witness statement myself... is there something I should do/say at the hearing? Can someone kindly advise on the best course of action for me to get in the hearing with a bit more confidence? I'd like to avoid a CCJ at all cost and just want to settle the debt - but have missed the opportunities to do so as they failed to send the documents I requested A few questions I have after reading the witness statement several times: - I never received the Notice of Assignment. Statement says "defendant put to strict proof to the contrary" - clearly, shouldn't these kind of documents be sent registered and/or signed for? My gut instinct is to say they should be the one proving they served me with the notice of assignment (their responsibility, isn't it?) - With my CPR requests, I have sent deadline for them to collect and send the requested documents - none were respected. I literally had to wait almost a year and half and the witness statement (just a few weeks before the hearing) to get any sort of documents from them. Is that a point for me to use in my defence? As I've been chasing documents for a while in order to prepare my defence, ignoring my requests and sending these at the last minute should play in my favour? Many many thanks in advance for any help that the community could provide me with I will make sure to keep everyone updated. BW Witness Statement.pdf BW Defence.pdf
  6. Hi everyone Went to sign on today for my Jobseeker’s Allowance and everyone was given one these piece of paper about a 3 week course to switch to UC,anyone else had one of these or know what’s its about,work coach said it’s mandatory,is this true? Thanks
  7. I've read in a few places that people who are paid weekly will earn slightly too much in a 5week month and thus end their UC claim, even though their circumstances haven't changed. This is for those in work. I presume this doesn't affect those in the support group of ESA who don't do any work when they're eventually moved over to UC? I.e. I will get a payment every 4 weeks regardless of how many weeks are in a month, which is the same way PIP is paid currently.
  8. Petition Pay £350m per week to NHS or re-run EU Referendum https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/171869?reveal_response=yes
  9. Hi All, im looking for advice. On Monday 13th March a bailiff came to my door saying he had a warrant to enter and search my home with the intention of removing goods. I asked him why and was told that my son had an outstanding court fine for running a red light last summer some time and that it had not been paid so he was here to collect the debt in full or recover goods to the value of. He said he had a locksmith, removals van and the police on route but if I let him in peacefully and paid the outstanding amount he could cancel the police and locksmiths presence. I refused and said I would try to get hold of my son but he said it needed to be paid straight away and said if my son or myself could not the full amount of £561 within the next 10 minutes he would proceed with forced entry. After 15 minutes of trying to reason with him whilst also getting my granddaughter ready to go out and get my nephew from play school I said that if I found him in my house when I got back that I would call the police myself. Eventually he left leaving a card that said notice of intention to enter @ search your premises -removal notice and told me to ring him later that day to arrange payment. I told my son all about this later that evening and he says he knows nothing about any court fine and has not received any letters r notices in the past. On my return from the play group I did some research on line and found that he did have the right to force entry and remove my goods unless I could prove none of it was my sons, I tried to message him to find out which court the fine originated from and the exact date of it. He didn't reply. He came back yesterday morning with the same intention of removing goods, bringing a van, locksmith and police but this time he was able to get hold of my son on the phone and insist he pays the debt there and then or he would again proceed with entry. My son said that he had no knowledge of the debt, what it was for or when it was issued but to keep the bailiff away from my door he tried to negotiate a payment plan of half today (yesterday) and half next Thursday. This was refused he told the bailiff he would get back to him. The bailiff left after 10 minutes but said if the debt was not settled by 8pm he would be back before 9pm. Later my son told me that he had phoned the court and find out what he could do, he was informed that as he had no previous knowledge of the fine that he could apply for a statutory declaration and have the case reheard if he pleads guilty. What can I do in the mean time to stop the bailiff entering my home and taking my possessions whilst waiting to get the declaration and the court date. The bailiff as informed of my sons plan of action but insists he will be back today at some point to make an actual enforcement as he has already wasted 2 days here. What am I to do, im at my wits end, I have my 2 year old granddaughter here during the day and my 27 year old son who has a severe learning disability. Can some please advise thank you
  10. A bit about myself: I live in Scotland, am a middle aged divorcee with Multiple Sclerosis who has (or had, before now) a completely clean record. Last week I came home find a card through my door from the police informing me that they had called to speak to me and would I please contact PC Thingumajig to arrange a time to talk regarding 'an ongoing investigation'. I had no idea what this could be about and my medical condition leaves me embarrassingly prone to panic reactions in even the most innocuous out-of-the-norm situations. I immediately started panicking that I had done something illegal to warrant the police at my door but after talking it out with a friend we concluded that perhaps I had witnessed something that the police were investigating as I don't live in the best area. I phoned the PC and arranged to come in the next day to see him but completely spaced on asking why he needed to speak with me. When I got to the police station I was taken into a small room with only a table and three chairs, PC Thingumajig asked me to sit down and as he sat in front of me and pulled out his notebook a second PC came in behind him and closed the door. I started to get a little shaky as it was quite intimidating (this second PC was vaguely familiar to me as one that had treated a friend of mine particularly badly last year). I was shocked and stunned when I was told that I had been accused by the local Boots of shoplifting a mascara the previous week. I told them that I had not but as I was in full panic mode at this point I could not really digest the information they were giving me. They told me that they had witnesses who had seen me take it and had followed me out of the store and through the shopping mall, as well as CCTV footage of the incident. They were quite frankly not interested in any explanation I had for what had occurred on the two occasions that I recalled being in the store over recent weeks. When I told them of my medical condition and its effect on my memory (particularly in stressful situations) as the reason why I could not remember the day in question, the intimidating one immediately latched on to this as an explanation for my thieving ways and would not let it go. My record was checked and since it was clean I was told they could issue an official police warning or if I wanted to contest they would charge me and send it to the PF who would decide whether to take it to court or not. By this time I was so distressed and confused I was beginning to doubt my OWN honesty so I agreed to the warning in order to avoid the stress and pressure of the long drawn out legal procedure which could have had devastating consequences for my health. The warning was issued as well as a ban from Boots stores (I will never be darkening their doorstep again in any event - physically or digitally). Since that time I have been so stressed I have had panic attacks when I enter the shopping mall where I do volunteer work once a week, am prone to crying uncontrollably, have been unwilling to leave my home and unable to socialise with my friends. The stress has also had a deleterious effect on my health by worsening the symptoms of my MS. I have only recently been able to look at the warning notice and comprehend the date of the alleged incident which was almost exactly a week prior and, now that I can ponder it with a clear head, I DO recollect the day in question as I was re-starting art classes on that date. I DID enter the store more than once (a point they made repeatedly) as I had wanted to print a photo from my phone and, because their machine's USB was not recognising my device, I used the USB from my portable charger and accidentally left it in their machine. I had returned a couple of hours later to retrieve it. Since the photo printer is at the opposite end of the store from the make-up section I have no idea why they think I pocketed a mascara but since I was nowhere near that area of the shop (except to enter and leave) I have no idea why I have been accused of this crime - the only thing I pocketed in the store was my own property! Is there any way I can get the store to at least apologise for humiliating me and can I get the police to rescind the warning? Do they not have to stop me AT THE TIME instead of waiting a week to apprehend? Should I be worried as to how the police got my name and address? The only way I can think is to have accessed my prescription history at the pharmacy. They wouldn't let me see the CCTV footage either when I asked and I'm pretty sure the Data Protection Act gives me that right. I would really appreciate any advice I can get.
  11. Hi there, A year ago I took out a product with Buy as you view. I have had no problems and have paid religiously by DD every week. This week I returned from holiday to a letter saying the DD had been cancelled (my fault I was cancelling several DDs at once online before i went away). this means that the payments have mounted up to £89 owed. Due to the holiday and not realising they hadn't gone out I rang Buy as you view to advise them I could meet the back log in payments on my next payday but would continue to pay the weekly amount every Friday until then so I don't owe more. they said to do this I had to arrange for the area manager to come out (which I did for next Thursday) to reset my direct debit up rather than by phone. this evening having got home from a long day, feeling unwell and with a small child in the house and one on the way a Buy as you view rep bangs on my door. I didn't answer as I hadn't been expecting him; we had made an appointment for next week. It states on the website they can only visit by appointment. Can anybody advise me where I stand on this please? Do I have to let them in at all? Can I make the payments by phone. What has put me off answering and dealing with them in person is now that they have come round uninvited when I have specifically set an appointment. I tried to ring them but was on hold for 56 minutes then told phone lines have closed Best wishes and thanks in advance Emma
  12. Hi All, I'd really appreciate some advise please, I'm in court next week for a set aside hearing. It's in relation to a Cap 1 cc claim for just over 1k, the court papers were sent to my old address so I never received them, I'm certain I gave my new address to all concerned back in 2007/8 but cannot prove it. I don't think it's statute barred but I can't find when I last made a payment. I sent a SAR to Cabot and have received it back on a CD, there is no default notice or credit agreement on the CD, I've read that they are not obliged to send these with a SAR in their response to my request they state "We may not hold information such as your credit agreement or statements on file. In order to obtain this information, we recommend you contact the original lender. However, in the event that the original lenders have supplied us with this information, the documents will be included with your SAR. I guess my question is can I use this in my application to set aside the judgement and CCJ, as just relying on the fact the papers were sent to my old address may not help me get a set aside? Many thanks
  13. Hello Can anyone please tell me the amount of hours a person can work a week that is not taxable? Thanks
  14. Does anyone know whether ESA is paid one week in front and one week in arrears or is it 2wks in arrears ?
  15. I must be getting old. Child Care costs can cost upto 164.00 a week. People borrowing off payday lenders and using credit cards to pay for this. Can you believe this.It must be like a nightmare for many. How do you manage for you out there who have to pay this charge. 2 kids more than some earn i feel.328.00. I am feeling quite sorry for those that have no choice but to pay this. You may have a decent job,studied for years,even have perhaps degrees but wiped out with these costs. It has truly shocked me how times have changed and changing now day to day across the UK As the cost of a childcare place hits £164 a week, one in four of Northern Ireland parents say they have to use credit cards or payday loans to pay for it http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/northern-ireland/as-the-cost-of-a-childcare-place-hits-164-a-week-one-in-four-of-northern-ireland-parents-say-they-have-to-use-credit-cards-or-payday-loans-to-pay-for-it-34180903.html
  16. My boss has 4 direct reports including myself - one of the roles is being made redundant, the person currently in this role I'll refer to as 'Coyote'. It is definitely Coyotes job that is being made redundant because they have a different job title to the other direct reports. Coyote currently has no direct reports but has responsibility for the work that myself and my 2 other colleagues produce, hence a need for restructuring. In the restructuring move, the remaining 3 positions would report into 3 new Shift Managers, who in turn will report in to my current boss. One of the 3 new Shift Managers will have senior ranking and will fill in for my boss when he is absent. In a 1:1 when I was first told about the restructure, my boss told me that Coyote would get the senior ranking job, a current colleague will get one of the others, which leaves one job up for grabs, this looked like it would be a permanent nightshift role to give the other 2 people more exposure to senior management in office hours. He reeled off a list of potential applicants who 'definitely wouldn't' get this role. He said he thought I should apply but needed to prepare for questions regarding my limited 1 year 3 months experience in the current role. I left my 1:1 feeling a bit begrudged that I would have to fight when others were being gifted and that my boss was potentially not doing things by the book. I did a lot of thinking and decided that I wouldn't allow myself to have to make any more difficult decisions and would put the onus of decision making back on to my boss. I applied for the Senior Shift Manager role. Today I received my invite for interview and noticed two things: Coyote (under her soon-to-be-redundant job title) would be interviewing me alongside my boss. I would be interviewed for the Shift Manager job, not the Senior Shift Manager job. As Coyotes job is being made redundant, this surely makes them a candidate for any one of the 3 Shift Manager roles? It makes no sense to me why they would be involved as an interviewer. In applying for the Senior Shift Manager role, I expected to come up against Coyote as a candidate, not be interviewed by them. I have not been formally told that I've been unsuccessful in applying for the Senior role. The interview is on Thursday 17th September, so I have 7 days in which to say something. I don't want to say anything after the event because it would be seen as sour grapes if I was unsuccessful. Does anyone have any advice on how I should proceed?
  17. Argos are going to be offering same-day home delivery service, for all seven days of the week. This new service allows you to order something by 6pm, and have it delivered by 10pm for a flat fee of £3.95. http://news.sky.com/story/1565354/delivery-wars-argos-starts-same-day-service
  18. Criticism as £30-a-week disability benefit cuts go ahead Peers have backed down in their battle with MPs over cuts to disabled people's benefits after ministers invoked special powers to push them through. The government was twice defeated in the House of Lords over a £30 a week cut to Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) for certain claimants. But it is set to go ahead after peers deferred to the elected Commons. Ministers claimed "financial privilege" to assert the Commons' right to have the final say on budgetary measures. Ministers argue the changes will encourage people to get into work, but this is strongly disputed by opponents. The cuts in weekly support from £103 to £73, contained in the Welfare Reform and Work Bill, will apply to new ESA claimants in the work-related activity group, bringing the rate into line with Job-seeker's Allowance. It will affect people who are deemed unable to work at the moment but capable of making some effort to find employment, including attending work-focused interviews and taking part in training. Ministers argue that too few people in the category are moving into work and that while the lower benefit rate would save £55m in the first year, £60m would be spent on supporting claimants to take steps towards finding work. 'Harmful impact' Work and Pensions minister Lord Freud acknowledged peers were only withdrawing their opposition with "great reluctance" after the Commons asserted financial privilege - its right to overrule any Lords proposal that has cost implications. He insisted that the Lords had "discharged their duty" by scrutinising the bill to remove "unintended consequences" and sending back concerns for the Commons to reconsider. But Paralympic gold medalist Baroness Grey-Thompson said she was disappointed such a "dreadful and punitive" part of the bill - which has been opposed by more than 30 charities - was going ahead. "It may be seen as a victory in terms of voting numbers in the Commons but we can't forget there are many disabled people who will lose out," the cross-bench peer said. Link
  19. I am waiting on surgery and it has been over 6 months and the hospital have said that my surgery date is not even on the horizon. I asked if I am covered on the 18 week rule and they said yes but that they are not meeting that target. Am I right that I can insist that they pay for me to have the surgery privately?
  20. I just bought a 2007 Mazda MX5, 42000 on the clock and in good nick. After having it a few days - I called the guy as its pulling to the left on acceleration. Also - Diff noise is audible too. He picked it up - took it to Mazda for a health check and the report says: Front tyres are low changed battering in key fob slight corrosion to front discs and I was spot on about the Diff so when he's back from hols in 10 days time - he's gonna get the diff fixed and sorted. to be honest - I'd be expecting him to put 2 new tyres on it at £100 a piece for Bridgestone tyres (recommended) Does that sound unreasonable? L.
  21. My husband asked for a ccj to be removed as he had no idea what the ccj was for upon going to court it was with hoist for an old abbey loan they didnt attend but sent a letter requesting it to not be removed on the grounds a payment was made in 2012 which i have no record of she said they would need to send the particulars and prove the £20 payment or its statute barred. After hassling them we recieved the particulars but have no idea how to file my defence. The Pc1 was the origional agreement between him and Abbey. The 4 main pages of particulars are attached please someone help
  22. A week ago I ordered a new Bosh washer from AO with next day delivery. From the first use it was obvious that something was wrong with it , it was making a very loud and not normal sound every time the drum was turning. I contacted them and they said I had to contact Bosh and use the guarantee to get an engineer to visit . At no point accepted themselves any responsibility as a retailer. The engineer confirmed straight away that there was a fault so I got a replacement. AGAIN from the first use there is the same and even louder noise. AO refuses to refund /replace without an engineer to visit again. They say that they have to make sure there is a fault and they treat me like an idiot as I wouldn't understand the noise or as I did something wrong with the installation. I said this is the SECOND time the same thing is happening and you confirmed the first time with an engineer that is a fault why do I have to go through this again? Citizens advice advised me that they are obliged to refund /replace as the washer arrived with a fault but AO replies that *citizens advice would advice me to my benefit but this is not how things work*. So TWO washers WITHIN A WEEK WITH SAME FAULT and AO still insist on engineer visiting first. All this is very annoying and inconvenient for me as I had to stay in waiting deliveries/ engineer , I still have to wait another engineer , spend hours on the phone with AO and Bosh and i still do not have a proper working washer.
  23. http://tracking.findmypast.co.uk/track?t=v&enid=ZWFzPTEmbXNpZD0xJmF1aWQ9Jm1pZD05ODQxNDQmbXNnaWQ9Mjg3NzYwJmRpZD0xMTI2MzMmZWRpZD0xMTI2MzMmc249MTY4MTI4MTgmZWlkPWc3Ym5mQGJ0aW50ZXJuZXQuY29tJmVlaWQ9ZzdibmZAYnRpbnRlcm5ldC5jb20mdWlkPUZNUFVLSW50NDAxMjQxNDkwJnRhcmdldGlkPSZtbj0mcmlkPTExMSZlcmlkPTExMSZmbD0mbXZpZD0mdGdpZD0mZXh0cmE9&&&2000&eu=1500&&&
  24. Can anyone tell me what I am entitled to. My partner and I booked a weeks cruise where we flew out to Barcelona with Ryanair. When we arrived at the airport, our luggage and about 8 other couples luggage were all left in Birmingham where we flew from. I explained to Ryanair that me and my partner were leaving Barcelona that night and won't be back for another week, vWe were advised that the chances of us getting our luggage to the ship are practically none. All we had were the clothes on our back and a pair of shoes in the hand luggage. We had no choice but to go to some local shops and pick up items to get us by so went and bought the essentials toiletries and about 2 tops, a pair of shorts, some underwear and my partner bought similar as and cheap dress for her to wear in the evening. We had a call 2 days later saying luggage is at the airport for when we return to pick it up. We had no choice but to go and buy some other items the next day as what we had wouldn't last for the week. We went and bought a few more things for day and evening and the ship we were on offered free laundry service to help us, which was a god send. In total we spent 547 EUROS. On our return we put a complaint into Ryanair for all the hassle and expense we had incurred along with how the holiday was ruined as we couldn't do everything that we wanted to, such as gala night etc. We heard off them this morning with a letter saying the expense is excessive and will offer 50 euro per day the bag was missing. This totals 350 euro. To me this isn't good enough as we spent £3000 on a holiday we couldn't fully enjoy and we had to clothe both of us for a week where we wore the same items over and over. Am I wrong in thinking this is not good enough and Ryanair have to compensate me for what I spent and the the holiday they ruined. I believe what we spent was not excessive for what we had to do. Look forward to hearing off you
  25. http://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/news/ikea-admits-to-charging-customers-twice-due-to-computer-glitch/ar-BBuX712?li=BBoPOOl If you have been affected, you can use the following number : 020 3645 0000 This was the company that were forced to hand out bottles of water , when they trapped motorists in one of their car parks for over 3 hours, on the hottest day of the year
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