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Found 5 results

  1. I just bought a 2007 Mazda MX5, 42000 on the clock and in good nick. After having it a few days - I called the guy as its pulling to the left on acceleration. Also - Diff noise is audible too. He picked it up - took it to Mazda for a health check and the report says: Front tyres are low changed battering in key fob slight corrosion to front discs and I was spot on about the Diff so when he's back from hols in 10 days time - he's gonna get the diff fixed and sorted. to be honest - I'd be expecting him to put 2 new tyres on it at £100 a piece for Bridgestone tyres (recommended) Does that sound unreasonable? L.
  2. Hi All..been directed to this site to try and solve my problem. I replaced 4 tyres on my car and bought the exact same size that have been currently on it for the past 3 years (only difference was the brand). I ordered the tyres from ASDA tyres and got them fitted at one of their approved garages called kingsway tyres Once the new ones were fitted and i paid for them, as i was traveling down the road i noticed a noise.. I found out that the new ones were rubbing the arch so took back straight away (max 1/4 mile in total). Kingsway said "not my problem", and to contacted ASDA Asda said "There what you ordered" - its your car at fault Told them about the sales of goods act etc but i think they just laugh at me now when they dont ignore my emails Finally found out that a 265 tyre can be up to 282 in width....nearly an increase by 2 tyre sizes and still within spec!!!!! I now have £400 worth of rubber in the garage and stuck with them and cant get a refund Over 3 weeks ive been arguing and getting the same response and still out of pocket Am i stuck with these tyres for is there something i can do?? Thanks All
  3. Last year i had to buy some new wheels for my car as a couple of the original ones were dented out of shape and it was starting to affect the handling. I bought an online package of wheels and tyres and after fitting them the car still didn't feel right so i've spent the last 6 months replacing most of the suspension components, getting alignments, etc but the car was still wandering all over the place. I took it to a garage today and they suggested trying different tyres and now it finally feels like a proper car again. When i bought the wheels package it didnt state the name of the tyres it just said premium performance tyres (Delinte D7 in case anyone is looking to buy them) yet i have since found out they are cheap chinese made tyres with a lot of other complaints about the way they make the car feel. Although i was planning to change the suspension anyway i am annoyed that i have had to spend another £400 replacing tyres that are not even 6 months old and were making me pray to god every time i went above 50 mph. Honestly they were that bad! Would i have any argument to make against the company i bought them from to refund the price of the original tyres as i dont feel they were fit for purpose at all?
  4. I'll try and make this as brief as possible... Drove my car 90 miles to the office (not a daily commute!), everything absolutely fine and running perfectly, except a minor judder on the front brakes at high speed, which had been going on for some time. As there's a National Tyres branch just down the road, I thought I'd leave it with them to get the brakes checked. Not long after, they phoned to say they'd test driven the car and the car was fine - in particular, nothing wrong with the brakes. I said while they had it, could they give it a minor service - i.e. change oil, plugs, filters, etc. The next thing I know, some hours later, I get a call saying there is a problem - no compression on cylinder 1. I arrive at the garage to find the mechanic with the rocker cover off. He shooes me away into the waiting room "so he can take a proper look". The end result was driving a perfectly running car in, and taking it back home on the back of an AA truck. I then got an engine specialist to recover the car from my house to investigate, which he did first with a borescope, and then removing the head. There is serious damage to the surface of the piston, and the valve is blown out. He's convinced they caused this, almost certainly by dropping a foreign object into the piston. The branch manager at National Tyres refuses to discuss this. He says he "1000% guarantees" they didn't damage the car, and he's "too close to it" to talk about it any further. However, repeated messages to anywhere higher up the chain have been completely ignored. The car is basically a write-off - most cost effective repair is a complete engine replacement, which is more than the car is worth. So I am down for a) cost of replacing car, b) cost of recovery and investigation, c) cost of hire car while replacing car. What's my next move? Given that they refuse to discuss or respond, do I need to go straight to a small claim?
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