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  1. Hi All..been directed to this site to try and solve my problem. I replaced 4 tyres on my car and bought the exact same size that have been currently on it for the past 3 years (only difference was the brand). I ordered the tyres from ASDA tyres and got them fitted at one of their approved garages called kingsway tyres Once the new ones were fitted and i paid for them, as i was traveling down the road i noticed a noise.. I found out that the new ones were rubbing the arch so took back straight away (max 1/4 mile in total). Kingsway said "not my problem", and to contacted ASDA Asda said "There what you ordered" - its your car at fault Told them about the sales of goods act etc but i think they just laugh at me now when they dont ignore my emails Finally found out that a 265 tyre can be up to 282 in width....nearly an increase by 2 tyre sizes and still within spec!!!!! I now have £400 worth of rubber in the garage and stuck with them and cant get a refund Over 3 weeks ive been arguing and getting the same response and still out of pocket Am i stuck with these tyres for is there something i can do?? Thanks All
  2. Fourteen years ago I did a TESOL course at my local college. I did it on the advice of my counsellor, who thought that it might stand me in good stead if and when I was able to return to work, because I could do hours here and there, work part-time etc. The course was great. The teacher raved about my performance, both orally and in writing on my assignments. In fact, she asked if she could have a copy of my portfolio for the library, so that future students could see what was expected of them. I mention this only to show how little sense what followed, made. The college never sent my certificate. I moved home and did the Royal Mail change of address thing and also checked in periodically at the college, which said it had my new address and would forward the certificate. It never arrived. In the interim, to get experience, I did a stint of volunteer Tesol teaching for my new local college which fortunately didn't insist on production of my certificate. However, I still wanted it. I'd paid for it, studied for it, earned it, deserved it. After being ignored by letter, email and phone my ill-health forced me to give up some of life's struggles, Kingsway being amongst them. Work was also impossible but periodically a basic skills or ESOL job came up which would be compatible with my health issues and then I'd again beg for the certificate, losing the job whilst communicating with the college and then giving up because the communication was one way. The college, no matter which branch or how many dozen people I wrote to or left phone messages for, ignored me. Just before this Summer vacation, with desperate times upon us, a redundant husband and my IB under threat, I thought that no matter what the state of my health, I would try to find a few hours of ESOL or basic skills teaching. Once again, I contacted Kingsway, now Westminster and Kingsway. I finally got someone to respond who promised to look into it. First she said that she could find no record of me. I then cited chapter and verse of the course, dates, times, teacher, fellow students etc and offered to send my portfolio as proof of how well I had done. Then she suddenly found me and then said that they don't keep certificates for more than 3 years. I said that was hardly my fault, since I'd been in constant communication with them in those first 3 years, to no avail. Her next argument was that the course no longer existed and the college had amalgamated with Westminster. However, she'd see what she can do. That was way back in June. Since then I've sent her regular emails and like her predecessors, she just blanks me. However, this time I am determined to fight my corner. With my sole breadwinner now redundant, with my IB under threat, I am forced to find what work I can and ESOL and basic skills jobs are around through agencies. They are flexible and most likely to be compatible with my condition. BUT I need this certificate. Today, once again, the woman at Kingsway ignored my email. Can anyone suggest what I can do about this college, which, by the way, was Kingsway and is now part of Westminster and Kingsway in London.
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