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Found 14 results

  1. Start saving your money under the mattress !! Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England says... https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/jun/25/booming-stock-markets-distract-from-threat-of-excessive-lending
  2. https://www.theguardian.com/money/2017/jun/17/uk-debt-bubble-queens-speech-consumer-credit-loans-spending I noticed quite a few advertisements for 'no interest' loans taken over 4 years with companies such as PC World/Currys - B&Q and a Carpet store. So, it looks like for companies to stay in business they need to sell - people cant afford to buy - so lets tie them up with MORE credit for 4 years !
  3. Hi All A good friend of mine, charity worker and child who are school friends of my son has got a bit of a problem. A couple of weeks ago my friend and her family were on the way home when they were hit up the backside of the car buy a driver who was accelerating. The car my friends family were in was stationary. They were shunted forward about a foot the tail gate bumper and tow bar are damaged. Repairs are going to cost more than the car is worth but the car is driveable. The car is needed for hubbies work, he was the innocent driver, and to do fundraising for the charities they currently support. The driver that hit them insurance is dragging there heels about this. TBH its looking like the driver will get away with this and they will have to foot the bill or get a new car. The friends insurance is 3rd party after years of being fully comp. There insurance is not being to helpful either. As far as aware the at fault driver is insured as there insurance company has not said the policy number is not recognised or anything. My thoughts is what can they hurry the insurance along. My other thought is can they sue the driver personally via the small claims courts for the damage to the car if they do get away with it. I have suggested this but my friend seems to thing legal advise would be expensive
  4. Hi all, wondered if any of my fellow caggers could help! I had a crash back in May, car has been repaired and I paid £200 excess. The other party has now admitted liability. How/when do I get the excess back? Tesco Insurance have passed me on to Aegeas Law who are dealing with a personal injury claim (I suffered a good bump and sore neck!) - any ideas as to when the excess will be given back as £200 isn't an insignificant amount of money and since Tesco have recovered all their costs surely they should be sending this back?
  5. Just saw this on the news... An accident on the M9 was reported on Sunday 5th July - Police failed to investigate until yesterday, 8th July. They found two people, one dead, one critically injured (and who has since been placed in an induced coma). The couple had already been reported missing, so you would have thought the Police would have clicked when whoever reported the accident advised it was the same vehicle the missing couple had been using !!
  6. I have been thinking for quite awhile that the Banks were not really properly fixed after the 07/08 crash. What happened was that the Banks sold off some of their rubbish debts and some assets, as well as money injected via the bailout and QE. There has also been some tightening of regulatory rules. But I am not convinced that the Banks have actually recovered that much, as the last round of end of year results were not that good. The Banks are still carrying many assets which are probably not as they are valued at. Look at the adverts on TV for loans with interest rates anywhere between 40% and 400%. You don't see many high street Banks advertising loans on TV. Also the motor industry reporting an increase in sales, said that they had been providing finance themselves to customers, presumably because they cannot get the money from the Banks at the interest rates wanted. What is the true state of UK and world Banking in general ? Nb. Two big European Banks (Santander & Deutsche Bank) failed US stress tests recently.
  7. http://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/markets/british-man-held-over-%C2%A3500bn-wall-street-flash-crash/ar-AAbtv4n?ocid=mailsignoutmd With the way technology has changed the markets, it does not take much to trigger a major finance market crash. Better security is needed as this could be exploited by foreign states, terrorist groups and hackers, who might wish to cause harm to western economies.
  8. I couldnt believe I was seeing this when I was watching the news !! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2432593/Gang-deliberately-crashed-bus-500-000-cash-crash-[problem]-guilty-fraud.html
  9. Hi all, Seeking a bit of advice for my son actually, so I hope someone can shed some light on this situation. He drives for a courier firm so is up and down the motorway everyday, usually travelling down to London and back. Today completely out of the blue he received a letter from Staffordshire Police offering him the opportunity to attend a 'CRASH' course rather than face prosecution and any attached endorsements to his license. As you can imagine he was totally gobsmacked as he hasn't got a clue what it is about because the letter has no information about the alleged offence, when, where, who seen him ....etc. The police must have written to his firm to get his details and they haven't even mentioned it to him, but that's a different matter. Letter Page 1 : [ATTACH=CONFIG]49776[/ATTACH] On Page 2 it states: To take up the offer, you must contact our CRASH Administration Team on 01785 232722 to reserve your place within 21 days of the above date. No correspondence will be entered into following the expiry of this date and we will at this time commence proceedings against you for the offence. The cost of the course is £85. The final paragraph states: Should you consider that you are not liable for the offence for which this offer has been made, or you choose not to take up this offer, please disregard this letter. You will then receive further communication from us in due course. [ATTACH]49775[/ATTACH] I hope someone can just clear a few points up from this. Is it normal to offer someone a course for an offence that they know nothing about, for speeding or other offences at least you have the facts first, and then the offer of a course. How can anyone consider themselves liable or not liable for an offence when they have no knowledge of when or where the alleged offence took place ? Considering his van has hands free which is fitted by his company and transmits through the radio how and who has come to this conclusion and decided he was driving whilst using a mobile phone ? If he wants details of the alleged offence and the circumstances would he likely get them before the 21 day deadline expires ? Thanks for any input on this.
  10. Hi, I was recently involved in what I believe was a crash for cash collision. Although there was only very minor damage to my car, which I didn't wish make a claim for, I immediately informed my insurance company and made them fully aware. My car has been photographed by my insurance company and I have also made a statement. I were informed that if this went to court it could take up to 18 months to reach that point. I am due to renew my car insurance next month and this issue is not going to be resolved by then. I usually renew on a comparison site but I'm not sure what I should enter when asked "have you made any claims/had any incidents in last 5 years" as this also asks if my no claims bonus has been affected. If this incident investigation is still ongoing will my NCB have been affected? Any advice/info appreciated
  11. Hey. I recently crashed into a car as it pulled out from a side street without seeing me. Long story short, my insurance company have requested a copy of my CBT certificate which i have provided, however the date on my insurance says i passed 10 days before i actually did on my certificate. My insurance was purchased in March and the CBT dates refer to January, so i had a CBT cert when i applied for insurance and i was wondering if this could affect my claim. Also on my documentation i state i have a provisional license, (which is true) however right next to that box on the documentation it states "Date you passed full UK motorcycle license" and then the date of purchase of my insurance was put in that box. I don't understand this, how can you have a provisional license and a full UK drivers license for a motorcycle?. ( this question was not asked online and i did NOT enter the date stated on my docs) Lastly, it states on my insurance do you hold or have you held previously another motorcycle insurance policy, this says yes on my docs however this question was never asked when i did my purchase online, and the answer is NO i have not had a previous policy. Any advice on how to proceed with this would be a big help. Thanks.
  12. Had no signal on my phone from around 12.30 and was still off at 3.30am. Was anyone else affected ?
  13. Hi all, I’ve been following some of the threads on this forum and was just hoping to get a bit of advice on my particular situation! I hope I've posted this in the right forum, it seemed most applicable. Essentially, my car was parked in my work car park when it was hit by a 3rd –party. They caused significant damage but left without leaving a note. There were, as of yet, no witnesses. With regards to the car park, it is provided for staff only (and signposted as such) and run by a private parking company. We pay a monthly and daily fee for the use of the car park and it is supposed to be barrier controlled – this, however, broke some time ago, and actually lies by the side of the road, so the public do have free access to it (and it is, to all intents and purposes, open access). Due to the position of the car park, members of the public do enter it on occasion to turn their cars around. There is CCTV covering the car park, but so far no one at my work place (Security, the Private Parking Company, Facilities and Estates) is actually owning up to having access to the footage! I’m working on tracing this at the moment. There are also the usual signs up disclaiming responsibility for any events that take place within the car park. My questions relate to liability here: -I would hope to be able to identify the ‘perpetrator’ here through the CCTV footage (if I ever get it), but is this a civil or criminal issue? Does it make a difference as to whether the ‘perp’ was a member of the public or a fellow employee? -Does the PPC or my employer bear any responsibility for this given the barrier has been in a state of disrepair for some time now? Presumably this is only an issue if a member of the public caused the damage? -If I am unable to trace the CCTV footage, is there an employer liability issue here (given that there are several cameras covering the area, but no one is owning up to having access)? -I’m not sure how long they keep the footage for, but given that it’s already taken 2 days to get this far, if the footage gets erased before I get to it, is there another liability issue here? Sorry if these questions are elementary but many thanks in advance for your help! Cheers and Merry Chrimbo to all! P
  14. Hi All My Daughter was lucky to escape with her life the other night, when she was hit by a Bulgarian artic lorry driver, Tesco insurance her insurer won`t pursue the case for her unless she makes a claim through her own insurance, it was the truckers fault and she can`t afford to claim her insurance as this would put her already extortionate policy through the roof. It seems the police who took both their details won`t help either by telling her the truckers details etc. Does anyone know if their is anything she can do, she can`t afford a lawyer, the injury lawyers were on the phone via tesco with all sorts of crap about claiming phoney injuries, but these scoundrels are not interested in helping trace the driver. Surely the trucker can`t just walk away from this without being liable. She also stands to lose 2 and half grand out of the finance deal if she has to go the route of claiming her own insurance.....is there anyone to approach for help ? Mike.
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