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  1. Hi guys, just a quick question... I advised O2 that I was unable to pay my O2 contract with them due to have recently been taken to the cleaners in a divorce. I also advised that I have moved to Germany and would attempt to pay back what is owed once I get a job here... well... its been 9 months, not been able to get employment yet, just been signed on the JobCenter here and getting the very basic in support. I am hoping to get employment soon, and have informed Westcott that I had advised O2 about this... Now I have read up on Westcott and find that they paid 02 the debt owed and no doubt will chase me for more than what the original debt was... on the grand sale of things, would they go to the hassle of getting a european court order for the sake of 500? End of the day they can... I dont have anything they can take from me as I dont own more than my clothes... Any constructive advice welcome
  2. Npower, one of Britain's biggest energy suppliers, will outline plans this week to axe thousands of jobs ‎as its German owner attempts to revive the company's weak financial performance. Sky News has learned that Npower will tell staff in the coming days that approximately 2,500 roles at the company and its‎ partners are to be axed. Sources said the proposals were still being finalised, with some of Npower's directly employed workforce of 7,500 at risk and the remainder of the cuts taking place at internal suppliers elsewhere in the RWE group and at outsourcing partners. Including indirect employment, Npower's operations support about 11,500 jobs in the UK - meaning that its workforce is braced for a reduction of over 20%. The grim news will be delivered just days before competition regulators announce a series of measures aimed at making the UK's energy market more transparent. Npower, which is part of the German utility RWE, and rivals such as British Gas and SSE have announced a round of price cuts ‎in recent months, but have been criticised by ministers and consumer groups for failing to go further. The rapid decline in oil prices during the last year has prompted calls for much bigger cuts. Npower said last month that it would reduce gas prices for residential customers by just over 5% on 28 March, equating to a £32 annual bill cut for households using a standard domestic ‎tariff. Npower's plans to cut so many jobs will ignite concerns about its ability to improve a customer service record which is already judged to be among the worst in a tarnished industry. Insiders pointed, however, to the beginnings of a turnaround in its performance, with the number of complaints halving in 2015. Last year, RWE ousted Paul Massara, Npower's former boss, and installed‎ Paul Coffey, the British company's chief operating officer, in his place. The management changes followed a decline in Npower's customer base following a string of billing problems. In December, the company was ordered to pay a £26m settlement by the energy regulator, Ofgem, for "failing to treat customers fairly" - the second such fine it has had imposed on it. Npower now has roughly five million customers, making it the smallest of the "Big Six" suppliers. The company lost £48m in the nine months to the end of October, largely as a consequence of the billing system problems. The job cuts will be the latest piece of bad news affecting RWE in the UK, following last month's accident at the power station it owns in Didcot, Oxfordshire, which is thought to have left several people dead. The redundancies at Npower are unrelated to the Didcot tragedy. It is not only in Britain that RWE, Npower's German owner, has been experiencing challenges. It announced last month that it was scrapping its full-year dividend, blaming sliding earnings from its electricity generation business and the changing political sentiment towards nuclear power in its home market. The dividend move will save around €600m (£464m). RWE will announce annual results on Tuesday, and is expected to set out further details of its plans for Npower alongside them. Two days later, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) will unveil its final proposals arising from a two-year inquiry into the energy sector. Npower declined to comment on Sunday. SKY
  3. EE are recalling up to 500,000 Power Bars among safety concerns, brought about by overheating. To find the model number, you should look down the side of the Power Bar You should immediately return those with the model number ‘E1-06′ to your nearest store and EE have sent texts to all customers that have bought a Power Bar, informing them of this recall. It will also have more information and a website link, where you’ll find everything you need to know. You can check out more by visiting the EE recall website, here. Obviously, you should stop using the gadget immediately. http://www.bitterwallet.com/ee-recall-up-to-500000-power-bars/87051
  4. http://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/markets/british-man-held-over-%C2%A3500bn-wall-street-flash-crash/ar-AAbtv4n?ocid=mailsignoutmd With the way technology has changed the markets, it does not take much to trigger a major finance market crash. Better security is needed as this could be exploited by foreign states, terrorist groups and hackers, who might wish to cause harm to western economies.
  5. Hi All, this is my first post here so please bear with me. I am here for some advise and guidance as well as reassurance from anyone with any experiences they can can share. I live in Norfolk... and have been looking to buy a nice new car for myself for some time. the car will be used for work purposes (traveling around the country as a rep) as well as needed for two dogs and a small child. I found a Mercedes ML 320 sport online at a garage in Croydon, London. I spoke several times with the garage who assured me the car is an absolute gem. i obtained a loan from Tesco and travelled down the croydon to view the car and hopefully pay for it to drive away if all checked ok. the car is very nice, full service history, a few aftermarket bits and bobs from Brabus and an engine re tune... its one of a kind. I paid for the car on my debit card (£15,500) and drove it away. on 11/10/14. on the 20th of the same month i noticed the car was sitting uneven and there is a residue oil substance all over the driveway... i took the car to our local garage (not mercedes, only a friends local garage) who advised me that the rear drivers side shock had gone but he seems to think that may not contribute to the leveling issue as its all round air suspension. they advised me that under the sale of goods act i should get the garage to fix the faults. The garage which i bought it from told me to take it up with the warranty company, the warranty company said its not covered! I made a real pain of myself to the garage in Croydon who eventually agreed to have the car back to repair it but will definitely NOT come and collect it so i would have to drop it off. I dropped the car off on the 8th November who advised they would call on the Monday (10th) with an update and will be ready in only a few days. They didn't call, text or email and wouldn't return any of my calls until Friday 21st! who i was then told that i could collect it on Tuesday 25th as it will definitely be ready and fixed then.......(i recorded this conversation so i have it as proof that's what he said). I traveled all the way down there again on the train costing me another £45 in fairs only to arrive at the garage where i am told it hasn't been fixed yet!! they have told me that they replaced the damaged shock but it is still sitting uneven. he even agreed its not a genuine shock so it wont match the others on the car. however there is still an issue with the car not sitting level and they don't know how to fix it or do anything more. At this point i asked for a full refund as I have been without a car for 2.5 weeks, paid for an item that isnt fit for purpose and it seems that they are both unable and unwilling to fully fix it. they firmly rejected my asking of a refund. My bank (HSBC) have said they 'may' be able to help if i fill in a load of forms in trying to get my money back.... but it may be a lengthy process. the garage have both my money and my car and i am no further forward. I have lost all faith in the garage and alarm bells are ringing all over the place to avoid them. I dont want them to bodge the job only for something else to go wrong. i just want a full refund plus travel expenses for all my messing around. can anyone shed some light on the best action if the garage is flatly refusing to help in and just keeps ignoring me? matthew
  6. As a bit of pre-purchase research am checking out options open to me. The car is 13 yrs old, is being supplied with a warranty which I now realise isn't worth the paper they are written on. I will be doing a full and thorough check of all systems, plus a 45 min test drive, before paying balance due. Basically, if the car gives up on way home, do I get the breakdown guys to take back to dealer or taken to my home ( involves a ferry crossing too!....but not to Paris!)? If taken home can I insist they come and collect it if report on failure significant? How long do I have to reject it if a problem arises? Any advice gratefully received. P
  7. Hello please can someone advise me My father’s cousin has died and left my father £17,500 All has been sorted out in the bank but ! Now the bank has told my father he needs a probate why ? There was NO WILL but he left a note stating my father is next of kin Someone from the probate phoned my father asking if his cousin had any relatives My father said no But our deceased cousin has 2 half brothers they never got on They had not spoken or seen each other for over 60 years and hated one another My father was very close to his cousin This probate will they do a search for these half brothers Should my father tell the probate about them ? Thank you Paul
  8. Give it a min to buffer, it's a bit slow. http://www.wimp.com/scientistnitrogen/
  9. I was involved in an accident back in 2000, in which i hit a car from the rear.As the car was a works car i had borrowed i believed i was covered by my employer, But this turned out Not to be the case. 2 days later i was sacked. I recieved no conviction for no insurance and just assumed the matter had gone away However i have recieved a few letters from MID stating they paid out the 3rd party almost $17,580, and they believe it was me and want a payment in full. Surely an incident that happened 12 years ago cant be brought up now, or can it? does my case fall into statute barred? please help Regards
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