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Found 5 results

  1. Retailers have rights too! New small traders' returns guide 22nd February 2018 Retailers have rights too! ParcelHero introduces new small traders' returns guide. At least 200 specialist online stores don't expect to survive the massive growth in returns this year. As UK consumers learn to make the most of new return regulations, ParcelHero has introduced a new guide for sellers, spelling out what their own rights are. A recent survey by leading courier price comparison site ParcelHero revealed at least 200 e-commerce businesses don't expect to survive the massive growth in returns this year. Returns reached 47% of all ParcelHero shipments in the first days of the New Year and traders say that they were often pressured into paying the cost of returns even for unwanted items - or risk losing their all-important 5-star ratings. https://caithness-business.co.uk/article/8110 ........... is it just me or is this a wee bit iffy... buy our insurance and we'll protect you...urmm..wonder whats mor expensive for the trader..refunding returns process or their insurance....
  2. I'll try to keep this as brief and simple as possible for ease of reading. I sent an item to a seamstress to carry out some work for me. The item was sent through ParcelHero using the myHermes courier. It was scheduled to be delivered on Saturday 19th August. The item was packaged appropriately with the address clearly marked. On the morning of delivery I received an email notification to say that the item has been successfully delivered. After a week of not hearing anything from the recipient, I contacted her to check on its progress. Initially she told me that she had not received the item but after some investigating with her neighbour's she potentially managed to track it down. Her neighbour believed that her husband had taken receipt of the parcel and had placed it in his car boot. I can only presume that the courier caught the neighbour in the driveway at the time of delivery. I cannot understand why the item was not delivered to the specified address as according to the recipient she was in that day. The recipient has not managed to get the parcel back. Her neighbour's have not been around for the past week despite her leaving a note at their address asking them to return the parcel to her. What makes it worse is that if you check the online tracking it says the item was delivered to the recipient's letter box. I can't understand how the item would ever have fitted in her letter box as it was a large parcel! I am livid!!! The item holds huge sentimental value and is expensive. I never asked for the item to be delivered to an alternative address, especially when no calling card was left. Also it should never have been marked as posted through letterbox when there was no way it would have fitted! In the meantime the recipient is keeping an eye out in case they return but I am very concerned. Mainly because according to the tracking the item has been delivered. What happens if the recipient is unable to obtain the parcel from her neighbour? If I put in a claim would it be accepted because technically the item has been delivered! Any advice would be most appreciated. Thank you.
  3. I recently posted an Item with parcelhero. Went thought the normal process, entered weights into the website etc. Collected and delivered by UPS. A week later I received an email- A massive difference. I emailed to say I'm appealing, and they replied asking for evidence of the parcel size. I don't have any now its shipped and delivered (a week before contacting me). The part Is a little worrying, but I paid through papal so they have just issued an invoice. What can I do? If I dont pay, can they issue a default or pass this on to a DCA?
  4. Parcel Hero is generally a very decent company. However, when they get it wrong they get it wrong big time. I'm still waiting for a parcel containing various items which I ordered from a company in London. Because of the Christmas rush I paid extra for the courier service. In fact instead of paying about £16, I paid over £40. It should have been delivered next day. Starting off in the UK, my goods were sent to Germany - then to France then back to Germany then back to France. Now they are in France - with no tracking information as to when they might eventually get to me. I have been hanging around for three days - and looks like a 4th is coming up. My queries were being handled by a very nice sounding guy called Richard Mileham - Then I got this reply from a guy called Tej Thanjal ________________________________________ Then when it still didn't arrive and I said that I would want my money back, Tej wrote back:- What a small minded quibbling little reply. Does this seriously represent the customer-facing attitude of Parcel Hero? I replied:- and I'm now waiting for a response
  5. Quite a short one today. I had a computer monitor that I sold on ebay and needed to send it via a courier and after using ParcelHero a lot, I decided to see if they would take it as I know a lot of courier companies get funny about taking items with a liquid crystal display such as a monitor or TV. It was a Friday I sold the item and I know that Parcelforce take them but it meant going to the post office to drop it off or waiting until the Monday for them to collect it and due to its size, I wanted to get it sent asap so I called ParcelHero to double check that they have no problem sending an item of this type as I know that some companies can have issues with LCD displays. I also asked on their live chat and was told on the phone and the live chat that there is no problem with sending an item of this nature and the chap on the phone even checked with his manager and gave me the "I've sent items like this before with no issue, so yes we are fine accepting items like this" Low and behold and the item was damaged when it arrived to the buyer, so I called ParcelHero to get the claim process rolling, to which they refer me to a list of uninsurable items, of which yep you guessed it, LCD displays fall under it, so why was I told it would be fine for them to accept and send my parcel? They are a third party, who used UPS for the actually delivery of the item so I'm wondering where I stand now. If they had said "we can accept it, but if anything happens, it wouldn't be covered" then I would have quite happily gone with Parcelforce and spend the 5 minute drive to the post office, knowing that I would have been covered. I even purchased extra insurance/loss/damage cover to make sure the item was insured for its full value. Why would I do that if I knew I wouldn't get anything back? Hopefully someone can help Thanks.
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