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Found 7 results

  1. Retailers have rights too! New small traders' returns guide 22nd February 2018 Retailers have rights too! ParcelHero introduces new small traders' returns guide. At least 200 specialist online stores don't expect to survive the massive growth in returns this year. As UK consumers learn to make the most of new return regulations, ParcelHero has introduced a new guide for sellers, spelling out what their own rights are. A recent survey by leading courier price comparison site ParcelHero revealed at least 200 e-commerce businesses don't expect to survive the massive growth in returns this year. Returns reached 47% of all ParcelHero shipments in the first days of the New Year and traders say that they were often pressured into paying the cost of returns even for unwanted items - or risk losing their all-important 5-star ratings. https://caithness-business.co.uk/article/8110 ........... is it just me or is this a wee bit iffy... buy our insurance and we'll protect you...urmm..wonder whats mor expensive for the trader..refunding returns process or their insurance....
  2. I like going out to markets.Having a look around. Listening to what people are saying. The banter ,the friendship,feel the atmosphere of the market.The massive variety of goods. A special place. I have noticed in our local market some are struggling. In fact a few are leaving in trouble,owing rent etc. Some have done moonlight flits.Perhaps to scared or embarrassed to face things and certain people. After trying so hard. Perhaps many are just scraping through not making much at all for the graft they put in.And hours worked. So if you are a market trader or know a market trader in your town or city how are things going. Do you think the pound shops,the low cost supermarkets that sell everything that have arrived in the last few years have affected you.Do you think anything lately has affected you. Is your rent fair or do you feel to steep. Choking any hope of profit for you. Did you have a dream that came true. Or did your dream turn into a nightmare for you. Do you think your rent is to high.For the space you have. Are you tied into a long contract,years perhaps. And after a short time you realise it is not going to work and can not get out of the situation. What help and advice was given to you.Before you signed papers,contract,rent agreement ,things like that. If someone before you has tried the same products and failed are you told this may not be a good idea. Maybe you are doing well. Good on you if you are. How are the people next to you doing. Do you feel like changing what you are selling but not able to because of rules. Are you being chased for rent by the market manager. Dreading the day off the week he or she comes round. How do they try to help you if you have found yourself in this situation. He or she obviously knows what is going on. Do you know anybody who has fled,overnight after trying so hard. Just wondering what is going on in your market.In your town or city. Is your market busy or have things gone quiet for the last year or two. What do you think caused things to go quiet. What would you like to change in your market. To help you perhaps.Advertising more,improvements to the market,painting,appearance anything you can think off. Is your market thriving,booming. What do you think made this happen.And why.What caused the upturn. Help others with your experiances Have the Bailiffs ever been in your market to a stressed,worried trader and possessed everything. The dream of being a entrepreneur gone. How has it affected your household,are you in trouble but keeping quiet,just holding on by your fingertips. Do you think if your rents are to high it is time for you to group together and say enough,give us a chance. A united front. Just wondering that is all. Wondering how something that has been in Great Britain so long is doing. From the people that matter the Traders.. If you are a customer of the markets,feel free to pop in and have your say. Without your support the Traders would really be in trouble. Get in there and support them.Feel the atmosphere,check things out. If you are outside looking in a link for you to have your say.Only takes a minute or two. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/register.php 2.14AM Time to fly. Bye for now Tawnyowl.
  3. For the full story : - http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/thousands-of-barclays-customers-data-stolen-and-sold-to-on-rogue-traders-9117329.html
  4. A browse on Companies House shows CIVEA to have been struck off on 18th September 2012 for failing to provide accounts? does this mean the bailiff bonds they used to underwrite and the input to the MoJ is now carried out by a sole trader? Anyone got thoughts on this? WD
  5. Hello I have a motor trader policy which has myself, mother and step-dad on it. When we took out this insurance we requested that it cover our personal vehicles. My step father has now had his seized by the police as when they checked the insurance they were told that it would not be insured because the regsitered owner ie him was not the primary policy holder.This depsite the fact that it was registerd with them and when taxed no one from dvla has said a word that it should be in my name. I can not get a straight answer from my insurers all I am told is their policies changed two weeks ago. is there any legal right to get the recordings of the phone calls made both when I bought the vehicle and today. Are all calls to insurance companies recorded. I have basically spent 1600.00 GBP on a policy which does nothing and is no use to me or my business and feel I ahve been conned. I have had traders policy for over thirteen years and never had this problem or been told this. My step dad is looking at in10 offence through no fault of hiw own and has tow ait until Monday to recover his vehcile as the police are so backed up we have lost a fortune as xmas such a busy time of year I just feel they should not be allowed to get away with this. In effect we have all been driving uninsured and we all have families which non of us would put at risk. Any suggestions gratefully recieved.
  6. Dan Penteado has been sentenced to 12wks in prison for benefit fraud - so quite obviously it couldn't have been a genuine error! Dear me, I think that's his TV "rogue catching" career down the pan! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/9405434/BBC-Rogue-Traders-Dan-Penteado-jailed-for-24000-benefit-fraud.html
  7. This is a re-post, as I'm having no response from the forum I first posted into. Apologies. I'm gutted. I bought a Disco 2 from a trader 6 weeks ago. Last week I started hearing a loud clicking from the engine and I took it into a reputable Landy garage. They've told me that "someone" has recently worked on the engine to "fix it up" and my crankshaft is completely knackered. They say a new engine is required. This is the advertisement which OFT have obtained from Autotrader: -->13th June: Car advertised in Autotrader as the following: 2001 LAND ROVER DISCOVERY 2.5 Td5 S 5 Seat 5dr Diesel Sw 95,000 miles, excellent condition one owner since new, full service history long mot till may 2012 immaculate bonatti metallic, 1st genuine caller will buy for only £3995, a series 2 landrover discovery td5 for only £3995, this is giveaway price, some old mark 1 discoverys are still comanding £3000, this is a 51 plate series 2 td5 for only £3995, grab this bargain, was £4995, must go this week, be prepared for this winter, be quick, no offers. £3,995 No offers. Tel: 07842 XXXX Telephone Number: 0784XXXXXX When I bought the car, the trader had me sign the usual disclaimer "I understand that this is a used car and accept that it may have faults" etc. Here are the terms printed on the sales invoice: 1. I have been given full opportunity to inspect the vehicle and accept its condition. 2. I am fully aware that this is a used vehicle therefore may have faults. 3. I am fully aware and agree that this vehicle is being sold on the condition that there is no warranty/guarantee been implied or given to me. 4. I agree to purchase this vehicle on the condition that it is to be used for any spares or repairs required to make it roadworthy. 5. I am fully aware that this vehicle should not be used on a public road until it has been made roadworthy and complies with all current road traffic acts and that the responsibility for making the vehicle roadworthy rests with myself. 6. By signing I agree to the above conditions. Point 4 above doesn't even make grammatical sense?? The following is my own document of what has happened so far: 16th June: Car purchased, cash for £3,995 after test drive and drive by seller. Inspection made by me - found welds in chassis at rear and medium rust on chassis throughout. 19th July: Loud clattering noise heard while driving (all speeds) Oil noticed on tarmac under car. Immediately took car to a reputable 4x4 specialist in Larbert. Car now not driven since. 25th July: 2pm Contacted Consumer Direct to inform them of my situation. CD advise to have an independent report made by specialist to clarify fault/s and send letter to Mr XXXXX asking for refund or repair (include copy of report) 25th July: 4x4 specialist verbally reports major faults with crankshaft and cylinders. Not repairable and recommends a new engine is required. Say engine has been "worked on" recently. I am awaiting the written report from them. Cost circa £2,000+ 25th July: 11.00am Contact Dealer Billy Findlay via phone to explain that I didn't think the car was "fit for purpose" and he responded by saying that he is covered by the clause (that I signed) saying the vehicle was sold as "spares and repairs" My next move is to get the written report and send it recorded delivery to the seller asking for Repair or Refund and if it is ignored, try the Small Claims court... Do I have any comeback at all? I'm wondering if the Sale of Goods act applies here, as not fit for purpose? Or misleading advertising? I have had many people offering differing advice, varying from "you don't have a chance" to "you have a good case for redress" Many thanks in advance. D
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