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Found 9 results

  1. Hi all, I'm a young lad, I'm trying to keep things as discrete as possible with my current situation. After leaving college, I went to work with someone that I classified as a friend (Who's a lot older than me) who needed someone in-house to build websites, apps, provide customer service and help in other areas in return for a £500 work retainer. In the beginning the work flow was small and I was happy to help as and when I can. There has never been a formal agreement signed from the outset. For the £500 retainer (Which he classes as good value for money) - He currently has strict rules over me which include: - Working 11 hours per day, 5 days a week. - Provide first hand web development, online application design, mobile apps, customer service (regarding website enquiries, telephone & email based), graphic design and proof reading. - Every day, I'm required to complete a document what says what tasks I've completed, what time i'm checking in and out of work etc. - I'm being asked to multi-task on various projects throughout the day, whether that is working on multiple website development, apps or other time lengthly work related tasks during the day. - More times than not, I'm being supervised based on the work that I'm completing throughout the day. If I try to get time out during the day to focus on other prioritises, I'm constantly being reminded that the £500 retainer will stop if I don't spend work from at least 9-5pm per day, sometimes 8am whilst 5pm. There is no form of any sort of employment or contractor agreement in place. It all began as a friendship which seems to have envolved in to a controlling situation where I can't see any light at the end of the tunnel. I just feel like this is normality as this way of working has been the same for almost over 2 years now. Without blowing my own trumpet, I would say I have great talents when it comes to IT. I just feel like I'm wasting away at the moment and being paid very little for the amount of work and commitment I'm putting in. All I seem to get back in return is negativity to the point I'm being told I'm not being disciplined enough with the work I'm following through on a daily basis. I have no issues when it comes to committing to work, but I just feel like since there is no employment agreement in place, I just feel like I'm being taken fore-granted. I wanted to see what other people's thoughts are, I'm not sure if I'm going mad or whether I'm being paid a reasonable amount for the commitment I'm putting in. Thanks!
  2. Ok Just start with some background. for the past two years 2014 & 2015 i have had relapses of prolapsed disks causing me to have long absences , after the last absence it was agreed that i would be covered under the disability act (or whatever its called now) also after i had my injections i had to have physio which the occupational health provided so i got back to work a lot quicker than if i had waited for the nhs . Now on to this year i had to be signed of sick because my shoulder had frozen i cannot lift anything of with with one arm , doctor has put me on pain killers and on the list for physio for the shoulder which will allow me to return to worl . When it was diagnosed i told my line manager to refer me to OH because the waiting list was 3 months and they could get me seen a lot earlier like last time , then when i spoke to them again after i was given another fitness note and again they saud they would . Also the reason i need the referral is that they could arrange to gety me back to work in a different area not doing the repetitive actions which aggrevate it while i am waiting for physio or sending me to their physio . The problem is when i go back i know i will face a meeting about my absence but i cannot afford to pay to go privte to jump the list also I cannot go back to full duties because even the gp said i would see you within a week again . So where do i go from here. I am unable to go to OH without the referral but without Oh i can see me being signed off until i get the phsio from the NHS
  3. Hi all, I used to frequent these forums years ago and was successful in getting money back from Nationwide who promptly closed my account (like they used to, dont know if it is still common practice) and helped others do the same. Around that time (2007) I sent a PPI request to B'Card, and they rejected my claim saying that I was not mis-sold PPI. Yesterday I received a letter acknowledging that they said that I wasn't missold PPI, but now saying that they have reviewed my case and agree that I was missold PPI. It says they will provide a refund, and they offer a refund of the premiums paid, as well as interest on the premiums paid, plus 8% statutory interest as compensation. They say they are unable to calculate because they cannot find any record of the premiums paid, so have worked it out as an average. They say that my PPI policy started on August 2000 and ended April 2001, and no ppi premiums were received after this date. (probably because I stopped paying - oops!) They have worked out that the total payable back to me is £210.67, based on £103 paid in premiums. I have several questions. 1) If I can't find my original documents (I've not even looked yet), can I send another SAR to get my statements and work out the correct amount myself? 2) When can I claim interest until? If they made a mistake in 2007, when they should have originally paid out, can I claim interest back until today? Or until 2007, when they originally said no? 4) Is it worth contacting a PPI claims company to look into this? 3) Should I just accept what they are offering and be done with it? (incidentally, it is £10 less than what I still owe on the account) Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! Many Thanks
  4. Hi, for the last 6 weeks I've noticed men in cars and vans , yes losing my mind because I think there following me, came out of my corner shop this guy staring at me, never thought no more about it, then on another occasion I'm going out of my back garden, he's there again, and now there's a white van and a black van circling my house, the guy in the black van parked outside my house for a few minutes then drove off, you must think I'm sad, I don't go out very often do to my illness, so I know who's who when I'm sat gazing out my window, I'm on benefits , so now paranoia has set in, 6 weeks I think they've had me under surveillance maybe more, what the heck is going on,
  5. Parcel Hero is generally a very decent company. However, when they get it wrong they get it wrong big time. I'm still waiting for a parcel containing various items which I ordered from a company in London. Because of the Christmas rush I paid extra for the courier service. In fact instead of paying about £16, I paid over £40. It should have been delivered next day. Starting off in the UK, my goods were sent to Germany - then to France then back to Germany then back to France. Now they are in France - with no tracking information as to when they might eventually get to me. I have been hanging around for three days - and looks like a 4th is coming up. My queries were being handled by a very nice sounding guy called Richard Mileham - Then I got this reply from a guy called Tej Thanjal ________________________________________ Then when it still didn't arrive and I said that I would want my money back, Tej wrote back:- What a small minded quibbling little reply. Does this seriously represent the customer-facing attitude of Parcel Hero? I replied:- and I'm now waiting for a response
  6. Ive just had a weird conversation with a collectica representative. I think he was lying but... Just after moving into my new place about a month ago, I had a letter through the door addressed to the brother of the last tenant "notice of intention to search..." for outstanding fines HMCTS I rang the "enforcement agent in charge" and explained that the person they were after had left a few months before (there was also best part of 2 months while the flat was renovated after the state it had been left in). The guy seemed pretty reasonable, he took my name and said he would send a form for me to fill in stating that I was the new tenant and that would be the end of it. Well I never received the form but today I got "removal visit". I was in at the time and there was no knock, I heard the letter box and that was it. A couple of hours later as I was leaving for work (late shift) I picked up the letter and thought "oh sh*t" so I phoned the new "enforcement agent". I told him who I was and why I was ringing and that was when it got weird. First he said that he knew that the person he was after still lived at the address. I said he was mistaken. He said that the person he was after must live with me. I said I lived alone. He said that the person lives at the address with his sister and gave the correct name of the last tenant. I said that he was mistaken and that I lived at the address alone , not with the guys sister. He said that what I was telling him was suspicious as he had just ended a phone call with the person he was after; that the person had told him he still lived at the address with his sister , and that he was going to meet the person at the address in the next 30 mins. I said great, ill be waiting for you here. I called my boss and explained the situation. My boss is a diamond and said that I should take the time off to get it sorted. I waited 45 mins but no show, so I called the "agent" again who said he was 5 mins away. I suppose you realize he never turned up. Ok so Ive read a few threads and think I need to get a statement 1: can this be done in a magistrates court? I work next door to the local one. 2) but really, why should I spend £10! Can I contact the bailiff firm and tell them to stop harassing me? will this do any good? oh and BTW if this was a "removal visit" shouldn't they have knocked the door? And what about the time Ive lost from work? finally, as this is a matter of court fines I assume that the bailiffs will be able to force entry, although this is unlikely is it only by paying the £10 for a statement that I can stop this? Finally finally, isn't it a bit of a sh*t that you have to pay the legislature to stop the legislature illegally breaking in and taking money from you? Isn't that what the mafia do? Thanks for your help
  7. im looking for some feedback and for someone to tell me if i have a case here or not. i am a 3 uk monthly sim only customer. I spoke to 3 yesterday asking if i could upgrade my contract to a handset deal, the operator reccommended a phone for me and we went through the credit check and all was ok. Imediately after the call i realised i had chosen the wrong handset for my needs so immediately called them back and asked them if i could change my decision. The operator put me on hold and after a while he came back and said yes that it wasnt a problem and he could cancel the offer that was made earlier and put it through on the new handset i had chosen. He explained to me the new pricings, how much i would be charged and told me that my handset would be delivered on friday, he also offered to text me the terms and conditions for the new contract. I said no and accepted the contract offer from him today i recieved a call from 3 saying that as i had changed handset i would have to go through another credit check. we went through the credit check and it came back saying that i would have to pay £150 deposit for the handset. I declined to pay this, because as far as im concerned i had already been offered a new contract verbally over the phone and there had been no mention of a credit check having to be performed. The operator told me that it didnt matter as the credit check had to be done. I asked for this to be escalated as i was not happy with the resolution and i called them back this evening to see how my complaint was progressing. I spoke to a complaints manager who said he understood my predicament but the person i spoke to yesterday had made a mistake and that i would have to pay £150 or not have the upgrade. At this point i asked what the escalations procedure was and i was told there was no more escalation as he was the complaints manager so i asked for a letter of deadlock as i would be putting this forward to the relevant ombudsman. He then put me on hold and told me that his manager(who didnt exist 5 minutes ago!) would call me on sunday. now, my question is can i hope to get anything out of this? i booked a day off work for tomorrow as i was told that my handset would be delivered and someone would need to be home. He offered to change my handset and said it would not be an issue, at no point did they mention a new credit check. am i right in thinking that being told my handset would be delivered on friday, being told my new pricings, being told the terms could be emailed to me for reading and being told the start date of my new price plan constitute an offer of contract and myself accepting them is agreeing to this contract? a mobile contract is not governed by the CCA so they do not have to send you letter of contract so as it currently stands they are trying to renege on a verbal contract after the acceptance of it. I have already lost out on a days wages by booking the day off
  8. Guys, please I need help... I received a court letter (claim form) this morning filed by Capquest. Now, not to go into a lot of detail, but this is relating two a debt from 2003. I have not heard from them (or anybody) since about 2005. Out of the blue I received a letter in February. I did a bit of research and found out about Statute Barred. I do believe this debt to be statute barred so ignored the letter. So then this court letter arrived this morning. Now I have not made a payment or admitted the debt for well over 6 years or have ever had a county court judgment made against me. I cant however help but wonder when my last contact with anybody relating to this debt was.. Just stress that has set in... The letter says I have a limited time to respond, so would really appreciate any help in what to do next? Please can anybody help me / point me in the right direction on what to do next? Any help would be greatly appreciated...
  9. hi i wonder is anyone can help a friend of mine signed for a new car on saturday after being at the dealeship for hours - he signed the order form and left £500 reservation fee - after getting home and looking again at figures he decided he didnt want to committ to that much finance and decided not to get the car but just keep the old one a while longer, he told the dealership on monday and they tried to change his mind but he said he didnt want the car - they told him to tthink about it for a few days he today spoke to the manager who was really quite rude - my question is , is there a cooling off period with this type of thing ? i wasnt sure if there was a 14 day cooling off period ? thanks for any help
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