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Found 5 results

  1. Hi guys. Ive been on IB since 2001 and was moved to contribution based esa about 4-5 yrs ago. For the last 3yrs ive been receiving pip at the enhanced rate. ive only just found out about EDP and SDP . Ive been doing some searching, and is it right that i can only claim for these if im on ESA(IR)? .. .. and if so, how do i go about this? At no stage since 2001 have i had any assets or any savings even close to 6k so i dont even understand why im on ESA(CB) and not IR. My searches suggest i need an IS10 form, which i rang the DWP for, but now Im reading that i need an ESA3 form...is that right? The guy i spoke to at the DWP said he didnt think it mattered what type of esa im on, but he wasnt convincing, especially considering what ive read since... ..please help, im so confused. This is an awful lot of money i *could* be due and would really help. thanks, Darren
  2. Hi All, I am new to this forum, and I am currently going through the tribunal process with DWP and claiming of back dated SDP. I know it is a long shot but my son moved out jan 2013, and I genuinely never knew there was a SDP!! seems you need to be in the know to be able to get this premium. I made the Housing Benefit aware of the above changes, and thought no more of it, until a friend of my father's asked me if I thought his award for benefit was correct, they had overlooked his SDP when he was awarded PIP standard rate care, and they had revised his weekly esa to include the extra 61.00, he was given a back dated payment, DWP told him it was a oversight DWP should automatically award this premium to anyone on Qualifying rates of DLA/PIP which I am finding out more and more just does not happen. .. anyway my question is, at this stage in my tribunal it is still evidence collecting and DWP responding to what I submit, they use all the rules and regulations which I am lost with, I have been trying to find thru gov.uk website these files but I can not seem to find what I need, I have had someone quote me reg 6 (2) (e) which apparently I should include this as a response, also the fact that the rules and regs they are quoting only pertain to Benefit not a premium which sdp is.. ..if anyone can help me find the reg above or explain if it is still current, I would be most grateful, the 2nd part of this is I completed A questionnaire which I was asked to submit before jan 8th 2014, this form obviously gave my circumstances as at that point a year after son left home, and I ask for a explaination why the ESA was not back dated to when I applied, as with most benefits this is what happens, their response was well in a nutshell I was on a migration from one benefit to another and this is not treated the same? and spewed a lot of regulations in the response. I feel they have roll out certain regulations to suit them and I am always at a dis-advantage as I do not know the rules no one does apart from them, wondering if me even fighting them is worth it as it is causing me a great deal of strain, but its the principle of how certain people are treated in the benefits system, I am mentally ill sometimes I feel I am being discriminated against, like I should just accept what I am told and that's the end of it. sorry for the ramlings but I find it so hard to put into words, also my tribunal is being heard by letter as I am not able to attend hearing .
  3. Just asking for my brother he has recently been put in the support group of ESA, I have advised him to try and claim PIP, but as of yet he hasn't. I have been reading a lot about Severe disability premium, and wanted to ask is this added automatically to your ESA if you are in the support group, or do you have to apply for it separately. Any advice would be very welcome, BTW, he lives on his own.
  4. Hello. I am currently getting income based JSA for about 1 year now. I stay with my mum, But all of a sudden my mum is saying i need to pay £27 towards to rent as the council will only pay £109. So why now do i need to pay. I have a brother who gets ESA, and my mum gets income support. What are causing the housing benefit deduction, My brother only started claiming ESA this year in march, And all of a sudden the housing benefit is cut. So could someone help me because i am getting the impression the cut is because of me but i have been getting jsa for around a year and my mum has been getting full housing benefit since untill now.
  5. on my way to work a fellow colleague attempted to overtake me in a 3rd lane of a dual carriage way which is used to turn right to cross the other side of the carriage way to go in to a school, the lane he used was less than 100m long. i was using the 2nd lane with an ambulance directly on my left in the other lane, i did not get the reg of the ambulance as at the time i didnt think he'd seen anything. when he realised that the lane abruptly ends and would have mounted the central reservation he pulled back in behind me and caught the drivers side of rear bumper with the corner of his car. upon inspection in the work car park 1/2 a mile down the road there was no damage to his car and i took photos. the rear bumper of my car was pushed off it mountings slightly and a black scuff mark was left. the guy insists that he was within his right to overtake me in that lane despite it being a 40 limit and now says that i pulled out on him. the damage is really minimal but when i asked for his details he tried to put me off by saying that it'd put my insurance up and then flew off the handle and said he'd claim against me even tho there was no damage to his car at all. i havent called his insurance company to put in a claim but thought it best to call my insurance company to notify them that a claim may be incomming. my problem is that i have realised that i only have sdp with aviva, i did not tell them that i as on the way to work. any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
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