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  1. There is a very real risk those who are owed money by Wonga in compensation for having been lent money irresponsibly may be chased by creditors for this money, whilst losing access to the compensation to which they are entitled. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/news/wonga-compensation-claimants-may-lose-out-due-to-automation-plan/ar-BBPkdZX?ocid=spartandhp
  2. Waiting time before first payment of UC is made down to 5 weeks, that's if no other delaying tactics are used. The 7 day wait after claiming before payment can be applicable in the first place to be abolished. The payment to be applicable from day 1 of claim. A full month's payment to be given if needed in cases of hardship within a week of making the claim to tide the claimant over that first month and a full 12 months to be allowed for repayment of this advance. Housing benefit continues to be paid for the first two weeks of transition periods between other benefits an UC. It does not address the many issues related to UC but it will ease and relieve the initial hardship it causes as it is currently applied. Work & Pensions Secretary to spell out the details of this announcement in Parliament tomorrow (Thursday), including the dates on which those changes come into force.
  3. Sickness benefits claimants won't have to go through reassessments to keep their payments if they suffer from chronic illnesses. http://news.sky.com/story/reassessments-scrapped-for-chronically-ill-benefits-claimants-10600519
  4. Please follow the link if you are or will be claiming benefits anywhere in Essex from 17/07/2017 http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?441364-Universal-Credit-national-expansion-–-Tranche-two/page3 Post #51 This thread for anyone living in Essex and starting a new UC claim/or migrating. The attachments gives you the time frame and by area. This will allow you to know in advance of the new changes and when you may be affected... Please see the new attachments for further information. If you have any questions please start a new thread also for further information please see the links below. Hello, MM. Thank you all for attending the introduction to full service universal credit presentation yesterday. Please find attached copies of the slides from all the items discussed. The contact details for referring people for support with Universal Credit claims is second listed set of slides, as is the web address for the Council Tax Reduction consultation. Family Mosaic also offered to provide support to vulnerable people, their referral telephone number is 01702 445872. Their office number is 01702 445870. This is a link to the web page *NAME* mentioned on the toolkit. The telephone number above is for anyone living in Southend on sea Essex only This will be different for your area please Google this information https://www.gov.uk/guidance/universa...-organisations And this is the link to the web page for UC47 form to request payment direct https://www.gov.uk/government/public...ears-deduction You can quickly read whether or not your local JC is in the newest list by following this link >> https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/632252/universal-credit-transition-rollout-schedule.pdf UC Full Service July 2017.pdf Universal Support and CTR Presentation.pdf
  5. http://www.theguardian.com/society/2015/aug/27/thousands-died-after-fit-for-work-assessment-dwp-figures
  6. I recently attended a court hearing to get a writ stayed as it was enforced by a company who claimed to have purchased the debt July 15, however as they are not recognised on the original claim the judge told them they have no legal stake on the ccj. I am aware the claimant was used in name only and the 3rd party have been involved from the start. I would like if possible to know what action if any can I do to stop them now applying to court to have the claimant details changed. As i have a claim for illegal eviction, unlawful entry of property, removal if property to submit against claimant i do not want the ccj to change details. They are aware I have this claim to submit. for info; claimant never once attended court claimant still wont respond to any correspondence i send the deed of assignment was alledgedly done in July 15 and sent to me in Sept 15 No notice sent from claimant to confirm debt sold - even after I have written to the claimant to confirm. payments sent to claimant that the 3rd is now asking for proof of so they can consider whether to reduce the balance. threatening interest when no interest awarded on claim.
  7. I will try to fill you in as briefly as possible! In September I received documents from Northampton of a claim issued by Hoist Portfolio. the particulars of claim were very vague ie no date of debt, no date of assignment etc. I acknowledged immediately and stated intention to defend. I sent off CCA and CPR requests in accordance with the rules. These were disregarded and I received no response. It was allocated to small claims and transferred to my local court. The hearing date was set and a deadline of 25th Feb was set for returning witness statements. At this point I had received precisely zero info from the claimant as requested, I constructed my witness statement along the lines of 'I have no info re the debt so can't defend something I have no knowledge of', the claimant was attempting to frustrate my efforts to defend in not disclosing any information and disregarding my CCA request and CPR request. I served a copy in the claimant and made sure it was with the court in time, brownie points to me I've now received (after the deadline) the claimants statement, and I'm wondering what to do. In their bundle they have the original agreement (in a different name to that on the court docs) but barely legible, a statement of account, and issue of default. My query comes in because on the statement of account, there are payments between July 2009 and Feb 2011 which came from a current account but we're not expressly authorised by myself. The debt is for a credit card and I had a current account with the same bank. So these payments were taken from my current account (I guess under the original contract I signed for the card this was authorised) but I didn't expressly make those payments myself. In fact I seem to remember trying to stop the payments, and they kept taking them without my agreement. Do these count as acknowledgement of debt? If these payments are disallowed, the debt should be statue barred (date of default was 25th June 2009 and I would argue that subsequent payments were not made with my authority). Or does it not matter, as I signed a contract therefore indicating my authority to take these payments? If it's not statue barred what should I do, as I'm now thinking they have me over a barrel even though their documents were late to arrive. Apologies if this doesn't make sense to you all, it does in my little head! Many thanks in advance for any advice you can offer!
  8. https://mzolobajluk.wordpress.com/2016/03/28/universal-credit-in-work-part-time-claimants-sanctioned-for-taking-holidays-and-for-working/
  9. Hi, sorry for the short notice. I received a cc claim form dated 16/4 for a credit card debt that has been passed to Cabot (passed on to Optima Legal) I wrote to Optima Legal requesting a CCA and pointing out that I have been requesting one since 2010 and so far one has not been forthcoming. I also applied for more time with the court. I received a letter from Optima Legal stating that they have requested the documents and will provide them in due course (dated 28/4/15) They also state 'We shall hold the account until the documents have been sent to you and shall allow you time to respond accordingly' Does this mean that they will not pursue the court claim until they have provided me with the information? The time has come for me to make a final response to the court and I can see the claim is still active on Moneyclaim. Can anyone advise?
  10. Hello I've been on the Work Programme with Ingeus since October 2013 and up to now most of the people there have been OK with me. Some of them have been really helpful. Earlier this year, arthritis in my neck and shoulders started to get worse and I am currently getting physiotherapy for it. I have other problems with chronic back, leg and groin pain, so some days I am as stiff as a board and find it very difficult to move about. I am on a lot of pain medication. Ingeus know about this. About a month ago they changed my advisor. In my first appointment with her she seemed OK, but was a bit aggressive in her manner. She booked another appointment with me for two weeks later, but on that day I woke up and was in a lot of pain and could hardly move. I called her about four hours before the appointment time to ask if she could rearrange the appointment because I was in a lot of pain. She said “well, anyone could say that couldn't they?” and “I've only got your word for it”. She went on to say that I may get sanctioned because of this, and booked another appointment. I am worried now because this seems to me like Ingeus want to punish me for being in pain. My GP has told me that these health problems will probably get worse, so its even more worrying. I’d be very grateful for any comments or advice on what to say to Ingeus, because I don't know the rules of the WP and I'm scared to say anything that may cause them to sanction me.
  11. Just stumbled on this story, has this been posted on here already? and is it actually being implemented yet ? would appear that this government will stop at nothing when it comes to causing pain and suffering to the poor and vulnerable http://www.welfareweekly.com/dwp-gets-tough-sickness-benefit-claimants/
  12. New universal credit rules which could leave 200,000 claimants waiting six months for benefit http://www.rightsnet.org.uk/forums/viewthread/7878/ So much for making work pay, eh.....
  13. Hi all, I've just joined and would like to throw this question out to whoever has the knowledge to answer it! Can anyone advise me on the legality of charging people, on JSA, council tax when by it's own calculations/admission the government says " This payment of Jobseeker's Allowance is based on the amount the law says you need to live on." How then can they charge you council tax which in my case,this year, has risen to over £200 a year i.e roughly £20 a week. Thanks
  14. Hi all just thought this would make a topic for discussion please follow the link read then comment http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/charities-very-worried-after-leak-suggests-tories-plan-to-tax-disabled-benefits-if-reelected-10142070.html?cmpid=facebook-post or http://www.newsfixboard.com/t8724-charities-very-worried-after-leak-suggests-tories-plan-to-tax-disabled-benefits-if-re-elected
  15. Senior ministers now believe the rules should be reviewed in order to reduce the “huge” numbers of people who are declared unfit for work due to mental health problems.- The Sunday Telegraph http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/conservative/10964125/Tories-discuss-stripping-benefits-claimants-who-refuse-treatment-for-depression.html
  16. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/news/lloyds-caught-innew-ppi-storm-taxpayerbacked-bank-saved-tens-of-millions-of-pounds-by-wrongly-cutting-compensation-to-customers-9213188.html
  17. The only words I have right now on this are unrepeatable. http://www.theguardian.com/society/2013/sep/30/iain-duncan-smith-sick-disabled-benefits
  18. Sent my appeal off with some brief details of why i was appealing , Had a Letter from DWP confirming that they received my appeal, and about how much ESA i will get until it's heard, But so far over 1mth since requesting the full written statement of the Atos wca Form IB /ESA85, But so far i have not been sent it, The person that i recently spoke with from DWP ,Confirmed that they could see that i had previously requested it, but could not understand why i had not yet received it, What can be done to force them to supply this info,(assuming it actually exists) ?
  19. When I received my phone call telling me they'd be sending me the ESA50 form a few months ago now, as I stated in the thread at the time, the guy on the phone from DWP told me that "I wouldn't get put into the Support Group because only 3% of people are put in Support, and they are the terminally ill." That of course I found to be rubbish once I came on this great site. He also told me that when the DLA is switched to PIP, there would remain 2 levels of mobility, but an increase to 12 levels of care, suggesting that if I were in the top level now, I may end up in about 7 or 8 once re-assessed. Yesterday I spoke to Welfare Rights who informed me that he was, once again talking complete ******** as there was actually a reduction from the 3 levels of DLA to only 2 for care with PIP. I'm seriously wondering if the DWP are deliberately misinforming people before they even get to the Atos stage in order to frighten them off claiming? It was certainly that phone call which made me so depressed I was ready to give in...thankfully I came here and I'm now in the Support group without even having attended a medical.
  20. Here is the latest news on the universal credit which comes into force next year ! http://johnnyvoid.wordpress.com/2012/12/04/is-lord-fraud-laying-a-debt-trap-for-benefit-claimants/
  21. if a claimant is sanctioned by a job centre advisor, and that sanction was through malicious intent, and on appeal the sanction is lifted what recourse is open to the claimant in taking action against the advisor besides the appeal process for the advisor to be made accountable for his/her actions and i am not on benefits,
  22. Hello, We have ongoing small claim case about not protecting the deposit with our former landlord. There is set court date for 21.03.2013. Problem is my ex-partner does not want to continue with the case and said I can do it myself. There is only his name on the court case, which I found out only recently after we instructed our solicitor not to continue with the case as representation on the hearing is very costly. I paid for the deposit from my account and also my name is on the tenancy agreement. Is there a way to change claimants name? Thanks for any advice.
  23. Hi Just found this PDF on above interesting read:
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