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Found 6 results

  1. I had repair or replace insurance on an American style fridge freezer with d&g and had to have it replaced they replaced it with one from hot point and gave me one with water and ice which was a bonus however I had to pay £79.00 for delivery and install and I asked if that was a complete install and was told yes! I phoned hotpoint to book a time and was told it was a special team that had to book it as it was an American style unit I spoke with them and confirmed again it was a full install again I was told yes. Imagine then to my dismay that when it was delivered the delivery guy said they couldn't install it as there was supposed to already be a tap plumbed in to attach it to no one hade ever mentioned this I was furious but hotpoint stated I should have known this ( I'm not an engineer how was I supposed to know )I had to pay a plumber £80.00 pound to install it . However the fridge then died the next day and ruined all my food I had to fight to get a replacement as they couldn't get me an engineer to assess it for 5 weeks what a joke. They came to replace after much arguing and lo and behold when the moved the fridge out there was a large tear in my flooring underneath which wasn't there before they delivered the first fridge they then proceeded to drag the fridge across my flooring putting to long and deep dents across my kitchen diner floor. I called them about it and had to get an engineer as the second replacement fridge handle came off in my hand I was assured that the engineer would also inspect the floor damage when he attended and we could resolve that issue. The engineer arrived and when I asked him to inspect the floor as per customer services instructions and he laughed and said it wasn't his his job to do that and customer services at hotpoint were always saying stuff like that to get people off the phone I called customer services furious and was told to email my complaint in writing and the escalation department would deal with it that was six weeks ago and still no phone call I emailed again 3 weeks ago and received a reply from an alleged customer service director apologising and stating that someone would contact me shortly I am at my wits end as still have had no call my flooring covers a large kitchen/ dining area and will be expensive to replace can anyone advise me or point me in the right direction of what my options are to force them to resolve this as I am at a loss any help would be gratefully appreciated I Would certainly not recommend a hotpoint product to anyone and I would never buy from them again as their customer service department are a comple and utter joke
  2. Just when I thought we were getting somewhere, now they won't answer emails. We ordered 2 carpets from them, only 1 was delivered. They arranged to deliver the outstanding carpet on 3 separate occasions. Nothing turned up. After several emails, with days and days in between, they agreed to a refund. That was over a week ago and nothing has been actioned. We have emailed them over the last 2 days to confirm it has been done. No replies. I have had enough and want to send a NBA. However, they do not have an address listed on the site Sorry could not post website address Where do i go from here? Thanks
  3. Hi Guys, Hope you can give us a little advise. We moved into our property December 2013, and went with SCS, they organised the fitter as seems to generally be the case and all was well. Or that's what we thought up until fit. The fitter did a very, very poor job, and we've been working with SCS to try and get this resolved for over 2 years. The original fitter came again out once shortly after the original visit, repaired a few issues and tried to fob us off saying let it lie and it'll sort itself out, as time went by more and more flaws became glaringly obvious and with the fact he'd been quite willing to bluff, lie, SCS and do a bad job we completely lost faith that'd he'd do the job properly, as he never seemed to want to fix everything fully, just fire fight small issues, we went back to SCS to try and get this progressed. SCS dragged its heels and would go quiet, sometimes for weeks and months when trying to get this all resolved to which I'd have to chase and actually contact head office a number of times, as we stand now, we've had 2 alternate fitters and something like 9 or so visits trying to get the flooring into the condition it should have been after the initial fit. The first replacement fitter managed to get the carpet into an acceptable state approximately a year and a quarter/half after original fit, dubbed the vinyl/silicon a write off. The second fitter managed to remove some of the silicon and make some improvements, also inevitably reached conclusion the original vinyl fit and silicon job was so poor he'd not be able to repair it with the materials in place without a refit. He has also left it in a state with the silicon partly removed around the property, as he knew he could not finish the job and it would need to essentially be refitted. Both of these alternate fitters have left after the attempts with the opinion the original fit/finish was so bad it couldn't be corrected and the original fitter had done a very very bad job overall. (it has seriously been over 2 years and 9 visits, so that should give you some idea...) After over two years of me fighting to get this resolved, my wife is completely fed up with the flooring which was originally selected to be matching and stylistically consistant across both vinyl and carpet, and wants to replace the entire lot. SCS were willing to consider trying to get the vinyl replaced, after the experience we've had, my wife wants to move away to tiles and have a completely fresh start on the property. Unfortunately SCS seems to have a smaller flooring range than they did when we first selected them, and they don't have anything right now she is fond of, or any tiling at all. As this is the situation, SCS have offered £500 as a settlement towards the vinyl only (against a costing on the vinyl of around £750 apparently), or to provide the fitters details so we could essentially take him to small claims court to try and recover the entire figure that has been paid(around £2000), with the understanding this may be a long process and maybe not even successful. They have also offered to give us the £500 (to which they'd treat it as case closed/settlement as far as they are concerned) and still provide the original fitters details so we could chase him for the outstanding figure, with the awareness the £500 may affect the outcome of any case. Where I'm trying to go really is, where do we stand in terms of getting this resolved in the laws eyes? Even the carpet was not to an acceptable standard over a year after fit, and we have gone through a lot of stress, time and effort (and around 10 fitter visits) trying to get the property to the state it should have been after the first visit... SCS are falling back on they have just supplied the materials and the contract after supply of materials is with the fitter, and that the £500 is out of goodwill due to the time this has taken. That said, this seems insulting as the £500 is not even the full vinyl cost, nor does it cover we are going to have to pay someone to finish removing the poor silicon work before even fitting new flooring as the last fitter has left this partially complete. Additionally, SCS are essentially the service provider and have supplied this fitter, he wasn't chosen by us this would seem to place more responsibility on them for the quality of his work (I seem to remember hearing some time ago an unfair contract cannot be enforced?). If John Lewis subcontracted to a 3rd party to do work, and they fluffed up, I'd expect John Lewis to make good, not to have to chase their 3rd party to court... I'm torn on where to go, part of me says just take the £500 and start work elsewhere, but with the state of the silicon and flooring, and also the potential affect on a small claims court against the original fitter of accepting this £500 , I'm not even sure I should; or that I should have to. Anyone experienced similar, or has advice?
  4. In brief - We went to a local independent flooring company, wishing to purchase a wood floor. The owner talked us through the various products, came to our house to look at the area it was for, measured up, checked the subfloor etc. He then recommended a product for us, ordered it and arranged for "his team" to come out and fit. He arranged the day and time they were to come out and told us that we should pay them cash on the day. In the meantime, he took moisture readings, spoke to the manufacturer and also the manufacturer of the underfloor heating we'd had put down, to check what underlay might be needed. The floor was fitted by "his team" - his brother and another man. It subsequently failed 4 times in the course of a year. The first 2 attempts to remedy the problems were made by the fitters. After it went wrong the 3rd time, it came to light that the fitters and the company owner had parted company, so the company owner/supplier came out and attempted to repair it. The same thing happened again, and he came out again. At this point, the supplier offered us a replacement stair carpet for our trouble. We said that this was not necessary, but if the floor failed again, we would be seeking a refund. When it failed again, we requested our money back. The supplier agreed, minus fitting costs. When we argued, he withdrew his offer and offered us a replacement floor instead. We expressed our concern that we had no confidence he had the neccesary skills and knowledge to fit a floor, given our experience thus far. We then took advice from the CAB and wrote a letter before action, inviting the supplier to comment on what he believed to be the issue with the floor, and offering to go to mediation. He responded, trying to lay the blame on us with various spurious claims, including that the contracting of the fitters had nothing to do with him - since the receipt he issued clearly stated "supply only." We then wrote again, offering to have an expert inspection and report done on the floor, and asking that both parties share the cost in order to confirm what had caused the problems with the floor. He refused, saying the cost was too great in relation to the value of the floor. We once again gave him the opportunity to refund us, while warning him that he may be asked to pay the cost of the report, should we take our case to the small claims court and win. In order to ascertain whether we had a case, we had the expert inspection done. It found that the fitting was to blame for the issues, including inadequate moisture and humidity readings taken by the supplier. The expert contacted the supplier to find out exactly what prep he had carried out and the supplier told him. The report also queried the suitability of the product for the conditions of our property. Once again, we wrote to the supplier with details of the report's findings and requested a refund of both the flooring, fitting and cost of the report or we would have no choice but to take our case to the small claims. The supplier has not responded. We feel we have a strong case. However, our concern is that it may be thrown out on the basis that the receipt we were issued was for supply only. In the letters from the supplier, he does state that he tried to repair the floor on 2 occasions, hut says it was purely a good will gesture. However, he also states that he did the pre-fitting site visits and prep. So, what is our legal position regarding his responsibility for the fitting of the floor?
  5. Hello, I am in need of help please. Story goes, I bought a 3.5 horsebox from a guy who converts small used wagons into horseboxes approximately 12months ago paid £10,500 punds in cash. About 2 weeks ago. on loading my horse onto the wagon to go to a horse show., as i was about to shut up the ramp, my horses hoof went through the floor. luckly as she is not a panicky horse she pull it back through the floor. after unloading the horse on close inspection of the floor, i found that the base floor of the wagon was rotten and crumbling there was a block of wood 6inches by 2 inches which has appeared to be hammered in to the outer side of the rotten wood. This block of wood I found on the ground under the hole the horses foot had made I am of the belief that this wood had been hammered in to keep the rotten floor together. There was a quarter ply wood sheets over this area that the horse would stand on. This wood is far to thin to support the weight of a horse. Anybody who knows anything about horsebos floors know that these must be of a minimum of threequarte ply wood sheets. I have been driving around with my horse in a potential death trap and have I been driving find the thought of the consequences to the welfare of my horse extremely upsetting. I telephoned the guy who converted the horsebox and informed him of the incident. He innforms me that the van was sold to me as seen. I told me that I disagreed that I could not have seen the rotten floor as it was covered with rubber matting. He told me that he has bought the wagon with the floor already down and that it was nothing to do with him. I asked him to repair the floor, ie replace it with the proper standard flooring, or I would have the floor replaced and send him the bill He stated that he would think about it and get back to me. He has not got back to me, even though I have tested him to make arrangedmentfor him to view the damaged floor. I have now lost entry fees for shows as I had pre-booked the classes and also had to pay somebody else to transpost my horses. What can I do please? any advice please as to what I can do? Thank you
  6. We are having new gas pipes put in are road and we were informed today that because are meter is old and a 3 quarter pipe we will have to have the new meter put outside are property. The problem we have is that the gasmen have to be able to connect the pipe to the new meter which means pulling up are laminate flooring in are hallway and maybe the floorboards. The laminate once pulled up will not be able to be refitted which will leave us with no flooring, just floorboards. I have dogs so i do not want them walking on floorboards as they could get splinters in their pads. I am also on benefits due to long term sickness so can not afford to buy new flooring. We have not asked for new pipes so this is not being done by choice. My husband has offered to remove the laminate to help the gasmen out and because we have dogs and if the gasmen had to remove it we would have no secure place to keep the dogs while they are doing it as all the doors down stairs will need to be open, i can not put the dogs upstairs as i will not be able to get them back down stairs to go in to the garden as we will have no flooring in the hallway if they also pull up the floorboards. What i wanted to know please is as the laminate can not be replaced in the hallway are we entitled to compensation to cover the cost of having to buy new flooring? Thanks
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